273 lines
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273 lines
7.7 KiB
// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import createDebug from 'debug';
import Long from 'long';
import { Proto, StorageState } from '@signalapp/mock-server';
import type { Group } from '@signalapp/mock-server';
import * as durations from '../../util/durations';
import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes';
import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories';
import { UUID } from '../../types/UUID';
import type { App } from '../playwright';
import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap';
export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:edit');
const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type;
const DISTRIBUTION1 = UUID.generate().toString();
const DISTRIBUTION2 = UUID.generate().toString();
describe('story/messaging', function unknownContacts() {
let bootstrap: Bootstrap;
let app: App;
let group: Group;
beforeEach(async () => {
bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
await bootstrap.init();
const { phone, contacts } = bootstrap;
const [first, second] = contacts;
let state = StorageState.getEmpty();
state = state.updateAccount({
profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(),
e164: phone.device.number,
givenName: phone.profileName,
hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy: true,
// Create empty My Story
state = state.addRecord({
record: {
storyDistributionList: {
allowsReplies: true,
identifier: uuidToBytes(MY_STORY_ID),
isBlockList: false,
name: MY_STORY_ID,
recipientUuids: [],
// Create two distribution lists corresponding to two contacts
state = state.addRecord({
record: {
storyDistributionList: {
allowsReplies: true,
identifier: uuidToBytes(DISTRIBUTION1),
isBlockList: false,
name: 'first',
recipientUuids: [first.device.uuid],
state = state.addRecord({
record: {
storyDistributionList: {
allowsReplies: true,
identifier: uuidToBytes(DISTRIBUTION2),
isBlockList: false,
name: 'second',
recipientUuids: [second.device.uuid],
// Add a group for story send
const members = [...contacts].slice(0, 10);
group = await phone.createGroup({
title: 'Mock Group',
members: [phone, ...members],
state = state
.addGroup(group, {
whitelisted: true,
storySendMode: Proto.GroupV2Record.StorySendMode.ENABLED,
// Finally whitelist and pin contacts
for (const contact of [first, second]) {
state = state.addContact(contact, {
whitelisted: true,
serviceE164: contact.device.number,
identityKey: contact.publicKey.serialize(),
profileKey: contact.profileKey.serialize(),
givenName: contact.profileName,
state = state.pin(contact);
await phone.setStorageState(state);
app = await bootstrap.link();
afterEach(async function after() {
if (!bootstrap) {
await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app);
await app.close();
await bootstrap.teardown();
it('allows replies on multiple distribution lists', async () => {
const { phone, desktop, contacts } = bootstrap;
const [first, second] = contacts;
const window = await app.getWindow();
const sentAt = Date.now();
debug('waiting for storage service sync to complete');
await app.waitForStorageService();
debug('sending story sync message');
await phone.sendRaw(
syncMessage: {
sent: {
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt),
expirationStartTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt),
storyMessage: {
textAttachment: {
text: 'hello',
allowsReplies: true,
storyMessageRecipients: [
destinationServiceId: first.device.uuid,
distributionListIds: [DISTRIBUTION1],
isAllowedToReply: true,
destinationServiceId: second.device.uuid,
distributionListIds: [DISTRIBUTION2],
isAllowedToReply: true,
{ timestamp: sentAt }
debug('sending story replies');
await first.sendRaw(
dataMessage: {
body: 'first reply',
storyContext: {
authorUuid: phone.device.uuid,
sentTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt),
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt + 1),
{ timestamp: sentAt + 1 }
await second.sendRaw(
dataMessage: {
body: 'second reply',
storyContext: {
authorUuid: phone.device.uuid,
sentTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt),
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt + 2),
{ timestamp: sentAt + 2 }
const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane');
debug('Finding both replies');
await leftPane
.locator(`[data-testid="${first.device.uuid}"] >> "first reply"`)
await leftPane
.locator(`[data-testid="${second.device.uuid}"] >> "second reply"`)
it('allows replies to groups', async () => {
const { desktop, contacts } = bootstrap;
const window = await app.getWindow();
debug('waiting for storage service sync to complete');
await app.waitForStorageService();
const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane');
debug('Create and send a story to the group');
await leftPane.getByRole('button', { name: 'Stories' }).click();
await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Add a story' }).first().click();
await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Text story' }).click();
await window.locator('.TextAttachment').click();
await window.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Add text' }).type('hello');
await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Next' }).click();
await window
.getByText('Mock Group')
await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Send story' }).click();
// Grab the time the story was sent at
const time = await window.locator('time').nth(1).getAttribute('datetime');
if (!time) {
throw new Error('Cannot locate story time');
const sentAt = new Date(time).valueOf();
debug('Contact sends reply to group story');
await contacts[0].sendRaw(
dataMessage: {
body: 'first reply',
storyContext: {
authorUuid: desktop.uuid,
sentTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt),
groupV2: {
masterKey: group.masterKey,
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(sentAt + 1),
{ timestamp: sentAt + 1 }
debug('Ensure sender sees the reply');
await window
.getByText('Mock Group')
// For some reason we need to click the story & exit before the reply shows up
await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Close' }).click();
await window
.getByText('Mock Group')
await window.getByText('1 reply').click();
await window.getByText('first reply').waitFor();