2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
new function ( ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
Components . utils . import ( "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm" ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
/ * *
* Build a dummy translator that can be passed to Zotero . Translate
* /
function buildDummyTranslator ( translatorType , code ) {
let info = {
"translatorID" : "dummy-translator" ,
"translatorType" : 1 , // import
"label" : "Dummy Translator" ,
"creator" : "Simon Kornblith" ,
"target" : "" ,
"priority" : 100 ,
"browserSupport" : "g" ,
"inRepository" : false ,
"lastUpdated" : "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ,
} ;
let translator = new Zotero . Translator ( info ) ;
translator . code = code ;
return translator ;
/ * *
* Create a new translator that saves the specified items
* @ param { String } translatorType - "import" or "web"
* @ param { Object } items - items as translator JSON
* /
function saveItemsThroughTranslator ( translatorType , items ) {
let tyname ;
if ( translatorType == "web" ) {
tyname = "Web" ;
} else if ( translatorType == "import" ) {
tyname = "Import" ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "invalid translator type " + translatorType ) ;
let translate = new Zotero . Translate [ tyname ] ( ) ;
let browser ;
if ( translatorType == "web" ) {
browser = Zotero . Browser . createHiddenBrowser ( ) ;
translate . setDocument ( browser . contentDocument ) ;
} else if ( translatorType == "import" ) {
translate . setString ( "" ) ;
translate . setTranslator ( buildDummyTranslator ( translatorType == "web" ? 4 : 1 ,
"function detectWeb() {}\n" +
"function do" + tyname + "() {\n" +
" var json = JSON.parse('" + JSON . stringify ( items ) . replace ( /'/g , "\'" ) + "');\n" +
" for (var i=0; i<json.length; i++) {" +
" var item = new Zotero.Item;\n" +
" for (var field in json[i]) { item[field] = json[i][field]; }\n" +
" item.complete();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}" ) ) ;
return translate . translate ( ) . then ( function ( items ) {
if ( browser ) Zotero . Browser . deleteHiddenBrowser ( browser ) ;
return items ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Convert an array of items to an object in which they are indexed by
* their display titles
* /
var itemsArrayToObject = Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * itemsArrayToObject ( items ) {
var obj = { } ;
for ( let item of items ) {
obj [ yield item . loadDisplayTitle ( true ) ] = item ;
return obj ;
} ) ;
const TEST _TAGS = [
"manual tag as string" ,
{ "tag" : "manual tag as object" } ,
{ "tag" : "manual tag as object with type" , "type" : 0 } ,
{ "tag" : "automatic tag as object" , "type" : 1 } ,
{ "name" : "tag in name property" }
] ;
/ * *
* Check that tags match expected values , if TEST _TAGS is passed as test array
* /
function checkTestTags ( newItem , web ) {
assert . equal ( newItem . getTagType ( "manual tag as string" ) , web ? 1 : 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItem . getTagType ( "manual tag as object" ) , web ? 1 : 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItem . getTagType ( "manual tag as object with type" ) , web ? 1 : 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItem . getTagType ( "automatic tag as object" ) , 1 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItem . getTagType ( "tag in name property" ) , web ? 1 : 0 ) ;
/ * *
* Get included test snapshot file
* @ returns { nsIFile }
* /
function getTestSnapshot ( ) {
let snapshot = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
snapshot . append ( "snapshot" ) ;
snapshot . append ( "index.html" ) ;
return snapshot ;
/ * *
* Get included test snapshot file
* @ returns { nsIFile }
* /
function getTestPDF ( ) {
let testPDF = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
testPDF . append ( "empty.pdf" ) ;
return testPDF ;
/ * *
* Set up endpoints for testing attachment saving
* This must happen immediately before the test , since Zotero might get
* restarted by resetDB ( ) , which would erase our registered endpoints .
