2023-02-05 21:49:59 -05:00
describe("Retractions", function () {
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
var userLibraryID;
var win;
var zp;
var checkQueueItemsStub;
2023-09-03 18:43:57 -04:00
var retractedDOI = '10.1056/NEJMoa1200303'; // mixed case
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
before(async function () {
2024-04-08 03:11:23 -04:00
// TEMP: Temporarily disabled in CI due to failures in fx115
if (Zotero.automatedTest) {
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
win = await loadZoteroPane();
zp = win.ZoteroPane;
2019-06-07 01:13:42 -04:00
2020-05-27 08:44:25 -04:00
await Zotero.Retractions.updateFromServer();
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
// Remove debouncing on checkQueuedItems()
checkQueueItemsStub = sinon.stub(Zotero.Retractions, 'checkQueuedItems').callsFake(() => {
return Zotero.Retractions._checkQueuedItemsInternal();
2019-06-07 01:13:42 -04:00
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
beforeEach(async function () {
var ids = await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync("SELECT itemID FROM retractedItems");
if (ids.length) {
await Zotero.Items.erase(ids);
afterEach(async function () {
after(async function () {
2024-04-08 03:11:23 -04:00
if (Zotero.automatedTest) {
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
2019-06-07 01:13:42 -04:00
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
var ids = await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync("SELECT itemID FROM retractedItems");
if (ids.length) {
await Zotero.Items.erase(ids);
async function createRetractedItem(options = {}) {
var o = {
itemType: 'journalArticle'
Object.assign(o, options);
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', o);
item.setField('DOI', retractedDOI);
2020-06-25 18:50:17 -04:00
if (Zotero.DB.inTransaction()) {
await item.save();
else {
await item.saveTx();
while (!checkQueueItemsStub.called) {
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
await checkQueueItemsStub.returnValues[0];
return item;
async function createRetractedItemWithExtraDOI(options = {}) {
var o = {
itemType: 'journalArticle'
Object.assign(o, options);
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', o);
item.setField('extra', 'DOI: ' + retractedDOI);
if (Zotero.DB.inTransaction()) {
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
await item.save();
else {
await item.saveTx();
2019-06-07 01:13:42 -04:00
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
while (!checkQueueItemsStub.called) {
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
await checkQueueItemsStub.returnValues[0];
return item;
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
function bannerShown() {
var container = win.document.getElementById('retracted-items-container');
if (container.getAttribute('collapsed') == 'true') {
return false;
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
if (!container.hasAttribute('collapsed')) {
return true;
throw new Error("'collapsed' attribute not found");
2019-06-12 01:05:49 -04:00
2019-06-19 06:41:33 -04:00
describe("#updateFromServer()", function () {
var server;
var baseURL;
before(function () {
Zotero.HTTP.mock = sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest;
baseURL = ZOTERO_CONFIG.API_URL + 'retractions/';
beforeEach(function () {
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.autoRespond = true;
after(async function () {
Zotero.HTTP.mock = null;
// Restore the real list from the server. We could just mock it as part of the suite.
await Zotero.Retractions.updateFromServer();
/*it("shouldn't show banner or virtual collection for already flagged items on list update", async function () {
await Zotero.Retractions.updateFromServer();
it("should remove retraction flag from items that no longer match prefix list", async function () {
var doi = '10.1234/abcde';
var hash = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.sha1(doi);
var prefix = hash.substr(0, 5);
var lines = [
Zotero.Retractions.TYPE_DOI + prefix + ' 12345\n',
Zotero.Retractions.TYPE_DOI + 'aaaaa 23456\n'
var listCount = 0;
var searchCount = 0;
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == 'GET' && req.url == baseURL + 'list') {
if (listCount == 1) {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'ETag': 'abcdefg'
else if (listCount == 2) {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'ETag': 'bcdefgh'
else if (req.method == 'POST' && req.url == baseURL + 'search') {
if (searchCount == 1) {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
doi: hash,
retractionDOI: '10.1234/bcdef',
2020-06-22 02:28:05 -04:00
date: '2019-01-02',
reasons: [
"Error in Data"
urls: []
2019-06-19 06:41:33 -04:00
await Zotero.Retractions.updateFromServer();
// Create item with DOI from list
var promise = waitForItemEvent('refresh');
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
item.setField('DOI', doi);
await item.saveTx();
await promise;
// Make a second request, with the entry removed
promise = waitForItemEvent('refresh');
await Zotero.Retractions.updateFromServer();
await promise;
2019-07-03 01:23:02 -04:00
describe("#shouldShowCitationWarning()", function () {
it("should return false if citation warning is hidden", async function () {
var item = await createRetractedItem();
await Zotero.Retractions.disableCitationWarningsForItem(item);
it("should return false if retraction is hidden", async function () {
var item = await createRetractedItem();
await Zotero.Retractions.hideRetraction(item);
2019-06-12 01:05:49 -04:00
describe("#getRetractionsFromJSON()", function () {
it("should identify object with retracted DOI", async function () {
var spy = sinon.spy(Zotero.HTTP, 'request');
var json = [
DOI: retractedDOI
DOI: '10.1234/abcd'
var indexes = await Zotero.Retractions.getRetractionsFromJSON(json);
assert.sameMembers(indexes, [1]);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
