Let momentjs handle proper pluralization of relative times. This comes at the sacrifice of displaying 'minutes' in the conversation list timestamp rather than 'min'. Note that we don't use moment's fromNow instance method so as to preserve the rounding logic that matches the Android client. // FREEBIE
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'use strict';
describe('TimestampView', function() {
it('formats long-ago timestamps correctly', function() {
var timestamp = Date.now();
var brief_view = new Whisper.TimestampView({brief: true}).render(),
ext_view = new Whisper.ExtendedTimestampView().render();
// Helper functions to check absolute and relative timestamps
// Helper to check an absolute TS for an exact match
var check = function(view, ts, expected) {
var result = view.getRelativeTimeSpanString(ts);
assert.strictEqual(result, expected);
// Helper to check relative times for an exact match against both views
var checkDiff = function(sec_ago, expected_brief, expected_ext) {
check(brief_view, timestamp - sec_ago * 1000, expected_brief);
check(ext_view, timestamp - sec_ago * 1000, expected_ext);
// Helper to check an absolute TS for an exact match against both views
var checkAbs = function(ts, expected_brief, expected_ext) {
if (!expected_ext) {
expected_ext = expected_brief;
check(brief_view, ts, expected_brief);
check(ext_view, ts, expected_ext);
// Helper to check an absolute TS for a match at the beginning against
var checkStartsWith = function(view, ts, expected) {
var result = view.getRelativeTimeSpanString(ts);
var regexp = new RegExp("^" + expected);
assert.match(result, regexp);
// check integer timestamp, JS Date object and moment object
checkAbs(timestamp, 'now', 'now');
checkAbs(new Date(), 'now', 'now');
checkAbs(moment(), 'now', 'now');
// check recent timestamps
checkDiff(30, 'now', 'now'); // 30 seconds
checkDiff(40*60, '40 minutes', '40 minutes ago');
checkDiff(60*60, '1 hour', '1 hour ago');
checkDiff(125*60, '2 hours', '2 hours ago');
// set to third of month to avoid problems on the 29th/30th/31st
var last_month = moment().subtract(1, 'month').date(3),
months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
day_of_month = new Date().getDate();
check(brief_view,last_month, months[last_month.month()] + ' 3');
checkStartsWith(ext_view,last_month, months[last_month.month()] + ' 3');
// subtract 26 hours to be safe in case of DST stuff
var yesterday = new Date(timestamp - 26*60*60*1000),
days_of_week = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
check(brief_view, yesterday, days_of_week[yesterday.getDay()]);
checkStartsWith(ext_view, yesterday, days_of_week[yesterday.getDay()]);
// Check something long ago
// months are zero-indexed in JS for some reason
check(brief_view, new Date(2012, 4, 5, 17, 30, 0), 'May 5, 2012');
checkStartsWith(ext_view, new Date(2012, 4, 5, 17, 30, 0), 'May 5, 2012');
describe('updates within a minute reasonable intervals', function() {
var view;
beforeEach(function() {
view = new Whisper.TimestampView();
afterEach(function() {
it('updates timestamps this minute within a minute', function() {
var now = Date.now();
view.$el.attr('data-timestamp', now - 1000);
assert.isAbove(view.delay, 0); // non zero
assert.isBelow(view.delay, 60 * 1000); // < minute
it('updates timestamps from this hour within a minute', function() {
var now = Date.now();
view.$el.attr('data-timestamp', now - 1000 - 1000*60*5); // 5 minutes and 1 sec ago
assert.isAbove(view.delay, 0); // non zero
assert.isBelow(view.delay, 60 * 1000); // minute
it('updates timestamps from today within an hour', function() {
var now = Date.now();
view.$el.attr('data-timestamp', now - 1000 - 1000*60*60*5); // 5 hours and 1 sec ago
assert.isAbove(view.delay, 60 * 1000); // minute
assert.isBelow(view.delay, 60 * 60 * 1000); // hour
it('updates timestamps from this week within a day', function() {
var now = Date.now();
view.$el.attr('data-timestamp', now - 1000 - 6*24*60*60*1000); // 6 days and 1 sec ago
assert.isAbove(view.delay, 60 * 60 * 1000); // hour
assert.isBelow(view.delay, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // day
it('does not updates very old timestamps', function() {
var now = Date.now();
// return falsey value for long ago dates that don't update
view.$el.attr('data-timestamp', now - 8*24*60*60*1000);