Prior to this change, Signal-Desktop was using a rather ancient version of `mkdirp`, which was meant for Node.js versions without native support for this kind of functionality. Starting with Node v10, `fs.mkdir()` can perform recursive directory creation. Since Signal-Desktop doesn't utilize any advantages of using such an old version of `mkdirp` [1] (let alone any version of `mkdirp`), we can replace it with the native methods of `fs` (or `fs/promises`). This transition slightly reduces the amount of packages needed to be downloaded and included in the final app since it now relies on the built-in API of Node.js.
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921 lines
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra';
import { readdir, stat, writeFile, mkdir } from 'fs/promises';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { execFile } from 'child_process';
import { join, normalize, extname } from 'path';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { throttle } from 'lodash';
import type { ParserConfiguration } from 'dashdash';
import { createParser } from 'dashdash';
import { FAILSAFE_SCHEMA, safeLoad } from 'js-yaml';
import { gt } from 'semver';
import config from 'config';
import got from 'got';
import { v4 as getGuid } from 'uuid';
import pify from 'pify';
import rimraf from 'rimraf';
import type { BrowserWindow } from 'electron';
import { app, ipcMain } from 'electron';
import * as durations from '../util/durations';
import { getTempPath, getUpdateCachePath } from '../../app/attachments';
import { DialogType } from '../types/Dialogs';
import * as Errors from '../types/errors';
import { isAlpha, isBeta, isStaging } from '../util/version';
import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert';
import * as packageJson from '../../package.json';
import {
} from './signature';
import { isPathInside } from '../util/isPathInside';
import type { SettingsChannel } from '../main/settingsChannel';
import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging';
import { getGotOptions } from './got';
import { checkIntegrity, gracefulRename } from './util';
import type { PrepareDownloadResultType as DifferentialDownloadDataType } from './differential';
import {
prepareDownload as prepareDifferentialDownload,
download as downloadDifferentialData,
isValidPreparedData as isValidDifferentialData,
} from './differential';
const rimrafPromise = pify(rimraf);
const INTERVAL = 30 * durations.MINUTE;
type JSONUpdateSchema = {
version: string;
files: Array<{
url: string;
sha512: string;
size: string;
blockMapSize?: string;
path: string;
sha512: string;
releaseDate: string;
requireManualUpdate?: boolean;
export type UpdateInformationType = {
fileName: string;
size: number;
version: string;
sha512: string;
differentialData: DifferentialDownloadDataType | undefined;
enum DownloadMode {
DifferentialOnly = 'DifferentialOnly',
FullOnly = 'FullOnly',
Automatic = 'Automatic',
type DownloadUpdateResultType = Readonly<{
updateFilePath: string;
signature: Buffer;
export abstract class Updater {
protected fileName: string | undefined;
protected version: string | undefined;
protected cachedDifferentialData: DifferentialDownloadDataType | undefined;
private throttledSendDownloadingUpdate: (downloadedSize: number) => void;
private activeDownload: Promise<boolean> | undefined;
private markedCannotUpdate = false;
protected readonly logger: LoggerType,
private readonly settingsChannel: SettingsChannel,
protected readonly getMainWindow: () => BrowserWindow | undefined
) {
this.throttledSendDownloadingUpdate = throttle((downloadedSize: number) => {
const mainWindow = this.getMainWindow();
{ downloadedSize }
}, 500);
// Public APIs
public async force(): Promise<void> {
return this.checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall(true);
public async start(): Promise<void> {
this.logger.info('updater/start: starting checks...');
setInterval(async () => {
try {