indexes = await Zotero.Retractions.getRetractionsFromJSON(json);
assert.sameMembers(indexes, [1]);
// Result should've been cached, so we should have it without another API request
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
2020-06-25 18:50:17 -04:00
it("should identify object with retracted DOI in Extra", async function () {
var json = [
extra: `DOI: ${retractedDOI}`
var indexes = await Zotero.Retractions.getRetractionsFromJSON(json);
assert.sameMembers(indexes, [0]);
2020-09-23 22:49:25 -04:00
it("should identify object with retracted DOI on subsequent line in Extra", async function () {
var json = [
extra: `Foo: Bar\nDOI: ${retractedDOI}`
var indexes = await Zotero.Retractions.getRetractionsFromJSON(json);
assert.sameMembers(indexes, [0]);
2019-06-12 01:05:49 -04:00
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
describe("Notification Banner", function () {
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
it("should show banner when retracted item is added", async function () {
await createRetractedItem();
2023-04-28 01:53:29 -04:00
do {
await delay(10);
while (!bannerShown());
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
2020-06-25 18:50:17 -04:00
it("should show banner when retracted item with DOI in Extra is added", async function () {
await createRetractedItemWithExtraDOI();
2023-04-28 01:53:29 -04:00
do {
await delay(10);
while (!bannerShown());
2020-06-25 18:50:17 -04:00
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
it("shouldn't show banner when item in trash is added", async function () {
2023-02-05 21:49:59 -05:00
await createRetractedItem({ deleted: true });
2023-04-28 01:53:29 -04:00
await delay(50);
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
describe("virtual collection", function () {
it("should show/hide Retracted Items collection when a retracted item is found/erased", async function () {
// Create item
var item = await createRetractedItem();
assert.ok(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
// Erase item
var promise = waitForItemEvent('refresh');
await item.eraseTx();
await promise;
assert.isFalse(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("should unhide Retracted Items collection when retracted item is found", async function () {
await createRetractedItem();
// Hide collection
await zp.setVirtual(userLibraryID, 'retracted', false);
// Add another retracted item, which should unhide it
await createRetractedItem();
assert.ok(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("should hide Retracted Items collection when last retracted item is moved to trash", async function () {
var rowID = "R" + userLibraryID;
// Create item
var item = await createRetractedItem();
// Select Retracted Items collection
await zp.collectionsView.selectByID(rowID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Erase item
item.deleted = true;
await item.saveTx();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
// Retracted Items should be gone
// And My Library should be selected
assert.equal(zp.collectionsView.selectedTreeRow.id, "L" + userLibraryID);
2019-07-03 01:23:02 -04:00
it("should hide Retracted Items collection when last retracted item is marked as hidden", async function () {
var rowID = "R" + userLibraryID;
// Create item
var item = await createRetractedItem();
// Select Retracted Items collection
await zp.collectionsView.selectByID(rowID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await Zotero.Retractions.hideRetraction(item);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
// Retracted Items should be gone
// And My Library should be selected
assert.equal(zp.collectionsView.selectedTreeRow.id, "L" + userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't hide Retracted Items collection when last retracted item is marked to not show a citation warning", async function () {
var rowID = "R" + userLibraryID;
// Create item
var item = await createRetractedItem();
// Select Retracted Items collection
await zp.collectionsView.selectByID(rowID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await Zotero.Retractions.disableCitationWarningsForItem(item);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
// Should still be showing
assert.ok(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
2019-06-10 02:37:54 -04:00
it("should show Retracted Items collection when retracted item is restored from trash", async function () {
// Create trashed item
var item = await createRetractedItem({ deleted: true });
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
assert.isFalse(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
// Restore item
item.deleted = false;
await item.saveTx();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
assert.ok(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
2019-06-07 01:13:42 -04:00
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
describe("retractions.enabled", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
it("should hide virtual collection and banner when false", async function () {
var item = await createRetractedItem();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
var itemRetractionBox = win.document.getElementById('retraction-box');
var spies = [
sinon.spy(Zotero.Retractions, '_removeAllEntries'),
2019-07-04 07:58:56 -04:00
sinon.spy(Zotero.Retractions, 'isRetracted')
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
Zotero.Prefs.set('retractions.enabled', false);
while (!spies[0].called || !spies[1].called) {
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
await spies[0].returnValues[0];
2023-02-05 21:49:59 -05:00
await spies[1].returnValues[0];
2019-06-11 21:24:17 -04:00
spies.forEach(spy => spy.restore());
assert.isFalse(zp.collectionsView.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
await item.eraseTx();
2023-02-05 21:49:59 -05:00