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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
!macro PostUpdate
; Remove registry entries for non-existent apps and for apps that point to our
; install location in the Software\Zotero key and uninstall registry entries
; that point to our install location for both HKCU and HKLM.
SetShellVarContext current ; Set SHCTX to the current user (e.g. HKCU)
${RegCleanMain} "Software\Zotero"
; Win7 taskbar and start menu link maintenance
Call FixShortcutAppModelIDs
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Zotero" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest" "Write Test"
${If} ${Errors}
StrCpy $TmpVal "HKCU" ; used primarily for logging
SetShellVarContext all ; Set SHCTX to all users (e.g. HKLM)
DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Zotero" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest"
StrCpy $TmpVal "HKLM" ; used primarily for logging
${RegCleanMain} "Software\Zotero"
${SetAppLSPCategories} ${LSP_CATEGORIES}
; Win7 taskbar and start menu link maintenance
Call FixShortcutAppModelIDs
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\zotero.org\Zotero" "CurrentVersion"
${If} "$0" != "${GREVersion}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\zotero.org\Zotero" "CurrentVersion" "${GREVersion}"
!define PostUpdate "!insertmacro PostUpdate"
; Adds zotero:// protocol handler and makes Zotero open exported bib files
!macro SetHandlers
Push "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
Call GetLongPath
Pop $8
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\zotero" "$\"$8$\" -url $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "Zotero Protocol" "true" ""
; Add handlers for reference formats
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroRIS" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "Research Information Systems Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroISI" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "ISI Common Export Format Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroMODS" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "Metadata Object Description Schema Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroRDF" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "Resource Description Framework Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroBibTeX" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "BibTeX Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroMARC" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "MARC Document" "" ""
${AddHandlerValues} "Software\Classes\ZoteroCSL" "$\"$8$\" -file $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "CSL Citation Style" "" ""
; Associate file handlers
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.ris" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroRIS"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.ris" "" "ZoteroRIS"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.ris" "Content Type" "application/x-research-info-systems"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.mods" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroMODS"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.mods" "" "ZoteroMODS"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.mods" "Content Type" "application/mods+xml"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.isi" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroMODS"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.isi" "" "ZoteroISI"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.isi" "Content Type" "application/x-inst-for-Scientific-info"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.rdf" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroRDF"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.rdf" "" "ZoteroRDF"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.rdf" "Content Type" "application/rdf+xml"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bib" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroBibTeX"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bib" "" "ZoteroBibTeX"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bib" "Content Type" "application/x-bibtex"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bibtex" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroMARC"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bibtex" "" "ZoteroBibTeX"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.bibtex" "Content Type" "application/x-bibtex"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.marc" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroMARC"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.marc" "" "ZoteroMARC"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.marc" "Content Type" "application/marc"
ReadRegStr $6 SHCTX "Software\Classes\.csl" ""
${If} "$6" != "ZoteroCSL"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.csl" "" "ZoteroCSL"
WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.csl" "Content Type" "application/vnd.citationstyles.style+xml"
!define SetHandlers "!insertmacro SetHandlers"
; Add Software\Zotero\ registry entries (uses SHCTX).
!macro SetAppKeys
Call GetLongPath
Pop $8
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}\${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})\Main"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "Install Directory" "$8" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "PathToExe" "$8\${FileMainEXE}" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}\${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})\Uninstall"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "Description" "${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion} (${ARCH} ${AB_CD})" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}\${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "" "${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion}\bin"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "PathToExe" "$8\${FileMainEXE}" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion}\extensions"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "Components" "$8\components" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "Plugins" "$8\plugins" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion}"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "GeckoVer" "${GREVersion}" 0
StrCpy $0 "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "" "${GREVersion}" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "CurrentVersion" "${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})" 0
!define SetAppKeys "!insertmacro SetAppKeys"
; Add uninstall registry entries. This macro tests for write access to determine
; if the uninstall keys should be added to HKLM or HKCU.
!macro SetUninstallKeys
StrCpy $0 "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion} (${ARCH} ${AB_CD})"
StrCpy $2 ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest" "Write Test"
${If} ${Errors}
; If the uninstall keys already exist in HKLM don't create them in HKCU
ReadRegStr $2 "HKLM" $0 "DisplayName"
${If} $2 == ""
; Otherwise we don't have any keys for this product in HKLM so proceeed
; to create them in HKCU. Better handling for this will be done in:
; Bug 711044 - Better handling for 2 uninstall icons
StrCpy $1 "HKCU"
SetShellVarContext current ; Set SHCTX to the current user (e.g. HKCU)
StrCpy $1 "HKLM"
SetShellVarContext all ; Set SHCTX to all users (e.g. HKLM)
DeleteRegValue HKLM "$0" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest"
${If} $2 == ""
Call GetLongPath
Pop $8
; Write the uninstall registry keys
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "Comments" "${BrandFullNameInternal} ${AppVersion} (${ARCH} ${AB_CD})" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "DisplayIcon" "$8\${FileMainEXE},0" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "DisplayName" "${BrandFullNameInternal}" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "DisplayVersion" "${AppVersion}" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "InstallLocation" "$8" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "Publisher" "Corporation for Digital Scholarship" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "UninstallString" "$8\uninstall\helper.exe" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "URLInfoAbout" "${URLInfoAbout}" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $1 "$0" "URLUpdateInfo" "${URLUpdateInfo}" 0
${WriteRegDWORD2} $1 "$0" "NoModify" 1 0
${WriteRegDWORD2} $1 "$0" "NoRepair" 1 0
${GetSize} "$8" "/S=0K" $R2 $R3 $R4
${WriteRegDWORD2} $1 "$0" "EstimatedSize" $R2 0
${If} "$TmpVal" == "HKLM"
SetShellVarContext all ; Set SHCTX to all users (e.g. HKLM)
SetShellVarContext current ; Set SHCTX to the current user (e.g. HKCU)
!define SetUninstallKeys "!insertmacro SetUninstallKeys"
; Add app specific handler registry entries under Software\Classes if they
; don't exist (does not use SHCTX).