* /
function setupAttachmentEndpoints ( ) {
var SnapshotTest = function ( ) { } ;
Zotero . Server . Endpoints [ "/test/translate/test.html" ] = SnapshotTest ;
SnapshotTest . prototype = {
"supportedMethods" : [ "GET" ] ,
"init" : function ( data , sendResponseCallback ) {
Zotero . File . getBinaryContentsAsync ( getTestSnapshot ( ) ) . then ( function ( data ) {
sendResponseCallback ( 200 , "text/html" , data ) ;
} ) ;
var PDFTest = function ( ) { } ;
Zotero . Server . Endpoints [ "/test/translate/test.pdf" ] = PDFTest ;
PDFTest . prototype = {
"supportedMethods" : [ "GET" ] ,
"init" : function ( data , sendResponseCallback ) {
Zotero . File . getBinaryContentsAsync ( getTestPDF ( ) ) . then ( function ( data ) {
sendResponseCallback ( 200 , "application/pdf" , data ) ;
} ) ;
var NonExistentTest = function ( ) { } ;
Zotero . Server . Endpoints [ "/test/translate/does_not_exist.html" ] = NonExistentTest ;
NonExistentTest . prototype = {
"supportedMethods" : [ "GET" ] ,
"init" : function ( data , sendResponseCallback ) {
sendResponseCallback ( 404 , "text/html" , "File does not exist" ) ;
describe ( "Zotero.Translate" , function ( ) {
let win ;
before ( function * ( ) {
setupAttachmentEndpoints ( ) ;
win = yield loadBrowserWindow ( ) ;
} ) ;
after ( function ( ) {
win . close ( ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "Zotero.Item" , function ( ) {
it ( 'should save ordinary fields and creators' , function * ( ) {
2015-06-11 02:19:49 -04:00
this . timeout ( 10000 ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
let data = loadSampleData ( 'allTypesAndFields' ) ;
let trueItems = loadSampleData ( 'itemJSON' ) ;
let saveItems = [ ] ;
for ( let itemType in data ) {
saveItems . push ( data [ itemType ] ) ;
let trueItem = trueItems [ itemType ] ;
delete trueItem . dateAdded ;
delete trueItem . dateModified ;
delete trueItem . key ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , saveItems ) ;
let savedItems = { } ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < newItems . length ; i ++ ) {
let savedItem = yield newItems [ i ] . toJSON ( ) ;
savedItems [ Zotero . ItemTypes . getName ( newItems [ i ] . itemTypeID ) ] = savedItem ;
delete savedItem . dateAdded ;
delete savedItem . dateModified ;
delete savedItem . key ;
assert . deepEqual ( savedItems , trueItems , "saved items match inputs" ) ;
} ) ;
2015-06-07 18:38:00 -04:00
it ( 'should accept deprecated SQL accessDates' , function * ( ) {
let myItem = {
"itemType" : "webpage" ,
"title" : "Test Item" ,
"accessDate" : "2015-01-02 03:04:05"
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , [ myItem ] ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems [ 0 ] . getField ( "accessDate" ) , "2015-01-02 03:04:05" ) ;
} ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
it ( 'should save tags' , function * ( ) {
let myItem = {
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Test Item" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
} ;
checkTestTags ( ( yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , [ myItem ] ) ) [ 0 ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should save notes' , function * ( ) {
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Test Item" ,
"notes" : [
"1 note as string" ,
"note" : "2 note as object" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
} ,
"itemType" : "note" ,
"note" : "standalone note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
] ;
let newItems = yield itemsArrayToObject ( yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , myItems ) ) ;
let noteIDs = newItems [ "Test Item" ] . getNotes ( ) ;
let note1 = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( noteIDs [ 0 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( Zotero . ItemTypes . getName ( note1 . itemTypeID ) , "note" ) ;
assert . equal ( note1 . getNote ( ) , "1 note as string" ) ;
let note2 = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( noteIDs [ 1 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( Zotero . ItemTypes . getName ( note2 . itemTypeID ) , "note" ) ;
assert . equal ( note2 . getNote ( ) , "2 note as object" ) ;
checkTestTags ( note2 ) ;
let note3 = newItems [ "standalone note" ] ;
assert . equal ( note3 . getNote ( ) , "standalone note" ) ;
checkTestTags ( note3 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should save collections' , function * ( ) {
let translate = new Zotero . Translate . Import ( ) ;
translate . setString ( "" ) ;
translate . setTranslator ( buildDummyTranslator ( 4 ,
'function detectWeb() {}\n' +
'function doImport() {\n' +
' var item1 = new Zotero.Item("book");\n' +
' item1.title = "Not in Collection";\n' +
' item1.complete();\n' +
' var item2 = new Zotero.Item("book");\n' +
' item2.id = 1;\n' +
' item2.title = "In Parent Collection";\n' +
' item2.complete();\n' +
' var item3 = new Zotero.Item("book");\n' +
' item3.id = 2;\n' +
' item3.title = "In Child Collection";\n' +
' item3.complete();\n' +
' var collection = new Zotero.Collection();\n' +
' collection.name = "Parent Collection";\n' +
' collection.children = [{"id":1}, {"type":"collection", "name":"Child Collection", "children":[{"id":2}]}];\n' +
' collection.complete();\n' +
'}' ) ) ;
let newItems = yield translate . translate ( ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 3 ) ;
newItems = yield itemsArrayToObject ( newItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems [ "Not in Collection" ] . getCollections ( ) . length , 0 ) ;
let parentCollection = newItems [ "In Parent Collection" ] . getCollections ( ) ;
assert . equal ( parentCollection . length , 1 ) ;
parentCollection = ( yield Zotero . Collections . getAsync ( parentCollection ) ) [ 0 ] ;
assert . equal ( parentCollection . name , "Parent Collection" ) ;
assert . isTrue ( parentCollection . hasChildCollections ( ) ) ;
let childCollection = newItems [ "In Child Collection" ] . getCollections ( ) ;
assert . equal ( childCollection . length , 1 ) ;
childCollection = ( yield Zotero . Collections . getAsync ( childCollection [ 0 ] ) ) ;
assert . equal ( childCollection . name , "Child Collection" ) ;
let parentChildren = parentCollection . getChildCollections ( ) ;
assert . equal ( parentChildren . length , 1 ) ;
assert . equal ( parentChildren [ 0 ] , childCollection ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'import translators should save attachments' , function * ( ) {
let emptyPDF = getTestPDF ( ) . path ;
let snapshot = getTestSnapshot ( ) . path ;
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"path" : emptyPDF ,
"title" : "Empty PDF" ,
"note" : "attachment note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
} ,
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"url" : "http://www.zotero.org/" ,
