2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
Copyright © 2011 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see < http: / / www . gnu . org / licenses / > .
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
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2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
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2020-07-27 15:49:45 -04:00
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2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
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2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
style="display: flex;">
2024-01-11 19:42:17 -05:00
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2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
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var {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://zotero/content/include.js", this);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("resource://zotero/require.js", this);
2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://zotero/content/platformKeys.js", this);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://zotero/content/editMenuOverlay.js", this);
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translate/testTranslators/translatorTester.js", this);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://scaffold/content/translators.js", this);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://scaffold/content/scaffold.js", this);
// Mozilla scripts
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js", this);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://global/content/contentAreaUtils.js", this);
if (Zotero.isMac) {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://global/content/macWindowMenu.js", this);
// Custom elements
2023-04-12 23:09:40 -04:00
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://zotero/content/customElements.js", this);
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
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2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< commandset id = "mainCommandSet" >
< command id = "cmd_close" oncommand = "window.close();" / >
< command id = "cmd_undo" oncommand = "Scaffold.trigger('undo', 'cmd_undo')" / >
< command id = "cmd_redo" oncommand = "Scaffold.trigger('redo', 'cmd_redo')" / >
< command id = "cmd_find" oncommand = "Scaffold.trigger('actions.find', 'cmd_find')" / >
< command id = "cmd_selectAll" oncommand = "Scaffold.trigger('editor.selectAll', 'cmd_selectAll')" / >
< command id = "cmd_new" oncommand = "Scaffold.newTranslator()" / >
< command id = "cmd_load" oncommand = "Scaffold.load()" disabled = "true" / >
< command id = "cmd_run_translator_or_tests" oncommand = "Scaffold.runTranslatorOrTests()" / >
< command id = "cmd_run_detect" oncommand = "Scaffold.run('detect')" / >
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< command id = "cmd_save_to_zotero" oncommand = "Scaffold.save(true)" / >
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< command id = "cmd_restore_font_size" oncommand = "Scaffold.setFontSize(11)" / >
< commandset id = "editMenuCommands" / >
< / commandset >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< keyset >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
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< key id = "run-do-web" modifiers = "accel" key = "R" command = "cmd_run_translator_or_tests" / >
< key id = "detect-web" modifiers = "accel" key = "T" command = "cmd_run_detect" / >
< key id = "save" modifiers = "accel" key = "S" command = "cmd_save" / >
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< key modifiers = "accel" key = "9" oncommand = "Scaffold.showTabNumbered(9)" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / keyset >
2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
< keyset id = "editMenuKeys" >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< key id = "key_undo" data-l10n-id = "text-action-undo-shortcut" modifiers = "accel" command = "cmd_undo" / >
2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
<!-- l10n and modifiers set in platformKeys.js -->
< key id = "key_redo" command = "cmd_redo" / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
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2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
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2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
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< / keyset >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< popupset >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< menupopup id = "testing-context-menu" >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< menuitem label = "&scaffold.testing.copyToClipboard;" tooltiptext = "Copy the URL or data for the current test to the clipboard" oncommand = "Scaffold.copyToClipboard()" / >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menuitem id = "testing_editImport" label = "&scaffold.testing.edit;" tooltiptext = "Edit the input data for the current test" oncommand = "Scaffold.editImportFromTest()" / >
< menu id = "testing_openURL" label = "&scaffold.testing.openUrl;" >
2021-07-13 00:33:57 -07:00
< menupopup >
< menuitem label = "&scaffold.testing.openUrl.internally;" tooltiptext = "Open the URL for the current test in the Scaffold browser" oncommand = "Scaffold.openURL(false)" / >
< menuitem label = "&scaffold.testing.openUrl.externally;" tooltiptext = "Open the URL for the current test in your default browser" oncommand = "Scaffold.openURL(true)" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / menupopup >
< / popupset >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< broadcasterset >
< broadcaster id = "code-tab-only" disabled = "true" / >
< broadcaster id = "validate-tests" / >
< / broadcasterset >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< vbox flex = "1" id = "scaffold-pane" >