await this.checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall();
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error(`updater/start: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}`);
await this.deletePreviousInstallers();
await this.checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall();
// Abstract methods
protected abstract deletePreviousInstallers(): Promise<void>;
protected abstract installUpdate(updateFilePath: string): Promise<void>;
// Protected methods
protected setUpdateListener(
performUpdateCallback: () => Promise<void>
): void {
ipcMain.handleOnce('start-update', performUpdateCallback);
protected markCannotUpdate(
error: Error,
dialogType = DialogType.Cannot_Update
): void {
if (this.markedCannotUpdate) {
'updater/markCannotUpdate: already marked',
this.markedCannotUpdate = true;
'updater/markCannotUpdate: marking due to error: ' +
`${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}, ` +
`dialogType: ${dialogType}`
const mainWindow = this.getMainWindow();
mainWindow?.webContents.send('show-update-dialog', dialogType);
this.setUpdateListener(async () => {
this.logger.info('updater/markCannotUpdate: retrying after user action');
this.markedCannotUpdate = false;
await this.checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall();
// Private methods
private async downloadAndInstall(
updateInfo: UpdateInformationType,
mode: DownloadMode
): Promise<boolean> {
if (this.activeDownload) {
return this.activeDownload;
try {
this.activeDownload = this.doDownloadAndInstall(updateInfo, mode);
return await this.activeDownload;
} finally {
this.activeDownload = undefined;
private async doDownloadAndInstall(
updateInfo: UpdateInformationType,
mode: DownloadMode
): Promise<boolean> {
const { logger } = this;
const { fileName: newFileName, version: newVersion } = updateInfo;
try {
const oldVersion = this.version;
this.version = newVersion;
let downloadResult: DownloadUpdateResultType | undefined;
try {
downloadResult = await this.downloadUpdate(updateInfo, mode);
} catch (error) {
// Restore state in case of download error
this.version = oldVersion;
throw error;
if (!downloadResult) {
logger.warn('downloadAndInstall: no update was downloaded');
mode !== DownloadMode.Automatic && mode !== DownloadMode.FullOnly,
'Automatic and full mode downloads are guaranteed to happen or error'
return false;
const { updateFilePath, signature } = downloadResult;
const publicKey = hexToBinary(config.get('updatesPublicKey'));
const verified = await verifySignature(
if (!verified) {
// Note: We don't delete the cache here, because we don't want to continually
// re-download the broken release. We will download it only once per launch.
throw new Error(
'Downloaded update did not pass signature verification ' +
`(version: '${this.version}'; fileName: '${newFileName}')`
await this.installUpdate(updateFilePath);
const mainWindow = this.getMainWindow();
if (mainWindow) {
mainWindow.webContents.send('show-update-dialog', DialogType.Update, {
version: this.version,
} else {
'downloadAndInstall: no mainWindow, cannot show update dialog'
return true;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`downloadAndInstall: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}`);
throw error;
private async checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall(force = false): Promise<void> {
const { logger } = this;
logger.info('checkForUpdatesMaybeInstall: checking for update...');
const updateInfo = await this.checkForUpdates(force);
if (!updateInfo) {
const { version: newVersion } = updateInfo;
if (!force && this.version && !gt(newVersion, this.version)) {
const autoDownloadUpdates = await this.getAutoDownloadUpdateSetting();
if (autoDownloadUpdates) {
await this.downloadAndInstall(updateInfo, DownloadMode.Automatic);
let mode = DownloadMode.FullOnly;
if (updateInfo.differentialData) {
mode = DownloadMode.DifferentialOnly;
await this.offerUpdate(updateInfo, mode, 0);
