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"use strict";
describe("Zotero.Sync.Data.Local", function() {
describe("#getAPIKey()/#setAPIKey()", function () {
it("should get and set an API key", function* () {
var apiKey1 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(24);
var apiKey2 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(24);
assert.equal(Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getAPIKey(apiKey1), apiKey1);
assert.equal(Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getAPIKey(apiKey2), apiKey2);
it("should clear an API key by setting an empty string", function* () {
var apiKey = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(24);
assert.strictEqual(Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getAPIKey(apiKey), "");
describe("#checkUser()", function () {
var resetDataDirFile = OS.Path.join(Zotero.getZoteroDirectory().path, 'reset-data-directory');
before(function() {
sinon.stub(Zotero.Utilities.Internal, 'quitZotero');
beforeEach(function* () {
yield OS.File.remove(resetDataDirFile, {ignoreAbsent: true});
after(function() {
it("should prompt for data reset and create a temp 'reset-data-directory' file on accept", function* (){
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUsername("A");
2016-04-27 01:32:18 +00:00
var handled = false;
waitForDialog(function (dialog) {
var text = dialog.document.documentElement.textContent;
2016-04-27 01:32:18 +00:00
var matches = text.match(/[^]*/g);
assert.equal(matches.length, 3);
2016-04-27 01:32:18 +00:00
assert.equal(matches[0], "A");
assert.equal(matches[1], "B");
assert.equal(matches[2], "A");
dialog.document.getElementById('zotero-hardConfirmationDialog-checkbox').checked = true;
.dispatchEvent(new Event('command'));
2016-04-27 01:32:18 +00:00
handled = true;
}, 'accept', 'chrome://zotero/content/hardConfirmationDialog.xul');
var cont = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.checkUser(window, 2, "B");
var resetDataDirFileExists = yield OS.File.exists(resetDataDirFile);
2016-04-27 01:32:18 +00:00
it("should prompt for data reset and cancel", function* () {
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUsername("A");
waitForDialog(false, 'cancel', 'chrome://zotero/content/hardConfirmationDialog.xul');
var cont = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.checkUser(window, 2, "B");
var resetDataDirFileExists = yield OS.File.exists(resetDataDirFile);
assert.equal(Zotero.Users.getCurrentUserID(), 1);
assert.equal(Zotero.Users.getCurrentUsername(), "A");
// extra1 functionality not used at the moment
it.skip("should prompt for data reset and allow to choose a new data directory", function* (){
sinon.stub(Zotero, 'forceNewDataDirectory').returns(true);
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUsername("A");
waitForDialog(null, 'extra1', 'chrome://zotero/content/hardConfirmationDialog.xul');
var cont = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.checkUser(window, 2, "B");
var resetDataDirFileExists = yield OS.File.exists(resetDataDirFile);
describe("#getLatestCacheObjectVersions", function () {
before(function* () {
2016-01-17 22:56:38 +00:00
yield resetDB({
thisArg: this,
skipBundledFiles: true
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObjects(
key: 'AAAAAAAA',
version: 2,
title: "A2"
key: 'AAAAAAAA',
version: 1,
title: "A1"
key: 'BBBBBBBB',
version: 1,
title: "B1"
key: 'BBBBBBBB',
version: 2,
title: "B2"
key: 'CCCCCCCC',
version: 3,
title: "C"
it("should return latest version of all objects if no keys passed", function* () {
var versions = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getLatestCacheObjectVersions(
var keys = Object.keys(versions);
assert.lengthOf(keys, 3);
assert.sameMembers(keys, ['AAAAAAAA', 'BBBBBBBB', 'CCCCCCCC']);
assert.equal(versions.AAAAAAAA, 2);
assert.equal(versions.BBBBBBBB, 2);
assert.equal(versions.CCCCCCCC, 3);
it("should return latest version of objects with passed keys", function* () {
var versions = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getLatestCacheObjectVersions(
var keys = Object.keys(versions);
assert.lengthOf(keys, 2);
assert.sameMembers(keys, ['AAAAAAAA', 'CCCCCCCC']);
assert.equal(versions.AAAAAAAA, 2);
assert.equal(versions.CCCCCCCC, 3);
describe("#processObjectsFromJSON()", function () {
var types = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getTypes();
beforeEach(function* () {
2016-01-17 22:56:38 +00:00
yield resetDB({
thisArg: this,
skipBundledFiles: true
it("should update local version number and mark as synced if remote version is identical", function* () {
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
for (let type of types) {
let objectsClass = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getObjectsClassForObjectType(type);
let obj = yield createDataObject(type);
