609 lines
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609 lines
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* Scholar.Cite: a class for creating bibliographies from within Scholar
* this class handles pulling the CSL file and item data out of the database,
* while Scholar.CSL, below, handles the actual generation of the bibliography
Scholar.Cite = new function() {
this.getBibliography = getBibliography;
this.getStyles = getStyles;
function getStyles() {
// TODO: return key/values from database
return ["American Psychological Association"];
function getBibliography(style, items) {
// TODO: retrieve style from the database
style = '<citationstyle xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" xml:lang="en"> <info> <title>American Psychological Association</title> <title-short>APA</title-short> <edition>5</edition> <author> <name>Bruce D<>Arcus</name> <email>bdarcus@sourceforge.net</email> </author> <dateCreated>2005-05-18</dateCreated> <dateModified>2006-07-09</dateModified> <source href="http://www.english.uiuc.edu/cws/wworkshop/writer_resources/citation_styles/apa/apa.htm" >Citation Styles Handbook: APA</source> <field>psychology</field> <description>Style for the American Psychological Association.</description> </info> <general> <names and="text" sort-separator=", " initialize-with="."> <original-script position="after" prefix=" "/> </names> <contributors> <label position="before-unless-first" type="verb"/> </contributors> <locators> <label position="before" form="short"/> </locators> <titles> <original-script position="after" prefix=" "/> </titles> <dates format="year, month day" month="full"> <original position="after" prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </dates> <publishers order="address-publisher" separator=":"/> <access order="url-date" separator=", "/> </general> <citation delimiter=";" type="author-year" sort-order="author-date" prefix="(" suffix=")"> <use-et_al min-authors="6" use-first="6" position="first"/> <use-et_al min-authors="6" use-first="1" position="subsequent"/> <item-layout> <author form="short" suffix=", "/> <year/> <point-locator prefix=": " include-label="false"/> </item-layout> </citation> <bibliography author-as-sort-order="all" author-shorten-with="<22><><EFBFBD>." sort-order="author-date"> <use-et_al min-authors="4" use-first="3"/> <list-layout> <heading label="references"/> </list-layout> <item-layout suffix="."> <reftype name="book"> <author alternate="editor"/> <year prefix=" (" suffix=")."/> <title font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix="."/> <editor prefix=", "/> <publisher/> <access prefix=" "/> </reftype> <reftype name="chapter"> <author alternate="editor"/> <year prefix=" (" suffix=")."/> <title prefix=" "/> <group class="container"> <text idref="in"/> <editor/> <title type="container" font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix="."/> <title type="series" prefix=" " suffix="."/> <publisher/> </group> <access prefix=" "/> <pages prefix=", "/> </reftype> <reftype name="article"> <author alternate="container-title"/> <year prefix=" (" suffix=")."/> <title prefix=" "/> <group class="container"> <editor/> <title type="container" font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix="."/> </group> <access prefix=" "/> <volume prefix=" "/> <issue prefix="(" suffix=")"/> <pages prefix=", "/> </reftype> <reftype name="legalcase"> <title/> <year prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> <access prefix=", "/> </reftype> </item-layout> </bibliography></citationstyle>';
// get item arrays
var itemArrays = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
// create a Scholar.CSL instance
var CSL = new Scholar.CSL(style);
// return bibliography
return CSL.createBibliography(itemArrays);
* Scholar.CSL: a class for creating bibliographies from CSL files
* this is abstracted as a separate class for the benefit of anyone who doesn't
* want to use the Scholar data model, but does want to use CSL in JavaScript
* constructor
Scholar.CSL = function(csl) {
default xml namespace = Scholar.CSL.ns;
this._csl = new XML(csl);
// load basic options
Scholar.CSL._loc = {
etAl:"et al",
editorVerb:"Edited By",
translatorVerb:"Translated By",
months:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
"August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
monthsAbbreviated:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
Scholar.CSL._optionalTypeMappings = {
letter:"personal communication",
film:"motion picture",
// TODO: check with Elena/APA/MLA on this
Scholar.CSL._fallbackTypeMappings = {
Scholar.CSL.ns = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl";
* create a bibliography
* (items is expected to be an array of items)
Scholar.CSL.prototype.createBibliography = function(items) {
// sort by sort order
if(this._opt.sortOrder == "author-date") {
items.sort(function(a, b) {
// first make sure both have creators at the first index
if(!a.creators[0] && b.creators[0]) {
return 1;
} else if(!b.creators[0] && a.creators[0]) {
return -1;
// now, either both have creators or neither do
if(a.creators[0]) {
// sort by last names
if(b.creators[0].lastName > a.creators[0].lastName) {
return 1;
} else if(b.creators[0].lastName < a.creators[0].lastName) {
return -1;
// sort by first name
if(b.creators[0].firstName > a.creators[0].firstName) {
return 1;
} else if(b.creators[0].firstName < a.creators[0].firstName) {
return -1;
// now, sort by date
var date1 = (a.date ? a.date : a.year);
