2015-06-01 23:29:40 -05:00
describe("Zotero.Feed", function() {
let createFeed = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (props = {}) {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed({
name: props.name || 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString(),
url: props.url || 'http://www.' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com',
refreshInterval: props.refreshInterval,
cleanupAfter: props.cleanupAfter
yield feed.saveTx();
return feed;
// Clean up after after tests
after(function* () {
let feeds = Zotero.Feeds.getAll();
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
for (let i=0; i<feeds.length; i++) {
yield feeds[i].erase();
it("should be an instance of Zotero.Library", function() {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed();
assert.instanceOf(feed, Zotero.Library);
describe("#constructor()", function() {
it("should accept required fields as arguments", function* () {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed();
yield assert.isRejected(feed.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed name not set$/);
feed = new Zotero.Feed({
name: 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString(),
url: 'http://www.' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com'
yield assert.isFulfilled(feed.saveTx());
describe("#isFeed", function() {
it("should be true", function() {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed();
it("should be falsy for regular Library", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
describe("#editable", function() {
it("should always be not editable", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
feed.editable = true;
yield feed.saveTx();
it("should not allow adding items without editCheck override", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
let feedItem = new Zotero.FeedItem('book', { guid: Zotero.randomString() });
feedItem.libraryID = feed.libraryID;
2015-09-22 00:55:41 -04:00
yield assert.isRejected(feedItem.saveTx(), /^Error: Cannot edit feedItem in read-only library/);
2015-06-01 23:29:40 -05:00
yield assert.isFulfilled(feedItem.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }));
describe("#url", function() {
it("should throw if trying to set an invalid URL", function *() {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed({ name: 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString() });
assert.throws(function() {feed.url = 'foo'}, /^Invalid feed URL /);
assert.throws(function() {feed.url = 'ftp://example.com'}, /^Invalid feed URL /);
describe("#save()", function() {
it("should save a new feed to the feed library", function* () {
let props = {
name: 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString(),
url: 'http://' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com/'
let feed = yield createFeed(props);
assert.equal(feed.name, props.name, "name is correct");
assert.equal(feed.url.toLowerCase(), props.url.toLowerCase(), "url is correct");
it("should save a feed with all fields set", function* () {
let props = {
name: 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString(),
url: 'http://' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com/',
refreshInterval: 30,
cleanupAfter: 2
let feed = yield createFeed(props);
assert.equal(feed.name, props.name, "name is correct");
assert.equal(feed.url.toLowerCase(), props.url.toLowerCase(), "url is correct");
assert.equal(feed.refreshInterval, props.refreshInterval, "refreshInterval is correct");
assert.equal(feed.cleanupAfter, props.cleanupAfter, "cleanupAfter is correct");
assert.isNull(feed.lastCheck, "lastCheck is null");
assert.isNull(feed.lastUpdate, "lastUpdate is null");
assert.isNull(feed.lastCheckError, "lastCheckError is null");
it("should throw if name or url are missing", function *() {
let feed = new Zotero.Feed();
yield assert.isRejected(feed.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed name not set$/);
feed.name = 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString();
yield assert.isRejected(feed.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed URL not set$/);
feed = new Zotero.Feed();
feed.url = 'http://' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com';
yield assert.isRejected(feed.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed name not set$/);
it("should not allow saving a feed with the same url", function *() {
let url = 'http://' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com';
let feed1 = yield createFeed({ url });
let feed2 = new Zotero.Feed({ name: 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString(), url });
yield assert.isRejected(feed2.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed for URL already exists: /);
// Perform check with normalized URL
feed2.url = url + '/';
yield assert.isRejected(feed2.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed for URL already exists: /);
feed2.url = url.toUpperCase();
yield assert.isRejected(feed2.saveTx(), /^Error: Feed for URL already exists: /);
it("should allow saving a feed with the same name", function *() {
let name = 'Test ' + Zotero.randomString();
let feed1 = yield createFeed({ name });
let feed2 = new Zotero.Feed({ name , url: 'http://' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com' });
yield assert.isFulfilled(feed2.saveTx(), "allow saving feed with an existing name");
assert.equal(feed1.name, feed2.name, "feed names remain the same");
it("should save field to DB after editing", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
feed.name = 'bar';
yield feed.saveTx();
let dbVal = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT name FROM feeds WHERE libraryID=?', feed.libraryID);
assert.equal(feed.name, 'bar');
assert.equal(dbVal, feed.name);
describe("#erase()", function() {
it("should erase a saved feed", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
let id = feed.libraryID;
let url = feed.url;
yield feed.eraseTx();
let dbValue = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feeds WHERE libraryID=?', id);
assert.equal(dbValue, '0');
it("should clear feedItems from cache", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
let feedItem = yield createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed.libraryID });
assert.ok(yield Zotero.FeedItems.getAsync(feedItem.id));
yield feed.eraseTx();
assert.notOk(yield Zotero.FeedItems.getAsync(feedItem.id));
describe("Adding items", function() {
let feed;
before(function* () {
feed = yield createFeed();
it("should not allow adding regular items", function* () {
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.libraryID = feed.libraryID;
yield assert.isRejected(item.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }), /^Error: Cannot add /);
it("should not allow adding collections", function* () {
let collection = new Zotero.Collection({ name: 'test', libraryID: feed.libraryID });
yield assert.isRejected(collection.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }), /^Error: Cannot add /);
it("should not allow adding saved search", function* () {
let search = new Zotero.Search({ name: 'test', libraryID: feed.libraryID });
yield assert.isRejected(search.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }), /^Error: Cannot add /);
it("should allow adding feed item", function* () {
let feedItem = new Zotero.FeedItem('book', { guid: Zotero.randomString() });
feedItem.libraryID = feed.libraryID;
yield assert.isFulfilled(feedItem.forceSaveTx());