DRY up protobuf declarations and move to a slightly briefer naming convention. Also dropped some ArrayBuffer -> string conversions as ProtoBuf.js handles ArrayBuffers just fine, and in fact, more efficiently than strings. Finally, dropped the btoa() wrappers, because that incurs an extra string -> string conversion before the protobuf's internal string -> array buffer conversion. In lieu of btoa, we can simply pass in the optional string encoding argument to the protobuf's decode method, which in these cases should be 'binary'. Related: #17
983 lines
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983 lines
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/* vim: ts=4:sw=4
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
window.textsecure = window.textsecure || {};
window.textsecure.crypto = function() {
'use strict';
var self = {};
// functions exposed for replacement and direct calling in test code
var testing_only = {};
*** Random constants/utils ***
// We consider messages lost after a week and might throw away keys at that point
// (also the time between signedPreKey regenerations)
var MESSAGE_LOST_THRESHOLD_MS = 1000*60*60*24*7;
var getRandomBytes = function(size) {
// At some point we might consider XORing in hashes of random
// UI events to strengthen ourselves against RNG flaws in crypto.getRandomValues
// ie maybe take a look at how Gibson does it at https://www.grc.com/r&d/js.htm
var array = new Uint8Array(size);
return array.buffer;
self.getRandomBytes = getRandomBytes;
function intToArrayBuffer(nInt) {
var res = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var thing = new Uint8Array(res);
thing[0] = (nInt >> 24) & 0xff;
thing[1] = (nInt >> 16) & 0xff;
thing[2] = (nInt >> 8 ) & 0xff;
thing[3] = (nInt >> 0 ) & 0xff;
return res;
function objectContainsKeys(object) {
var count = 0;
for (var key in object) {
return count != 0;
function HmacSHA256(key, input) {
return window.crypto.subtle.sign({name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-256"}, key, input);
testing_only.privToPub = function(privKey, isIdentity) {
if (privKey.byteLength != 32)
throw new Error("Invalid private key");
var prependVersion = function(pubKey) {
var origPub = new Uint8Array(pubKey);
var pub = new ArrayBuffer(33);
var pubWithPrefix = new Uint8Array(pub);
pubWithPrefix.set(origPub, 1);
pubWithPrefix[0] = 5;
return pub;
if (textsecure.nacl.USE_NACL) {
return textsecure.nacl.postNaclMessage({command: "bytesToPriv", priv: privKey}).then(function(message) {
var priv = message.res.slice(0, 32);
if (!isIdentity)
new Uint8Array(priv)[0] |= 0x01;
return textsecure.nacl.postNaclMessage({command: "privToPub", priv: priv}).then(function(message) {
return { pubKey: prependVersion(message.res.slice(0, 32)), privKey: priv };
} else {
privKey = privKey.slice(0);
var priv = new Uint16Array(privKey);
priv[0] &= 0xFFF8;
priv[15] = (priv[15] & 0x7FFF) | 0x4000;
if (!isIdentity)
priv[0] |= 0x0001;
//TODO: fscking type conversion
return Promise.resolve({ pubKey: prependVersion(toArrayBuffer(curve25519(priv))), privKey: privKey});
var privToPub = function(privKey, isIdentity) { return testing_only.privToPub(privKey, isIdentity); }
testing_only.createNewKeyPair = function(isIdentity) {
return privToPub(getRandomBytes(32), isIdentity);
var createNewKeyPair = function(isIdentity) { return testing_only.createNewKeyPair(isIdentity); }
*** Key/session storage ***
var crypto_storage = {};
crypto_storage.putKeyPair = function(keyName, keyPair) {
textsecure.storage.putEncrypted("25519Key" + keyName, keyPair);
crypto_storage.getNewStoredKeyPair = function(keyName, isIdentity) {
return createNewKeyPair(isIdentity).then(function(keyPair) {
crypto_storage.putKeyPair(keyName, keyPair);
return keyPair;
crypto_storage.getStoredKeyPair = function(keyName) {
var res = textsecure.storage.getEncrypted("25519Key" + keyName);
if (res === undefined)
return undefined;
return { pubKey: toArrayBuffer(res.pubKey), privKey: toArrayBuffer(res.privKey) };
crypto_storage.removeStoredKeyPair = function(keyName) {
textsecure.storage.removeEncrypted("25519Key" + keyName);
crypto_storage.getIdentityKey = function() {
return this.getStoredKeyPair("identityKey");
crypto_storage.saveSession = function(encodedNumber, session, registrationId) {
var device = textsecure.storage.devices.getDeviceObject(encodedNumber);
if (device === undefined)
device = { sessions: {}, encodedNumber: encodedNumber };
