2012-06-03 00:43:42 -04:00
// vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:
/*jshint browser: true, node: true,
curly: true, eqeqeq: true, noarg: true, nonew: true, trailing: true,
undef: true */
/*global define: false, Q: true, msSetImmediate: false, setImmediate: false,
ReturnValue: false, cajaVM: false, ses: false */
* Copyright 2009-2012 Kris Kowal under the terms of the MIT
* license found at http://github.com/kriskowal/q/raw/master/LICENSE
* With parts by Tyler Close
* Copyright 2007-2009 Tyler Close under the terms of the MIT X license found
* at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html
* Forked at ref_send.js version: 2009-05-11
* With parts by Mark Miller
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* With formatStackTrace and formatSourcePosition functions
* Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
* with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
(function (definition) {
// Turn off strict mode for this function so we can assign to global.Q
/*jshint strict: false*/
// This file will function properly as a <script> tag, or a module
// using CommonJS and NodeJS or RequireJS module formats. In
// Common/Node/RequireJS, the module exports the Q API and when
// executed as a simple <script>, it creates a Q global instead.
// RequireJS
if (typeof define === "function") {
// CommonJS
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
definition(void 0, exports);
// SES (Secure EcmaScript)
} else if (typeof ses !== "undefined") {
if (!ses.ok()) {
} else {
ses.makeQ = function () {
var Q = {};
return definition(void 0, Q);
2012-07-10 15:27:38 -04:00
// Mozilla JSM
} else if (~String(this).indexOf('BackstagePass')) {
// Q expects an implementation of setTimeout
setTimeout = new function() {
// We need to maintain references to running nsITimers. Otherwise, they can
// get garbage collected before they fire.
var _runningTimers = [];
return function setTimeout(func, ms) {
var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].
timer.initWithCallback({"notify":function() {
// Remove timer from array so it can be garbage collected
_runningTimers.splice(_runningTimers.indexOf(timer), 1);
// Execute callback function
try {
} catch(err) {
// Rethrow errors that occur so that they appear in the error
// console with the appropriate name and line numbers. While the
// the errors appear without this, the line numbers get eaten.
var scriptError = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"]
err.message || err.toString(),
err.fileName || err.filename || null,
err.lineNumber || null,
'component javascript'
}}, ms, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
definition(void 0, Q = {});
2012-06-03 00:43:42 -04:00
// <script>
} else {
definition(void 0, Q = {});
})(function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
// shims
// used for fallback "defend" and in "allResolved"
var noop = function () {};
// for the security conscious, defend may be a deep freeze as provided
// by cajaVM. Otherwise we try to provide a shallow freeze just to
// discourage promise changes that are not compatible with secure
// usage. If Object.freeze does not exist, fall back to doing nothing
// (no op).
var defend = Object.freeze || noop;
if (typeof cajaVM !== "undefined") {
defend = cajaVM.def;
// use the fastest possible means to execute a task in a future turn
// of the event loop.
var nextTick;
if (typeof process !== "undefined") {
// node
nextTick = process.nextTick;
} else if (typeof msSetImmediate === "function") {
// IE 10 only, at the moment
// And yes, ``bind``ing to ``window`` is necessary O_o.
nextTick = msSetImmediate.bind(window);
} else if (typeof setImmediate === "function") {
// https://github.com/NobleJS/setImmediate
nextTick = setImmediate;
} else if (typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined") {
// modern browsers
// http://www.nonblocking.io/2011/06/windownexttick.html
var channel = new MessageChannel();
// linked list of tasks (single, with head node)
var head = {}, tail = head;
channel.port1.onmessage = function () {
head = head.next;
var task = head.task;
delete head.task;
nextTick = function (task) {
tail = tail.next = {task: task};
} else {
// old browsers
nextTick = function (task) {
setTimeout(task, 0);
// Attempt to make generics safe in the face of downstream
// modifications.
// There is no situation where this is necessary.
// If you need a security guarantee, these primordials need to be
// deeply frozen anyway, and if you don’t need a security guarantee,
// this is just plain paranoid.
