2015-03-07 12:18:27 -05:00
describe ( "Zotero.Utilities" , function ( ) {
describe ( "cleanAuthor" , function ( ) {
it ( 'should parse author names' , function ( ) {
for ( let useComma of [ false , true ] ) {
for ( let first _expected of [ [ "First" , "First" ] ,
[ "First Middle" , "First Middle" ] ,
[ "F. R. S." , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "F.R.S." , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "F R S" , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "FRS" , "F. R. S." ] ] ) {
let [ first , expected ] = first _expected ;
let str = useComma ? "Last, " + first : first + " Last" ;
let author = Zotero . Utilities . cleanAuthor ( str , "author" , useComma ) ;
assert . equal ( author . firstName , expected ) ;
assert . equal ( author . lastName , "Last" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
describe ( "cleanISBN" , function ( ) {
let cleanISBN = Zotero . Utilities . cleanISBN ;
it ( "should return false for non-ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '' ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( 'Random String 123' ) , 'returned false for non-ISBN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234X67890' ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '987123456789X' ) , 'returned false for ISBN13-looking string with X as check-digit' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return false for invalid ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISBN10' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9871234567890' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISBN13' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISBN string given clean, valid ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X' ) , '123456789X' , 'passed through valid ISBN10' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789x' ) , '123456789X' , 'passed through valid ISBN10 with lower case input' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'passed through valid ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9791843123391' ) , '9791843123391' , 'passed through valid ISBN13 in 979 range' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off internal characters in ISBN string" , function ( ) {
let ignoredChars = '\x2D\xAD\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2015\u2043\u2212' // Dashes
+ ' \xA0\r\n\t\x0B\x0C\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005' // Spaces
+ '\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF' ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ignoredChars . length ; i ++ ) {
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( ignoredChars . charCodeAt ( i ) . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + ignoredChars . charAt ( i ) + '234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off ' + charCode ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + ignoredChars + '234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off all ignored characters' ) ;
let isbnChars = ignoredChars + '1234567890' ;
2015-03-30 16:28:12 -05:00
for ( let i = 1 ; i < 1327 ; i ++ ) { // More common characters through Cyrillic letters
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
let c = String . fromCharCode ( i ) ;
if ( isbnChars . indexOf ( c ) != - 1 ) continue ;
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( i . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + c + '234567897' ) , 'did not ignore internal character ' + charCode ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off surrounding non-ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN 9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off preceding string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN:9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off preceding string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897 ISBN13' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off trailing string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897(ISBN13)' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off trailing string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN13:9781234567897 (print)' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off surrounding string' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '978 9781234567 897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off pseudo-ISBN prefix' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the first valid ISBN from a string with multiple ISBNs" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897, 9791843123391' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN13 from list of valid ISBN13s' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X, 0199535922' ) , '123456789X' , 'returned first valid ISBN13 from list of valid ISBN13s' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X 9781234567897' ) , '123456789X' , 'returned first valid ISBN (10) from a list of mixed-length ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897 123456789X' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN (13) from a list of mixed-length ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890 9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not return an ISBN from a middle of a longer number string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897' ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897123' ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897123' ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISBN from a dirty string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '<b>ISBN</b>:978-1 234\xA056789 - 7(print)\n<b>ISBN-10</b>:123\x2D456789X (print)' ) , '9781234567897' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not validate check digit when dontValidate is set" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567890' , true ) , '9781234567890' , 'plain ISBN13 with wrong check digit' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890' , true ) , '1234567890' , 'plain ISBN10 with wrong check digit' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890 9781234567897' , true ) , '1234567890' , 'returned first ISBN10 (invalid) in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567890 123456789X' , true ) , '9781234567890' , 'returned first ISBN13 (invalid) in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not pass non-ISBN strings if dontValidate is set" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '' , true ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( 'Random String 123' , true ) , 'returned false for non-ISBN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234X67890' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '123456789Y' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with Y as check digit' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '987123456789X' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN13-looking string with X as check-digit' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897' , true ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897123' , true ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897123' , true ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "toISBN13" , function ( ) {
let toISBN13 = Zotero . Utilities . toISBN13 ;
it ( "should throw on invalid ISBN" , function ( ) {
let errorMsg = 'ISBN not found in "' ,
invalidStrings = [ '' , 'random string' , '1234567890123' ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < invalidStrings . length ; i ++ ) {