"title" : "Link to zotero.org" ,
"note" : "attachment 2 note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
] ;
let childAttachments = myItems . slice ( ) ;
childAttachments . push ( {
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"path" : snapshot ,
"url" : "http://www.example.com/" ,
"title" : "Snapshot" ,
"note" : "attachment 3 note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
} ) ;
myItems . push ( {
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : childAttachments
} ) ;
let newItems = yield itemsArrayToObject ( yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , myItems ) ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ "Container Item" ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments . length , 3 ) ;
for ( let savedAttachments of [ [ newItems [ "Empty PDF" ] , newItems [ "Link to zotero.org" ] ] ,
[ containedAttachments [ 0 ] , containedAttachments [ 1 ] ] ] ) {
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 0 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Empty PDF" ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 0 ] . getNote ( ) , "attachment note" ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 0 ] . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _FILE ) ;
checkTestTags ( savedAttachments [ 0 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 1 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Link to zotero.org" ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 1 ] . getField ( "url" ) , "http://www.zotero.org/" ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 1 ] . getNote ( ) , "attachment 2 note" ) ;
assert . equal ( savedAttachments [ 1 ] . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _LINKED _URL ) ;
checkTestTags ( savedAttachments [ 1 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 2 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Snapshot" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 2 ] . getField ( "url" ) , "http://www.example.com/" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 2 ] . getNote ( ) , "attachment 3 note" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 2 ] . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ) ;
checkTestTags ( containedAttachments [ 2 ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'import translators should save missing snapshots as links' , function * ( ) {
let missingFile = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
missingFile . append ( "missing" ) ;
assert . isFalse ( missingFile . exists ( ) ) ;
missingFile = missingFile . path ;
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : [
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"path" : missingFile ,
"url" : "http://www.example.com/" ,
"title" : "Snapshot with missing file" ,
"note" : "attachment note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
] ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , myItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems [ 0 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Container Item" ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments . length , 1 ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 0 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Snapshot with missing file" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 0 ] . getField ( "url" ) , "http://www.example.com/" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 0 ] . getNote ( ) , "attachment note" ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments [ 0 ] . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _LINKED _URL ) ;
checkTestTags ( containedAttachments [ 0 ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'import translators should ignore missing file attachments' , function * ( ) {
let missingFile = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
missingFile . append ( "missing" ) ;
assert . isFalse ( missingFile . exists ( ) ) ;
missingFile = missingFile . path ;
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"path" : missingFile ,
"title" : "Missing file"
} ,
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : [
"itemType" : "attachment" ,
"path" : missingFile ,
"title" : "Missing file"
] ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "import" , myItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems [ 0 ] . getField ( "title" ) , "Container Item" ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) . length , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2015-06-07 18:38:00 -04:00
it ( 'web translators should set accessDate to current date' , function * ( ) {
let myItem = {
"itemType" : "webpage" ,
"title" : "Test Item" ,
"url" : "http://www.zotero.org/"
} ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "web" , [ myItem ] ) ;
let currentDate = new Date ( ) ;
let delta = currentDate - Zotero . Date . sqlToDate ( newItems [ 0 ] . getField ( "accessDate" ) , true ) ;
assert . isAbove ( delta , - 500 ) ;
assert . isBelow ( delta , 5000 ) ;
} ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
it ( 'web translators should save attachments' , function * ( ) {
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : [
"url" : "http://www.zotero.org/" ,
"title" : "Link to zotero.org" ,
"note" : "attachment note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS ,
"snapshot" : false
} ,
"url" : "" ,
"title" : "Test Snapshot" ,
"note" : "attachment 2 note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
} ,
"url" : "" ,
"title" : "Test PDF" ,
"note" : "attachment 3 note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
] ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "web" , myItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield itemsArrayToObject ( yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ) ;
let link = containedAttachments [ "Link to zotero.org" ] ;
assert . equal ( link . getField ( "url" ) , "http://www.zotero.org/" ) ;
assert . equal ( link . getNote ( ) , "attachment note" ) ;
assert . equal ( link . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _LINKED _URL ) ;
checkTestTags ( link , true ) ;
let snapshot = containedAttachments [ "Test Snapshot" ] ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . getField ( "url" ) , "" ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . getNote ( ) , "attachment 2 note" ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . attachmentContentType , "text/html" ) ;
checkTestTags ( snapshot , true ) ;
let pdf = containedAttachments [ "Test PDF" ] ;
assert . equal ( pdf . getField ( "url" ) , "" ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . getNote ( ) , "attachment 3 note" ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . attachmentContentType , "application/pdf" ) ;
