147 lines
5.2 KiB
147 lines
5.2 KiB
![]() |
"translatorID": "c436f3c7-4246-4ed3-a227-a538c8113a0e",
"label": "fishpond.co.nz",
"creator": "Sopheak Hean",
"target": "^https?://www\\.fishpond\\.co\\.nz/",
"minVersion": "1.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"lastUpdated": "2011-04-21 09:34:42"
Fishpond.co.nz Translator- Parses Fishpond.co.nz articles and creates Zotero-based metadata
Copyright (C) 2011 Sopheak Hean, University of Waikato, Faculty of Education
Contact: maxximuscool@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == "x" ) return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var definePath = '//td[@class="main hproduct"]/h1';
var XpathObject = doc.evaluate(definePath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (XpathObject) {
return "book";
} else {
var definePath = '//td[@id="page_title"]/h1';
var XpathObject = doc.evaluate(definePath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (XpathObject) {
return "multiple";
function scrape(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == 'x') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var newItem = new Zotero.Item("book");
var title = '//span[@class="fn"]';
var titleObject = doc.evaluate(title, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (titleObject){
newItem.title = titleObject.textContent;
var author = '//p[@id="product_author"]';
var authorObject = doc.evaluate(author, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (authorObject){
authorObject = authorObject.textContent;
if (( authorObject.match(/By\s/)) && (authorObject.match(/\([A-Za-z]+\W[a-zA-Z]+\)/) )){
authorObject = authorObject.replace(/By\s/, '').replace(/\([A-Za-z]+\W[a-zA-Z]+\)/, '');
newItem.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authorObject, "author"));
else if (authorObject.match(/By\W/)) {
authorObject = authorObject.replace(/By\s/, '');
newItem.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authorObject, "author"));
var date = '//table[@class="product_info_text"]/tbody/tr[3]';
var dateObject = doc.evaluate(date, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (dateObject){
dateObject = dateObject.textContent;
if (dateObject.match(/Release Date:\s/)){
newItem.date = dateObject.replace(/Release Date:\s/, '');
} else {
var d = new Date();
date ='//span[@class="arrival_time"]';
dateObject = doc.evaluate(date, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
newItem.date = dateObject.textContent.replace(/Available\s/, '')+ " " +d.getFullYear()
var abstract = '//table[@class="product_info_text"]/tbody/tr/td/p[@class="description"]';
var abstractObject = doc.evaluate(abstract, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (abstractObject){
abstractObject = abstractObject.textContent;
newItem.abstractNote = abstractObject;
var isbn = "//table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[4]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]";
var isbnObject = doc.evaluate(isbn, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (isbnObject){
newItem.ISBN = isbnObject.textContent;
var publisher = "//table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[4]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/a";
var publisherObject = doc.evaluate(publisher, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if (publisherObject) {
newItem.publisher= publisherObject.textContent;
newItem.attachments.push({title:"FishPond Record", mimeType:"text/html", url:doc.location.href});
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == 'x') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var articles = new Array();
if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") {
var items = new Object();
var titles = '//td[@class="productSearch-data"]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/a';
var titleObject = doc.evaluate(titles, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var next_title;
while ( next_title = titleObject.iterateNext()) {
items[next_title.href] = next_title.textContent;
items = Zotero.selectItems(items);
for (var i in items) {
Zotero.Utilities.processDocuments(articles, scrape, function() {Zotero.done();});
} else {
scrape(doc, url);