// However, this does have the nice side-effect of reducing the size
// of the code by reducing x.call() to merely x(), eliminating many
// hard-to-minify characters.
// See Mark Miller’s explanation of what this does.
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:safe_meta_programming
var uncurryThis;
// I have kept both variations because the first is theoretically
// faster, if bind is available.
if (Function.prototype.bind) {
var Function_bind = Function.prototype.bind;
uncurryThis = Function_bind.bind(Function_bind.call);
} else {
uncurryThis = function (f) {
return function (thisp) {
return f.call.apply(f, arguments);
var array_slice = uncurryThis(Array.prototype.slice);
var array_reduce = uncurryThis(
Array.prototype.reduce || function (callback, basis) {
var index = 0,
length = this.length;
// concerning the initial value, if one is not provided
if (arguments.length === 1) {
// seek to the first value in the array, accounting
// for the possibility that is is a sparse array
do {
if (index in this) {
basis = this[index++];
if (++index >= length) {
throw new TypeError();
} while (1);
// reduce
for (; index < length; index++) {
// account for the possibility that the array is sparse
if (index in this) {
basis = callback(basis, this[index], index);
return basis;
var array_indexOf = uncurryThis(
Array.prototype.indexOf || function (value) {
// not a very good shim, but good enough for our one use of it
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] === value) {
return i;
return -1;
var array_map = uncurryThis(
Array.prototype.map || function (callback, thisp) {
var self = this;
var collect = [];
array_reduce(self, function (undefined, value, index) {
collect.push(callback.call(thisp, value, index, self));
}, void 0);
return collect;
var object_create = Object.create || function (prototype) {
function Type() { }
Type.prototype = prototype;
return new Type();
var object_keys = Object.keys || function (object) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in object) {
return keys;
var object_toString = Object.prototype.toString;
// generator related shims
function isStopIteration(exception) {
return (
object_toString(exception) === "[object StopIteration]" ||
exception instanceof QReturnValue
var QReturnValue;
if (typeof ReturnValue !== "undefined") {
QReturnValue = ReturnValue;
} else {
QReturnValue = function (value) {
this.value = value;
// long stack traces
function formatStackTrace(error, frames) {
var lines = [];
try {
} catch (e) {
try {
lines.push("<error: " + e + ">");
} catch (ee) {
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
var frame = frames[i];
var line;
// <Inserted by @domenic>
if (typeof frame === "string") {
// </Inserted by @domenic>
} else {
try {
line = formatSourcePosition(frame);
} catch (e) {
try {
line = "<error: " + e + ">";
} catch (ee) {
// Any code that reaches this point is seriously nasty!
line = "<error>";
lines.push(" at " + line);
return lines.join("\n");
function formatSourcePosition(frame) {
var fileLocation = "";
if (frame.isNative()) {
fileLocation = "native";
} else if (frame.isEval()) {
fileLocation = "eval at " + frame.getEvalOrigin();
} else {
var fileName = frame.getFileName();
if (fileName) {
fileLocation += fileName;
var lineNumber = frame.getLineNumber();
if (lineNumber !== null) {
fileLocation += ":" + lineNumber;
var columnNumber = frame.getColumnNumber();
if (columnNumber) {
fileLocation += ":" + columnNumber;
if (!fileLocation) {
fileLocation = "unknown source";
var line = "";
var functionName = frame.getFunction().name;
var addPrefix = true;
var isConstructor = frame.isConstructor();
var isMethodCall = !(frame.isToplevel() || isConstructor);
if (isMethodCall) {
var methodName = frame.getMethodName();
line += frame.getTypeName() + ".";
if (functionName) {
line += functionName;
if (methodName && (methodName !== functionName)) {
line += " [as " + methodName + "]";
} else {
line += methodName || "<anonymous>";
} else if (isConstructor) {
line += "new " + (functionName || "<anonymous>");
} else if (functionName) {
line += functionName;
} else {
line += fileLocation;
addPrefix = false;
if (addPrefix) {
line += " (" + fileLocation + ")";
return line;
* Retrieves an array of structured stack frames parsed from the ``stack``
* property of a given object.