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
let data = obj.toJSON();
data.key = obj.key;
data.version = 10;
let json = {
key: obj.key,
version: 10,
data: data
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
type, libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
let localObj = objectsClass.getByLibraryAndKey(libraryID, obj.key);
assert.equal(localObj.version, 10);
it("should keep local item changes while applying non-conflicting remote changes", function* () {
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var type = 'item';
let obj = yield createDataObject(type, { version: 5 });
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
let data = obj.toJSON();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObjects(
type, libraryID, [data]
// Change local title
yield modifyDataObject(obj)
var changedTitle = obj.getField('title');
// Save remote version to cache without title but with changed place
data.key = obj.key;
data.version = 10;
var changedPlace = data.place = 'New York';
let json = {
key: obj.key,
version: 10,
data: data
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
type, libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
assert.equal(obj.version, 10);
assert.equal(obj.getField('title'), changedTitle);
assert.equal(obj.getField('place'), changedPlace);
it("should delete older versions in sync cache after processing", function* () {
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
for (let type of types) {
let objectsClass = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getObjectsClassForObjectType(type);
// Save original version
let obj = yield createDataObject(type, { version: 5 });
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
let data = obj.toJSON();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObjects(
type, libraryID, [data]
// Save newer version
data.version = 10;
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
type, libraryID, [data], { stopOnError: true }
let localObj = objectsClass.getByLibraryAndKey(libraryID, obj.key);
assert.equal(localObj.version, 10);
let versions = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getCacheObjectVersions(
type, libraryID, obj.key
"should have only latest version of " + type + " in cache"
it("should delete object from sync queue after processing", function* () {
var objectType = 'item';
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var key = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.addObjectsToSyncQueue(objectType, libraryID, [key]);
var versions = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getObjectsFromSyncQueue(objectType, libraryID);
assert.include(versions, key);
var json = {
version: 10,
data: {
version: 10,
itemType: "book",
title: "Test"
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
objectType, libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
var versions = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getObjectsFromSyncQueue(objectType, libraryID);
assert.notInclude(versions, key);
it("should mark new attachment items and library for download", function* () {
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
var libraryID = library.id;
Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setModeForLibrary(libraryID, 'zfs');
var key = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var version = 10;
var json = {
data: {
itemType: 'attachment',
linkMode: 'imported_file',
md5: '57f8a4fda823187b91e1191487b87fe6',
mtime: 1442261130615
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
'item', libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
var item = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(libraryID, key);
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD);
it("should mark updated attachment items for download", function* () {
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
var libraryID = library.id;
Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setModeForLibrary(libraryID, 'zfs');
var item = yield importFileAttachment('test.png');
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
yield item.saveTx();
// Set file as synced
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = yield item.attachmentModificationTime;
item.attachmentSyncedHash = yield item.attachmentHash;
item.attachmentSyncState = "in_sync";
yield item.saveTx({ skipAll: true });
// Simulate download of version with updated attachment
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
var json = item.toResponseJSON();
json.version = 10;
json.data.version = 10;
json.data.md5 = '57f8a4fda823187b91e1191487b87fe6';
json.data.mtime = new Date().getTime() + 10000;
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
'item', libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD);