if (registrationId !== undefined)
device.registrationId = registrationId;
crypto_storage.saveSessionAndDevice(device, session);
crypto_storage.saveSessionAndDevice = function(device, session) {
if (device.sessions === undefined)
device.sessions = {};
var sessions = device.sessions;
var doDeleteSession = false;
if (session.indexInfo.closed == -1 || device.identityKey === undefined)
device.identityKey = session.indexInfo.remoteIdentityKey;
if (session.indexInfo.closed != -1) {
doDeleteSession = (session.indexInfo.closed < (new Date().getTime() - MESSAGE_LOST_THRESHOLD_MS));
if (!doDeleteSession) {
var keysLeft = false;
for (var key in session) {
if (key != "indexInfo" && key != "oldRatchetList" && key != "currentRatchet") {
keysLeft = true;
doDeleteSession = !keysLeft;
console.log((doDeleteSession ? "Deleting " : "Not deleting ") + "closed session which has not yet timed out");
} else
console.log("Deleting closed session due to timeout (created at " + session.indexInfo.closed + ")");
if (doDeleteSession)
delete sessions[getString(session.indexInfo.baseKey)];
sessions[getString(session.indexInfo.baseKey)] = session;
var openSessionRemaining = false;
for (var key in sessions)
if (sessions[key].indexInfo.closed == -1)
openSessionRemaining = true;
if (!openSessionRemaining)
try {
delete device['registrationId'];
} catch(_) {}
var getSessions = function(encodedNumber) {
var device = textsecure.storage.devices.getDeviceObject(encodedNumber);
if (device === undefined || device.sessions === undefined)
return undefined;
return device.sessions;
crypto_storage.getOpenSession = function(encodedNumber) {
var sessions = getSessions(encodedNumber);
if (sessions === undefined)
return undefined;
for (var key in sessions)
if (sessions[key].indexInfo.closed == -1)
return sessions[key];
return undefined;
crypto_storage.getSessionByRemoteEphemeralKey = function(encodedNumber, remoteEphemeralKey) {
var sessions = getSessions(encodedNumber);
if (sessions === undefined)
return undefined;
var searchKey = getString(remoteEphemeralKey);
var openSession = undefined;
for (var key in sessions) {
if (sessions[key].indexInfo.closed == -1) {
if (openSession !== undefined)
throw new Error("Datastore inconsistensy: multiple open sessions for " + encodedNumber);
openSession = sessions[key];
if (sessions[key][searchKey] !== undefined)
return sessions[key];
if (openSession !== undefined)
return openSession;
return undefined;
crypto_storage.getSessionOrIdentityKeyByBaseKey = function(encodedNumber, baseKey) {
var sessions = getSessions(encodedNumber);
var device = textsecure.storage.devices.getDeviceObject(encodedNumber);
if (device === undefined)
return undefined;
var preferredSession = device.sessions && device.sessions[getString(baseKey)];
if (preferredSession !== undefined)
return preferredSession;
if (device.identityKey !== undefined)
return { indexInfo: { remoteIdentityKey: device.identityKey } };
throw new Error("Datastore inconsistency: device was stored without identity key");
*** Internal Crypto stuff ***
var validatePubKeyFormat = function(pubKey, needVersionByte) {
if (pubKey === undefined || ((pubKey.byteLength != 33 || new Uint8Array(pubKey)[0] != 5) && pubKey.byteLength != 32))
throw new Error("Invalid public key");
if (pubKey.byteLength == 33) {
if (!needVersionByte)
return pubKey.slice(1);
return pubKey;
} else {
console.error("WARNING: Expected pubkey of length 33, please report the ST and client that generated the pubkey");
if (!needVersionByte)
return pubKey;
var res = new Uint8Array(33);
res[0] = 5;
res.set(new Uint8Array(pubKey), 1);
return res.buffer;
testing_only.ECDHE = function(pubKey, privKey) {
if (privKey === undefined || privKey.byteLength != 32)
throw new Error("Invalid private key");
pubKey = validatePubKeyFormat(pubKey, false);
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
if (textsecure.nacl.USE_NACL) {
textsecure.nacl.postNaclMessage({command: "ECDHE", priv: privKey, pub: pubKey}).then(function(message) {
resolve(message.res.slice(0, 32));
} else {
resolve(toArrayBuffer(curve25519(new Uint16Array(privKey), new Uint16Array(pubKey))));
var ECDHE = function(pubKey, privKey) { return testing_only.ECDHE(pubKey, privKey); }
testing_only.Ed25519Sign = function(privKey, message) {
if (privKey === undefined || privKey.byteLength != 32)
throw new Error("Invalid private key");
if (message === undefined)
throw new Error("Invalid message");