* @param objectWithStack {Object} an object with a ``stack`` property: usually
* an error or promise.
* @returns an array of stack frame objects. For more information, see
* [V8's JavaScript stack trace API documentation](http://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/JavaScriptStackTraceApi).
function getStackFrames(objectWithStack) {
var oldPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (error, frames) {
// Filter out frames from the innards of Node and Q.
return frames.filter(function (frame) {
var fileName = frame.getFileName();
return (
fileName !== "module.js" &&
fileName !== "node.js" &&
fileName !== qFileName
var stack = objectWithStack.stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = oldPrepareStackTrace;
return stack;
// discover own file name for filtering stack traces
var qFileName;
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
qFileName = (function () {
var fileName;
var oldPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (error, frames) {
fileName = frames[0].getFileName();
// teases call of temporary prepareStackTrace
// JSHint and Closure Compiler generate known warnings here
/*jshint expr: true */
new Error().stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = oldPrepareStackTrace;
return fileName;
function deprecate(fn, name, alternative){
return function () {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.warn === "function"){
console.warn(name + " is deprecated, use " + alternative + " instead.");
return fn.apply(fn,arguments);
// end of shims
// beginning of real work
* Performs a task in a future turn of the event loop.
* @param {Function} task
exports.nextTick = nextTick;
* Constructs a {promise, resolve} object.
* The resolver is a callback to invoke with a more resolved value for the
* promise. To fulfill the promise, invoke the resolver with any value that is
* not a function. To reject the promise, invoke the resolver with a rejection
* object. To put the promise in the same state as another promise, invoke the
* resolver with that other promise.
exports.defer = defer;
function defer() {
// if "pending" is an "Array", that indicates that the promise has not yet
// been resolved. If it is "undefined", it has been resolved. Each
// element of the pending array is itself an array of complete arguments to
// forward to the resolved promise. We coerce the resolution value to a
// promise using the ref promise because it handles both fully
// resolved values and other promises gracefully.
var pending = [], value;
var deferred = object_create(defer.prototype);
var promise = object_create(makePromise.prototype);
promise.promiseSend = function () {
var args = array_slice(arguments);
if (pending) {
} else {
nextTick(function () {
value.promiseSend.apply(value, args);
promise.valueOf = function () {
if (pending) {
return promise;
return value.valueOf();
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(promise, defer);
function become(resolvedValue) {
if (!pending) {
value = resolve(resolvedValue);
array_reduce(pending, function (undefined, pending) {
nextTick(function () {
value.promiseSend.apply(value, pending);
}, void 0);
pending = void 0;
return value;
deferred.promise = promise;
deferred.resolve = become;
deferred.reject = function (exception) {
return become(reject(exception));
return deferred;
* Creates a Node-style callback that will resolve or reject the deferred
* promise.
* @returns a nodeback
defer.prototype.makeNodeResolver = function () {
var self = this;
return function (error, value) {
if (error) {
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
self.resolve(array_slice(arguments, 1));
} else {
// XXX deprecated
defer.prototype.node = deprecate(defer.prototype.makeNodeResolver, "node", "makeNodeResolver");
* @param makePromise {Function} a function that returns nothing and accepts
* the resolve and reject functions for a deferred.
* @returns a promise that may be resolved with the given resolve and reject
* functions, or rejected by a thrown exception in makePromise
exports.promise = promise;
function promise(makePromise) {
var deferred = defer();
void 0,
return deferred.promise;
* Constructs a Promise with a promise descriptor object and optional fallback
* function. The descriptor contains methods like when(rejected), get(name),
* put(name, value), post(name, args), and delete(name), which all
* return either a value, a promise for a value, or a rejection. The fallback
* accepts the operation name, a resolver, and any further arguments that would
* have been forwarded to the appropriate method above had a method been
* provided with the proper name. The API makes no guarantees about the nature
* of the returned object, apart from that it is usable whereever promises are
* bought and sold.
