177 lines
5.1 KiB
177 lines
5.1 KiB
![]() |
"creator":"Nathan Schneider",
"lastUpdated":"2008-12-06 10:21:05"
// based on ACM translator
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == 'x') return prefix; else return null;
} : namespace;
var bibXpath = "//a[./text() = 'bib']"
if(doc.evaluate(bibXpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext()) {
return "multiple"
//commenting out single stuff
// if (url.indexOf("/anthology-new/J/")>-1)
// return "journalArticle";
// else
// return "conferencePaper";
function scrapeIndex(doc, items) {
var results;
var doImport;
if (items != null) { // Import user-selected item(s)
results = items;
doImport = true;
else {
bibFileNodes = doc.evaluate('//a[substring(@href, string-length(@href)-3, 4) = ".bib"]', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
results = new Array();
doImport = false;
var bibFileNode = bibFileNodes.iterateNext();
while (bibFileNode) {
var bibFileName = bibFileNode.getAttribute("href");
var bibFile = bibFileName.substring(0, bibFileName.length-4);
var bNodes = doc.evaluate('//a[@href="' + bibFileName + '"]/following-sibling::b[position()=1]', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); // These nodes contain author information
// Extract authors' last names
var authorLasts = new Array();
var bNode = bNodes.iterateNext();
var authorsS = bNode.innerHTML; // may include markup: potentially <author>, <first>, <von>, and/or <last> tags
authorsS = authorsS.replace(/[<][/]?author[>]/g, "");
var authors = authorsS.split("; ");
for (var a in authors) {
var authorS = authors[a];
var m = authorS.match(/[<]von[>]([^<]+)[<][/]von[>]/);
var last = "";
if (m!=null) // we expect there is a <last> tag if there is a <von> tag
last = m[1] + " ";
m = authorS.match(/[<]last[>]([^<]+)[<][/]last[>]/);
if (m!=null)
last += m[1];
else {
var name = authorS.replace(/[<][^>]+[>]/g, ""); // remove all markup
if (name=="Entire volume")
last = name;
else {
var parts = name.split(" ");
last = parts[parts.length-1];
if (parts.length>1) {
var penultInitial = parts[parts.length-2].substr(0,1);
if (penultInitial.toUpperCase()!=penultInitial) // e.g. van Dyke
last = name[parts.length-2] + " " + last;
// Prepare result for this item, which consists of the relative path to the .bib file (minus the extension)
// followed by a space and the authors' last names (abbreviated format)
var result = bibFile + " ";
if (authorLasts.length<3)
result += authorLasts.join(" & ");
result += authorLasts[0] + "+";
bibFileNode = bibFileNodes.iterateNext();
if (!doImport)
return results;
for (var i in results) {
var ii = results[i].indexOf(" ");
var fileRelPath = results[i].substring(0, ii);
var authorsShort = results[i].substring(ii+1);
var fileName = fileRelPath.substring(fileRelPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var bibFile = fileRelPath + ".bib";
var pageurl = doc.location.href;
var lastSlash = pageurl.lastIndexOf("/");
var dirInUrl = pageurl.substring(0, lastSlash+1);
var fileInUrl = pageurl.substring(lastSlash+1, pageurl.indexOf("#", lastSlash));
var bib = dirInUrl + fileRelPath + ".bib";
var pdf = dirInUrl + fileRelPath + ".pdf";
var j = fileRelPath.lastIndexOf("-");
var yearShort = fileRelPath.substring(j-2, j);
var year = "";
if (new Number(yearShort) < 50)
year = "20" + yearShort;
year = "19" + yearShort;
var attachments = new Array();
attachments.push({title:authorsShort + " " + year + ".pdf", mimeType:"application/pdf", url:pdf});
var type = "";
if (pageurl.indexOf("/anthology-new/J/")>-1)
type = "journalArticle";
type = "conferencePaper";
if (doImport)
callTranslator(bib, type, attachments);
function callTranslator(bibFileURL, type, attachments) {
Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(bibFileURL, function(text) {
// load BibTex translator
var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("import");
translator.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) {
item.itemType = type;
item.attachments = attachments;
item.repository = "Association for Computational Linguistics"
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var searchResult = true;
if(searchResult) {
var possibleItems = scrapeIndex(doc, null); // items to present to user
items = Zotero.selectItems(possibleItems); // items selected by the user
if(!items) return true;
scrapeIndex(doc, items);
} else {
//not implemented yet