if (textsecure.nacl.USE_NACL) {
return textsecure.nacl.postNaclMessage({command: "Ed25519Sign", priv: privKey, msg: message}).then(function(message) {
return message.res;
} else {
throw new Error("Ed25519 in JS not yet supported");
var Ed25519Sign = function(privKey, pubKeyToSign) {
pubKeyToSign = validatePubKeyFormat(pubKeyToSign, true);
return testing_only.Ed25519Sign(privKey, pubKeyToSign);
testing_only.Ed25519Verify = function(pubKey, msg, sig) {
pubKey = validatePubKeyFormat(pubKey, false);
if (msg === undefined)
throw new Error("Invalid message");
if (sig === undefined || sig.byteLength != 64)
throw new Error("Invalid signature");
if (textsecure.nacl.USE_NACL) {
return textsecure.nacl.postNaclMessage({command: "Ed25519Verify", pub: pubKey, msg: msg, sig: sig}).then(function(message) {
if (!message.res)
throw new Error("Invalid signature");
} else {
throw new Error("Ed25519 in JS not yet supported");
var Ed25519Verify = function(pubKey, signedPubKey, sig) {
signedPubKey = validatePubKeyFormat(signedPubKey, true);
return testing_only.Ed25519Verify(pubKey, signedPubKey, sig);
testing_only.HKDF = function(input, salt, info) {
// Specific implementation of RFC 5869 that only returns exactly 64 bytes
return HmacSHA256(salt, input).then(function(PRK) {
var infoBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(info.byteLength + 1 + 32);
var infoArray = new Uint8Array(infoBuffer);
infoArray.set(new Uint8Array(info), 32);
infoArray[infoArray.length - 1] = 1;
// TextSecure implements a slightly tweaked version of RFC 5869: the 0 and 1 should be 1 and 2 here
return HmacSHA256(PRK, infoBuffer.slice(32)).then(function(T1) {
infoArray.set(new Uint8Array(T1));
infoArray[infoArray.length - 1] = 2;
return HmacSHA256(PRK, infoBuffer).then(function(T2) {
return [ T1, T2 ];
var HKDF = function(input, salt, info) {
// HKDF for TextSecure has a bit of additional handling - salts always end up being 32 bytes
if (salt == '')
salt = new ArrayBuffer(32);
if (salt.byteLength != 32)
throw new Error("Got salt of incorrect length");
info = toArrayBuffer(info); // TODO: maybe convert calls?
return testing_only.HKDF(input, salt, info);
var calculateMACWithVersionByte = function(data, key, version) {
if (version === undefined)
version = 1;
var prependedData = new Uint8Array(data.byteLength + 1);
prependedData[0] = version;
prependedData.set(new Uint8Array(data), 1);
return HmacSHA256(key, prependedData.buffer);
var verifyMACWithVersionByte = function(data, key, mac, version) {
return calculateMACWithVersionByte(data, key, version).then(function(calculated_mac) {
if (!isEqual(calculated_mac, mac, true))
throw new Error("Bad MAC");
var verifyMAC = function(data, key, mac) {
return HmacSHA256(key, data).then(function(calculated_mac) {
if (!isEqual(calculated_mac, mac, true))
throw new Error("Bad MAC");
*** Ratchet implementation ***
var calculateRatchet = function(session, remoteKey, sending) {
var ratchet = session.currentRatchet;
return ECDHE(remoteKey, toArrayBuffer(ratchet.ephemeralKeyPair.privKey)).then(function(sharedSecret) {
return HKDF(sharedSecret, toArrayBuffer(ratchet.rootKey), "WhisperRatchet").then(function(masterKey) {
if (sending)
session[getString(ratchet.ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey)] = { messageKeys: {}, chainKey: { counter: -1, key: masterKey[1] } };
session[getString(remoteKey)] = { messageKeys: {}, chainKey: { counter: -1, key: masterKey[1] } };
ratchet.rootKey = masterKey[0];
var initSession = function(isInitiator, ourEphemeralKey, ourSignedKey, encodedNumber, theirIdentityPubKey, theirEphemeralPubKey, theirSignedPubKey) {
var ourIdentityKey = crypto_storage.getIdentityKey();
if (isInitiator) {
if (ourSignedKey !== undefined)
throw new Error("Invalid call to initSession");
ourSignedKey = ourEphemeralKey;
} else {
if (theirSignedPubKey !== undefined)
throw new Error("Invalid call to initSession");
theirSignedPubKey = theirEphemeralPubKey;
var sharedSecret;
if (ourEphemeralKey === undefined || theirEphemeralPubKey === undefined)
sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32 * 4);
sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32 * 5);
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
sharedSecret[i] = 0xff;
return ECDHE(theirSignedPubKey, ourIdentityKey.privKey).then(function(ecRes1) {
function finishInit() {
return ECDHE(theirSignedPubKey, ourSignedKey.privKey).then(function(ecRes) {