exports.makePromise = makePromise;
function makePromise(descriptor, fallback, valueOf, exception) {
if (fallback === void 0) {
fallback = function (op) {
return reject(new Error("Promise does not support operation: " + op));
var promise = object_create(makePromise.prototype);
promise.promiseSend = function (op, resolved /* ...args */) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
var result;
try {
if (descriptor[op]) {
result = descriptor[op].apply(promise, args);
} else {
result = fallback.apply(promise, [op].concat(args));
} catch (exception) {
result = reject(exception);
if (valueOf) {
promise.valueOf = valueOf;
if (exception) {
promise.exception = exception;
return promise;
// provide thenables, CommonJS/Promises/A
makePromise.prototype.then = function (fulfilled, rejected) {
return when(this, fulfilled, rejected);
// Chainable methods
"isResolved", "isFulfilled", "isRejected",
"when", "spread", "send",
"get", "put", "del",
"post", "invoke",
"apply", "call", "bind",
"fapply", "fcall", "fbind",
"all", "allResolved",
"view", "viewInfo",
"timeout", "delay",
"catch", "finally", "fail", "fin", "end"
function (prev, name) {
makePromise.prototype[name] = function () {
return exports[name].apply(
void 0
makePromise.prototype.toSource = function () {
return this.toString();
makePromise.prototype.toString = function () {
return "[object Promise]";
* If an object is not a promise, it is as "near" as possible.
* If a promise is rejected, it is as "near" as possible too.
* If it’s a fulfilled promise, the fulfillment value is nearer.
* If it’s a deferred promise and the deferred has been resolved, the
* resolution is "nearer".
* @param object
* @returns most resolved (nearest) form of the object
exports.nearer = valueOf;
function valueOf(value) {
// if !Object.isObject(value)
// generates a known JSHint "constructor invocation without new" warning
// supposed to be fixed, but isn't? https://github.com/jshint/jshint/issues/392
/*jshint newcap: false */
if (Object(value) !== value) {
return value;
} else {
return value.valueOf();
* @returns whether the given object is a promise.
* Otherwise it is a fulfilled value.
exports.isPromise = isPromise;
function isPromise(object) {
return object && typeof object.promiseSend === "function";
* @returns whether the given object is a resolved promise.
exports.isResolved = isResolved;
function isResolved(object) {
return isFulfilled(object) || isRejected(object);
* @returns whether the given object is a value or fulfilled
* promise.
exports.isFulfilled = isFulfilled;
function isFulfilled(object) {
return !isPromise(valueOf(object));
* @returns whether the given object is a rejected promise.
exports.isRejected = isRejected;
function isRejected(object) {
object = valueOf(object);
return isPromise(object) && 'exception' in object;
var rejections = [];
var errors = [];
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.console) {
// This promise library consumes exceptions thrown in handlers so
// they can be handled by a subsequent promise. The rejected
// promises get added to this array when they are created, and
// removed when they are handled.
console.log("Should be empty:", errors);
* Constructs a rejected promise.
* @param exception value describing the failure
exports.reject = reject;
function reject(exception) {
exception = exception || new Error();
var rejection = makePromise({
"when": function (rejected) {
// note that the error has been handled
if (rejected) {
var at = array_indexOf(rejections, this);
if (at !== -1) {
errors.splice(at, 1);
rejections.splice(at, 1);
return rejected ? rejected(exception) : reject(exception);
}, function fallback(op) {
return reject(exception);
}, function valueOf() {
return this;
}, exception);
// note that the error has not been handled
return rejection;
* Constructs a promise for an immediate reference.
* @param value immediate reference
exports.begin = resolve; // XXX experimental
exports.resolve = resolve;
exports.ref = deprecate(resolve, "ref", "resolve"); // XXX deprecated, use resolve
function resolve(object) {
// If the object is already a Promise, return it directly. This enables
// the resolve function to both be used to created references from objects,
// but to tolerably coerce non-promises to promises.
