Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
"use strict";
describe("Zotero Core Functions", function () {
var tmpDir, oldDir, newDir, dbFilename, oldDBFile, newDBFile, oldStorageDir, newStorageDir,
oldTranslatorsDir, newTranslatorsDir, translatorName1, translatorName2,
oldStorageDir1, newStorageDir1, storageFile1, oldStorageDir2, newStorageDir2, storageFile2,
str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6,
oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker,
stub1, stub2, stub3;
before(function* () {
tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory();
oldDir = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, "old");
newDir = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, "new");
dbFilename = Zotero.getDatabaseFilename();
oldDBFile = OS.Path.join(oldDir, dbFilename);
newDBFile = OS.Path.join(newDir, dbFilename);
oldStorageDir = OS.Path.join(oldDir, "storage");
newStorageDir = OS.Path.join(newDir, "storage");
oldTranslatorsDir = OS.Path.join(oldDir, "translators");
newTranslatorsDir = OS.Path.join(newDir, "translators");
translatorName1 = 'a.js';
translatorName2 = 'b.js';
oldStorageDir1 = OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir, 'AAAAAAAA');
newStorageDir1 = OS.Path.join(newStorageDir, 'AAAAAAAA');
storageFile1 = 'test.pdf';
oldStorageDir2 = OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir, 'BBBBBBBB');
newStorageDir2 = OS.Path.join(newStorageDir, 'BBBBBBBB');
storageFile2 = 'test.html';
str1 = '1';
str2 = '2';
str3 = '3';
str4 = '4';
str5 = '5';
str6 = '6';
oldMigrationMarker = OS.Path.join(oldDir, Zotero.DATA_DIR_MIGRATION_MARKER);
newMigrationMarker = OS.Path.join(newDir, Zotero.DATA_DIR_MIGRATION_MARKER);
beforeEach(function* () {
stub1 = sinon.stub(Zotero, "setDataDirectory");
afterEach(function* () {
2016-11-19 23:52:10 +00:00
yield removeDir(oldDir);
yield removeDir(newDir);
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
var disableCommandMode = function () {
// Force non-mv mode
var origFunc = OS.File.exists;
stub2 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "exists", function (path) {
if (path == '/bin/mv') {
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(false);
else {
return origFunc(path);
var resetCommandMode = function () {
var populateDataDirectory = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (dir, srcDir) {
yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
let storageDir = OS.Path.join(dir, 'storage');
let storageDir1 = OS.Path.join(storageDir, 'AAAAAAAA');
let storageDir2 = OS.Path.join(storageDir, 'BBBBBBBB');
let translatorsDir = OS.Path.join(dir, 'translators');
let migrationMarker = OS.Path.join(dir, Zotero.DATA_DIR_MIGRATION_MARKER);
// Database
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(dir, dbFilename), str1);
// Database backup
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(dir, dbFilename + '.bak'), str2);
// 'storage' directory
yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
// 'storage' folders
yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir1, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(storageDir1, storageFile1), str2);
yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir2, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(storageDir2, storageFile2), str3);
// 'translators' and some translators
yield OS.File.makeDir(translatorsDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(translatorsDir, translatorName1), str4);
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(translatorsDir, translatorName2), str5);
// Migration marker
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(migrationMarker, srcDir || dir);
var checkMigration = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options = {}) {
if (!options.skipOldDir) {
assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(oldDir));
yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(newDBFile), str1);
yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(newDBFile + '.bak'), str2);
if (!options.skipStorageFile1) {
yield assert.eventually.equal(
Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newStorageDir1, storageFile1)), str2
yield assert.eventually.equal(
Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newStorageDir2, storageFile2)), str3
yield assert.eventually.equal(
Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newTranslatorsDir, translatorName1)), str4
yield assert.eventually.equal(
Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newTranslatorsDir, translatorName2)), str5
if (!options.skipNewMarker) {
assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(newMigrationMarker));
if (!options.skipSetDataDirectory) {
describe("#checkForDataDirectoryMigration()", function () {
let stub3;
before(function () {
after(function () {
it("should show error on partial failure", function* () {
2016-11-20 06:40:39 +00:00
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
let origFunc = OS.File.move;
let stub3 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () {
if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == storageFile1) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error"));
else {
2016-11-20 06:54:09 +00:00
let args;
if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 46) {
args = Array.from(arguments);
else {
args = arguments;
return origFunc(...args);
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
let stub4 = sinon.stub(Zotero.File, "reveal").returns(Zotero.Promise.resolve());
let stub5 = sinon.stub(Zotero.Utilities.Internal, "quitZotero");
2016-11-20 06:40:39 +00:00