var date2 = (b.date ? b.date : b.year);
if(date2 > date1) {
return 1;
} else if(date1 > date2) {
return -1;
// finally, give up; they're the same
return 0;
// process items
var output = "";
for(var i in items) {
var item = items[i];
if(item.itemType == "note") { // skip notes
// determine mapping
&& this._opt.referenceTypes[Scholar.CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]]) {
if(this._opt.referenceTypes[Scholar.CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]] === true) {
// exists but not yet processed
var reftype = this._opt.referenceTypes[Scholar.CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]];
} else {
if(this._opt.referenceTypes[Scholar.CSL._fallbackTypeMappings[item.itemType]] === true) {
var reftype = this._opt.referenceTypes[Scholar.CSL._fallbackTypeMappings[item.itemType]];
output += "<p>"+this._processElements(reftype, item)+"</p>\n";
return output;
* process an item
Scholar.CSL.prototype._processElements = function(reftype, item) {
var output = "";
// separate item into authors, editors, translators
var authors = new Array();
var editors = new Array();
var translators = new Array();
for(var j in item.creators) {
if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "editor") {
} else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "translator") {
} else {
if(item.date) { // specific date
var date = this._processDate(item.date);
} else { // no real date, but might salvage a year
var date = new Object();
if(item.year) {
date.year = item.year;
for(var i in reftype) {
var element = reftype[i];
var data = "";
if(element.name == "author") {
if(authors.length) {
data = this._processCreators("author", authors);
} else if(element.alternate) { // no authors; use alternate if
// it exists
if(element.alternate == "editor") {
data = this._processCreators("editor", editors);
editors = new Array();
} else if(element.alternate == "title") {
data = item.title;
item.title = undefined;
} else if(element.alternate == "container-title") {
if(item.publication) {
data = item.publication;
item.publication = undefined;
} else if(element.name == "editor") {
data = this._processCreators("editor", editors);
} else if(element.name == "translator") {
data = this._processCreators("translator", translators);
} else if(element.name == "year") {
data = date.year;
} else if(element.name == "month-day") {
data = date.month+" "+date.day;
} else if(element.name == "date") {
data = this._formatDate(date);
} else if(element.name == "volume") {
data = item.volume;
} else if(element.name == "issue") {
data = item.number;
} else if(element.name == "pages") {
if(item.pages) {
if(this._opt.locators.label) {
if(item.pages.indexOf(",") != -1 || item.pages.indexOf("-") != -1) {
var label = this._opt.locators.label[1];
} else {
var label = this._opt.locators.label[0];
if(this._opt.locators.positionBefore) {
data += label;
data += item.pages;
if(this._opt.locators.label && !this._opt.locators.positionBefore) {
data += label;
} else if(element.name == "title") {
if(!element.type) { // standard title
data = item.title;
} else if(element.type == "container" && item.publication) {
data = item.publication;
} else if(element.type == "series") {
data = item.series;
} else if(element.name == "publisher") {
if(item.publisher) {
if(item.place) {
if(this._opt.publishers.publisherFirst) {
data = item.publisher+this._opt.publishers.separator+item.place;
} else {
data = item.place+this._opt.publishers.separator+item.publisher;
} else {
data = item.publisher;
} else if(element.name == "access") {
var dateAccessed = "";
if(item.dateAccessed) {
var dateAccessed = this._formatDate(this._processDate(item.dateAccessed));
if(this._opt.access.dateFirst) {
data = (dateAccessed ? dateAccessed : "");
} else {
data = (item.url ? item.url : "");
if(dateAccessed && item.url) {
data += this._opt.access.separator;
if(this._opt.access.dateFirst) {
data += item.url;
} else {
data += dateAccessed;
} else if(element.name == "group") {
data = this._processElements(element.elements, item);
} else {
data = element.name;
style = "";
var cssAttributes = ["font-family", "font-style", "font-variant",
"font-weight", "text-transform"];
for(var j in cssAttributes) {
if(element[cssAttributes[j]] && element[cssAttributes[j]].indexOf('"') == -1) {
style += cssAttributes[j]+":"+element[cssAttributes[j]];
if(data) {
var data = data.toString();
// add prefix
if(element.prefix) {
output += element.prefix;
if(style) {
output += '<span style="'+style+'">';
output += data;
if(style) {
output += '</span>';
if(element.suffix) {
// suffix for this element only
output += element.suffix;
} else if(element.name != "group" && this._opt.suffix && data.substr(data.length-this._opt.suffix.length) != this._opt.suffix) {
// global suffix if no suffix for this element
output += this._opt.suffix;
return output;
* process creator objects; if someone had a creator model that handled
* non-Western names better than ours, this would be the function to change
Scholar.CSL.prototype._processCreators = function(type, creators) {
var maxCreators = creators.length;
if(!maxCreators) return;
var useEtAl = false;
// figure out if we need to use "et al"
if(this._opt.etAl && maxCreators >= this._opt.etAl.minCreators) {
maxCreators = this._opt.etAl.useFirst;
useEtAl = true;
// parse authors into strings
var authorStrings = [];
var firstName, lastName;
for(var i=0; i<maxCreators; i++) {
if(this._opt.names.initializeWith) { // initialize with makes us use first
// initials, e.g. Doe, J.R.
