Generating identicons for notifications is costly even if they are cached. Avoid this extra load when notifications are not going to be shown anyway.
800 lines
28 KiB
800 lines
28 KiB
// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Captures the globals put in place by preload.js, background.js and others
import * as Backbone from 'backbone';
import * as Underscore from 'underscore';
import moment from 'moment';
import PQueue from 'p-queue/dist';
import { Ref } from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { imageToBlurHash } from './util/imageToBlurHash';
import * as LinkPreviews from '../js/modules/link_previews.d';
import * as Util from './util';
import {
} from './model-types.d';
import {
} from './libsignal.d';
import { ContactRecordIdentityState, TextSecureType } from './textsecure.d';
import { WebAPIConnectType } from './textsecure/WebAPI';
import { uploadDebugLogs } from './logging/debuglogs';
import { CallingClass } from './services/calling';
import * as Groups from './groups';
import * as Crypto from './Crypto';
import * as RemoteConfig from './RemoteConfig';
import * as OS from './OS';
import { getEnvironment } from './environment';
import * as zkgroup from './util/zkgroup';
import { LocalizerType, BodyRangesType, BodyRangeType } from './types/Util';
import * as Attachment from './types/Attachment';
import { ColorType } from './types/Colors';
import * as MIME from './types/MIME';
import * as Contact from './types/Contact';
import * as Errors from '../js/modules/types/errors';
import { ConversationController } from './ConversationController';
import { ReduxActions } from './state/types';
import { createStore } from './state/createStore';
import { createCallManager } from './state/roots/createCallManager';
import { createCompositionArea } from './state/roots/createCompositionArea';
import { createContactModal } from './state/roots/createContactModal';
import { createConversationDetails } from './state/roots/createConversationDetails';
import { createConversationHeader } from './state/roots/createConversationHeader';
import { createGroupLinkManagement } from './state/roots/createGroupLinkManagement';
import { createGroupV1MigrationModal } from './state/roots/createGroupV1MigrationModal';
import { createGroupV2JoinModal } from './state/roots/createGroupV2JoinModal';
import { createGroupV2Permissions } from './state/roots/createGroupV2Permissions';
import { createLeftPane } from './state/roots/createLeftPane';
import { createMessageDetail } from './state/roots/createMessageDetail';
import { createPendingInvites } from './state/roots/createPendingInvites';
import { createSafetyNumberViewer } from './state/roots/createSafetyNumberViewer';
import { createShortcutGuideModal } from './state/roots/createShortcutGuideModal';
import { createStickerManager } from './state/roots/createStickerManager';
import { createStickerPreviewModal } from './state/roots/createStickerPreviewModal';
import { createTimeline } from './state/roots/createTimeline';
import * as callingDuck from './state/ducks/calling';
import * as conversationsDuck from './state/ducks/conversations';
import * as emojisDuck from './state/ducks/emojis';
import * as expirationDuck from './state/ducks/expiration';
import * as itemsDuck from './state/ducks/items';
import * as networkDuck from './state/ducks/network';
import * as updatesDuck from './state/ducks/updates';
import * as userDuck from './state/ducks/user';
import * as searchDuck from './state/ducks/search';
import * as stickersDuck from './state/ducks/stickers';
import * as conversationsSelectors from './state/selectors/conversations';
import * as searchSelectors from './state/selectors/search';
import AccountManager from './textsecure/AccountManager';
import { SendOptionsType } from './textsecure/SendMessage';
import Data from './sql/Client';
import { UserMessage } from './types/Message';
import { PhoneNumberFormat } from 'google-libphonenumber';
import { MessageModel } from './models/messages';
import { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations';
import { combineNames } from './util';
import { BatcherType } from './util/batcher';
import { AttachmentList } from './components/conversation/AttachmentList';
import { CaptionEditor } from './components/CaptionEditor';
import { ConfirmationModal } from './components/ConfirmationModal';
import { ContactDetail } from './components/conversation/ContactDetail';
import { ContactModal } from './components/conversation/ContactModal';
import { ErrorModal } from './components/ErrorModal';
import { Lightbox } from './components/Lightbox';
import { LightboxGallery } from './components/LightboxGallery';
import { MediaGallery } from './components/conversation/media-gallery/MediaGallery';
import { MessageDetail } from './components/conversation/MessageDetail';
import { ProgressModal } from './components/ProgressModal';
import { Quote } from './components/conversation/Quote';
import { StagedLinkPreview } from './components/conversation/StagedLinkPreview';
import { MIMEType } from './types/MIME';
import { ElectronLocaleType } from './util/mapToSupportLocale';
import { SignalProtocolStore } from './LibSignalStore';
import { StartupQueue } from './util/StartupQueue';
import * as synchronousCrypto from './util/synchronousCrypto';
import SyncRequest from './textsecure/SyncRequest';
export { Long } from 'long';
type TaskResultType = any;
export type WhatIsThis = any;
// Synced with the type in ts/shims/showConfirmationDialog
// we are duplicating it here because that file cannot import/export.
