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2011-07-03 07:58:06 +00:00
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"title": "Progress of Ontario's Family Health Team Model: A Patient-Centered Medical Home",
"date": "March 1, 2011",
"publicationTitle": "Ann Fam Med",
"pages": "165-171",
"volume": "9",
"issue": "2",
"url": "http://www.annfammed.org/cgi/content/abstract/9/2/165",
"abstractNote": "Ontario's Family Health Team (FHT) model, implemented in 2005, may be North America's largest example of a patient-centered medical home. The model, based on multidisciplinary teams and an innovative incentive-based funding system, has been developed primarily from fee-for-service primary care practices. Nearly 2 million Ontarians are served by 170 FHTs. Preliminary observations suggest high satisfaction among patients, higher income and more gratification for family physicians, and trends for more medical students to select careers in family medicine. Popular demand is resulting in expansion to 200 FHTs. We describe the development, implementation, reimbursement plan, and current status of this multidisciplinary model, relating it to the principles of the patient-centered medical home. We also identify its potential to provide an understanding of many aspects of primary care. ",
"DOI": "10.1370/afm.1228",
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"shortTitle": "Progress of Ontario's Family Health Team Model"