checkTestTags ( pdf , true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'web translators should save attachment from document' , function * ( ) {
let deferred = Zotero . Promise . defer ( ) ;
let browser = Zotero . HTTP . processDocuments ( "" ,
function ( doc ) { deferred . resolve ( doc ) } , undefined ,
undefined , true ) ;
let doc = yield deferred . promise ;
let translate = new Zotero . Translate . Web ( ) ;
translate . setDocument ( doc ) ;
translate . setTranslator ( buildDummyTranslator ( 4 ,
'function detectWeb() {}\n' +
'function doWeb(doc) {\n' +
' var item = new Zotero.Item("book");\n' +
' item.title = "Container Item";\n' +
' item.attachments = [{\n' +
' "document":doc,\n' +
' "title":"Snapshot from Document",\n' +
' "note":"attachment note",\n' +
' "tags":' + JSON . stringify ( TEST _TAGS ) + '\n' +
' }];\n' +
' item.complete();\n' +
'}' ) ) ;
let newItems = yield translate . translate ( ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments . length , 1 ) ;
let snapshot = containedAttachments [ 0 ] ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . getField ( "url" ) , "" ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . getNote ( ) , "attachment note" ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ) ;
assert . equal ( snapshot . attachmentContentType , "text/html" ) ;
checkTestTags ( snapshot , true ) ;
Zotero . Browser . deleteHiddenBrowser ( browser ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'web translators should ignore attachments that return error codes' , function * ( ) {
this . timeout ( 60000 ) ;
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : [
"url" : "" ,
"title" : "Non-Existent HTML"
} ,
"url" : "" ,
"title" : "Non-Existent PDF"
] ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "web" , myItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments . length , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'web translators should save PDFs only if the content type matches' , function * ( ) {
this . timeout ( 60000 ) ;
let myItems = [
"itemType" : "book" ,
"title" : "Container Item" ,
"attachments" : [
"url" : "" ,
"mimeType" : "application/pdf" ,
"title" : "Test PDF with wrong mime type"
} ,
"url" : "" ,
"mimeType" : "application/pdf" ,
"title" : "Test PDF" ,
"note" : "attachment note" ,
"tags" : TEST _TAGS
] ;
let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator ( "web" , myItems ) ;
assert . equal ( newItems . length , 1 ) ;
let containedAttachments = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( newItems [ 0 ] . getAttachments ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( containedAttachments . length , 1 ) ;
let pdf = containedAttachments [ 0 ] ;
assert . equal ( pdf . getField ( "title" ) , "Test PDF" ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . getField ( "url" ) , "" ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . getNote ( ) , "attachment note" ) ;
assert . equal ( pdf . attachmentLinkMode , Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ) ;
checkTestTags ( pdf , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
describe ( "Zotero.Translate.ItemGetter" , function ( ) {
describe ( "nextItem" , function ( ) {
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
it ( 'should return false for an empty database' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
assert . isFalse ( yield getter . nextItem ( ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
it ( 'should return items in order they are supplied' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let items , itemIDs , itemURIs ;
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
items = [
yield new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ,
yield new Zotero . Item ( 'book' )
] ;
itemIDs = [ yield items [ 0 ] . save ( ) , yield items [ 1 ] . save ( ) ] ;
itemURIs = items . map ( i => Zotero . URI . getItemURI ( i ) ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
getter . _itemsLeft = items ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
assert . equal ( ( yield getter . nextItem ( ) ) . uri , itemURIs [ 0 ] , 'first item comes out first' ) ;
assert . equal ( ( yield getter . nextItem ( ) ) . uri , itemURIs [ 1 ] , 'second item comes out second' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( ( yield getter . nextItem ( ) ) , 'end of item queue' ) ;
} ) ) ;
it ( 'should return items with tags in expected format' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let itemWithAutomaticTag , itemWithManualTag , itemWithMultipleTags
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
itemWithAutomaticTag = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
itemWithAutomaticTag . addTag ( 'automatic tag' , 0 ) ;
yield itemWithAutomaticTag . save ( ) ;
itemWithManualTag = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
itemWithManualTag . addTag ( 'manual tag' , 1 ) ;
yield itemWithManualTag . save ( ) ;
itemWithMultipleTags = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
itemWithMultipleTags . addTag ( 'tag1' , 0 ) ;
itemWithMultipleTags . addTag ( 'tag2' , 1 ) ;
yield itemWithMultipleTags . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let legacyMode = [ false , true ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < legacyMode . length ; i ++ ) {
getter . _itemsLeft = [ itemWithAutomaticTag , itemWithManualTag , itemWithMultipleTags ] ;
getter . legacy = legacyMode [ i ] ;
let suffix = legacyMode [ i ] ? ' in legacy mode' : '' ;
// itemWithAutomaticTag
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . tags , 'item contains automatic tags in an array' + suffix ) ;
assert . isObject ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] , 'automatic tag is an object' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] . tag , 'automatic tag' , 'automatic tag name provided as "tag" property' + suffix ) ;
if ( legacyMode [ i ] ) {
assert . equal ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] . type , 0 , 'automatic tag "type" is 0' + suffix ) ;
} else {
assert . isUndefined ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] . type , '"type" is undefined for automatic tag' + suffix ) ;
// itemWithManualTag
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . tags , 'item contains manual tags in an array' + suffix ) ;
assert . isObject ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] , 'manual tag is an object' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] . tag , 'manual tag' , 'manual tag name provided as "tag" property' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . tags [ 0 ] . type , 1 , 'manual tag "type" is 1' + suffix ) ;
// itemWithMultipleTags
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . tags , 'item contains multiple tags in an array' + suffix ) ;
