2021-08-05 20:17:05 -04:00

577 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as React from 'react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { LeftPane, LeftPaneMode, PropsType } from './LeftPane';
import { CaptchaDialog } from './CaptchaDialog';
import { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations';
import { MessageSearchResult } from './conversationList/MessageSearchResult';
import { setup as setupI18n } from '../../js/modules/i18n';
import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json';
import { getDefaultConversation } from '../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation';
const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages);
const story = storiesOf('Components/LeftPane', module);
const defaultConversations: Array<ConversationType> = [
id: 'fred-convo',
title: 'Fred Willard',
id: 'marc-convo',
isSelected: true,
title: 'Marc Barraca',
const defaultGroups: Array<ConversationType> = [
id: 'biking-group',
title: 'Mtn Biking Arizona 🚵☀️⛰',
type: 'group',
sharedGroupNames: [],
id: 'dance-group',
title: 'Are we dancers? 💃',
type: 'group',
sharedGroupNames: [],
const defaultArchivedConversations: Array<ConversationType> = [
id: 'michelle-archive-convo',
title: 'Michelle Mercure',
isArchived: true,
const pinnedConversations: Array<ConversationType> = [
id: 'philly-convo',
isPinned: true,
title: 'Philip Glass',
id: 'robbo-convo',
isPinned: true,
title: 'Robert Moog',
const defaultModeSpecificProps = {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox as const,
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: defaultArchivedConversations,
const emptySearchResultsGroup = { isLoading: false, results: [] };
const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial<PropsType> = {}): PropsType => ({
cantAddContactToGroup: action('cantAddContactToGroup'),
clearGroupCreationError: action('clearGroupCreationError'),
closeCantAddContactToGroupModal: action('closeCantAddContactToGroupModal'),
closeMaximumGroupSizeModal: action('closeMaximumGroupSizeModal'),
closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal: action('closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal'),
composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk: action('composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk'),
composeReplaceAvatar: action('composeReplaceAvatar'),
composeSaveAvatarToDisk: action('composeSaveAvatarToDisk'),
createGroup: action('createGroup'),
modeSpecificProps: defaultModeSpecificProps,
openConversationInternal: action('openConversationInternal'),
regionCode: 'US',
challengeStatus: select(
['idle', 'required', 'pending'],
setChallengeStatus: action('setChallengeStatus'),
renderExpiredBuildDialog: () => <div />,
renderMainHeader: () => <div />,
renderMessageSearchResult: (id: string, style: React.CSSProperties) => (
body="Lorem ipsum wow"
snippet="Lorem <<left>>ipsum<<right>> wow"
renderNetworkStatus: () => <div />,
renderRelinkDialog: () => <div />,
renderUpdateDialog: () => <div />,
renderCaptchaDialog: () => (
isPending={overrideProps.challengeStatus === 'pending'}
selectedConversationId: undefined,
selectedMessageId: undefined,
setComposeSearchTerm: action('setComposeSearchTerm'),
setComposeGroupAvatar: action('setComposeGroupAvatar'),
setComposeGroupName: action('setComposeGroupName'),
setComposeGroupExpireTimer: action('setComposeGroupExpireTimer'),
showArchivedConversations: action('showArchivedConversations'),
showInbox: action('showInbox'),
startComposing: action('startComposing'),
showChooseGroupMembers: action('showChooseGroupMembers'),
startNewConversationFromPhoneNumber: action(
startSettingGroupMetadata: action('startSettingGroupMetadata'),
toggleComposeEditingAvatar: action('toggleComposeEditingAvatar'),
toggleConversationInChooseMembers: action(
// Inbox stories
story.add('Inbox: no conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
pinnedConversations: [],
conversations: [],
archivedConversations: [],
story.add('Inbox: only pinned conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
conversations: [],
archivedConversations: [],
story.add('Inbox: only non-pinned conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
pinnedConversations: [],
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: [],
story.add('Inbox: only archived conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
pinnedConversations: [],
conversations: [],
archivedConversations: defaultArchivedConversations,
story.add('Inbox: pinned and archived conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
conversations: [],
archivedConversations: defaultArchivedConversations,
story.add('Inbox: non-pinned and archived conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
pinnedConversations: [],
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: defaultArchivedConversations,
story.add('Inbox: pinned and non-pinned conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: [],
story.add('Inbox: pinned, non-pinned, and archived conversations', () => (
<LeftPane {...createProps()} />
// Search stories