if (isPromise(object)) {
return object;
// assimilate thenables, CommonJS/Promises/A
if (object && typeof object.then === "function") {
var result = defer();
object.then(result.resolve, result.reject);
return result.promise;
return makePromise({
"when": function (rejected) {
return object;
"get": function (name) {
return object[name];
"put": function (name, value) {
return object[name] = value;
"del": function (name) {
return delete object[name];
"post": function (name, value) {
return object[name].apply(object, value);
"apply": function (self, args) {
return object.apply(self, args);
"fapply": function (args) {
return object.apply(void 0, args);
"viewInfo": function () {
var on = object;
var properties = {};
function fixFalsyProperty(name) {
if (!properties[name]) {
properties[name] = typeof on[name];
while (on) {
on = Object.getPrototypeOf(on);
return {
"type": typeof object,
"properties": properties
"keys": function () {
return object_keys(object);
}, void 0, function valueOf() {
return object;
* Annotates an object such that it will never be
* transferred away from this process over any promise
* communication channel.
* @param object
* @returns promise a wrapping of that object that
* additionally responds to the "isDef" message
* without a rejection.
exports.master = master;
function master(object) {
return makePromise({
"isDef": function () {}
}, function fallback(op) {
var args = array_slice(arguments);
return send.apply(void 0, [object].concat(args));
}, function () {
return valueOf(object);
exports.viewInfo = viewInfo;
function viewInfo(object, info) {
object = resolve(object);
if (info) {
return makePromise({
"viewInfo": function () {
return info;
}, function fallback(op) {
var args = array_slice(arguments);
return send.apply(void 0, [object].concat(args));
}, function () {
return valueOf(object);
} else {
return send(object, "viewInfo");
exports.view = view;
function view(object) {
return viewInfo(object).when(function (info) {
var view;
if (info.type === "function") {
view = function () {
return apply(object, void 0, arguments);
} else {
view = {};
var properties = info.properties || {};
object_keys(properties).forEach(function (name) {
if (properties[name] === "function") {
view[name] = function () {
return post(object, name, arguments);
return resolve(view);
* Registers an observer on a promise.
* Guarantees:
* 1. that fulfilled and rejected will be called only once.
* 2. that either the fulfilled callback or the rejected callback will be
* called, but not both.
* 3. that fulfilled and rejected will not be called in this turn.
* @param value promise or immediate reference to observe
* @param fulfilled function to be called with the fulfilled value
* @param rejected function to be called with the rejection exception
* @return promise for the return value from the invoked callback
exports.when = when;
function when(value, fulfilled, rejected) {
var deferred = defer();
var done = false; // ensure the untrusted promise makes at most a
// single call to one of the callbacks
function _fulfilled(value) {
try {
return fulfilled ? fulfilled(value) : value;
} catch (exception) {
return reject(exception);
function _rejected(exception) {
try {
return rejected ? rejected(exception) : reject(exception);
} catch (newException) {
return reject(newException);
nextTick(function () {
resolve(value).promiseSend("when", function (value) {
if (done) {
done = true;
resolve(value).promiseSend("when", function (value) {
}, function (exception) {
}, function (exception) {
if (done) {
done = true;
return deferred.promise;
* Spreads the values of a promised array of arguments into the
* fulfillment callback.
* @param fulfilled callback that receives variadic arguments from the
* promised array
* @param rejected callback that receives the exception if the promise
* is rejected.
* @returns a promise for the return value or thrown exception of
* either callback.
exports.spread = spread;
function spread(promise, fulfilled, rejected) {
return when(promise, function (values) {
return fulfilled.apply(void 0, values);
}, rejected);
* The async function is a decorator for generator functions, turning
* them into asynchronous generators. This presently only works in
* Firefox/Spidermonkey, however, this code does not cause syntax
* errors in older engines. This code should continue to work and
* will in fact improve over time as the language improves.
* Decorates a generator function such that:
* - it may yield promises
* - execution will continue when that promise is fulfilled
* - the value of the yield expression will be the fulfilled value
* - it returns a promise for the return value (when the generator
* stops iterating)
* - the decorated function returns a promise for the return value
* of the generator or the first rejected promise among those
* yielded.
* - if an error is thrown in the generator, it propagates through
* every following yield until it is caught, or until it escapes
* the generator function altogether, and is translated into a
* rejection for the promise returned by the decorated generator.