it("should ignore attachment metadata when resolving metadata conflict", function* () {
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setModeForLibrary(libraryID, 'zfs');
var item = yield importFileAttachment('test.png');
item.version = 5;
yield item.saveTx();
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
var json = item.toResponseJSON();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObjects('item', libraryID, [json]);
// Set file as synced
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = yield item.attachmentModificationTime;
item.attachmentSyncedHash = yield item.attachmentHash;
item.attachmentSyncState = "in_sync";
yield item.saveTx({ skipAll: true });
// Modify title locally, leaving item unsynced
var newTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
item.setField('title', newTitle);
yield item.saveTx();
// Simulate download of version with original title but updated attachment
json.version = 10;
json.data.version = 10;
json.data.md5 = '57f8a4fda823187b91e1191487b87fe6';
json.data.mtime = new Date().getTime() + 10000;
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON(
'item', libraryID, [json], { stopOnError: true }
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), newTitle);
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 21:05:51 +00:00
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD);
it("should roll back partial object changes on error", function* () {
var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.publicationsLibraryID;
var key1 = "AAAAAAAA";
var key2 = "BBBBBBBB";
var json = [
key: key1,
version: 1,
data: {
key: key1,
version: 1,
itemType: "book",
title: "Test A"
key: key2,
version: 1,
data: {
key: key2,
version: 1,
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test B",
deleted: true // Not allowed in My Publications
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.processObjectsFromJSON('item', libraryID, json);
// Shouldn't roll back the successful item
yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE libraryID=? AND key=?", [libraryID, key1]
), 1);
// Should rollback the unsuccessful item
yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE libraryID=? AND key=?", [libraryID, key2]
), 0);
describe("Sync Queue", function () {
var lib1, lib2;
before(function* () {
lib1 = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
lib2 = Zotero.Libraries.publicationsLibraryID;
beforeEach(function* () {
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync("DELETE FROM syncQueue");
after(function* () {
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync("DELETE FROM syncQueue");
describe("#addObjectsToSyncQueue()", function () {
it("should add new objects and update lastCheck and tries for existing objects", function* () {
var objectType = 'item';
var syncObjectTypeID = Zotero.Sync.Data.Utilities.getSyncObjectTypeID(objectType);
var now = Zotero.Date.getUnixTimestamp();
var key1 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key2 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key3 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key4 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
"INSERT INTO syncQueue (libraryID, key, syncObjectTypeID, lastCheck, tries) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
lib1, key1, syncObjectTypeID, now - 3700, 0,
lib1, key2, syncObjectTypeID, now - 7000, 1,
lib2, key3, syncObjectTypeID, now - 86400, 2
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.addObjectsToSyncQueue(objectType, lib1, [key1, key2]);
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.addObjectsToSyncQueue(objectType, lib2, [key4]);
var sql = "SELECT lastCheck, tries FROM syncQueue WHERE libraryID=? "
+ `AND syncObjectTypeID=${syncObjectTypeID} AND key=?`;
var row;
// key1
row = yield Zotero.DB.rowQueryAsync(sql, [lib1, key1]);
assert.approximately(row.lastCheck, now, 1);
assert.equal(row.tries, 1);
// key2
row = yield Zotero.DB.rowQueryAsync(sql, [lib1, key2]);
assert.approximately(row.lastCheck, now, 1);
assert.equal(row.tries, 2);
// key3
row = yield Zotero.DB.rowQueryAsync(sql, [lib2, key3]);
assert.equal(row.lastCheck, now - 86400);
assert.equal(row.tries, 2);
// key4
row = yield Zotero.DB.rowQueryAsync(sql, [lib2, key4]);
assert.approximately(row.lastCheck, now, 1);
assert.equal(row.tries, 0);
describe("#getObjectsToTryFromSyncQueue()", function () {
it("should get objects that should be retried", function* () {
var objectType = 'item';
var syncObjectTypeID = Zotero.Sync.Data.Utilities.getSyncObjectTypeID(objectType);
var now = Zotero.Date.getUnixTimestamp();
var key1 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key2 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key3 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key4 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