assert . lengthOf ( translatorItem . tags , 2 , 'expected number of tags returned' + suffix ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
it ( 'should return item collections in expected format' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let items , collections ;
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
items = getter . _itemsLeft = [
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) , // Not in collection
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) , // In a single collection
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) , //In two collections
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) // In a nested collection
] ;
yield Zotero . Promise . all ( items . map ( item => item . save ( ) ) ) ;
collections = [
new Zotero . Collection ,
new Zotero . Collection ,
new Zotero . Collection ,
new Zotero . Collection
] ;
collections [ 0 ] . name = "test1" ;
collections [ 1 ] . name = "test2" ;
collections [ 2 ] . name = "subTest1" ;
collections [ 3 ] . name = "subTest2" ;
yield collections [ 0 ] . save ( ) ;
yield collections [ 1 ] . save ( ) ;
collections [ 2 ] . parentID = collections [ 0 ] . id ;
collections [ 3 ] . parentID = collections [ 1 ] . id ;
yield collections [ 2 ] . save ( ) ;
yield collections [ 3 ] . save ( ) ;
yield collections [ 0 ] . addItems ( [ items [ 1 ] . id , items [ 2 ] . id ] ) ;
yield collections [ 1 ] . addItem ( items [ 2 ] . id ) ;
yield collections [ 2 ] . addItem ( items [ 3 ] . id ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . collections , 'item in library root has a collections array' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections . length , 0 , 'item in library root does not list any collections' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . collections , 'item in a single collection has a collections array' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections . length , 1 , 'item in a single collection lists one collection' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections [ 0 ] , collections [ 0 ] . key , 'item in a single collection identifies correct collection' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . collections , 'item in two collections has a collections array' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections . length , 2 , 'item in two collections lists two collections' ) ;
assert . deepEqual (
translatorItem . collections . sort ( ) ,
[ collections [ 0 ] . key , collections [ 1 ] . key ] . sort ( ) ,
'item in two collections identifies correct collections'
) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . collections , 'item in a nested collection has a collections array' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections . length , 1 , 'item in a single nested collection lists one collection' ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . collections [ 0 ] , collections [ 2 ] . key , 'item in a single collection identifies correct collection' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
// it('should return item relations in expected format', Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
// let getter = new Zotero.Translate.ItemGetter();
// let items;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
// items = [
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // Item with no relations
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // Relation set on this item
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // To this item
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // This item is related to two items below
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // But this item is not related to the item below
// new Zotero.Item('journalArticle')
// ];
// yield Zotero.Promise.all(items.map(item => item.save()));
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// yield items[1].addRelatedItem(items[2].id);
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// yield items[3].addRelatedItem(items[4].id);
// yield items[3].addRelatedItem(items[5].id);
// });
// getter._itemsLeft = items.slice();
// let translatorItem = yield getter.nextItem();
// assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item with no relations has a relations object');
// assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 0, 'item with no relations does not list any relations');
// translatorItem = yield getter.nextItem();
// assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the subject of a single relation has a relations object');
// assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the subject of a single relation list one relations predicate');
// assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of a single relation uses "dc:relation" as the predicate');
// assert.isString(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of a single relation lists "dc:relation" object as a string');
// assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[2]), 'item that is the subject of a single relation identifies correct object URI');
// translatorItem = yield getter.nextItem();
// assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the object of a single relation has a relations object');
// assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the object of a single relation list one relations predicate');
// assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the object of a single relation uses "dc:relation" as the predicate');
// assert.isString(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the object of a single relation lists "dc:relation" object as a string');
// assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[1]), 'item that is the object of a single relation identifies correct subject URI');
// translatorItem = yield getter.nextItem();
// assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the subject of two relations has a relations object');
// assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the subject of two relations list one relations predicate');
// assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of two relations uses "dc:relation" as the predicate');
// assert.isArray(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of two relations lists "dc:relation" object as an array');
// assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'].length, 2, 'item that is the subject of two relations lists two relations in the "dc:relation" array');
// assert.deepEqual(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'].sort(),
// [Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[4]), Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[5])].sort(),
// 'item that is the subject of two relations identifies correct object URIs'