type ConfirmationDialogViewProps = {
cancelText?: string;
confirmStyle?: 'affirmative' | 'negative';
message: string;
okText: string;
reject?: (error: Error) => void;
resolve: () => void;
declare global {
// We want to extend `window`'s properties, so we need an interface.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
interface Window {
startApp: () => void;
_: typeof Underscore;
$: typeof jQuery;
moment: typeof moment;
imageToBlurHash: typeof imageToBlurHash;
autoOrientImage: any;
dataURLToBlobSync: any;
loadImage: any;
isBehindProxy: () => boolean;
PQueue: typeof PQueue;
PQueueType: PQueue;
Mustache: {
render: (template: string, data: any, partials?: any) => string;
parse: (template: string) => void;
WhatIsThis: WhatIsThis;
attachmentDownloadQueue: Array<MessageModel> | undefined;
startupProcessingQueue: StartupQueue | undefined;
baseAttachmentsPath: string;
baseStickersPath: string;
baseTempPath: string;
dcodeIO: DCodeIOType;
receivedAtCounter: number;
enterKeyboardMode: () => void;
enterMouseMode: () => void;
getAccountManager: () => AccountManager | undefined;
getAlwaysRelayCalls: () => Promise<boolean>;
getBuiltInImages: () => Promise<Array<WhatIsThis>>;
getCallRingtoneNotification: () => Promise<boolean>;
getCallSystemNotification: () => Promise<boolean>;
getConversations: () => ConversationModelCollectionType;
getCountMutedConversations: () => Promise<boolean>;
getEnvironment: typeof getEnvironment;
getExpiration: () => string;
getGuid: () => string;
getInboxCollection: () => ConversationModelCollectionType;
getIncomingCallNotification: () => Promise<boolean>;
getInteractionMode: () => 'mouse' | 'keyboard';
getLocale: () => ElectronLocaleType;
getMediaCameraPermissions: () => Promise<boolean>;
getMediaPermissions: () => Promise<boolean>;
getNodeVersion: () => string;
getServerPublicParams: () => string;
getSfuUrl: () => string;
getSocketStatus: () => number;
getSyncRequest: (timeoutMillis?: number) => SyncRequest;
getTitle: () => string;
waitForEmptyEventQueue: () => Promise<void>;
getVersion: () => string;
showCallingPermissionsPopup: (forCamera: boolean) => Promise<void>;
i18n: LocalizerType;
isActive: () => boolean;
isAfterVersion: (version: WhatIsThis, anotherVersion: string) => boolean;
isBeforeVersion: (version: WhatIsThis, anotherVersion: string) => boolean;
isFullScreen: () => boolean;
isValidGuid: (maybeGuid: string | null) => boolean;
isValidE164: (maybeE164: unknown) => boolean;
libphonenumber: {
util: {
getRegionCodeForNumber: (number: string) => string;
parseNumber: (
e164: string,
regionCode: string
) => typeof window.Signal.Types.PhoneNumber;
parse: (number: string) => string;
getRegionCodeForNumber: (number: string) => string;
format: (number: string, format: PhoneNumberFormat) => string;
libsignal: LibSignalType;
log: {
fatal: LoggerType;
info: LoggerType;
warn: LoggerType;
error: LoggerType;
debug: LoggerType;
trace: LoggerType;
fetch: () => Promise<string>;
publish: typeof uploadDebugLogs;
nodeSetImmediate: typeof setImmediate;
normalizeUuids: (obj: any, paths: Array<string>, context: string) => void;
onFullScreenChange: (fullScreen: boolean) => void;
owsDesktopApp: WhatIsThis;
platform: string;
preloadedImages: Array<WhatIsThis>;
reduxActions: ReduxActions;
reduxStore: WhatIsThis;
registerForActive: (handler: () => void) => void;
restart: () => void;
setImmediate: typeof setImmediate;
showWindow: () => void;
showSettings: () => void;
shutdown: () => void;
setAutoHideMenuBar: (value: WhatIsThis) => void;
setBadgeCount: (count: number) => void;
setMenuBarVisibility: (value: WhatIsThis) => void;
showConfirmationDialog: (options: ConfirmationDialogViewProps) => void;
showKeyboardShortcuts: () => void;
storage: {
addBlockedGroup: (group: string) => void;
addBlockedNumber: (number: string) => void;
addBlockedUuid: (uuid: string) => void;
fetch: () => void;
get: {
<T = any>(key: string): T | undefined;
<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T): T;
getBlockedGroups: () => Array<string>;