"INSERT INTO syncQueue (libraryID, key, syncObjectTypeID, lastCheck, tries) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
lib1, key1, syncObjectTypeID, now - (30 * 60) - 10, 0, // more than half an hour, so should be retried
lib1, key2, syncObjectTypeID, now - (16 * 60 * 60) + 10, 4, // less than 16 hours, shouldn't be retried
lib2, key3, syncObjectTypeID, now - 86400 * 7, 20 // more than 64 hours, so should be retried
var keys = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getObjectsToTryFromSyncQueue('item', lib1);
assert.sameMembers(keys, [key1]);
var keys = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getObjectsToTryFromSyncQueue('item', lib2);
assert.sameMembers(keys, [key3]);
describe("#removeObjectsFromSyncQueue()", function () {
it("should remove objects from the sync queue", function* () {
var objectType = 'item';
var syncObjectTypeID = Zotero.Sync.Data.Utilities.getSyncObjectTypeID(objectType);
var now = Zotero.Date.getUnixTimestamp();
var key1 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key2 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
var key3 = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(
"INSERT INTO syncQueue (libraryID, key, syncObjectTypeID, lastCheck, tries) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
lib1, key1, syncObjectTypeID, now, 0,
lib1, key2, syncObjectTypeID, now, 4,
lib2, key3, syncObjectTypeID, now, 20
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.removeObjectsFromSyncQueue('item', lib1, [key1]);
var sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM syncQueue WHERE libraryID=? "
+ `AND syncObjectTypeID=${syncObjectTypeID} AND key=?`;
assert.notOk(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, [lib1, key1]));
assert.ok(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, [lib1, key2]));
assert.ok(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, [lib2, key3]));
describe("#resetSyncQueueTries", function () {
var spy;
after(function () {
if (spy) {
it("should be run on version upgrade", function* () {
var sql = "REPLACE INTO settings (setting, key, value) VALUES ('client', 'lastVersion', ?)";
yield Zotero.DB.queryAsync(sql, "5.0foo");
spy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Sync.Data.Local, "resetSyncQueueTries");
yield Zotero.Schema.updateSchema();
describe("#_reconcileChanges()", function () {
describe("items", function () {
it("should ignore non-conflicting local changes and return remote changes", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 1",
url: "http://zotero.org/",
publicationTitle: "Publisher", // Remove locally
extra: "Extra", // Removed on both
dateModified: "2015-05-14 12:34:56",
collections: [
'AAAAAAAA', // Removed locally
'DDDDDDDD', // Removed remotely,
'EEEEEEEE' // Removed from both
relations: {
a: 'A', // Unchanged string
c: ['C1', 'C2'], // Unchanged array
d: 'D', // String removed locally
e: ['E'], // Array removed locally
f: 'F1', // String changed locally
g: [
'G1', // Unchanged
'G2', // Removed remotely
'G3' // Removed from both
h: 'H', // String removed remotely
i: ['I'], // Array removed remotely
tags: [
{ tag: 'A' }, // Removed locally
{ tag: 'D' }, // Removed remotely
{ tag: 'E' } // Removed from both
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 2", // Changed locally
url: "https://www.zotero.org/", // Same change on local and remote
place: "Place", // Added locally
dateModified: "2015-05-14 14:12:34", // Changed locally and remotely, but ignored
collections: [
'BBBBBBBB', // Added locally
'FFFFFFFF' // Added on both
relations: {
'a': 'A',
'b': 'B', // String added locally
'f': 'F2',
'g': [
'G6' // Added locally and remotely
h: 'H', // String removed remotely
i: ['I'], // Array removed remotely
tags: [
{ tag: 'B' },
{ tag: 'D' },
{ tag: 'F', type: 1 }, // Added on both
{ tag: 'G' }, // Added on both, but with different types
{ tag: 'H', type: 1 } // Added on both, but with different types
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1235,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 1",
url: "https://www.zotero.org/",
publicationTitle: "Publisher",
date: "2015-05-15", // Added remotely
dateModified: "2015-05-14 13:45:12",
collections: [
'CCCCCCCC', // Added remotely
relations: {
'a': 'A',
'd': 'D',
'e': ['E'],
'f': 'F1',
'g': [
'G4', // Added remotely
tags: [
{ tag: 'A' },
{ tag: 'C' },
{ tag: 'F', type: 1 },
{ tag: 'G', type: 1 },
{ tag: 'H' }
var ignoreFields = ['dateAdded', 'dateModified'];
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'item', cacheJSON, json1, json2, ignoreFields
field: "date",
op: "add",
value: "2015-05-15"
field: "collections",
op: "member-add",
value: "CCCCCCCC"
field: "collections",
op: "member-remove",
value: "DDDDDDDD"
// Relations
