2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
"translatorID" : "5278b20c-7c2c-4599-a785-12198ea648bf" ,
"translatorType" : 4 ,
"label" : "ARTstor" ,
"creator" : "Ameer Ahmed and Michael Berkowitz" ,
"target" : "http://[^/]artstor.org[^/]*" ,
"minVersion" : "1.0.0b4.r5" ,
"maxVersion" : "" ,
"priority" : 100 ,
"inRepository" : true ,
2009-02-08 22:11:12 +00:00
"lastUpdated" : "2009-02-08 22:10:00"
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
function detectWeb ( doc , url ) {
if ( url . match ( /(S|s)earch/ ) && ( doc . evaluate ( '//div[@id="thumbContentWrap"]/div' , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) . iterateNext ( ) . textContent . match ( /\w+/ ) ) ) return "multiple"
function doWeb ( doc , url ) {
if ( url . indexOf ( "|" ) != - 1 ) {
scrape ( doc , url ) ;
function scrape ( doc , url ) {
var savedItems = new Array ( ) ;
var saved = 0 ;
var urlstub = url . substring ( url . indexOf ( '.org/' ) + 5 , url . length ) ;
urlstub = url . substring ( 0 , url . indexOf ( '.org/' ) + 5 ) + urlstub . substring ( 0 , urlstub . indexOf ( '/' ) + 1 )
var suburl = url . substring ( url . indexOf ( '|' ) + 1 , url . length ) ;
var groupname = suburl . substring ( 0 , suburl . indexOf ( "|" ) ) ;
var searchterm = '//*[@id="thumbSubTitle"]' ;
var stt = doc . evaluate ( searchterm , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) . iterateNext ( ) ;
var st = stt . firstChild . nodeValue ;
var pageNn = '//*[@id="pageNo"]' ;
var stt = doc . evaluate ( pageNn , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) . iterateNext ( ) ;
var pg ;
if ( stt . value == 1 ) {
pg = 1 ;
} else if ( stt . value == 2 ) {
pg = 25 ;
} else {
pg = ( ( stt . value - 1 ) * 24 ) + 1 ;
var groupid ;
//check if user is on search page if not construct the query using the 2nd pattern
if ( groupname . indexOf ( "search" ) != - 1 ) {
groupid = "1/" + pg + "/24/0?tn=1&name=&id=all&kw=" + st + "&type=1" ;
} else {
groupid = suburl . substring ( suburl . indexOf ( '|' ) + 1 , suburl . indexOf ( '||' ) ) + "//thumbnails/" + pg + "/24/0" ;
// Initial query to get results from the service - primary purpose is to get objectids. which in turn are required for the 2nd service call, which exposes the actual metadata
Zotero . Utilities . HTTP . doGet ( urlstub + "secure/" + groupname + "//" + groupid , function ( text ) {
2009-02-08 22:11:12 +00:00
var json = JSON . parse ( text ) ;
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00
items = new Object ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < json . thumbnails . length ; i ++ ) {
child = json . thumbnails [ i ] ;
var tmpUrl = urlstub + "secure/metadata/" + child . objectId + "?_method=Infolder" ;
//here we are saving the url service call to get each objects metadata
savedItems [ saved ] = tmpUrl ;
items [ tmpUrl ] = child . objectId ;
saved ++ ;
var xpath = '//div[@id="thumbContentWrap"]' ;
var elmts = doc . evaluate ( xpath , doc , null , XPathResult . ANY _TYPE , null ) . iterateNext ( ) ;
var webitems = new Object ( ) ;
var selectedNums = new Array ( ) ;
var si = 0 ;
var c = elmts . getElementsByTagName ( '*' ) ;
var title = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < c . length ; i ++ ) {
var child = c [ i ] ;
if ( child . id . indexOf ( "_imageHolder" ) != - 1 ) {
var csss = child . style ;
var glow = csss . getPropertyValue ( 'border' ) ;
if ( child . id . indexOf ( "_thumb1" ) != - 1 ) {
title = child . title ;
if ( child . id . indexOf ( "_thumb2" ) != - 1 ) {
title += " :: " + child . title ;
if ( child . id . indexOf ( "_thumb3" ) != - 1 ) {
var childtitle = child . title ;
var dialogTitle = title ;
if ( childtitle . length > 1 ) {
dialogTitle += " " + childtitle ;
var sitem = child . id . substring ( 6 , child . id . indexOf ( "_" ) ) ;
webitems [ sitem - 1 ] = dialogTitle ;
if ( glow . indexOf ( 75 ) != - 1 ) {
selectedNums [ si ] = sitem - 1 ;
si ++ ;
title = null ;
var tcount = 0 ;
var newitems = null ;
if ( selectedNums . length > 0 ) {
newitems = new Object ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < selectedNums . length ; j ++ ) {
var numnum = selectedNums [ j ] ;
for ( var x in items ) {
if ( numnum == tcount ) {
newitems [ x ] = webitems [ tcount ] ;
tcount = 0 ;
break ;
} else {
tcount ++ ;
} else {
tcount = 0 ;
for ( var x in items ) {
items [ x ] = webitems [ tcount ] ;
tcount ++ ;
if ( newitems != null ) {
items = newitems ;
//show dialogbox
var items = Zotero . selectItems ( items ) ;
if ( ! items ) {
return true ;
var urls = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i in items ) {
urls . push ( i ) ;
//this gets called when an object is selected in the dialog box, fires off a get on the service url
Zotero . Utilities . HTTP . doGet ( urls , function ( text ) {
json = eval ( "(" + text + ")" ) ;