// );
// translatorItem = yield getter.nextItem();
// assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations has a relations object');
// assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations list one relations predicate');
// assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations uses "dc:relation" as the predicate');
// assert.isString(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations lists "dc:relation" object as a string');
// assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[3]), 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations identifies correct subject URI');
// }));
it ( 'should return standalone note in expected format' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
let relatedItem , note , collection ;
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
relatedItem = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
yield relatedItem . save ( ) ;
note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
note . addTag ( 'automaticTag' , 0 ) ;
note . addTag ( 'manualTag' , 1 ) ;
// note.addRelatedItem(relatedItem.id);
yield note . save ( ) ;
collection = new Zotero . Collection ;
collection . name = 'test' ;
yield collection . save ( ) ;
yield collection . addItem ( note . id ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let legacyMode = [ false , true ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < legacyMode . length ; i ++ ) {
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
getter . _itemsLeft = [ note ] ;
let legacy = getter . legacy = legacyMode [ i ] ;
let suffix = legacy ? ' in legacy mode' : '' ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let translatorNote = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isDefined ( translatorNote , 'returns standalone note' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . itemType , 'note' , 'itemType is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . note , 'Note' , 'note is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . dateAdded , 'dateAdded is string' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . dateModified , 'dateModified is string' + suffix ) ;
if ( legacy ) {
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateAdded ) , 'dateAdded is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateModified ) , 'dateModified is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isNumber ( translatorNote . itemID , 'itemID is set' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . key , 'key is set' + suffix ) ;
} else {
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateAdded ) , 'dateAdded is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateModified ) , 'dateModified is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
// Tags
assert . isArray ( translatorNote . tags , 'contains tags as array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . tags . length , 2 , 'contains correct number of tags' + suffix ) ;
let possibleTags = [
{ tag : 'automaticTag' , type : 0 } ,
{ tag : 'manualTag' , type : 1 }
] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < possibleTags . length ; i ++ ) {
let match = false ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < translatorNote . tags . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( possibleTags [ i ] . tag == translatorNote . tags [ j ] . tag ) {
let type = possibleTags [ i ] . type ;
if ( ! legacy && type == 0 ) type = undefined ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . tags [ j ] . type , type , possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag is correct' + suffix ) ;
match = true ;
break ;
assert . isTrue ( match , 'has ' + possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag ' + suffix ) ;
// Relations
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// assert.isObject(translatorNote.relations, 'has relations as object' + suffix);
// assert.equal(translatorNote.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(relatedItem), 'relation is correct' + suffix);
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
/** TODO: test other relations and multiple relations per predicate (should be an array) **/
if ( ! legacy ) {
// Collections
assert . isArray ( translatorNote . collections , 'has a collections array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . collections . length , 1 , 'lists one collection' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . collections [ 0 ] , collection . key , 'identifies correct collection' + suffix ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
it ( 'should return attached note in expected format' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
let relatedItem , items , collection , note ;
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
relatedItem = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
yield relatedItem . save ( ) ;
items = [
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ,
new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' )
] ;
yield Zotero . Promise . all ( items . map ( item => item . save ( ) ) ) ;
collection = new Zotero . Collection ;
collection . name = 'test' ;
yield collection . save ( ) ;
yield collection . addItem ( items [ 0 ] . id ) ;
yield collection . addItem ( items [ 1 ] . id ) ;
note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
note . addTag ( 'automaticTag' , 0 ) ;
note . addTag ( 'manualTag' , 1 ) ;
yield note . save ( ) ;
// note.addRelatedItem(relatedItem.id);
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let legacyMode = [ false , true ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < legacyMode . length ; i ++ ) {
let item = items [ i ] ;
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
getter . _itemsLeft = [ item ] ;
let legacy = getter . legacy = legacyMode [ i ] ;
let suffix = legacy ? ' in legacy mode' : '' ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . notes , 'item with no notes contains notes array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . notes . length , 0 , 'item with no notes contains empty notes array' + suffix ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
note . parentID = item . id ;
yield note . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
getter . _itemsLeft = [ item ] ;
getter . legacy = legacy ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . notes , 'item with no notes contains notes array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . notes . length , 1 , 'item with one note contains array with one note' + suffix ) ;
