.label = Automatically retrieve metadata for PDFs and ebooks
preferences-file-renaming-title = File Renaming
preferences-file-renaming-intro = { -app-name } automatically renames downloaded files based on the details of the parent item (title, author, etc.). You can choose to rename files added from your computer as well.
preferences-file-renaming-auto-rename-files =
.label = Automatically rename locally added files
preferences-file-renaming-customize-button =
.label = Customize Filename Format…
preferences-file-renaming-format-title = Filename Format
preferences-file-renaming-format-instructions = You can customize the filename pattern { -app-name } uses to rename attachment files from parent metadata.
preferences-file-renaming-format-instructions-example = For example, “{ $example }” in this template will be replaced with the title of the parent item, truncated at 50 characters.
preferences-file-renaming-format-instructions-more = See the <label data-l10n-name="file-renaming-format-help-link">documentation</label> for more information.