< menubar id = "mb" >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menu id = "mb-file" label = "&fileMenu.label;" accesskey = "&fileMenu.accesskey;" >
< menupopup id = "mb-file-popup" >
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< menuseparator / >
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< menuseparator / >
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< menuitem id = "mb-file-runDo" label = "&scaffold.menu.runDo;" key = "run-do-web" command = "cmd_run_translator_or_tests" / >
< menuseparator / >
< menuitem id = "menu_close" label = "&closeCmd.label;" key = "key_close" accesskey = "&closeCmd.accesskey;" command = "cmd_close" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< menu id = "menu_edit" data-l10n-id = "menu-edit" >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menupopup id = "menu_EditPopup" >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< menuitem id = "menu_undo"
command="cmd_undo" data-l10n-id="text-action-undo"/>
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command="cmd_redo" data-l10n-id="text-action-redo"/>
< menuseparator / >
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command="cmd_cut" data-l10n-id="text-action-cut"/>
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command="cmd_copy" data-l10n-id="text-action-copy"/>
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command="cmd_paste" data-l10n-id="text-action-paste"/>
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command="cmd_delete" data-l10n-id="text-action-delete"/>
< menuseparator / >
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command="cmd_selectAll" data-l10n-id="text-action-select-all"/>
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menuseparator / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< menuitem id = "menu_find" label = "&findCmd.label;"
key="key_find" accesskey="&findCmd.accesskey; "
#ifdef XP_UNIX
#ifndef XP_MACOSX
< menuseparator / >
< menuitem id = "menu_preferences"
oncommand="Zotero.Utilities.Internal.openPreferences()" data-l10n-id="menu-preferences"/>
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< menu id = "mb-view" label = "&viewMenu.label;" >
< menupopup id = "mb-view-popup" >
< menu id = "mb-font-size-fields" label = "&fontSize.label;" >
< menupopup id = "mb-help-fields-popup" >
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< menuseparator / >
< menuitem id = "mb-view-restoreFont" label = "&zotero.general.reset;" key = "restore-font-size" command = "restore-font-size" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< menu id = "toolsMenu" label = "&toolsMenu.label;" accesskey = "&toolsMenu.accesskey;" >
< menupopup id = "menu_ToolsPopup" >
< menu id = "menu_template"
label="&scaffold.menu.template; "
< menupopup >
< menuitem label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.newWeb.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('newWeb')" / >
< menu label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.scrape.label;" >
< menupopup id = "menu_template_scrapePopup" >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-em" label = "Embedded Metadata" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeEM')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-ris" label = "RIS" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeRIS')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-bibtex" label = "BibTeX" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeBibTeX')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-marc" label = "MARC" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeMARC')" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< menuseparator / >
< menu id = "linter-menu"
label="&scaffold.menu.linter; "
< menupopup >
< menuitem id = "menu_eslintStatus" disabled = "true" / >
< menuitem id = "menu_toggleESLint" oncommand = "Scaffold.toggleESLint()" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< commandset id = "macCommandSet" > <!-- was mainCommandSet -->
< command id = "minimizeWindow"
label="&minimizeWindow.label; "
oncommand="window.minimize();" />
< command id = "zoomWindow"
label="&zoomWindow.label; "
oncommand="zoomWindow();" />
< / commandset >
< keyset id = "macKeyset" > <!-- was mainKeySet -->
< key id = "key_minimizeWindow"
key="&minimizeWindow.key; "
< key id = "key_quitApplication"
key="&quitApplicationCmdMac.key; "
2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< / keyset >
<!-- nsMenuBarX hides these and uses them to build the Application menu. -->
< menupopup id = "menu_FilePopup" >
< menuitem id = "menu_preferences"
label="&preferencesCmdMac.label; "
< menuitem id = "menu_mac_services"
label="&servicesMenuMac.label; "/>
< menuitem id = "menu_mac_hide_app"
label="&hideThisAppCmdMac.label; "
< menuitem id = "menu_mac_hide_others"
label="&hideOtherAppsCmdMac.label; "
< menuitem id = "menu_mac_show_all"
label="&showAllAppsCmdMac.label; "/>
< menuitem id = "menu_FileQuitItem"
label="&quitApplicationCmdMac.label; "
< / menupopup >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menu id = "windowMenu"
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
label="&windowMenu.label; "
datasources="rdf:window-mediator" ref="NC:WindowMediatorRoot"
< template >
< rule >
< menupopup >
< menuitem uri = "rdf:*"
< / menupopup >
< / rule >
< / template >
< menupopup id = "windowPopup" >
< menuitem command = "minimizeWindow" label = "&minimizeWindow.label;" key = "key_minimizeWindow" / >
< menuitem command = "zoomWindow" label = "&zoomWindow.label;" / >
<!-- decomment when "BringAllToFront" is implemented
< menuseparator / >
< menuitem label = "&bringAllToFront.label;" disabled = "true" / > -->
< menuseparator id = "sep-window-list" / >
< / menupopup >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< / menu >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
<!-- endif -->