assert . throws ( toISBN13 . bind ( null , invalidStrings [ i ] ) , errorMsg + invalidStrings [ i ] + '"' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should convert to ISBN13" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '123456789X' ) , '9781234567897' , 'converts ISBN10 to ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'ISBN13 stays the same' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9791843123391' ) , '9791843123391' , '979 ISBN13 stays the same' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '978-1234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'accepts hyphenated ISBN' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should ignore invalid check digit" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '1234567890' ) , '9781234567897' , 'converts ISBN10 with invalid check digit to ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9781234567890' ) , '9781234567897' , 'corrects invalid ISBN13 check digit' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "cleanISSN" , function ( ) {
let cleanISSN = Zotero . Utilities . cleanISSN ;
it ( "should return false for non-ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '' ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( 'Random String 123' ) , 'returned false for non-ISSN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '123X-5679' ) , 'returned false for ISSN-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return false for invalid ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12345678' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISSN' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5678' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISSN with hyphen' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISSN string given clean, valid ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'passed through valid ISSN' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '2090-424X' ) , '2090-424X' , 'passed through valid ISSN with X check digit' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should hyphenate valid ISSN" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '12345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'hyphenated valid ISSN' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off internal characters in ISSN string" , function ( ) {
let ignoredChars = '\x2D\xAD\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2015\u2043\u2212' // Dashes
+ ' \xA0\r\n\t\x0B\x0C\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005' // Spaces
+ '\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF' ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ignoredChars . length ; i ++ ) {
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( ignoredChars . charCodeAt ( i ) . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1' + ignoredChars . charAt ( i ) + '2345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off ' + charCode ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1' + ignoredChars + '2345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off all ignored characters' ) ;
let isbnChars = ignoredChars + '1234567890' ;
2015-03-30 16:28:12 -05:00
for ( let i = 1 ; i < 1327 ; i ++ ) { // More common characters through Cyrillic letters
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
let c = String . fromCharCode ( i ) ;
if ( isbnChars . indexOf ( c ) != - 1 ) continue ;
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( i . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '1' + c + '2345679' ) , 'did not ignore internal character ' + charCode ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off surrounding non-ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN 1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off preceding string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN:1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off preceding string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679 ISSN' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off trailing string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679(ISSN)' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off trailing string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN:1234-5679 (print)' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off surrounding string' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '123 12345 679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off pseudo-ISSN prefix' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the first valid ISSN from a string with multiple ISSNs" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679, 0028-0836' ) , '1234-5679' , 'returned first valid ISSN from list of valid ISSNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5678, 0028-0836' ) , '0028-0836' , 'returned first valid ISSN in the list with valid and invalid ISSNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not return an ISSN from a middle of a longer number string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12312345679' ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12345679123' ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12312345679123' ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISSN from a dirty string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '<b>ISSN</b>:1234\xA0-\t5679(print)\n<b>eISSN (electronic)</b>:0028-0836' ) , '1234-5679' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
describe ( "itemToCSLJSON" , function ( ) {
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
it ( "should accept Zotero.Item and Zotero export item format" , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData ( loadSampleData ( 'journalArticle' ) ) ;
let item = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( data . journalArticle . id ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
let fromZoteroItem ;
try {
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
fromZoteroItem = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
} catch ( e ) {
assert . fail ( e , null , 'accepts Zotero Item' ) ;
assert . isObject ( fromZoteroItem , 'converts Zotero Item to object' ) ;
assert . isNotNull ( fromZoteroItem , 'converts Zotero Item to non-null object' ) ;
let fromExportItem ;
try {
fromExportItem = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON (
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
Zotero . Utilities . Internal . itemToExportFormat ( item )
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
assert . fail ( e , null , 'accepts Zotero export item' ) ;
assert . isObject ( fromExportItem , 'converts Zotero export item to object' ) ;
assert . isNotNull ( fromExportItem , 'converts Zotero export item to non-null object' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( fromZoteroItem , fromExportItem , 'conversion from Zotero Item and from export item are the same' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
it ( "should convert standalone notes to expected format" , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
let note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield note . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let cslJSONNote = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( note ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
assert . equal ( cslJSONNote . type , 'article' , 'note is exported as "article"' ) ;
2015-05-12 18:36:27 -05:00
assert . equal ( cslJSONNote . title , note . getNoteTitle ( ) , 'note title is set to Zotero pseudo-title' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
it ( "should convert standalone attachments to expected format" , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
let file = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
file . append ( "empty.pdf" ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
let attachment = yield Zotero . Attachments . importFromFile ( { "file" : file } ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
attachment . setField ( 'title' , 'Empty' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'accessDate' , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'url' , 'http://example.com' ) ;
attachment . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
yield attachment . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let cslJSONAttachment = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( attachment ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
