2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
"translatorID" : "05d07af9-105a-4572-99f6-a8e231c0daef" ,
"translatorType" : 4 ,
"label" : "COinS" ,
"creator" : "Simon Kornblith" ,
"target" : null ,
"minVersion" : "1.0.0b3.r1" ,
"maxVersion" : "" ,
"priority" : 300 ,
"inRepository" : true ,
2010-06-16 18:13:45 +00:00
"lastUpdated" : "2010-06-16 18:15:00"
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
function detectWeb ( doc , url ) {
var spanTags = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
var encounteredType = false ;
2010-06-16 07:44:31 +00:00
var spans = doc . evaluate ( '//span[contains(@class, " Z3988") or contains(@class, "Z3988 ") or @class="Z3988"][@title]' , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) ;
var span ;
while ( span = spans . iterateNext ( ) ) {
// determine if it's a valid type
var item = new Zotero . Item ;
var success = Zotero . Utilities . parseContextObject ( span . title , item ) ;
if ( item . itemType ) {
if ( encounteredType ) {
return "multiple" ;
} else {
encounteredType = item . itemType ;
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
return encounteredType ;
// used to retrieve next COinS object when asynchronously parsing COinS objects
// on a page
function retrieveNextCOinS ( needFullItems , newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) {
if ( needFullItems . length ) {
var item = needFullItems . shift ( ) ;
Zotero . debug ( "looking up contextObject" ) ;
var search = Zotero . loadTranslator ( "search" ) ;
search . setHandler ( "itemDone" , function ( obj , item ) {
newItems . push ( item ) ;
} ) ;
search . setHandler ( "done" , function ( ) {
retrieveNextCOinS ( needFullItems , newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) ;
} ) ;
search . setSearch ( item ) ;
// look for translators
var translators = search . getTranslators ( ) ;
if ( translators . length ) {
search . setTranslator ( translators ) ;
search . translate ( ) ;
} else {
retrieveNextCOinS ( needFullItems , newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) ;
} else {
completeCOinS ( newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) ;
Zotero . done ( ) ;
// saves all COinS objects
function completeCOinS ( newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) {
if ( newItems . length > 1 ) {
var selectArray = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i in newItems ) {
selectArray [ i ] = newItems [ i ] . title ;
selectArray = Zotero . selectItems ( selectArray ) ;
var useIndices = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i in selectArray ) {
useIndices . push ( i ) ;
completeItems ( newItems , useIndices , couldUseFullItems ) ;
} else if ( newItems . length ) {
completeItems ( newItems , [ 0 ] , couldUseFullItems ) ;
function completeItems ( newItems , useIndices , couldUseFullItems , doc ) {
if ( ! useIndices . length ) {
return ;
var i = useIndices . shift ( ) ;
// grab full item if the COinS was missing an author
if ( couldUseFullItems [ i ] ) {
Zotero . debug ( "looking up contextObject" ) ;
var search = Zotero . loadTranslator ( "search" ) ;
var firstItem = false ;
search . setHandler ( "itemDone" , function ( obj , newItem ) {
if ( ! firstItem ) {
// add doc as attachment
newItem . attachments . push ( { document : doc } ) ;
newItem . complete ( ) ;
firstItem = true ;
} ) ;
search . setHandler ( "done" , function ( obj ) {
// if we didn't find anything, use what we had before (even if it
// lacks the creator)
if ( ! firstItem ) {
newItems [ i ] . complete ( ) ;
// call next
completeItems ( newItems , useIndices , couldUseFullItems ) ;
} ) ;
search . setSearch ( newItems [ i ] ) ;
var translators = search . getTranslators ( ) ;
if ( translators . length ) {
search . setTranslator ( translators ) ;
search . translate ( ) ;
} else {
// add doc as attachment
newItems [ i ] . attachments . push ( { document : doc } ) ;
newItems [ i ] . complete ( ) ;
// call next
completeItems ( newItems , useIndices , couldUseFullItems ) ;
} else {
// add doc as attachment
newItems [ i ] . attachments . push ( { document : doc } ) ;
newItems [ i ] . complete ( ) ;
// call next
completeItems ( newItems , useIndices , couldUseFullItems ) ;
function doWeb ( doc , url ) {
var newItems = new Array ( ) ;
var needFullItems = new Array ( ) ;
var couldUseFullItems = new Array ( ) ;
2010-06-16 07:44:31 +00:00
var spans = doc . evaluate ( '//span[contains(@class, " Z3988") or contains(@class, "Z3988 ") or @class="Z3988"][@title]' , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) ;
var span ;
while ( span = spans . iterateNext ( ) ) {
var spanTitle = span . title ;
var newItem = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
newItem . repository = false ; // do not save repository
if ( Zotero . Utilities . parseContextObject ( spanTitle , newItem ) ) {
if ( newItem . title ) {
if ( ! newItem . creators . length ) {
// if we have a title but little other identifying
// information, say we'll get full item later
newItem . contextObject = spanTitle ;
couldUseFullItems [ newItems . length ] = true ;
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
2010-06-16 07:44:31 +00:00
// title and creators are minimum data to avoid looking up
newItems . push ( newItem ) ;
} else {
// retrieve full item
newItem . contextObject = spanTitle ;
needFullItems . push ( newItem ) ;
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
Zotero . debug ( needFullItems ) ;
if ( needFullItems . length ) {
// retrieve full items asynchronously
Zotero . wait ( ) ;
retrieveNextCOinS ( needFullItems , newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) ;
} else {
completeCOinS ( newItems , couldUseFullItems , doc ) ;