* - in present implementations of generators, when a generator
* function is complete, it throws ``StopIteration``, ``return`` is
* a syntax error in the presence of ``yield``, so there is no
* observable return value. There is a proposal[1] to add support
* for ``return``, which would permit the value to be carried by a
* ``StopIteration`` instance, in which case it would fulfill the
* promise returned by the asynchronous generator. This can be
* emulated today by throwing StopIteration explicitly with a value
* property.
* [1]: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:async_functions#reference_implementation
exports.async = async;
function async(makeGenerator) {
return function () {
// when verb is "send", arg is a value
// when verb is "throw", arg is an exception
function continuer(verb, arg) {
var result;
try {
result = generator[verb](arg);
} catch (exception) {
if (isStopIteration(exception)) {
return exception.value;
} else {
return reject(exception);
return when(result, callback, errback);
var generator = makeGenerator.apply(this, arguments);
var callback = continuer.bind(continuer, "send");
var errback = continuer.bind(continuer, "throw");
return callback();
* Throws a ReturnValue exception to stop an asynchronous generator.
* Only useful presently in Firefox/SpiderMonkey since generators are
* implemented.
* @param value the return value for the surrounding generator
* @throws ReturnValue exception with the value.
* @example
* Q.async(function () {
* var foo = yield getFooPromise();
* var bar = yield getBarPromise();
* Q.return(foo + bar);
* })
exports['return'] = _return;
function _return(value) {
throw new QReturnValue(value);
* Constructs a promise method that can be used to safely observe resolution of
* a promise for an arbitrarily named method like "propfind" in a future turn.
exports.sender = deprecate(sender, "sender", "dispatcher"); // XXX deprecated, use dispatcher
exports.Method = deprecate(sender, "Method", "dispatcher"); // XXX deprecated, use dispatcher
function sender(op) {
return function (object) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 1);
return send.apply(void 0, [object, op].concat(args));
* sends a message to a value in a future turn
* @param object* the recipient
* @param op the name of the message operation, e.g., "when",
* @param ...args further arguments to be forwarded to the operation
* @returns result {Promise} a promise for the result of the operation
exports.send = deprecate(send, "send", "dispatch"); // XXX deprecated, use dispatch
function send(object, op) {
var deferred = defer();
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
object = resolve(object);
nextTick(function () {
[op, deferred.resolve].concat(args)
return deferred.promise;
* sends a message to a value in a future turn
* @param object* the recipient
* @param op the name of the message operation, e.g., "when",
* @param args further arguments to be forwarded to the operation
* @returns result {Promise} a promise for the result of the operation
exports.dispatch = dispatch;
function dispatch(object, op, args) {
var deferred = defer();
object = resolve(object);
nextTick(function () {
[op, deferred.resolve].concat(args)
return deferred.promise;
* Constructs a promise method that can be used to safely observe resolution of
* a promise for an arbitrarily named method like "propfind" in a future turn.
* "dispatcher" constructs methods like "get(promise, name)" and "put(promise)".
exports.dispatcher = dispatcher;
function dispatcher(op) {
return function (object) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 1);
return dispatch(object, op, args);
* Gets the value of a property in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target object
* @param name name of property to get
* @return promise for the property value
exports.get = dispatcher("get");
* Sets the value of a property in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for object object
* @param name name of property to set
* @param value new value of property
* @return promise for the return value
exports.put = dispatcher("put");
* Deletes a property in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target object
* @param name name of property to delete
* @return promise for the return value
exports["delete"] = // XXX experimental
exports.del = dispatcher("del");
* Invokes a method in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target object
* @param name name of method to invoke
* @param value a value to post, typically an array of
* invocation arguments for promises that
* are ultimately backed with `resolve` values,
* as opposed to those backed with URLs
* wherein the posted value can be any
* JSON serializable object.