var newArticle = new Zotero . Item ( 'artwork' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < json . metaData . length ; i ++ ) {
child = json . metaData [ i ] ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Title" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . title != null ) {
newArticle . title += ";" + child . fieldValue ;
} else {
newArticle . title = child . fieldValue ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Creator" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( child . fieldValue != "" ) {
if ( child . fieldValue . match ( /,/ ) ) {
var aut = child . fieldValue . match ( /^([^,]+),\s+(.*)$/ ) ;
if ( aut [ 1 ] . match ( /\s/ ) ) {
newArticle . notes . push ( { note : "Artist information: " + aut [ 2 ] } ) ;
newArticle . creators . push ( Zotero . Utilities . cleanAuthor ( aut [ 1 ] , "artist" ) ) ;
} else {
var extras = aut [ 2 ] . match ( /^([^,]+),\s+(.*)$/ ) ;
newArticle . creators . push ( { firstName : extras [ 1 ] , lastName : aut [ 1 ] , creatorType : "author" } ) ;
newArticle . notes . push ( { note : "Artist information: " + extras [ 2 ] } ) ;
} else {
newArticle . creators . push ( Zotero . Utilities . cleanAuthor ( child . fieldValue , "artist" ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Culture" ) != - 1 ) {
newArticle . creators . push ( Zotero . Utilities . cleanAuthor ( child . fieldValue , "producer" , true ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Rights" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . rights != null ) {
newArticle . rights += ";" + child . fieldValue . replace ( /<wbr\/>/g , "" ) ;
} else {
newArticle . rights = child . fieldValue . replace ( /<wbr\/>/g , "" ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Subject" ) != - 1 ) {
newArticle . tags . push ( Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Location" ) != - 1 ) {
newArticle . tags . push ( Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Style Period" ) != - 1 ) {
newArticle . tags . push ( Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Work Type" ) != - 1 ) {
newArticle . tags . push ( Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Material" ) != - 1 || child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Technique" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . artworkMedium != null ) {
newArticle . artworkMedium += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . artworkMedium = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Measurements" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . artworkSize != null ) {
newArticle . artworkSize += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . artworkSize = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Date" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . date != null ) {
newArticle . date += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
//bug here!! when date parser fails, entire object is not saved in Zotero - works in Scaffold, fails in Zotero! to patch remove all occurrences of B.C
newArticle . date = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue . replace ( /B.C./i , "" ) ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Repository" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . repository != null ) {
newArticle . repository += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . repository = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Source" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . archiveLocation != null ) {
newArticle . archiveLocation += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . archiveLocation = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Description" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . abstractNote != null ) {
newArticle . abstractNote += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . abstractNote = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
if ( child . fieldName . indexOf ( "Collection" ) != - 1 ) {
if ( newArticle . extra != null ) {
newArticle . extra += ";" + Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
} else {
newArticle . extra = Zotero . Utilities . trimInternal ( child . fieldValue ) ;
var objectId = json . objectId ;
//this is called to get the url stub for the ARTstor viewer
Zotero . Utilities . HTTP . doGet ( urlstub + "secure/metadata/" + objectId + "?_method=FpHtml" , function ( dom ) {
var testurl = dom . substring ( dom . lastIndexOf ( '<td class="data">' ) + 21 , dom . lastIndexOf ( '</td>' ) ) ;
var t2 = "http://www.artstor.org" ;
var tmp2 = testurl . replace ( /<wbr\/>/g , "" ) ;
tmp2 = tmp2 . substring ( 0 , tmp2 . indexOf ( "&userId" ) ) ;
//build ARTstorImageURL
artstorimgurl = t2 + tmp2 ;
newArticle . url = artstorimgurl ;
newArticle . callNumber = objectId ;
newArticle . complete ( ) ;
Zotero . done ( ) ;
} ) ;
Zotero . wait ( ) ;
} ) ;
Zotero . wait ( ) ;
} ) ;
Zotero . wait ( ) ;