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menu id = "helpMenu" label = "&helpMenu.label;" accesskey = "&helpMenu.accesskey;" >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< menupopup id = "mb-help-popup" >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-types" label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.itemTypes.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateAllTypes')" / >
< menu id = "mb-help-fields" label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.newItem.label;" >
< menupopup id = "mb-help-fields-popup" >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-book" label = "book" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'book')" / >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-booksection" label = "bookSection" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'bookSection')" / >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-conferencepaper" label = "conferencePaper" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'conferencePaper')" / >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-journalarticle" label = "journalArticle" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'journalArticle')" / >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-magazinearticle" label = "magazineArticle" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'magazineArticle')" / >
< menuitem id = "mb-help-fields-newspaperarticle" label = "newspaperArticle" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', 'newspaperArticle')" / >
< menu id = "mb-help-fields-more" label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.more.label;" >
< menupopup id = "mb-help-fields-more-popup" >
<!-- This will be filled on load with all other item types -->
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menubar >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< toolbar id = "zotero-toolbar" class = "toolbar toolbar-primary" >
< hbox id = "scaffold-toolbar" align = "center" >
< toolbarbutton id = "tb-load" tooltiptext = "&scaffold.toolbar.load.label;" command = "cmd_load" class = "zotero-tb-button" / >
< toolbarbutton id = "tb-save" tooltiptext = "&scaffold.toolbar.save.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.save()" class = "zotero-tb-button" / >
< toolbarbutton id = "tb-saveToZotero" tooltiptext = "&scaffold.toolbar.saveToZotero.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.save(true)" class = "zotero-tb-button" / >
< toolbarseparator / >
< toolbarbutton id = "tb-detect" tooltiptext = "&scaffold.toolbar.detect.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.run('detect')" class = "zotero-tb-button" / >
< toolbarbutton id = "tb-do" tooltiptext = "&scaffold.toolbar.do.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.run('do')" class = "zotero-tb-button" / >
< toolbarseparator / >
2022-08-17 16:47:39 -04:00
< toolbarbutton
tooltiptext="&scaffold.toolbar.template.label; "
2022-08-22 16:20:28 -04:00
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< menupopup >
< menuitem label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.newWeb.label;" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('newWeb')" / >
< menu label = "&scaffold.toolbar.template.scrape.label;" >
< menupopup id = "menu_template_scrapePopup" >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-em" label = "Embedded Metadata" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeEM')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-ris" label = "RIS" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeRIS')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-bibtex" label = "BibTeX" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeBibTeX')" / >
< menuitem id = "tb-template-scrape-marc" label = "MARC" oncommand = "Scaffold.addTemplate('scrapeMARC')" / >
< / menupopup >
< / menu >
< / menupopup >
< / toolbarbutton >
< / hbox >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / toolbar >
2023-12-24 13:13:25 +08:00
< hbox id = "appcontent" flex = "1" >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< tabbox id = "left-tabbox" flex = "2" width = "300" >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< tabs id = "tabs" >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< tab id = "tab-metadata" label = "&scaffold.tabs.metadata.label;" / >
< tab id = "tab-code" label = "&scaffold.tabs.code.label;" / >
< tab id = "tab-tests" label = "&scaffold.tabs.tests.label;" / >
< tab id = "tab-browser" label = "Browser" / >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< tab id = "tab-import" label = "&scaffold.tabs.import.label;" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / tabs >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< tabpanels flex = "1" id = "tabpanels" >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< tabpanel flex = "1" id = "tabpanel-metadata" >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< html:div id = "metadata-grid" >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorID.label;" control = "textbox-translatorID" / >
< html:div class = "button-row" >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-translatorID" / >
< button label = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorID.generate;" oncommand = "Scaffold.generateTranslatorID()" / >
< / html:div >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.label.label;" control = "textbox-label" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-label" flex = "1" value = "&scaffold.metadata.label.default;" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.creator.label;" control = "textbox-creator" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-creator" flex = "1" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.target.label;" control = "textbox-target" / >
< html:div class = "button-row" >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-target" flex = "1" / >
< button label = "&scaffold.metadata.target.testRegex;" oncommand = "Scaffold.logTargetRegex()" / >