* @return promise for the return value
// bound locally because it is used by other methods
var post = exports.post = dispatcher("post");
* Invokes a method in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target object
* @param name name of method to invoke
* @param ...args array of invocation arguments
* @return promise for the return value
exports.invoke = function (value, name) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
return post(value, name, args);
* Applies the promised function in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param thisp the `this` object for the call
* @param args array of application arguments
// XXX deprecated, use fapply
var apply = exports.apply = deprecate(dispatcher("apply"), "apply", "fapply");
* Applies the promised function in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param args array of application arguments
var fapply = exports.fapply = dispatcher("fapply");
* Calls the promised function in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param thisp the `this` object for the call
* @param ...args array of application arguments
// XXX deprecated, use fcall
exports.call = deprecate(call, "call", "fcall");
function call(value, thisp) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
return apply(value, thisp, args);
* Calls the promised function in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param ...args array of application arguments
exports["try"] = fcall; // XXX experimental
exports.fcall = fcall;
function fcall(value) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 1);
return fapply(value, args);
* Binds the promised function, transforming return values into a fulfilled
* promise and thrown errors into a rejected one.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param thisp the `this` object for the call
* @param ...args array of application arguments
exports.bind = deprecate(bind, "bind", "fbind"); // XXX deprecated, use fbind
function bind(value, thisp) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
return function bound() {
var allArgs = args.concat(array_slice(arguments));
return apply(value, thisp, allArgs);
* Binds the promised function, transforming return values into a fulfilled
* promise and thrown errors into a rejected one.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target function
* @param ...args array of application arguments
exports.fbind = fbind;
function fbind(value) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 1);
return function fbound() {
var allArgs = args.concat(array_slice(arguments));
return fapply(value, allArgs);
* Requests the names of the owned properties of a promised
* object in a future turn.
* @param object promise or immediate reference for target object
* @return promise for the keys of the eventually resolved object
exports.keys = dispatcher("keys");
* Turns an array of promises into a promise for an array. If any of
* the promises gets rejected, the whole array is rejected immediately.
* @param {Array*} an array (or promise for an array) of values (or
* promises for values)
* @returns a promise for an array of the corresponding values
// By Mark Miller
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:concurrency&rev=1308776521#allfulfilled
exports.all = all;
function all(promises) {
return when(promises, function (promises) {
var countDown = promises.length;
if (countDown === 0) {
return resolve(promises);
var deferred = defer();
array_reduce(promises, function (undefined, promise, index) {
when(promise, function (value) {
promises[index] = value;
if (--countDown === 0) {
}, void 0);
return deferred.promise;
* Waits for all promises to be resolved, either fulfilled or
* rejected. This is distinct from `all` since that would stop
* waiting at the first rejection. The promise returned by
* `allResolved` will never be rejected.
* @param promises a promise for an array (or an array) of promises
* (or values)
* @return a promise for an array of promises
exports.allResolved = allResolved;
function allResolved(promises) {
return when(promises, function (promises) {
return when(all(array_map(promises, function (promise) {
return when(promise, noop, noop);
})), function () {
return array_map(promises, resolve);
* Captures the failure of a promise, giving an oportunity to recover
* with a callback. If the given promise is fulfilled, the returned
* promise is fulfilled.
* @param {Any*} promise for something
* @param {Function} callback to fulfill the returned promise if the
* given promise is rejected
* @returns a promise for the return value of the callback
exports["catch"] = // XXX experimental
exports.fail = fail;
function fail(promise, rejected) {
return when(promise, void 0, rejected);
* Provides an opportunity to observe the rejection of a promise,
* regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled or rejected. Forwards
* the resolution to the returned promise when the callback is done.
* The callback can return a promise to defer completion.
* @param {Any*} promise
* @param {Function} callback to observe the resolution of the given
* promise, takes no arguments.
* @returns a promise for the resolution of the given promise when
* ``fin`` is done.
exports["finally"] = // XXX experimental
exports.fin = fin;
function fin(promise, callback) {
return when(promise, function (value) {
return when(callback(), function () {
return value;
}, function (exception) {
return when(callback(), function () {
return reject(exception);
* Terminates a chain of promises, forcing rejections to be
* thrown as exceptions.