story.add('Search: no results when searching everywhere', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
contactResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
messageResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
story.add('Search: no results when searching everywhere (SMS)', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
contactResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
messageResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: true,
story.add('Search: no results when searching in a conversation', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
contactResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
messageResults: emptySearchResultsGroup,
searchConversationName: 'Bing Bong',
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
story.add('Search: all results loading', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: { isLoading: true },
contactResults: { isLoading: true },
messageResults: { isLoading: true },
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
story.add('Search: some results loading', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: {
isLoading: false,
results: defaultConversations,
contactResults: { isLoading: true },
messageResults: { isLoading: true },
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
story.add('Search: has conversations and contacts, but not messages', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: {
isLoading: false,
results: defaultConversations,
contactResults: { isLoading: false, results: defaultConversations },
messageResults: { isLoading: false, results: [] },
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
story.add('Search: all results', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Search,
conversationResults: {
isLoading: false,
results: defaultConversations,
contactResults: { isLoading: false, results: defaultConversations },
messageResults: {
isLoading: false,
results: [
{ id: 'msg1', conversationId: 'foo' },
{ id: 'msg2', conversationId: 'bar' },
searchTerm: 'foo bar',
primarySendsSms: false,
// Archived stories
story.add('Archive: no archived conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Archive,
archivedConversations: [],
story.add('Archive: archived conversations', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Archive,
archivedConversations: defaultConversations,
// Compose stories
story.add('Compose: no contacts or groups', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: [],
composeGroups: [],
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: '',
story.add('Compose: some contacts, no groups, no search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: defaultConversations,
composeGroups: [],
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: '',
story.add('Compose: some contacts, no groups, with a search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: defaultConversations,
composeGroups: [],
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: 'ar',
story.add('Compose: some groups, no contacts, no search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: [],
composeGroups: defaultGroups,
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: '',
story.add('Compose: some groups, no contacts, with search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: [],
composeGroups: defaultGroups,
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: 'ar',
story.add('Compose: some contacts, some groups, no search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: defaultConversations,
composeGroups: defaultGroups,
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: '',
story.add('Compose: some contacts, some groups, with a search term', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose,
composeContacts: defaultConversations,
composeGroups: defaultGroups,
regionCode: 'US',
searchTerm: 'ar',
// Captcha flow
story.add('Captcha dialog: required', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: [],
challengeStatus: 'required',
story.add('Captcha dialog: pending', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox,
conversations: defaultConversations,
archivedConversations: [],
challengeStatus: 'pending',
// Set group metadata
story.add('Group Metadata: No Timer', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.SetGroupMetadata,
groupAvatar: undefined,
groupName: 'Group 1',
groupExpireTimer: 0,
hasError: false,
isCreating: false,
isEditingAvatar: false,
selectedContacts: defaultConversations,
userAvatarData: [],
story.add('Group Metadata: Regular Timer', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.SetGroupMetadata,
groupAvatar: undefined,
groupName: 'Group 1',
groupExpireTimer: 24 * 3600,
hasError: false,
isCreating: false,
isEditingAvatar: false,
selectedContacts: defaultConversations,
userAvatarData: [],
story.add('Group Metadata: Custom Timer', () => (
modeSpecificProps: {
mode: LeftPaneMode.SetGroupMetadata,
groupAvatar: undefined,
groupName: 'Group 1',
groupExpireTimer: 7 * 3600,
hasError: false,
isCreating: false,
isEditingAvatar: false,
selectedContacts: defaultConversations,
userAvatarData: [],