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-remove",
value: {
key: 'g',
value: 'G2'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: 'g',
value: 'G4'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-remove",
value: {
key: 'h',
value: 'H'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-remove",
value: {
key: 'i',
value: 'I'
// Tags
field: "tags",
op: "member-add",
value: {
tag: 'C'
field: "tags",
op: "member-remove",
value: {
tag: 'D'
field: "tags",
op: "member-remove",
value: {
tag: 'H',
type: 1
field: "tags",
op: "member-add",
value: {
tag: 'H'
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should return empty arrays when no remote changes to apply", function () {
// Similar to above but without differing remote changes
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 1",
url: "http://zotero.org/",
publicationTitle: "Publisher", // Remove locally
extra: "Extra", // Removed on both
dateModified: "2015-05-14 12:34:56",
collections: [
'AAAAAAAA', // Removed locally
'EEEEEEEE' // Removed from both
tags: [
tag: 'A' // Removed locally
tag: 'D' // Removed remotely
tag: 'E' // Removed from both
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 2", // Changed locally
url: "https://www.zotero.org/", // Same change on local and remote
place: "Place", // Added locally
dateModified: "2015-05-14 14:12:34", // Changed locally and remotely, but ignored
collections: [
'BBBBBBBB', // Added locally
'FFFFFFFF' // Added on both
tags: [
tag: 'B'
tag: 'D'
tag: 'F', // Added on both
type: 1
tag: 'G' // Added on both, but with different types
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1235,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title 1",
url: "https://www.zotero.org/",
publicationTitle: "Publisher",
dateModified: "2015-05-14 13:45:12",
collections: [
tags: [
tag: 'A'
tag: 'D'
tag: 'F',
type: 1
tag: 'G',
type: 1
var ignoreFields = ['dateAdded', 'dateModified'];
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'item', cacheJSON, json1, json2, ignoreFields
assert.lengthOf(result.changes, 0);
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should return conflict when changes can't be automatically resolved", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
title: "Title 1",
dateModified: "2015-05-14 12:34:56"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
title: "Title 2",
dateModified: "2015-05-14 14:12:34"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1235,
title: "Title 3",
dateModified: "2015-05-14 13:45:12"
var ignoreFields = ['dateAdded', 'dateModified'];
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'item', cacheJSON, json1, json2, ignoreFields
assert.lengthOf(result.changes, 0);
field: "title",
op: "modify",
value: "Title 2"
field: "title",
op: "modify",
value: "Title 3"
it("should automatically merge array/object members and generate conflicts for field changes in absence of cached version", function () {
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title",
creators: [
name: "Center for History and New Media",
creatorType: "author"
place: "Place", // Local
dateModified: "2015-05-14 14:12:34", // Changed on both, but ignored
collections: [
'AAAAAAAA' // Local
relations: {
'a': 'A',
'b': 'B', // Local
'e': 'E1',
'f': [
'F2' // Local
h: 'H', // String removed remotely
i: ['I'], // Array removed remotely
tags: [
{ tag: 'A' }, // Local
{ tag: 'C' },
{ tag: 'F', type: 1 },
{ tag: 'G' }, // Different types
{ tag: 'H', type: 1 } // Different types
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1235,
itemType: "book",
title: "Title",
creators: [
creatorType: "author", // Different property order shouldn't matter
name: "Center for History and New Media"
date: "2015-05-15", // Remote
dateModified: "2015-05-14 13:45:12",
collections: [
'BBBBBBBB' // Remote
relations: {
'a': 'A',
'c': 'C', // Remote
'd': ['D'], // Remote
'e': 'E2',
'f': [
'F3' // Remote
tags: [
{ tag: 'B' }, // Remote
{ tag: 'C' },
{ tag: 'F', type: 1 },
{ tag: 'G', type: 1 }, // Different types
{ tag: 'H' } // Different types
var ignoreFields = ['dateAdded', 'dateModified'];
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'item', false, json1, json2, ignoreFields
// Collections
field: "collections",
op: "member-add",
value: "BBBBBBBB"
// Relations
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: 'c',
value: 'C'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: 'd',
value: 'D'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: 'e',
value: 'E2'
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: 'f',
value: 'F3'
// Tags
field: "tags",
op: "member-add",
value: {
tag: 'B'
field: "tags",
op: "member-add",
value: {
tag: 'G',
type: 1
field: "tags",
op: "member-add",
value: {
tag: 'H'
field: "place",
op: "add",
value: "Place"
field: "place",
op: "delete"
field: "date",
op: "delete"