* @param {Any*} promise at the end of a chain of promises
* @returns nothing
exports.end = end; // XXX stopgap
function end(promise) {
when(promise, void 0, function (error) {
// forward to a future turn so that ``when``
// does not catch it and turn it into a rejection.
nextTick(function () {
// If possible (that is, if in V8), transform the error stack
// trace by removing Node and Q cruft, then concatenating with
// the stack trace of the promise we are ``end``ing. See #57.
2012-07-09 21:01:29 -04:00
if (Error.captureStackTrace && typeof error === "object" &&
"stack" in error) {
2012-06-03 00:43:42 -04:00
var errorStackFrames = getStackFrames(error);
var promiseStackFrames = getStackFrames(promise);
var combinedStackFrames = errorStackFrames.concat(
"From previous event:",
error.stack = formatStackTrace(error, combinedStackFrames);
throw error;
* Causes a promise to be rejected if it does not get fulfilled before
* some milliseconds time out.
* @param {Any*} promise
* @param {Number} milliseconds timeout
* @returns a promise for the resolution of the given promise if it is
* fulfilled before the timeout, otherwise rejected.
exports.timeout = timeout;
function timeout(promise, ms) {
var deferred = defer();
2012-07-09 21:01:29 -04:00
var timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
deferred.reject(new Error("Timed out after " + ms + " ms"));
2012-06-03 00:43:42 -04:00
}, ms);
2012-07-09 21:01:29 -04:00
when(promise, function (value) {
}, deferred.reject);
2012-06-03 00:43:42 -04:00
return deferred.promise;
* Returns a promise for the given value (or promised value) after some
* milliseconds.
* @param {Any*} promise
* @param {Number} milliseconds
* @returns a promise for the resolution of the given promise after some
* time has elapsed.
exports.delay = delay;
function delay(promise, timeout) {
if (timeout === void 0) {
timeout = promise;
promise = void 0;
var deferred = defer();
setTimeout(function () {
}, timeout);
return deferred.promise;
* Passes a continuation to a Node function, which is called with a given
* `this` value and arguments provided as an array, and returns a promise.
* var FS = require("fs");
* Q.napply(FS.readFile, FS, [__filename])
* .then(function (content) {
* })
exports.napply = napply;
function napply(callback, thisp, args) {
return nbind(callback, thisp).apply(void 0, args);
* Passes a continuation to a Node function, which is called with a given
* `this` value and arguments provided individually, and returns a promise.
* var FS = require("fs");
* Q.ncall(FS.readFile, FS, __filename)
* .then(function (content) {
* })
exports.ncall = ncall;
function ncall(callback, thisp /*, ...args*/) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
return napply(callback, thisp, args);
* Wraps a NodeJS continuation passing function and returns an equivalent
* version that returns a promise.
* Q.nbind(FS.readFile, FS)(__filename)
* .then(console.log)
* .end()
exports.nbind = nbind;
function nbind(callback /* thisp, ...args*/) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var thisp = arguments[1];
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
var originalCallback = callback;
callback = function () {
var combinedArgs = args.concat(array_slice(arguments));
return originalCallback.apply(thisp, combinedArgs);
return function () {
var deferred = defer();
var args = array_slice(arguments);
// add a continuation that resolves the promise
// trap exceptions thrown by the callback
fapply(callback, args)
return deferred.promise;
* Calls a method of a Node-style object that accepts a Node-style
* callback with a given array of arguments, plus a provided callback.
* @param object an object that has the named method
* @param {String} name name of the method of object
* @param {Array} args arguments to pass to the method; the callback
* will be provided by Q and appended to these arguments.
* @returns a promise for the value or error
exports.npost = npost;
function npost(object, name, args) {
return napply(object[name], object, args);
* Calls a method of a Node-style object that accepts a Node-style
* callback, forwarding the given variadic arguments, plus a provided
* callback argument.
* @param object an object that has the named method
* @param {String} name name of the method of object
* @param ...args arguments to pass to the method; the callback will
* be provided by Q and appended to these arguments.
* @returns a promise for the value or error
exports.ninvoke = ninvoke;
function ninvoke(object, name /*, ...args*/) {
var args = array_slice(arguments, 2);
return napply(object[name], object, args);