2022-09-29 11:01:58 -04:00
"use strict";
describe("Local API Server", function () {
let apiRoot;
let collection;
let subcollection;
let collectionItem1;
let collectionItem2;
let subcollectionItem;
let subcollectionAttachment;
let allItems;
function apiGet(endpoint, options = {}) {
return Zotero.HTTP.request('GET', apiRoot + endpoint, {
headers: {
'Zotero-Allowed-Request': '1'
responseType: 'json',
before(async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('httpServer.enabled', true);
apiRoot = '' + Zotero.Prefs.get('httpServer.port') + '/api';
await resetDB({
thisArg: this
collection = await createDataObject('collection', { setTitle: true });
subcollection = await createDataObject('collection', { setTitle: true, parentID: collection.id });
collectionItem1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true, collections: [collection.id], itemType: 'bookSection' });
collectionItem1.setCreators([{ firstName: 'A', lastName: 'Person', creatorType: 'author' }]);
collectionItem2 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true, collections: [collection.id], tags: ['some tag'] });
collectionItem2.setCreators([{ firstName: 'A', lastName: 'Zerson', creatorType: 'author' }]);
subcollectionItem = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true, collections: [subcollection.id] });
subcollectionAttachment = await importPDFAttachment(subcollectionItem);
allItems = [collectionItem1, collectionItem2, subcollectionItem, subcollectionAttachment];
describe("/", function () {
it("should return a Zotero-API-Version response header", async function () {
let xhr = await Zotero.HTTP.request('GET', apiRoot + '/', {
headers: {
'Zotero-Allowed-Request': '1'
assert.equal(xhr.getResponseHeader('Zotero-API-Version'), ZOTERO_CONFIG.API_VERSION);
it("should allow an old Zotero-API-Version request header", async function () {
let xhr = await Zotero.HTTP.request('GET', apiRoot + '/', {
headers: {
'Zotero-Allowed-Request': '1',
'Zotero-API-Version': '2',
describe("<userOrGroupPrefix>/collections", function () {
it("should return all collections", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/collections');
assert.lengthOf(response, 2);
let col = response.find(c => c.key == collection.key);
let subcol = response.find(c => c.key == subcollection.key);
assert.equal(col.data.name, collection.name);
assert.equal(col.meta.numCollections, 1);
assert.equal(col.meta.numItems, 2);
assert.equal(subcol.data.name, subcollection.name);
assert.equal(subcol.meta.numCollections, 0);
assert.equal(subcol.meta.numItems, 1);
describe("/top", function () {
it("should return top-level collections", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/collections/top');
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
let col = response.find(c => c.key == collection.key);
describe("/<key>", function () {
it("should return a collection with parent information", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/collections/${subcollection.key}`);
assert.equal(response.data.name, subcollection.name);
assert.equal(response.data.parentCollection, collection.key);
assert.include(response.links.up.href, collection.key);
describe("<userOrGroupPrefix>/items", function () {
it("should return all items", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items');
assert.lengthOf(response, 4);
describe("/top", function () {
it("should return top-level items", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items/top');
assert.sameMembers(response.map(item => item.key), [collectionItem1.key, collectionItem2.key, subcollectionItem.key]);
describe("/:itemID/children", function () {
it("should return the children and not return the parent", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${subcollectionItem.key}/children`);
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
describe("Child attachment items", function () {
it("should have 'up' and 'enclosure' links", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${subcollectionAttachment.key}`);
2022-10-04 12:23:31 -04:00
it("should return file URL from /file/view/url", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${subcollectionAttachment.key}/file/view/url`, { responseType: 'text' });
// followRedirects: false not working?
it.skip("should redirect to file URL from /file/view", async function () {
let request = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${subcollectionAttachment.key}/file/view`,
{ responseType: 'text', followRedirects: false });
2022-09-29 11:01:58 -04:00
describe("?itemType", function () {
it("should filter by item type", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?itemType=book');
assert.lengthOf(response, 2);
assert.isTrue(response.every(item => item.data.itemType == 'book'));
it("should be able to be negated", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?itemType=-book');
assert.lengthOf(response, 2);
assert.isTrue(response.every(item => item.data.itemType == 'bookSection' || item.data.itemType == 'attachment'));
it("should support OR combinations", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?itemType=book || bookSection');
assert.lengthOf(response, 3);
describe("?tag", function () {
it("should filter by tag", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?tag=some tag');
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
it("should be able to be negated", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?tag=-some tag');
assert.lengthOf(response, 3);
it("should be able to be combined with ?itemType", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?itemType=book&tag=some tag');
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
describe("?format", function () {
describe("=ris", function () {
it("should output RIS", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?format=ris', { responseType: 'text' });
describe("=bib", function () {
it("should output a bibliography", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?format=bib', { responseType: 'text' });
assert.isTrue(response.startsWith('<div class="csl-bib-body"'));
describe("=keys", function () {
it("should output a plain-text list of keys", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?format=keys', { responseType: 'text' });
for (let item of allItems) {
describe("=versions", function () {
it("should output a JSON object mapping keys to versions", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?format=versions');
assert.propertyVal(response, collectionItem1.key, collectionItem1.version);
describe("?include", function () {
it("should exclude data when empty", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${collectionItem1.key}?include=`);
assert.notProperty(response, 'data');
describe("=citation", function () {
it("should output citations", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?include=citation');
describe("&style", function () {
it("should use the given citation style, even if not yet installed", async function () {
let styleID = 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/cell';
if (Zotero.Styles.get(styleID)) {
await Zotero.Styles.get(styleID).remove();
let styleString = await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(
Zotero.File.pathToFile(OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'cell.csl')));
let stub = sinon.stub(Zotero.Styles, 'install');
stub.callsFake(() => stub.wrappedMethod({ string: styleString }, 'cell.csl', true));
let { response } = await apiGet(`/users/0/items/${collectionItem1.key}?include=citation&style=${encodeURIComponent(styleID)}`);
assert.equal(response.citation, '(Person)');
describe("?since", function () {
it("should filter the results", async function () {
let { response: response1 } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?since=' + Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary.libraryVersion);
let { response: response2 } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?since=-1');
assert.lengthOf(response2, allItems.length);
describe("?q", function () {
it("should filter the results", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?q=Person');
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
describe("?sort", function () {
it("should sort by creator", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/items?sort=creator&direction=desc');
assert.isBelow(response.findIndex(item => item.key == collectionItem2.key), response.findIndex(item => item.key == collectionItem1.key));
describe("<userOrGroupPrefix>/tags", function () {
it("should return all tags in the library", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet('/users/0/tags');
assert.lengthOf(response, 1);
assert.equal(response[0].tag, 'some tag');
assert.equal(response[0].meta.numItems, 1);
2024-06-19 00:28:59 -04:00
describe("/groups/<groupID>", function () {
it("should return 404 for unknown group", async function () {
let { response } = await apiGet(
successCodes: [404],
responseType: 'text'
assert.equal(response, "Not found");
2022-09-29 11:01:58 -04:00