getBlockedNumbers: () => Array<string>;
getBlockedUuids: () => Array<string>;
getItemsState: () => WhatIsThis;
isBlocked: (number: string) => boolean;
isGroupBlocked: (group: unknown) => boolean;
isUuidBlocked: (uuid: string) => boolean;
onready: (callback: () => unknown) => void;
put: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
removeBlockedGroup: (group: string) => void;
removeBlockedNumber: (number: string) => void;
removeBlockedUuid: (uuid: string) => void;
reset: () => void;
systemTheme: WhatIsThis;
textsecure: TextSecureType;
synchronousCrypto: typeof synchronousCrypto;
titleBarDoubleClick: () => void;
unregisterForActive: (handler: () => void) => void;
updateTrayIcon: (count: number) => void;
sqlInitializer: {
initialize: () => Promise<void>;
goBackToMainProcess: () => void;
Backbone: typeof Backbone;
| {
setProvisioningURL: (url: string) => void;
deviceName: string;
| undefined;
Signal: {
Backbone: any;
AttachmentDownloads: {
addJob: <T = unknown>(
attachment: unknown,
options: unknown
) => Promise<T>;
start: (options: WhatIsThis) => void;
stop: () => void;
Crypto: typeof Crypto;
Data: typeof Data;
Groups: typeof Groups;
Metadata: {
SecretSessionCipher: typeof SecretSessionCipherClass;
createCertificateValidator: (
trustRoot: ArrayBuffer
) => CertificateValidatorType;
RemoteConfig: typeof RemoteConfig;
Services: {
calling: CallingClass;
enableStorageService: () => boolean;
eraseAllStorageServiceState: () => Promise<void>;
initializeGroupCredentialFetcher: () => void;
initializeNetworkObserver: (network: WhatIsThis) => void;
initializeUpdateListener: (
updates: WhatIsThis,
events: WhatIsThis
) => void;
onTimeout: (timestamp: number, cb: () => void, id?: string) => string;
removeTimeout: (uuid: string) => void;
runStorageServiceSyncJob: () => Promise<void>;
storageServiceUploadJob: () => void;
Migrations: {
readTempData: any;
deleteAttachmentData: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
doesAttachmentExist: () => unknown;
writeNewAttachmentData: (data: ArrayBuffer) => Promise<string>;
deleteExternalMessageFiles: (attributes: unknown) => Promise<void>;
getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: (path: string) => string;
loadAttachmentData: (attachment: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
loadQuoteData: (quote: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
loadPreviewData: (preview: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
loadStickerData: (sticker: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
readStickerData: (path: string) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
upgradeMessageSchema: (attributes: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
copyIntoTempDirectory: any;
deleteDraftFile: any;
deleteTempFile: any;
getAbsoluteDraftPath: any;
getAbsoluteTempPath: any;
openFileInFolder: any;
readAttachmentData: any;
readDraftData: any;
saveAttachmentToDisk: any;
writeNewDraftData: any;
Stickers: {
getDataFromLink: any;
copyStickerToAttachments: (
packId: string,
stickerId: number
) => Promise<typeof window.Signal.Types.Sticker>;
deletePackReference: (id: string, packId: string) => Promise<void>;
downloadEphemeralPack: (
packId: string,
key: WhatIsThis
) => Promise<void>;
downloadQueuedPacks: () => void;
downloadStickerPack: (
id: string,
key: string,
options: WhatIsThis
) => void;
getInitialState: () => WhatIsThis;
load: () => void;
removeEphemeralPack: (packId: string) => Promise<void>;
savePackMetadata: (
packId: string,
packKey: string,
metadata: unknown
) => void;
getStickerPackStatus: (packId: string) => 'downloaded' | 'installed';
getSticker: (
packId: string,
stickerId: number
) => typeof window.Signal.Types.Sticker;
getStickerPack: (packId: string) => WhatIsThis;
getInstalledStickerPacks: () => WhatIsThis;
Types: {
Attachment: {
save: any;
path: string;
pending: boolean;
flags: number;
size: number;
screenshot: {
path: string;
thumbnail: {
path: string;
objectUrl: string;
contentType: MIMEType;
error: unknown;