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
var promise = waitForDialog();
yield Zotero.checkForDataDirectoryMigration(oldDir, newDir);
2016-11-20 06:40:39 +00:00
Zotero.debug("Waiting for dialog");
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
yield promise;
2016-11-20 06:40:39 +00:00
Zotero.debug("Done waiting for dialog");
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
it("should show error on full failure", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
let origFunc = OS.File.move;
let stub3 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () {
if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == dbFilename) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error"));
else {
return origFunc(...arguments);
let stub4 = sinon.stub(Zotero.File, "reveal").returns(Zotero.Promise.resolve());
let stub5 = sinon.stub(Zotero.Utilities.Internal, "quitZotero");
var promise = waitForDialog();
yield Zotero.checkForDataDirectoryMigration(oldDir, newDir);
yield promise;
it("should remove marker if old directory doesn't exist", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(newDir, oldDir);
yield Zotero.checkForDataDirectoryMigration(newDir, newDir);
yield checkMigration({
skipSetDataDirectory: true
describe("#migrateDataDirectory()", function () {
// Define tests and store for running in non-mv mode
var tests = [];
function add(desc, fn) {
it(desc, fn);
tests.push([desc, fn]);
add("should move all files and folders", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir);
yield checkMigration();
add("should resume partial migration with just marker copied", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield OS.File.copy(oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker);
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir, true);
yield checkMigration();
add("should resume partial migration with database moved", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield OS.File.copy(oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker);
yield OS.File.move(OS.Path.join(oldDir, dbFilename), OS.Path.join(newDir, dbFilename));
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir, true);
yield checkMigration();
add("should resume partial migration with some storage directories moved", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
yield populateDataDirectory(newDir, oldDir);
// Moved: DB, DB backup, one storage dir
// Not moved: one storage dir, translators dir
yield OS.File.remove(oldDBFile);
yield OS.File.remove(oldDBFile + '.bak');
2016-11-19 23:52:10 +00:00
yield removeDir(oldStorageDir1);
yield removeDir(newTranslatorsDir);
yield removeDir(newStorageDir2);
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir, true);
yield checkMigration();
add("should move existing directory out of the way", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newDir, 'existing'), '');
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir);
yield checkMigration();
assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(newDir + "-1", 'existing')));
2016-11-19 23:52:10 +00:00
yield removeDir(newDir + "-1");
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
// Run all tests again without using mv
// On Windows these will just be duplicates of the above tests.
describe("non-mv mode", function () {
tests.forEach(arr => {
it(arr[0] + " [non-mv]", arr[1]);
before(function () {
after(function () {
it("should handle partial failure", function* () {
yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir);
let origFunc = OS.File.move;
let stub3 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () {
if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == storageFile1) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error"));
else {
2016-11-20 06:54:09 +00:00
let args;
if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 46) {
args = Array.from(arguments);
else {
args = arguments;
return origFunc(...args);
Data directory migration
This adds a new button to the Advanced prefs to migrate the data directory to
$HOME/Zotero. The button only appears if the data directory is set to the
default location within a profile directory (including the other program from
the one running, even though that's technically stored as a custom data
On Mac/Linux, directories within the data directory are moved with /bin/mv. On
Windows, or if that fails, they're copied recursively using OS.File.move()
(which annoyingly doesn't reliably support directory moving). The former should
be instantaneous on most systems (unless the data directory or 'storage' were
on a different filesystem from $HOME).
If the database fails to transfer, migration fails and the data directory
setting remains on the old directory. If the database transfers but other files
fail, the data directory setting is updated. In both cases, the user is
encouraged to migrate remaining files manually with a button that reveals the
directories and quits the program.
This isn't yet tested on Linux or Windows, and migration isn't yet suggested
Adds Zotero.File.reveal(), Zotero.File.directoryIsEmpty(), and
2016-11-12 19:20:34 +00:00
yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir);
yield checkMigration({
skipOldDir: true,
skipStorageFile1: true,
skipNewMarker: true
assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir1, storageFile1)));
assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir2, storageFile2)));
assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(oldTranslatorsDir));
assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(newMigrationMarker));