< / html:div >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.targetAll.label;" control = "textbox-target-all" style = "display: none" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-target-all" flex = "1" style = "display: none" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.configOptions.label;" control = "textbox-configOptions" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-configOptions" flex = "1" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.displayOptions.label;" control = "textbox-displayOptions" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-displayOptions" flex = "1" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.minVersion.label;" control = "textbox-minVersion" / >
2023-12-06 15:50:13 -05:00
< html:div id = "metadata-bottom-row" >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-minVersion" value = "5.0" / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.priority.label;" control = "textbox-priority" / >
2023-12-06 15:50:13 -05:00
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-priority" value = "&scaffold.metadata.priority.default;" / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< / html:div >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.hiddenPrefs.label;" control = "textbox-hidden-prefs" style = "display: none" / >
< html:input type = "text" id = "textbox-hidden-prefs" flex = "1" style = "display: none" / >
< label class = "label-metadata" value = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorType.label;" / >
< html:div id = "checkboxes-translatorType" >
2022-08-22 16:20:28 -04:00
< checkbox id = "checkbox-import" label = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorType.import;" native = "true" / >
< checkbox id = "checkbox-export" label = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorType.export;" native = "true" / >
< checkbox id = "checkbox-web" label = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorType.web;" checked = "true" native = "true" / >
< checkbox id = "checkbox-search" label = "&scaffold.metadata.translatorType.search;" native = "true" / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< / html:div >
< / html:div >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / tabpanel >
< tabpanel flex = "1" id = "tabpanel-code" >
< vbox flex = "1" >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< iframe src = "monaco/monaco.html" id = "editor-code" flex = "1" onmousedown = "this.focus()" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / vbox >
< / tabpanel >
< tabpanel flex = "1" id = "tabpanel-tests" >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< vbox flex = "1" >
2022-12-20 13:19:22 -05:00
<!-- The `height` attribute on the vbox and iframe is overridden by `flex`. Without it,
though, the richlistbox grows when tests are added. -->
< vbox flex = "1" height = "auto" >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< keyset >
< key id = "key-delete-tests" observes = "validate-tests" keycode = "VK_BACK" oncommand = "Scaffold.deleteSelectedTests()" / >
< / keyset >
< listheader >
< treecol label = "&scaffold.testing.input.label;" flex = "1" / >
< treecol label = "&scaffold.testing.status.label;" width = "150" / >
< treecol label = "&scaffold.testing.defer.label;" / >
< / listheader >
< richlistbox
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< hbox >
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.delete;" tooltiptext = "Delete the selected tests" oncommand = "Scaffold.deleteSelectedTests()" / >
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.run;" tooltiptext = "Run the selected tests" oncommand = "Scaffold.runSelectedTests()" / >
2022-03-02 22:30:50 -05:00
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.update;" tooltiptext = "Run the selected tests and update the test definitions with the latest data" oncommand = "Scaffold.updateSelectedTests()" / >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< / hbox >
< / vbox >
2022-12-20 13:19:22 -05:00
< splitter / >
< iframe src = "monaco/monaco.html" id = "editor-tests" flex = "2" height = "auto" onmousedown = "this.focus()" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / vbox >
< / tabpanel >
< tabpanel >
< vbox flex = "1" >
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< label control = "textbox-tabUrl" value = "&scaffold.tabUrl.label;" / >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< html:input id = "browser-url" style = "-moz-box-flex: 1;" / >
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.create.web;" tooltiptext = "Create a new test from the current page" oncommand = "Scaffold.saveTestFromCurrent('web')" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / hbox >
2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
< browser
2021-12-28 17:32:56 -08:00
< / vbox >
< / tabpanel >
< tabpanel flex = "1" id = "tabpanel-import" >
< vbox flex = "1" >
< hbox align = "right" >
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.create.import;" tooltiptext = "Create a new test from the current import data" oncommand = "Scaffold.saveTestFromCurrent('import')" / >
< button observes = "validate-tests" label = "&scaffold.testing.create.search;" tooltiptext = "Create a new test from the current search data" oncommand = "Scaffold.saveTestFromCurrent('search')" / >
< / hbox >
< iframe src = "monaco/monaco.html" id = "editor-import" flex = "1" onmousedown = "this.focus()" / >
2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
< / vbox >
< / tabpanel >
< / tabpanels >
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2023-12-24 13:13:25 +08:00
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2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
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2022-06-08 17:16:50 -05:00
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2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
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2020-05-17 04:08:43 -04:00
< keyset >
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2019-08-02 06:09:36 -04:00
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