var firstName = "";
var firstNames = creators[i].firstName.split(" ");
for(var j in firstNames) {
if(firstNames[j]) {
// get first initial, put in upper case, add initializeWith string
firstName += firstNames[j][0].toUpperCase()+this._opt.names.initializeWith;
} else {
firstName = creators[i].firstName;
lastName = creators[i].lastName;
if(i == 0 && this._opt.names.firstAuthorInverted || this._opt.names.subsequentAuthorInverted) {
// if this is the first author and author-as-sort-order="first-author"
// or if this is a subsequent author and author-as-sort-order="all"
// then the name gets inverted
} else {
authorStrings.push(firstName+" "+lastName);
// figure out if we need an "and" or an "et al"
var joinString = ", ";
if(maxCreators > 1) {
if(useEtAl) { // multiple creators and need et al
} else { // multiple creators but no et al
// add and to last creator
authorStrings[maxCreators-1] = this._opt.names.and+" "+authorStrings[maxCreators-1];
// skip the comma if there are only two creators and no
// et al
if(maxCreators == 2) {
joinString = " ";
var returnString = authorStrings.join(joinString);
// add "Edited By" or "Translated By"
if(this._opt.contributors.label[type]) {
// figure out whether to use singular or plural representation
if(maxCreators == 1) {
var label = this._opt.contributors.label[type][0];
} else {
var label = this._opt.contributors.label[type][1];
// figure out where to add
if(this._opt.contributors.positionBefore) {
returnString = label+" "+returnString;
} else {
returnString += " ("+label+")";
// add to the data
return returnString;
* process the date "string" into a useful object
Scholar.CSL.prototype._processDate = function(string) {
var date = new Object();
var dateRe = /^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/;
var m = dateRe.exec(string);
if(m) { // sql date
var jsDate = new Date(m[1], m[2]-1, m[3], false, false, false);
} else { // not an sql date
var jsDate = new Date(string);
if(isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) { // couldn't parse
// get year and say other parts are month
var yearRe = /^(.*)([^0-9]{4})(.*)$/
var m = yearRe.exec(string);
date.year = m[2];
date.month = m[1]
if(m[2] && m[3]) date.month += " ";
date.month += m[3];
} else {
date.year = jsDate.getFullYear();
date.month = this._opt.dates.months[jsDate.getMonth()];
date.day = jsDate.getDay();
return date;
* format the date according to date processing preference from the date object
* returned by this._processDate
Scholar.CSL.prototype._formatDate = function(date) {
var data = this._opt.dates.format.replace("year", (date.year ? date.year : ""));
data = data.replace("month", (date.month ? date.month : ""));
data = data.replace("day", (date.day ? date.day : ""));
data = data.replace(/^[^\w]+/, "");
data = data.replace(/[^\w]+$/, "");
return data;
default xml namespace = Scholar.CSL.ns;
* convert options to native structures for speed
Scholar.CSL.prototype._parseOptions = function() {
default xml namespace = Scholar.CSL.ns;
this._opt = new Object();
// names
this._opt.names = new Object();
if(this._csl.general.names.@and == "text") {
this._opt.names.and = Scholar.CSL._loc.and;
} else if(this._csl.general.names.@and == "symbol") {
this._opt.names.and = "&";
} else {
this._opt.names.and = "";
this._opt.names.sortSeparator = this._csl.general.names["@sort-separator"].toString();
this._opt.names.initializeWith = this._csl.general.names["@initialize-with"].toString();
if(this._csl.bibliography["@author-as-sort-order"] == "all") {
this._opt.names.firstAuthorInverted = true;
this._opt.names.subsequentAuthorInverted = true;
} else if(this._csl.bibliography["@author-as-sort-order"] == "first-author") {
this._opt.names.firstAuthorInverted = true;
this._opt.names.subsequentAuthorInverted = false;
} else {