caption: string;
migrateDataToFileSystem: (
attachment: WhatIsThis,
options: unknown
) => WhatIsThis;
isVoiceMessage: (attachments: unknown) => boolean;
isImage: typeof Attachment.isImage;
isVideo: typeof Attachment.isVideo;
isAudio: typeof Attachment.isAudio;
getUploadSizeLimitKb: typeof Attachment.getUploadSizeLimitKb;
MIME: typeof MIME;
Contact: typeof Contact;
Conversation: {
computeHash: (data: string) => Promise<string>;
deleteExternalFiles: (
attributes: unknown,
options: unknown
) => Promise<void>;
maybeUpdateProfileAvatar: (
attributes: unknown,
decrypted: unknown,
options: unknown
) => Promise<Record<string, unknown>>;
maybeUpdateAvatar: (
attributes: unknown,
data: unknown,
options: unknown
) => Promise<WhatIsThis>;
PhoneNumber: {
format: (
identifier: string,
options: Record<string, unknown>
) => string;
phoneNumber: string,
options?: {
regionCode?: string;
): boolean;
e164: string;
error: string;
Errors: typeof Errors;
Message: {
GROUP: 'group';
PRIVATE: 'private';
initializeSchemaVersion: (version: {
message: unknown;
logger: unknown;
}) => unknown & {
schemaVersion: number;
hasExpiration: (json: string) => boolean;
Sticker: {
emoji: string;
packId: string;
packKey: string;
stickerId: number;
data: {
pending: boolean;
path: string;
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
VisualAttachment: any;
Util: typeof Util;
LinkPreviews: typeof LinkPreviews;
GroupChange: {
renderChange: (change: unknown, things: unknown) => Array<string>;
Components: {
AttachmentList: typeof AttachmentList;
CaptionEditor: typeof CaptionEditor;
ConfirmationModal: typeof ConfirmationModal;
ContactDetail: typeof ContactDetail;
ContactModal: typeof ContactModal;
ErrorModal: typeof ErrorModal;
Lightbox: typeof Lightbox;
LightboxGallery: typeof LightboxGallery;
MediaGallery: typeof MediaGallery;
MessageDetail: typeof MessageDetail;
ProgressModal: typeof ProgressModal;
Quote: typeof Quote;
StagedLinkPreview: typeof StagedLinkPreview;
OS: typeof OS;
Workflow: {
IdleDetector: WhatIsThis;
MessageDataMigrator: WhatIsThis;
IndexedDB: {
removeDatabase: WhatIsThis;
doesDatabaseExist: WhatIsThis;
Views: WhatIsThis;
State: {
bindActionCreators: typeof bindActionCreators;
createStore: typeof createStore;
Roots: {
createCallManager: typeof createCallManager;
createCompositionArea: typeof createCompositionArea;
createContactModal: typeof createContactModal;
createConversationDetails: typeof createConversationDetails;
createConversationHeader: typeof createConversationHeader;
createGroupLinkManagement: typeof createGroupLinkManagement;
createGroupV1MigrationModal: typeof createGroupV1MigrationModal;
createGroupV2JoinModal: typeof createGroupV2JoinModal;
createGroupV2Permissions: typeof createGroupV2Permissions;
createLeftPane: typeof createLeftPane;
createMessageDetail: typeof createMessageDetail;
createPendingInvites: typeof createPendingInvites;
createSafetyNumberViewer: typeof createSafetyNumberViewer;
createShortcutGuideModal: typeof createShortcutGuideModal;
createStickerManager: typeof createStickerManager;
createStickerPreviewModal: typeof createStickerPreviewModal;
createTimeline: typeof createTimeline;
Ducks: {
calling: typeof callingDuck;
conversations: typeof conversationsDuck;
emojis: typeof emojisDuck;
expiration: typeof expirationDuck;
items: typeof itemsDuck;
network: typeof networkDuck;
updates: typeof updatesDuck;
user: typeof userDuck;
search: typeof searchDuck;
stickers: typeof stickersDuck;
Selectors: {
conversations: typeof conversationsSelectors;
search: typeof searchSelectors;
Logs: WhatIsThis;
conversationControllerStart: WhatIsThis;
Emojis: {
getInitialState: () => WhatIsThis;
load: () => void;
ConversationController: ConversationController;
Events: WhatIsThis;
MessageController: MessageControllerType;
SignalProtocolStore: typeof SignalProtocolStore;
WebAPI: WebAPIConnectType;
Whisper: WhisperType;
AccountCache: Record<string, boolean>;
AccountJobs: Record<string, Promise<void>>;
doesAccountCheckJobExist: (number: string) => boolean;