!macro FixClassKeys
StrCpy $1 "SOFTWARE\Classes"
; File handler keys and name value pairs that may need to be created during
; install or upgrade.
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR ".shtml" "Content Type"
${If} "$0" == ""
StrCpy $0 "$1\.shtml"
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.shtml" "" "shtmlfile" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.shtml" "Content Type" "text/html" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.shtml" "PerceivedType" "text" 0
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR ".xht" "Content Type"
${If} "$0" == ""
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.xht" "" "xhtfile" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.xht" "Content Type" "application/xhtml+xml" 0
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR ".xhtml" "Content Type"
${If} "$0" == ""
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.xhtml" "" "xhtmlfile" 0
${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$1\.xhtml" "Content Type" "application/xhtml+xml" 0
!define FixClassKeys "!insertmacro FixClassKeys"
; Updates protocol handlers if their registry open command value is for this
; install location (uses SHCTX).
!macro UpdateProtocolHandlers
; Store the command to open the app with an url in a register for easy access.
Push "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
Call GetLongPath
Pop $8
; Only set the file and protocol handlers if the existing one under HKCR is
; for this install location.
${IsHandlerForInstallDir} "zotero" $R9
${If} "$R9" == "true"
${AddHandlerValues} "SOFTWARE\Classes\zotero" "$\"$8$\" -url $\"%1$\"" \
"$8,1" "Zotero" "true" ""
!define UpdateProtocolHandlers "!insertmacro UpdateProtocolHandlers"
; Removes the application's start menu directory along with its shortcuts if
; they exist and if they exist creates a start menu shortcut in the root of the
; start menu directory (bug 598779). If the application's start menu directory
; is not empty after removing the shortucts the directory will not be removed
; since these additional items were not created by the installer (uses SHCTX).
!macro RemoveStartMenuDir
${GetShortcutsLogPath} $0
${If} ${FileExists} "$0"
; Delete Start Menu Programs shortcuts, directory if it is empty, and
; parent directories if they are empty up to but not including the start
; menu directory.
Call GetLongPath
Pop $1
ReadINIStr $2 "$0" "SMPROGRAMS" "RelativePathToDir"
${Unless} ${Errors}
Push "$1\$2"
Call GetLongPath
Pop $2
${If} "$2" != ""
; Delete shortucts in the Start Menu Programs directory.
StrCpy $3 0
ReadINIStr $4 "$0" "SMPROGRAMS" "Shortcut$3"
; Stop if there are no more entries
${If} ${Errors}
${If} ${FileExists} "$2\$4"
ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$2\$4"
Pop $5
${If} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" == "$5"
Delete "$2\$4"
IntOp $3 $3 + 1 ; Increment the counter
; Delete Start Menu Programs directory and parent directories
; Stop if the current directory is the start menu directory
${If} "$1" == "$2"
RmDir "$2"
; Stop if removing the directory failed
${If} ${Errors}
${GetParent} "$2" $2
DeleteINISec "$0" "SMPROGRAMS"
!define RemoveStartMenuDir "!insertmacro RemoveStartMenuDir"
; Creates the shortcuts log ini file with the appropriate entries if it doesn't
; already exist.
!macro CreateShortcutsLog
${GetShortcutsLogPath} $0
${Unless} ${FileExists} "$0"
${LogStartMenuShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
${LogQuickLaunchShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
${LogDesktopShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
!define CreateShortcutsLog "!insertmacro CreateShortcutsLog"
; The files to check if they are in use during (un)install so the restart is
; required message is displayed. All files must be located in the $INSTDIR
; directory.
!macro PushFilesToCheck
; The first string to be pushed onto the stack MUST be "end" to indicate
; that there are no more files to check in $INSTDIR and the last string
; should be ${FileMainEXE} so if it is in use the CheckForFilesInUse macro
; returns after the first check.
Push "end"
Push "AccessibleMarshal.dll"
Push "freebl3.dll"
Push "nssckbi.dll"
Push "nspr4.dll"
Push "nssdbm3.dll"
Push "mozsqlite3.dll"
Push "xpcom.dll"
Push "crashreporter.exe"
Push "updater.exe"
Push "${FileMainEXE}"
!define PushFilesToCheck "!insertmacro PushFilesToCheck"
; Helper for updating the shortcut application model IDs.
Function FixShortcutAppModelIDs
${UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "${AppUserModelID}" $0
; The !ifdef NO_LOG prevents warnings when compiling the installer.nsi due to
; this function only being used by the uninstaller.nsi.
!ifdef NO_LOG