262 lines
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262 lines
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![]() |
describe("Zotero.Utilities.Item", function() {
describe("itemFromCSLJSON", function () {
it("should stably perform itemToCSLJSON -> itemFromCSLJSON -> itemToCSLJSON", function* () {
let data = loadSampleData('citeProcJSExport');
for (let i in data) {
let json = data[i];
// TEMP: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/issues/1667
if (i == 'podcast') {
delete json['collection-title'];
let item = new Zotero.Item();
Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON(item, json);
yield item.saveTx();
let newJSON = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(item);
delete newJSON.id;
delete json.id;
assert.deepEqual(newJSON, json, i + ' export -> import -> export is stable');
it("should recognize the legacy shortTitle key", function* () {
let data = loadSampleData('citeProcJSExport');
var json = data.artwork;
var canonicalKeys = Object.keys(json);
json.shortTitle = json["title-short"];
delete json["title-short"];
let item = new Zotero.Item();
Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON(item, json);
yield item.saveTx();
let newJSON = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(item);
assert.hasAllKeys(newJSON, canonicalKeys);
it("should import exported standalone note", function* () {
let note = new Zotero.Item('note');
note.setNote('Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.');
yield note.saveTx();
let jsonNote = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(note);
let item = new Zotero.Item();
Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON(item, jsonNote);
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), jsonNote.title, 'title imported correctly');
it("should import exported standalone attachment", function* () {
let attachment = yield importFileAttachment("empty.pdf");
attachment.setField('title', 'Empty');
attachment.setField('accessDate', '2001-02-03 12:13:14');
attachment.setField('url', 'http://example.com');
yield attachment.saveTx();
let jsonAttachment = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(attachment);
let item = new Zotero.Item();
Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON(item, jsonAttachment);
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), jsonAttachment.title, 'title imported correctly');
// For Zotero.Item created in translation sandbox in connectors
it("should not depend on Zotero.Item existing", function* () {
let item = new Zotero.Item;
var Item = Zotero.Item;
delete Zotero.Item;
assert.throws(() => "" instanceof Zotero.Item);
let data = loadSampleData('citeProcJSExport');
assert.doesNotThrow(Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON.bind(Zotero.Utilities, item, Object.values(data)[0]));
Zotero.Item = Item;
assert.doesNotThrow(() => "" instanceof Zotero.Item);
describe("itemToCSLJSON", function() {
it("should accept Zotero.Item and Zotero export item format", Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData(loadSampleData('journalArticle'));
let item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(data.journalArticle.id);
let fromZoteroItem;
try {
fromZoteroItem = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(item);
} catch(e) {
assert.fail(e, null, 'accepts Zotero Item');
assert.isObject(fromZoteroItem, 'converts Zotero Item to object');
assert.isNotNull(fromZoteroItem, 'converts Zotero Item to non-null object');
let fromExportItem;
try {
fromExportItem = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(
} catch(e) {
assert.fail(e, null, 'accepts Zotero export item');
assert.isObject(fromExportItem, 'converts Zotero export item to object');
assert.isNotNull(fromExportItem, 'converts Zotero export item to non-null object');
assert.deepEqual(fromZoteroItem, fromExportItem, 'conversion from Zotero Item and from export item are the same');
it("should convert standalone notes to expected format", Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
let note = new Zotero.Item('note');
note.setNote('Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.');
yield note.saveTx();
let cslJSONNote = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(note);
assert.equal(cslJSONNote.type, 'article', 'note is exported as "article"');
assert.equal(cslJSONNote.title, note.getNoteTitle(), 'note title is set to Zotero pseudo-title');
it("should convert standalone attachments to expected format", Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({"file":file});
attachment.setField('title', 'Empty');
attachment.setField('accessDate', '2001-02-03 12:13:14');
attachment.setField('url', 'http://example.com');
yield attachment.saveTx();
let cslJSONAttachment = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(attachment);
assert.equal(cslJSONAttachment.type, 'article', 'attachment is exported as "article"');
assert.equal(cslJSONAttachment.title, 'Empty', 'attachment title is correct');
assert.deepEqual(cslJSONAttachment.accessed, {"date-parts":[["2001",2,3]]}, 'attachment access date is mapped correctly');
it("should refuse to convert unexpected item types", Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData(loadSampleData('journalArticle'));
let item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(data.journalArticle.id);
let exportFormat = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.itemToExportFormat(item);
exportFormat.itemType = 'foo';
assert.throws(Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON.bind(Zotero.Utilities, exportFormat), /^Unexpected Zotero Item type ".*"$/, 'throws an error when trying to map invalid item types');
it("should parse particles in creator names", function* () {
let creators = [
// No particles
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
creatorType: 'author',
expect: {
given: 'John',
family: 'Smith'
// dropping and non-dropping
firstName: 'Jean de',
lastName: 'la Fontaine',
creatorType: 'author',
expect: {
given: 'Jean',
"dropping-particle": 'de',
"non-dropping-particle": 'la',
family: 'Fontaine'
// only non-dropping
firstName: 'Vincent',
lastName: 'van Gogh',
creatorType: 'author',
expect: {
given: 'Vincent',
"non-dropping-particle": 'van',
family: 'Gogh'
// only dropping
firstName: 'Alexander von',
lastName: 'Humboldt',
creatorType: 'author',
expect: {
given: 'Alexander',
"dropping-particle": 'von',
family: 'Humboldt'
// institutional author
lastName: 'Jean de la Fontaine',
creatorType: 'author',
fieldMode: 1,
expect: {
literal: 'Jean de la Fontaine'
// protected last name
firstName: 'Jean de',
lastName: '"la Fontaine"',
creatorType: 'author',
expect: {
given: 'Jean de',
family: 'la Fontaine'
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData({
item: {
itemType: 'journalArticle',
creators: creators
let item = Zotero.Items.get(data.item.id);
let cslCreators = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(item).author;
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[0], creators[0].expect, 'simple name is not parsed');
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[1], creators[1].expect, 'name with dropping and non-dropping particles is parsed');
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[2], creators[2].expect, 'name with only non-dropping particle is parsed');
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[3], creators[3].expect, 'name with only dropping particle is parsed');
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[4], creators[4].expect, 'institutional author is not parsed');
assert.deepEqual(cslCreators[5], creators[5].expect, 'protected last name prevents parsing');
it("should convert UTC access date to local time", async function () {
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
var item = new Zotero.Item('webpage');
var localDate;
if (offset < 0) {
localDate = '2019-01-09 00:00:00';
else if (offset > 0) {
localDate = '2019-01-09 23:59:59';
// Can't test timezone offset if in UTC
else {
var utcDate = Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(localDate);
item.setField('accessDate', Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(utcDate, true));
await item.saveTx();
let accessed = Zotero.Utilities.itemToCSLJSON(item).accessed;
assert.equal(accessed['date-parts'][0][0], 2019);
assert.equal(accessed['date-parts'][0][1], 1);
assert.equal(accessed['date-parts'][0][2], 9);