field: "date",
op: "add",
value: "2015-05-15"
describe("collections", function () {
it("should ignore non-conflicting local changes and return remote changes", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
parentCollection: null,
relations: {
A: "A", // Removed locally
C: "C" // Removed on both
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2", // Changed locally
parentCollection: null,
relations: {}
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
parentCollection: "BBBBBBBB", // Added remotely
relations: {
A: "A",
B: "B" // Added remotely
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'collection', cacheJSON, json1, json2
field: "parentCollection",
op: "add",
value: "BBBBBBBB"
field: "relations",
op: "property-member-add",
value: {
key: "B",
value: "B"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should return empty arrays when no remote changes to apply", function () {
// Similar to above but without differing remote changes
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2", // Changed locally
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
// Added locally
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', cacheJSON, json1, json2
assert.lengthOf(result.changes, 0);
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should automatically resolve conflicts with remote version", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 3"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', cacheJSON, json1, json2
field: "name",
op: "modify",
value: "Name 3"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should automatically resolve conflicts in absence of cached version", function () {
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', false, json1, json2
field: "name",
op: "modify",
value: "Name 2"
field: "conditions",
op: "member-add",
value: {
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
describe("searches", function () {
it("should ignore non-conflicting local changes and return remote changes", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2", // Changed locally
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
// Removed remotely
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
// Added remotely
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', cacheJSON, json1, json2
field: "conditions",
op: "member-add",
value: {
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
field: "conditions",
op: "member-remove",
value: {
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should return empty arrays when no remote changes to apply", function () {
// Similar to above but without differing remote changes
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2", // Changed locally
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
// Added locally
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', cacheJSON, json1, json2
assert.lengthOf(result.changes, 0);
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should automatically resolve conflicts with remote version", function () {
var cacheJSON = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1"
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 3"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', cacheJSON, json1, json2
field: "name",
op: "modify",
value: "Name 3"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
it("should automatically resolve conflicts in absence of cached version", function () {
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 1",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "New York"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
name: "Name 2",
conditions: [
condition: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "A"
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChanges(
'search', false, json1, json2
field: "name",
op: "modify",
value: "Name 2"
field: "conditions",
op: "member-add",
value: {
condition: "place",
operator: "is",
value: "Chicago"
assert.lengthOf(result.conflicts, 0);
describe("#reconcileChangesWithoutCache()", function () {
it("should return conflict for conflicting fields", function () {
var json1 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1234,
title: "Title 1",
pages: 10,
dateModified: "2015-05-14 14:12:34"
var json2 = {
key: "AAAAAAAA",
version: 1235,
title: "Title 2",
place: "New York",
dateModified: "2015-05-14 13:45:12"
var ignoreFields = ['dateAdded', 'dateModified'];
var result = Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._reconcileChangesWithoutCache(
'item', json1, json2, ignoreFields
assert.lengthOf(result.changes, 0);
field: "title",
op: "add",
value: "Title 1"
field: "title",
op: "add",
value: "Title 2"
field: "pages",
op: "add",
value: 10
field: "pages",
op: "delete"
field: "place",
op: "delete"
field: "place",
op: "add",
value: "New York"