checkForSignalAccount: (number: string) => Promise<void>;
isSignalAccountCheckComplete: (number: string) => boolean;
hasSignalAccount: (number: string) => boolean;
getServerTrustRoot: () => WhatIsThis;
readyForUpdates: () => void;
logAppLoadedEvent: () => void;
// Runtime Flags
isShowingModal?: boolean;
// Feature Flags
isGroupCallingEnabled: () => boolean;
// We want to extend `Error`, so we need an interface.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
interface Error {
cause?: Event;
export type DCodeIOType = {
ByteBuffer: typeof ByteBufferClass & {
BIG_ENDIAN: number;
Long: DCodeIOType['Long'];
Long: Long & {
equals: (other: Long | number | string) => boolean;
fromBits: (low: number, high: number, unsigned: boolean) => number;
fromNumber: (value: number, unsigned?: boolean) => Long;
fromString: (str: string | null) => Long;
isLong: (obj: unknown) => obj is Long;
ProtoBuf: WhatIsThis;
type MessageControllerType = {
findBySender: (sender: string) => MessageModel | null;
findBySentAt: (sentAt: number) => MessageModel | null;
register: (id: string, model: MessageModel) => MessageModel;
unregister: (id: string) => void;
export class CertificateValidatorType {
validate: (cerficate: any, certificateTime: number) => Promise<void>;
export class SecretSessionCipherClass {
storage: StorageType,
options?: { messageKeysLimit?: number | boolean }
decrypt: (
validator: CertificateValidatorType,
ciphertext: ArrayBuffer,
serverTimestamp: number,
me: any
) => Promise<{
isMe: boolean;
sender: SignalProtocolAddressClass;
senderUuid: SignalProtocolAddressClass;
content: ArrayBuffer;
getRemoteRegistrationId: (
address: SignalProtocolAddressClass
) => Promise<number>;
closeOpenSessionForDevice: (
address: SignalProtocolAddressClass
) => Promise<void>;
encrypt: (
address: SignalProtocolAddressClass,
senderCertificate: any,
plaintext: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array
) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
export class ByteBufferClass {
constructor(value?: any, littleEndian?: number);
static wrap: (
value: any,
encoding?: string,
littleEndian?: number
) => ByteBufferClass;
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
toString: (type: string) => string;
toArrayBuffer: () => ArrayBuffer;
toBinary: () => string;
slice: (start: number, end?: number) => ByteBufferClass;
append: (data: ArrayBuffer) => void;
limit: number;
offset: 0;
readInt: (offset: number) => number;
readLong: (offset: number) => Long;
readShort: (offset: number) => number;
readVarint32: () => number;
writeLong: (l: Long) => void;
skip: (length: number) => void;
export class GumVideoCapturer {
maxWidth: number,
maxHeight: number,
maxFramerate: number,
localPreview: Ref<HTMLVideoElement>
export class CanvasVideoRenderer {
constructor(canvas: Ref<HTMLCanvasElement>);
export type LoggerType = (...args: Array<unknown>) => void;
export type WhisperType = {
events: {
on: (name: string, callback: (param1: any, param2?: any) => void) => void;
trigger: (name: string, param1?: any, param2?: any) => void;
Database: {
open: () => Promise<IDBDatabase>;
handleDOMException: (
context: string,
error: DOMException | null,
reject: Function
) => void;
GroupConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType;
ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType;
ConversationCollectionType: ConversationModelCollectionType;
Conversation: typeof ConversationModel;
ConversationType: ConversationModel;
MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType;
MessageCollectionType: MessageModelCollectionType;
MessageAttributesType: MessageAttributesType;
Message: typeof MessageModel;
MessageType: MessageModel;
GroupMemberConversation: WhatIsThis;
KeyChangeListener: WhatIsThis;
ClearDataView: WhatIsThis;
ReactWrapperView: WhatIsThis;
activeConfirmationView: WhatIsThis;
ToastView: typeof window.Whisper.View & {
show: (view: typeof Backbone.View, el: Element) => void;
ConversationArchivedToast: WhatIsThis;
ConversationUnarchivedToast: WhatIsThis;