assert . equal ( cslJSONAttachment . type , 'article' , 'attachment is exported as "article"' ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSONAttachment . title , 'Empty' , 'attachment title is correct' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslJSONAttachment . accessed , { "date-parts" : [ [ "2001" , 2 , 3 ] ] } , 'attachment access date is mapped correctly' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
it ( "should refuse to convert unexpected item types" , Zotero . Promise . coroutine ( function * ( ) {
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData ( loadSampleData ( 'journalArticle' ) ) ;
let item = yield Zotero . Items . getAsync ( data . journalArticle . id ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
let exportFormat = Zotero . Utilities . Internal . itemToExportFormat ( item ) ;
exportFormat . itemType = 'foo' ;
assert . throws ( Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON . bind ( Zotero . Utilities , exportFormat ) , /^Unexpected Zotero Item type ".*"$/ , 'throws an error when trying to map invalid item types' ) ;
2015-05-31 23:59:15 -04:00
} ) ) ;
2016-09-28 11:45:18 -04:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
it ( "should parse particles in creator names" , function * ( ) {
2015-07-20 20:09:33 -05:00
let creators = [
// No particles
firstName : 'John' ,
lastName : 'Smith' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'John' ,
family : 'Smith'
} ,
// dropping and non-dropping
firstName : 'Jean de' ,
lastName : 'la Fontaine' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Jean' ,
"dropping-particle" : 'de' ,
"non-dropping-particle" : 'la' ,
family : 'Fontaine'
} ,
// only non-dropping
firstName : 'Vincent' ,
lastName : 'van Gogh' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Vincent' ,
"non-dropping-particle" : 'van' ,
family : 'Gogh'
} ,
// only dropping
firstName : 'Alexander von' ,
lastName : 'Humboldt' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Alexander' ,
"dropping-particle" : 'von' ,
family : 'Humboldt'
} ,
// institutional author
lastName : 'Jean de la Fontaine' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
fieldMode : 1 ,
expect : {
literal : 'Jean de la Fontaine'
} ,
// protected last name
firstName : 'Jean de' ,
lastName : '"la Fontaine"' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Jean de' ,
family : 'la Fontaine'
] ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
let data = yield populateDBWithSampleData ( {
2015-07-20 20:09:33 -05:00
item : {
itemType : 'journalArticle' ,
creators : creators
} ) ;
let item = Zotero . Items . get ( data . item . id ) ;
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let cslCreators = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) . author ;
2015-07-20 20:09:33 -05:00
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 0 ] , creators [ 0 ] . expect , 'simple name is not parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 1 ] , creators [ 1 ] . expect , 'name with dropping and non-dropping particles is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 2 ] , creators [ 2 ] . expect , 'name with only non-dropping particle is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 3 ] , creators [ 3 ] . expect , 'name with only dropping particle is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 4 ] , creators [ 4 ] . expect , 'institutional author is not parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 5 ] , creators [ 5 ] . expect , 'protected last name prevents parsing' ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
} ) ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
describe ( "itemFromCSLJSON" , function ( ) {
it ( "should stably perform itemToCSLJSON -> itemFromCSLJSON -> itemToCSLJSON" , function * ( ) {
2016-03-07 17:13:30 -05:00
this . timeout ( 10000 ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
let data = loadSampleData ( 'citeProcJSExport' ) ;
for ( let i in data ) {
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
let json = data [ i ] ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
let item = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( item , json ) ;
yield item . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let newJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
delete newJSON . id ;
delete json . id ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
assert . deepEqual ( newJSON , json , i + ' export -> import -> export is stable' ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
} ) ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
it ( "should import exported standalone note" , function * ( ) {
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
let note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.' ) ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
yield note . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let jsonNote = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( note ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
let item = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( item , jsonNote ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
assert . equal ( item . getField ( 'title' ) , jsonNote . title , 'title imported correctly' ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
} ) ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
it ( "should import exported standalone attachment" , function * ( ) {
let attachment = yield importFileAttachment ( "empty.pdf" ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
attachment . setField ( 'title' , 'Empty' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'accessDate' , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'url' , 'http://example.com' ) ;
attachment . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
yield attachment . saveTx ( ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
Deasyncification :back: :cry:
While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously
generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to
be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for
providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface
supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant
data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep
the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate
What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going
to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more
functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*()
methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate
on entire libraries rather than individual objects.
The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the
last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a
lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this
adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger
libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce
that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries,
when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed.
But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and
storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though
performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead).
If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins
should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some
things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
let jsonAttachment = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( attachment ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
let item = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( item , jsonAttachment ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
2016-02-04 03:49:56 -05:00
assert . equal ( item . getField ( 'title' ) , jsonAttachment . title , 'title imported correctly' ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
} ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
} ) ;
2015-03-07 12:18:27 -05:00
} ) ;