this._opt.names.firstAuthorInverted = false;
this._opt.names.subsequentAuthorInverted = false;
// contributors
this._opt.contributors = new Object();
if(this._csl.general.contributors.label.length) {
// contributors
if(this._csl.general.contributors.label.@position == "before") {
this._opt.contributors.positionBefore = true;
if(this._csl.general.contributors.label.@type == "verb") {
this._opt.contributors.label = {editor:[Scholar.CSL._loc.editorVerb, Scholar.CSL._loc.editorVerb],
translator:[Scholar.CSL._loc.translatorVerb, Scholar.CSL._loc.translatorVerb]}
} else {
this._opt.contributors.label = {editor:[Scholar.CSL._loc.editorNounSingle, Scholar.CSL._loc.editorNounMultiple],
translator:[Scholar.CSL._loc.translatorNounSingle, Scholar.CSL._loc.translatorNounMultiple]}
// locators
this._opt.locators = new Object();
if(this._csl.general.Scholar.CSL._locators.label.length) {
// contributors
if(this._csl.general.Scholar.CSL._locators.label.@position == "before") {
this._opt.locators.positionBefore = true;
if(this._csl.general.Scholar.CSL._locators.label.@form == "short") {
this._opt.locators.label = [Scholar.CSL._loc.pagesShortSingle, Scholar.CSL._loc.pagesShortMultiple];
} else {
this._opt.locators.label = [Scholar.CSL._loc.pagesLongSingle, Scholar.CSL._loc.pagesLongMultiple];
// dates
this._opt.dates = new Object();
this._opt.dates.format = this._csl.general.dates.@format.toString();
if(this._csl.general.dates.@month == "abbreviated") {
this._opt.dates.months = Scholar.CSL._loc.monthsAbbreviated;
} else {
this._opt.dates.months = Scholar.CSL._loc.months;
// publishers
this._opt.publishers = new Object();
if(this._csl.general.publishers.@order == "publisher-address") {
this._opt.publishers.publisherFirst = true;
this._opt.publishers.separator = this._csl.general.publishers.@separator.toString();
// access
this._opt.access = new Object();
if(this._csl.general.access.@order == "date-url") {
this._opt.access.dateFirst = true;
this._opt.access.separator = this._csl.general.access.@separator.toString();
// et al
if(this._csl.bibliography['use-et_al'].length()) {
this._opt.names.etAl = new Object();
this._opt.names.etAl.minCreators = parseInt(this._csl.bibliography['use-et_al']['@min-authors']);
this._opt.names.etAl.useFirst = parseInt(this._csl.bibliography['use-et_al']['@use-first']);
// sort order
this._opt.sortOrder = this._csl.bibliography["@sort-order"].toString();
// referenceTypes
this._opt.referenceTypes = new Object();
for each(var element in this._csl.bibliography['item-layout'].reftype) {
if(element.namespace() == Scholar.CSL.ns) { // ignore elements in other namespaces
this._opt.referenceTypes[element.@name.toString()] = true;
// global prefix and suffix
this._opt.suffix = this._csl.bibliography["item-layout"].@suffix.toString();
this._opt.prefix = this._csl.bibliography["item-layout"].@prefix.toString();
* does the dirty work for parseReferenceTypes - recursively process attributes
* into an associative array
Scholar.CSL.prototype._parseElements = function(ref) {
var typeDesc = new Array();
for each(var element in ref) {
if(element.namespace() == Scholar.CSL.ns) { // ignore elements in other namespaces
var itemDesc = new Object();
itemDesc.name = element.localName();
var attributes = element.attributes();
for each(var attribute in attributes) {
itemDesc[attribute.name()] = attribute.toString();
if(itemDesc.name == "group") { // parse groups recursively
itemDesc.elements = this._parseElements(element.elements());
return typeDesc;
* convert reference types to native structures for speed
Scholar.CSL.prototype._parseReferenceType = function(reftype) {
default xml namespace = Scholar.CSL.ns;
var ref = this._csl.bibliography['item-layout'].reftype.(@name==reftype).elements();
this._opt.referenceTypes[reftype] = this._parseElements(ref);