ConversationMarkedUnreadToast: WhatIsThis;
AppView: WhatIsThis;
WallClockListener: WhatIsThis;
MessageRequests: WhatIsThis;
BannerView: any;
RecorderView: any;
GroupMemberList: any;
GroupLinkCopiedToast: typeof Backbone.View;
KeyVerificationPanelView: any;
SafetyNumberChangeDialogView: any;
BodyRangesType: BodyRangesType;
BodyRangeType: BodyRangeType;
Notifications: {
isEnabled: boolean;
removeBy: (filter: Partial<unknown>) => void;
add: (notification: unknown) => void;
clear: () => void;
disable: () => void;
enable: () => void;
fastClear: () => void;
on: (
event: string,
callback: (id: string, messageId: string) => void
) => void;
DeliveryReceipts: {
add: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void;
forMessage: (conversation: unknown, message: unknown) => Array<WhatIsThis>;
onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void;
ReadReceipts: {
add: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
forMessage: (conversation: unknown, message: unknown) => Array<WhatIsThis>;
onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void;
ReadSyncs: {
add: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
forMessage: (message: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
ViewSyncs: {
add: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array<WhatIsThis>;
onSync: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
Reactions: {
forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array<WhatIsThis>;
add: (reaction: unknown) => WhatIsThis;
onReaction: (reactionModel: unknown) => unknown;
Deletes: {
add: (model: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis;
forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array<WhatIsThis>;
onDelete: (model: WhatIsThis) => void;
IdenticonSVGView: WhatIsThis;
ExpiringMessagesListener: WhatIsThis;
TapToViewMessagesListener: WhatIsThis;
deliveryReceiptQueue: PQueue<WhatIsThis>;
deliveryReceiptBatcher: BatcherType<WhatIsThis>;
RotateSignedPreKeyListener: WhatIsThis;
AlreadyGroupMemberToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
AlreadyRequestedToJoinToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
BlockedGroupToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
BlockedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
CannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachmentsToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
DangerousFileTypeToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
ExpiredToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
FileSavedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
FileSizeToast: any;
FoundButNotLoadedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
InvalidConversationToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
LeftGroupToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
MaxAttachmentsToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
MessageBodyTooLongToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
OneNonImageAtATimeToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
OriginalNoLongerAvailableToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
OriginalNotFoundToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
PinnedConversationsFullToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
ReactionFailedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
TapToViewExpiredIncomingToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
TapToViewExpiredOutgoingToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
TimerConflictToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
UnableToLoadToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
VoiceNoteLimit: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
VoiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachmentToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView;
ConversationLoadingScreen: typeof window.Whisper.View;
ConversationView: typeof window.Whisper.View;
View: typeof Backbone.View & {
Templates: Record<string, string>;