private async offerUpdate(
updateInfo: UpdateInformationType,
mode: DownloadMode,
attempt: number
): Promise<void> {
const { logger } = this;
this.setUpdateListener(async () => {
logger.info('offerUpdate: have not downloaded update, going to download');
const didDownload = await this.downloadAndInstall(updateInfo, mode);
if (!didDownload && mode === DownloadMode.DifferentialOnly) {
'offerUpdate: Failed to download differential update, offering full'
return this.offerUpdate(updateInfo, DownloadMode.FullOnly, attempt + 1);
strictAssert(didDownload, 'FullOnly must always download update');
const mainWindow = this.getMainWindow();
if (!mainWindow) {
logger.warn('offerUpdate: no mainWindow, cannot show update dialog');
let downloadSize: number;
if (mode === DownloadMode.DifferentialOnly) {
'Must have differential data in DifferentialOnly mode'
downloadSize = updateInfo.differentialData.downloadSize;
} else {
downloadSize = updateInfo.size;
logger.info(`offerUpdate: offering ${mode} update`);
attempt === 0 ? DialogType.DownloadReady : DialogType.FullDownloadReady,
downloadMode: mode,
version: updateInfo.version,
private async checkForUpdates(
forceUpdate = false
): Promise<UpdateInformationType | undefined> {
const yaml = await getUpdateYaml();
const parsedYaml = parseYaml(yaml);
if (parsedYaml.requireManualUpdate) {
this.logger.warn('checkForUpdates: manual update required');
new Error('yaml file has requireManualUpdate flag'),
const version = getVersion(parsedYaml);
if (!version) {
'checkForUpdates: no version extracted from downloaded yaml'
if (!forceUpdate && !isVersionNewer(version)) {
`checkForUpdates: ${version} is not newer than ${packageJson.version}; ` +
'no new update available'
`checkForUpdates: found newer version ${version} ` +
const fileName = getUpdateFileName(
await this.getArch()
const sha512 = getSHA512(parsedYaml, fileName);
strictAssert(sha512 !== undefined, 'Missing required hash');
const latestInstaller = await this.getLatestCachedInstaller(
let differentialData: DifferentialDownloadDataType | undefined;
if (latestInstaller) {
`checkForUpdates: Found local installer ${latestInstaller}`
const diffOptions = {
oldFile: latestInstaller,
newUrl: `${getUpdatesBase()}/${fileName}`,
if (
this.cachedDifferentialData &&
isValidDifferentialData(this.cachedDifferentialData, diffOptions)
) {
this.logger.info('checkForUpdates: using cached differential data');
differentialData = this.cachedDifferentialData;
} else {
try {
differentialData = await prepareDifferentialDownload(diffOptions);
this.cachedDifferentialData = differentialData;
'checkForUpdates: differential download size',
} catch (error) {
'checkForUpdates: Failed to prepare differential update',
this.cachedDifferentialData = undefined;
return {
size: getSize(parsedYaml, fileName),
private async getLatestCachedInstaller(
extension: string
): Promise<string | undefined> {
const cacheDir = await createUpdateCacheDirIfNeeded();
const oldFiles = (await readdir(cacheDir)).map(fileName => {
return join(cacheDir, fileName);
return oldFiles.find(fileName => extname(fileName) === extension);
private async downloadUpdate(
{ fileName, sha512, differentialData }: UpdateInformationType,
mode: DownloadMode
): Promise<DownloadUpdateResultType | undefined> {
const baseUrl = getUpdatesBase();
const updateFileUrl = `${baseUrl}/${fileName}`;
const updateOnProgress = mode !== DownloadMode.Automatic;
const signatureFileName = getSignatureFileName(fileName);
const blockMapFileName = getBlockMapFileName(fileName);
const signatureUrl = `${baseUrl}/${signatureFileName}`;
const blockMapUrl = `${baseUrl}/${blockMapFileName}`;
let cacheDir = await createUpdateCacheDirIfNeeded();
const targetUpdatePath = join(cacheDir, fileName);
const tempDir = await createTempDir();
const tempUpdatePath = join(tempDir, fileName);
const tempBlockMapPath = join(tempDir, blockMapFileName);
// If true - we will attempt to install from a temporary directory.
