Scott Nonnenberg 26e4e97592
Tighten up CSS
- Remove extra padding at top of Android bubbles, via sibling selector
- Don't include .attachments, .quote-wrapper, .content in bubble unless
  we actually need them. This allows for sibling selectors.
- This is a different technique for adding the ReactWrapperView for
  quotes - it is now appended to the DOM instead of attaching to
  something already in the DOM. This allows us to use .remove(), so it's
  a bit cleaner.
- Users of ReactWrapperView can now specify tagName and className
2018-04-20 15:23:47 -07:00

83 lines
2.5 KiB

/* global window: false */
// Taken from background.html.
// Templates are here solely to support the Backbone views rendered in the Style Guide.
// Note: Any change here must be reflected in background.html to be reflected in the app
// and test/index.html to be reflected in the unit tests.
window.Whisper.View.Templates = {
hasRetry: `
{{ messageNotSent }} <span href='#' class='retry'>{{ resend }}</span>
'some-failed': `
{{ someFailed }}
keychange: `
<span class='content' dir='auto'>
<span class='shield icon'></span> {{ content }}
'verified-change': `
<span class='content' dir='auto'>
<span class='{{ icon }} icon'></span> {{ content }}
message: `
{{> avatar }}
<div class='bubble {{ avatar.color }}'>
<div class='sender' dir='auto'>
{{ sender }}
{{ #profileName }}
<span class='profileName'>{{ profileName }} </span>
{{ /profileName }}
<div class='tail-wrapper {{ innerBubbleClasses }}'>
<div class='inner-bubble'>
{{ #hasAttachments }}
<div class='attachments'></div>
{{ /hasAttachments }}
{{ #hasBody }}
<div class='content' dir='auto'>
{{ #message }}
<div class='body'>{{ message }}</div>
{{ /message }}
{{ /hasBody }}
<div class='meta'>
<span class='timestamp' data-timestamp={{ timestamp }}></span>
<span class='status hide'></span>
<span class='timer'></span>
{{ #hoverIcon }}
<div class='hover-icon-container'>
<span class='dots-horizontal-icon'></span>
{{ /hoverIcon }}
hourglass: `
<span class='hourglass'><span class='sand'></span></span>
expirationTimerUpdate: `
<span class='content'><span class='icon clock'></span> {{ content }}</span>
'file-view': `
<div class='icon {{ mediaType }}'></div>
<div class='text'>
<div class='fileName' title='{{ altText }}'>
{{ fileName }}
<div class='fileSize'>{{ fileSize }}</div>
'error-icon': `
<span class='error-icon'>
{{ #message }}
<span class='error-message'>{{message}}</span>
{{ /message }}