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2008-08-16 13:11:10 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2008-08-16 13:36:25 +00:00
<style xml:lang="en" class="in-text" xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl">
<title>BibTex generic citation style</title>
<link href="http://www.bibtex.org/" />
<name>Markus Schaffner</name>
<category term="generic-base" />
<updated />
<macro name="zotero2bibtexType">
<if type="book">
<text value="book" />
<if type="bookSection">
<text value="inbook" />
<if type="article journalArticle magazineArticle newspaperArticle" match="any">
<text value="article" />
<if type="thesis" match="any">
<text value="phdthesis" />
<if type="manuscript" match="any">
<text value="unpublished" />
<if type="conferencePaper" match="any">
<text value="inproceedings" />
<if type="report" match="any">
<text value="techreport" />
<text value="misc" />
<macro name="citeKey">
<group delimiter="_">
<text macro="author-short" text-transform="lowercase" />
<text macro="issued-year" />
<macro name="author-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" delimiter="_" delimiter-precedes-last="always" />
<names variable="editor" />
<names variable="translator" />
<if type="book">
<text variable="title" form="short" />
<text variable="title" form="short" />
<macro name="issued-year">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year" />
<macro name="issued-month">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="month" form="short" />
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name sort-separator=", " delimiter=" and " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="all" />
<label form="long" text-case="capitalize-first" />
<macro name="editor-translator">
<names variable="editor translator" delimiter=", ">
<name sort-separator=", " delimiter=" and " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="all" />
<label form="long" text-case="capitalize-first" />
<macro name="title">
<text variable="title" />
<macro name="number">
<text variable="issue" />
<text variable="reportNumber" />
<macro name="container-title">
<if type="bookSection conferencePaper" match="any">
<text variable="container-title" prefix=" booktitle={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="container-title" prefix=" journal={" suffix="}" />
<macro name="publisher">
<if type="thesis">
<text variable="publisher" prefix=" school={" suffix="}" />
<if type="report">
<text variable="publisher" prefix=" institution={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="publisher" prefix=" publisher={" suffix="}" />
<macro name="pages">
<text variable="page" />
<macro name="edition">
<text variable="edition" />
<option name="et-al-min" value="10" />
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="10" />
<option name="et-al-subsequent-min" value="10" />
<option name="et-al-subsequent-use-first" value="10" />
<option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true" />
<option name="disambiguate-add-names" value="false" />
<option name="disambiguate-add-givenname" value="false" />
<option name="collapse" value="year" />
<key macro="author" />
<key variable="issued" />
<layout delimiter="_">
<text macro="citeKey" />
<option name="hanging-indent" value="false" />
<option name="et-al-min" value="10" />
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="10" />
<option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true" />
<key macro="author" />
<key variable="issued" />
<text macro="zotero2bibtexType" prefix=" @" suffix="" />
<group prefix="{" suffix="}" delimiter=", ">
<text macro="citeKey" />
<text variable="address" prefix=" place={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="chapter" prefix=" section={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="edition" prefix=" edition={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="type" prefix=" type={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="series" prefix=" series={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="title" prefix=" title={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="volume" prefix=" volume={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="copyright" prefix=" rights={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="isbn" prefix=" ISBN={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="issn" prefix=" ISSN={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="lccn" prefix=" callNumber={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="location" prefix=" archiveLocation={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="url" prefix=" url={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="doi" prefix=" DOI={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="abstract" prefix=" abstractNote={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="extra" prefix=" note={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="number" prefix=" number={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="container-title" />
<text macro="publisher" />
<text macro="author" prefix=" author={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="editor-translator" prefix=" editor={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="issued-year" prefix=" year={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="issued-month" prefix=" month={" suffix="}" />
<text macro="pages" prefix=" pages={" suffix="}" />
<text variable="collection-title" prefix=" collection={" suffix="}" />
2008-08-16 13:11:10 +00:00