let tempPathFailover = false;
try {
validatePath(cacheDir, targetUpdatePath);
validatePath(tempDir, tempUpdatePath);
validatePath(tempDir, tempBlockMapPath);
this.logger.info(`downloadUpdate: Downloading signature ${signatureUrl}`);
const signature = Buffer.from(
await got(signatureUrl, getGotOptions()).text(),
if (differentialData) {
this.logger.info(`downloadUpdate: Saving blockmap ${blockMapUrl}`);
await writeFile(tempBlockMapPath, differentialData.newBlockMap);
} else {
try {
`downloadUpdate: Downloading blockmap ${blockMapUrl}`
const blockMap = await got(blockMapUrl, getGotOptions()).buffer();
await writeFile(tempBlockMapPath, blockMap);
} catch (error) {
'downloadUpdate: Failed to download blockmap, continuing',
let gotUpdate = false;
if (!gotUpdate && (await pathExists(targetUpdatePath))) {
const checkResult = await checkIntegrity(targetUpdatePath, sha512);
if (checkResult.ok) {
`downloadUpdate: Not downloading update ${updateFileUrl}, ` +
'local file has the same hash'
// Move file into downloads directory
try {
await gracefulRename(this.logger, targetUpdatePath, tempUpdatePath);
gotUpdate = true;
} catch (error) {
'downloadUpdate: failed to move already downloaded file',
} else {
'downloadUpdate: integrity check failure',
const isDifferentialEnabled =
differentialData && mode !== DownloadMode.FullOnly;
if (!gotUpdate && isDifferentialEnabled) {
`downloadUpdate: Downloading differential update ${updateFileUrl}`
try {
await downloadDifferentialData(tempUpdatePath, differentialData, {
statusCallback: updateOnProgress
? this.throttledSendDownloadingUpdate
: undefined,
logger: this.logger,
gotUpdate = true;
} catch (error) {
'downloadUpdate: Failed to apply differential update',
const isFullEnabled = mode !== DownloadMode.DifferentialOnly;
if (!gotUpdate && isFullEnabled) {
`downloadUpdate: Downloading full update ${updateFileUrl}`
// We could have failed to update differentially due to low free disk
// space. Remove all cached updates since we are doing a full download
// anyway.
await rimrafPromise(cacheDir);
cacheDir = await createUpdateCacheDirIfNeeded();
await this.downloadAndReport(
gotUpdate = true;
if (!gotUpdate) {
return undefined;
'downloadUpdate: Downloaded update, moving into cache dir'
// Backup old files
const restoreDir = await getTempDir();
await gracefulRename(this.logger, cacheDir, restoreDir);
// Move the files into the final position
try {
await gracefulRename(this.logger, tempDir, cacheDir);
} catch (error) {
try {
// Attempt to restore old files
await gracefulRename(this.logger, restoreDir, cacheDir);
} catch (restoreError) {
'downloadUpdate: Failed to restore from backup folder, ignoring',
'downloadUpdate: running update from a temporary folder due to error',
tempPathFailover = true;
return { updateFilePath: tempUpdatePath, signature };
try {
await deleteTempDir(restoreDir);
} catch (error) {
'downloadUpdate: Failed to remove backup folder, ignoring',
return { updateFilePath: targetUpdatePath, signature };
} finally {
if (!tempPathFailover) {
await deleteTempDir(tempDir);
private async downloadAndReport(
updateFileUrl: string,
targetUpdatePath: string,
updateOnProgress = false
): Promise<void> {
const downloadStream = got.stream(updateFileUrl, getGotOptions());
const writeStream = createWriteStream(targetUpdatePath);
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (updateOnProgress) {
let downloadedSize = 0;
downloadStream.on('data', data => {
downloadedSize += data.length;
downloadStream.on('error', error => {
downloadStream.on('end', () => {
writeStream.on('error', error => {
private async getAutoDownloadUpdateSetting(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
return await this.settingsChannel.getSettingFromMainWindow(
} catch (error) {
'getAutoDownloadUpdateSetting: Failed to fetch, returning false',
return false;
private async getArch(): Promise<typeof process.arch> {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin' || process.arch === 'arm64') {
return process.arch;
try {
// We might be running under Rosetta
const flag = 'sysctl.proc_translated';
const { stdout } = await promisify(execFile)('sysctl', ['-i', flag]);
if (stdout.includes(`${flag}: 1`)) {
this.logger.info('updater: running under Rosetta');
return 'arm64';
} catch (error) {
`updater: Rosetta detection failed with ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}`
this.logger.info('updater: not running under Rosetta');
return process.arch;