let translatorNote = translatorItem . notes [ 0 ] ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . itemType , 'note' , 'itemType is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . note , 'Note' , 'note is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . dateAdded , 'dateAdded is string' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . dateModified , 'dateModified is string' + suffix ) ;
if ( legacy ) {
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateAdded ) , 'dateAdded is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateModified ) , 'dateModified is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isNumber ( translatorNote . itemID , 'itemID is set' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( translatorNote . key , 'key is set' + suffix ) ;
} else {
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateAdded ) , 'dateAdded is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( translatorNote . dateModified ) , 'dateModified is in correct format' + suffix ) ;
// Tags
assert . isArray ( translatorNote . tags , 'contains tags as array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . tags . length , 2 , 'contains correct number of tags' + suffix ) ;
let possibleTags = [
{ tag : 'automaticTag' , type : 0 } ,
{ tag : 'manualTag' , type : 1 }
] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < possibleTags . length ; i ++ ) {
let match = false ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < translatorNote . tags . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( possibleTags [ i ] . tag == translatorNote . tags [ j ] . tag ) {
let type = possibleTags [ i ] . type ;
if ( ! legacy && type == 0 ) type = undefined ;
assert . equal ( translatorNote . tags [ j ] . type , type , possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag is correct' + suffix ) ;
match = true ;
break ;
assert . isTrue ( match , 'has ' + possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag ' + suffix ) ;
// Relations
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// assert.isObject(translatorNote.relations, 'has relations as object' + suffix);
// assert.equal(translatorNote.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(relatedItem), 'relation is correct' + suffix);
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
/** TODO: test other relations and multiple relations per predicate (should be an array) **/
if ( ! legacy ) {
// Collections
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
assert . isUndefined ( translatorNote . collections , 'has no collections array' + suffix ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
2015-06-02 05:10:42 -04:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
it ( 'should return stored/linked file and URI attachments in expected format' , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
this . timeout ( 60000 ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
let file = getTestPDF ( ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let item , relatedItem ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
item = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
yield item . save ( ) ;
relatedItem = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
yield relatedItem . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
// Attachment items
let attachments = [
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield Zotero . Attachments . importFromFile ( { "file" : file } ) , // Standalone stored file
yield Zotero . Attachments . linkFromFile ( { "file" : file } ) , // Standalone link to file
yield Zotero . Attachments . importFromFile ( { "file" : file , "parentItemID" : item . id } ) , // Attached stored file
yield Zotero . Attachments . linkFromFile ( { "file" : file , "parentItemID" : item . id } ) , // Attached link to file
yield Zotero . Attachments . linkFromURL ( { "url" : 'http://example.com' , "parentItemID" : item . id , "contentType" : 'application/pdf' , "title" : 'empty.pdf' } ) // Attached link to URL
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
] ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield Zotero . DB . executeTransaction ( function * ( ) {
// Make sure all fields are populated
for ( let i = 0 ; i < attachments . length ; i ++ ) {
let attachment = attachments [ i ] ;
attachment . setField ( 'accessDate' , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' ) ;
2015-06-01 06:03:04 -04:00
attachment . attachmentCharset = 'utf-8' ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
attachment . setField ( 'url' , 'http://example.com' ) ;
attachment . setNote ( 'note' ) ;
attachment . addTag ( 'automaticTag' , 0 ) ;
attachment . addTag ( 'manualTag' , 1 ) ;
// attachment.addRelatedItem(relatedItem.id);
yield attachment . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
let items = [ attachments [ 0 ] , attachments [ 1 ] , item ] ; // Standalone attachments and item with child attachments
// Run tests
let legacyMode = [ false , true ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < legacyMode . length ; i ++ ) {
let getter = new Zotero . Translate . ItemGetter ( ) ;
getter . _itemsLeft = items . slice ( ) ;
let exportDir = yield getTempDirectory ( ) ;
getter . _exportFileDirectory = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/file/local;1" ]
. createInstance ( Components . interfaces . nsILocalFile ) ;
getter . _exportFileDirectory . initWithPath ( exportDir ) ;
let legacy = getter . legacy = legacyMode [ i ] ;
let suffix = legacy ? ' in legacy mode' : '' ;
// Gather all standalone and child attachments into a single array,
// since tests are mostly the same
let translatorAttachments = [ ] , translatorItem ;
let itemsLeft = items . length , attachmentsLeft = attachments . length ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
while ( translatorItem = yield getter . nextItem ( ) ) {
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . isString ( translatorItem . itemType , 'itemType is set' + suffix ) ;
// Standalone attachments
if ( translatorItem . itemType == 'attachment' ) {
translatorAttachments . push ( {
child : false ,
attachment : translatorItem
} ) ;
attachmentsLeft -- ;
// Child attachments
} else if ( translatorItem . itemType == 'journalArticle' ) {
assert . isArray ( translatorItem . attachments , 'item contains attachment array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( translatorItem . attachments . length , 3 , 'attachment array contains all items' + suffix ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < translatorItem . attachments . length ; i ++ ) {
let attachment = translatorItem . attachments [ i ] ;
assert . equal ( attachment . itemType , 'attachment' , 'item attachment is of itemType "attachment"' + suffix ) ;
translatorAttachments . push ( {
child : true ,
attachment : attachment
} ) ;
attachmentsLeft -- ;
// Unexpected
} else {