export function validatePath(basePath: string, targetPath: string): void {
const normalized = normalize(targetPath);
if (!isPathInside(normalized, basePath)) {
throw new Error(
`validatePath: Path ${normalized} is not under base path ${basePath}`
// Helper functions
export function getUpdateCheckUrl(): string {
return `${getUpdatesBase()}/${getUpdatesFileName()}`;
export function getUpdatesBase(): string {
return config.get('updatesUrl');
export function getUpdatesFileName(): string {
const prefix = getChannel();
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
return `${prefix}-mac.yml`;
return `${prefix}.yml`;
function getChannel(): string {
const { version } = packageJson;
if (isStaging(version)) {
return 'staging';
if (isAlpha(version)) {
return 'alpha';
if (isBeta(version)) {
return 'beta';
return 'latest';
function isVersionNewer(newVersion: string): boolean {
const { version } = packageJson;
return gt(newVersion, version);
export function getVersion(info: JSONUpdateSchema): string | null {
return info && info.version;
const validFile = /^[A-Za-z0-9.-]+$/;
export function isUpdateFileNameValid(name: string): boolean {
return validFile.test(name);
export function getUpdateFileName(
info: JSONUpdateSchema,
platform: typeof process.platform,
arch: typeof process.arch
): string {
if (!info || !info.path) {
throw new Error('getUpdateFileName: No path present in YAML file');
let path: string | undefined;
if (platform === 'darwin') {
const { files } = info;
const candidates = files.filter(
({ url }) => url.includes(arch) && url.endsWith('.zip')
if (candidates.length === 1) {
path = candidates[0].url;
path = path ?? info.path;
if (!isUpdateFileNameValid(path)) {
throw new Error(
`getUpdateFileName: Path '${path}' contains invalid characters`
return path;
function getSHA512(
info: JSONUpdateSchema,
fileName: string
): string | undefined {
if (!info || !info.files) {
throw new Error('getSHA512: No files present in YAML file');
const foundFile = info.files.find(file => file.url === fileName);
return foundFile?.sha512;
function getSize(info: JSONUpdateSchema, fileName: string): number {
if (!info || !info.files) {
throw new Error('getSize: No files present in YAML file');
const foundFile = info.files.find(file => file.url === fileName);
return Number(foundFile?.size) || 0;
export function parseYaml(yaml: string): JSONUpdateSchema {
return safeLoad(yaml, { schema: FAILSAFE_SCHEMA, json: true });
async function getUpdateYaml(): Promise<string> {
const targetUrl = getUpdateCheckUrl();
const body = await got(targetUrl, getGotOptions()).text();
if (!body) {
throw new Error('Got unexpected response back from update check');
return body;
function getBaseTempDir() {
// We only use tmpdir() when this code is run outside of an Electron app (as in: tests)
return app ? getTempPath(app.getPath('userData')) : tmpdir();
export async function createTempDir(): Promise<string> {
const targetDir = await getTempDir();
await mkdir(targetDir, { recursive: true });
return targetDir;
export async function getTempDir(): Promise<string> {
const baseTempDir = getBaseTempDir();
const uniqueName = getGuid();
// Create parent folder if not already present
if (!(await pathExists(baseTempDir))) {
await mkdir(baseTempDir, { recursive: true });
return join(baseTempDir, uniqueName);
function getUpdateCacheDir() {
// We only use tmpdir() when this code is run outside of an Electron app (as in: tests)
return app ? getUpdateCachePath(app.getPath('userData')) : tmpdir();
export async function createUpdateCacheDirIfNeeded(): Promise<string> {
const targetDir = getUpdateCacheDir();
await mkdir(targetDir, { recursive: true });
return targetDir;
export async function deleteTempDir(targetDir: string): Promise<void> {
if (await pathExists(targetDir)) {
const pathInfo = await stat(targetDir);
if (!pathInfo.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(
`deleteTempDir: Cannot delete path '${targetDir}' because it is not a directory`
const baseTempDir = getBaseTempDir();
if (!isPathInside(targetDir, baseTempDir)) {
throw new Error(
`deleteTempDir: Cannot delete path '${targetDir}' since it is not within base temp dir`
await rimrafPromise(targetDir);
export function getCliOptions<T>(options: ParserConfiguration['options']): T {
const parser = createParser({ options });
const cliOptions = parser.parse(process.argv);
if (cliOptions.help) {
const help = parser.help().trimRight();
return cliOptions as unknown as T;