assert . fail ( translatorItem . itemType , 'attachment or journalArticle' , 'expected itemType returned' ) ;
itemsLeft -- ;
assert . equal ( itemsLeft , 0 , 'all items returned by getter' ) ;
assert . equal ( attachmentsLeft , 0 , 'all attachments returned by getter' ) ;
// Since we make no guarantees on the order of child attachments,
// we have to rely on URI as the identifier
let uriMap = { } ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < attachments . length ; i ++ ) {
uriMap [ Zotero . URI . getItemURI ( attachments [ i ] ) ] = attachments [ i ] ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < translatorAttachments . length ; j ++ ) {
let childAttachment = translatorAttachments [ j ] . child ;
let attachment = translatorAttachments [ j ] . attachment ;
assert . isString ( attachment . uri , 'uri is set' + suffix ) ;
let zoteroItem = uriMap [ attachment . uri ] ;
assert . isDefined ( zoteroItem , 'uri is correct' + suffix ) ;
delete uriMap [ attachment . uri ] ;
let storedFile = zoteroItem . attachmentLinkMode == Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _FILE
|| zoteroItem . attachmentLinkMode == Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _IMPORTED _URL ;
let linkToURL = zoteroItem . attachmentLinkMode == Zotero . Attachments . LINK _MODE _LINKED _URL ;
let prefix = ( childAttachment ? 'attached ' : '' )
+ ( storedFile ? 'stored ' : 'link to ' )
+ ( linkToURL ? 'URL ' : 'file ' ) ;
// Set fields
assert . equal ( attachment . itemType , 'attachment' , prefix + 'itemType is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . title , 'empty.pdf' , prefix + 'title is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . url , 'http://example.com' , prefix + 'url is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . note , 'note' , prefix + 'note is correct' + suffix ) ;
// Automatically set fields
assert . isString ( attachment . dateAdded , prefix + 'dateAdded is set' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( attachment . dateModified , prefix + 'dateModified is set' + suffix ) ;
// Legacy mode fields
if ( legacy ) {
assert . isNumber ( attachment . itemID , prefix + 'itemID is set' + suffix ) ;
assert . isString ( attachment . key , prefix + 'key is set' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . mimeType , 'application/pdf' , prefix + 'mimeType is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . accessDate , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' , prefix + 'accessDate is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( attachment . dateAdded ) , prefix + 'dateAdded matches SQL format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( sqlDateTimeRe . test ( attachment . dateModified ) , prefix + 'dateModified matches SQL format' + suffix ) ;
} else {
assert . equal ( attachment . contentType , 'application/pdf' , prefix + 'contentType is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . accessDate , '2001-02-03T12:13:14Z' , prefix + 'accessDate is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( attachment . dateAdded ) , prefix + 'dateAdded matches ISO-8601 format' + suffix ) ;
assert . isTrue ( isoDateTimeRe . test ( attachment . dateModified ) , prefix + 'dateModified matches ISO-8601 format' + suffix ) ;
if ( ! linkToURL ) {
// localPath
assert . isString ( attachment . localPath , prefix + 'localPath is set' + suffix ) ;
let attachmentFile = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/file/local;1" ]
. createInstance ( Components . interfaces . nsILocalFile ) ;
attachmentFile . initWithPath ( attachment . localPath ) ;
assert . isTrue ( attachmentFile . exists ( ) , prefix + 'localPath points to a file' + suffix ) ;
2015-06-01 06:03:04 -04:00
assert . isTrue ( attachmentFile . equals ( attachments [ j ] . getFile ( ) ) , prefix + 'localPath points to the correct file' + suffix ) ;
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
assert . equal ( attachment . filename , 'empty.pdf' , prefix + 'filename is correct' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . defaultPath , 'files/' + attachments [ j ] . id + '/' + attachment . filename , prefix + 'defaultPath is correct' + suffix ) ;
// saveFile function
assert . isFunction ( attachment . saveFile , prefix + 'has saveFile function' + suffix ) ;
attachment . saveFile ( attachment . defaultPath ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . path , OS . Path . join ( exportDir , OS . Path . normalize ( attachment . defaultPath ) ) , prefix + 'path is set correctly after saveFile call' + suffix ) ;
let fileExists = yield OS . File . exists ( attachment . path ) ;
assert . isTrue ( fileExists , prefix + 'file was copied to the correct path by saveFile function' + suffix ) ;
fileExists = yield OS . File . exists ( attachment . localPath ) ;
assert . isTrue ( fileExists , prefix + 'file was not removed from original location' + suffix ) ;
assert . throws ( attachment . saveFile . bind ( attachment , attachment . defaultPath ) , /^ERROR_FILE_EXISTS / , prefix + 'saveFile does not overwrite existing file by default' + suffix ) ;
assert . throws ( attachment . saveFile . bind ( attachment , 'file/../../' ) , /./ , prefix + 'saveFile does not allow exporting outside export directory' + suffix ) ;
/** TODO: check if overwriting existing file works **/
// Tags
assert . isArray ( attachment . tags , prefix + 'contains tags as array' + suffix ) ;
assert . equal ( attachment . tags . length , 2 , prefix + 'contains correct number of tags' + suffix ) ;
let possibleTags = [
{ tag : 'automaticTag' , type : 0 } ,
{ tag : 'manualTag' , type : 1 }
] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < possibleTags . length ; i ++ ) {
let match = false ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < attachment . tags . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( possibleTags [ i ] . tag == attachment . tags [ j ] . tag ) {
let type = possibleTags [ i ] . type ;
if ( ! legacy && type == 0 ) type = undefined ;
assert . equal ( attachment . tags [ j ] . type , type , prefix + possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag is correct' + suffix ) ;
match = true ;
break ;
assert . isTrue ( match , prefix + ' has ' + possibleTags [ i ] . tag + ' tag ' + suffix ) ;
// Relations
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
// assert.isObject(attachment.relations, prefix + 'has relations as object' + suffix);
// assert.equal(attachment.relations['dc:relation'], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(relatedItem), prefix + 'relation is correct' + suffix);
2015-04-26 01:44:29 -05:00
/** TODO: test other relations and multiple relations per predicate (should be an array) **/
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
2015-06-04 00:47:58 -04:00
} ) ;