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes), 32 * 3);
return HKDF(sharedSecret.buffer, '', "WhisperText").then(function(masterKey) {
var session = {currentRatchet: { rootKey: masterKey[0], lastRemoteEphemeralKey: theirSignedPubKey },
indexInfo: { remoteIdentityKey: theirIdentityPubKey, closed: -1 },
oldRatchetList: []
if (!isInitiator)
session.indexInfo.baseKey = theirEphemeralPubKey;
session.indexInfo.baseKey = ourEphemeralKey.pubKey;
// If we're initiating we go ahead and set our first sending ephemeral key now,
// otherwise we figure it out when we first maybeStepRatchet with the remote's ephemeral key
if (isInitiator) {
return createNewKeyPair(false).then(function(ourSendingEphemeralKey) {
session.currentRatchet.ephemeralKeyPair = ourSendingEphemeralKey;
return calculateRatchet(session, theirSignedPubKey, true).then(function() {
return session;
} else {
session.currentRatchet.ephemeralKeyPair = ourSignedKey;
return session;
var promise;
if (ourEphemeralKey === undefined || theirEphemeralPubKey === undefined)
promise = Promise.resolve(new ArrayBuffer(0));
promise = ECDHE(theirEphemeralPubKey, ourEphemeralKey.privKey);
return promise.then(function(ecRes4) {
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes4), 32 * 4);
if (isInitiator)
return ECDHE(theirIdentityPubKey, ourSignedKey.privKey).then(function(ecRes2) {
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes1), 32);
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes2), 32 * 2);
return ECDHE(theirIdentityPubKey, ourSignedKey.privKey).then(function(ecRes2) {
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes1), 32 * 2);
sharedSecret.set(new Uint8Array(ecRes2), 32)
var removeOldChains = function(session) {
// Sending ratchets are always removed when we step because we never need them again
// Receiving ratchets are either removed if we step with all keys used up to previousCounter
// and are otherwise added to the oldRatchetList, which we parse here and remove ratchets
// older than a week (we assume the message was lost and move on with our lives at that point)
var newList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < session.oldRatchetList.length; i++) {
var entry = session.oldRatchetList[i];
var ratchet = getString(entry.ephemeralKey);
console.log("Checking old chain with added time " + (entry.added/1000));
if ((!objectContainsKeys(session[ratchet].messageKeys) && (session[ratchet].chainKey === undefined || session[ratchet].chainKey.key === undefined))
|| entry.added < new Date().getTime() - MESSAGE_LOST_THRESHOLD_MS) {
delete session[ratchet];
} else
newList[newList.length] = entry;
session.oldRatchetList = newList;
var closeSession = function(session, sessionClosedByRemote) {
if (session.indexInfo.closed > -1)
// After this has run, we can still receive messages on ratchet chains which
// were already open (unless we know we dont need them),
// but we cannot send messages or step the ratchet
// Delete current sending ratchet
delete session[getString(session.currentRatchet.ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey)];
// Move all receive ratchets to the oldRatchetList to mark them for deletion
for (var i in session) {
if (session[i].chainKey !== undefined && session[i].chainKey.key !== undefined) {
if (!sessionClosedByRemote)
session.oldRatchetList[session.oldRatchetList.length] = { added: new Date().getTime(), ephemeralKey: i };
delete session[i].chainKey.key;
// Delete current root key and our ephemeral key pair to disallow ratchet stepping
delete session.currentRatchet['rootKey'];
delete session.currentRatchet['ephemeralKeyPair'];
session.indexInfo.closed = new Date().getTime();
self.closeOpenSessionForDevice = function(encodedNumber) {
var session = crypto_storage.getOpenSession(encodedNumber);
if (session === undefined)
crypto_storage.saveSession(encodedNumber, session);
var initSessionFromPreKeyWhisperMessage;
var decryptWhisperMessage;
var handlePreKeyWhisperMessage = function(from, encodedMessage) {
var preKeyProto = textsecure.protobuf.PreKeyWhisperMessage.decode(encodedMessage, 'binary');
return initSessionFromPreKeyWhisperMessage(from, preKeyProto).then(function(sessions) {
return decryptWhisperMessage(from, getString(preKeyProto.message), sessions[0], preKeyProto.registrationId).then(function(result) {
if (sessions[1] !== undefined)
return result;
var wipeIdentityAndTryMessageAgain = function(from, encodedMessage) {
//TODO: Wipe identity key!
return handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(from, encodedMessage);
textsecure.replay.registerReplayFunction(wipeIdentityAndTryMessageAgain, textsecure.replay.REPLAY_FUNCS.INIT_SESSION);
initSessionFromPreKeyWhisperMessage = function(encodedNumber, message) {
var preKeyPair = crypto_storage.getStoredKeyPair("preKey" + message.preKeyId);
var signedPreKeyPair = crypto_storage.getStoredKeyPair("signedKey" + message.signedPreKeyId);
var session = crypto_storage.getSessionOrIdentityKeyByBaseKey(encodedNumber, toArrayBuffer(message.baseKey));
var open_session = crypto_storage.getOpenSession(encodedNumber);
if (signedPreKeyPair === undefined) {
// Session may or may not be the right one, but if its not, we can't do anything about it
// ...fall through and let decryptWhisperMessage handle that case
if (session !== undefined && session.currentRatchet !== undefined)
return Promise.resolve([session, undefined]);
throw new Error("Missing Signed PreKey for PreKeyWhisperMessage");
if (session !== undefined) {
// Duplicate PreKeyMessage for session:
if (isEqual(session.indexInfo.baseKey, message.baseKey, false))
return Promise.resolve([session, undefined]);
// We already had a session/known identity key:
if (isEqual(session.indexInfo.remoteIdentityKey, message.identityKey, false)) {
// If the identity key matches the previous one, close the previous one and use the new one
if (open_session !== undefined)
closeSession(open_session); // To be returned and saved later
} else {
// ...otherwise create an error that the UI will pick up and ask the user if they want to re-negotiate
throw new Error("Received message with unknown identity key", "The identity of the sender has changed. This may be malicious, or the sender may have simply reinstalled TextSecure.", textsecure.replay.REPLAY_FUNCS.INIT_SESSION, [encodedNumber, getString(message.encode())]);
return initSession(false, preKeyPair, signedPreKeyPair, encodedNumber, toArrayBuffer(message.identityKey), toArrayBuffer(message.baseKey), undefined)
.then(function(new_session) {
// Note that the session is not actually saved until the very end of decryptWhisperMessage
// ... to ensure that the sender actually holds the private keys for all reported pubkeys
return [new_session, function() {
if (open_session !== undefined)
crypto_storage.saveSession(encodedNumber, open_session);
crypto_storage.removeStoredKeyPair("preKey" + message.preKeyId);
var fillMessageKeys = function(chain, counter) {
if (chain.chainKey.counter + 1000 < counter) //TODO: maybe 1000 is too low/high in some cases?
return Promise.resolve(); // Stalker, much?
if (chain.chainKey.counter >= counter)
return Promise.resolve(); // Already calculated
if (chain.chainKey.key === undefined)
throw new Error("Got invalid request to extend chain after it was already closed");
var key = toArrayBuffer(chain.chainKey.key);
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(1);
byteArray[0] = 1;
return HmacSHA256(key, byteArray.buffer).then(function(mac) {
byteArray[0] = 2;
return HmacSHA256(key, byteArray.buffer).then(function(key) {
chain.messageKeys[chain.chainKey.counter + 1] = mac;
chain.chainKey.key = key
chain.chainKey.counter += 1;
return fillMessageKeys(chain, counter);
var maybeStepRatchet = function(session, remoteKey, previousCounter) {
if (session[getString(remoteKey)] !== undefined)
return Promise.resolve();
var ratchet = session.currentRatchet;
var finish = function() {
return calculateRatchet(session, remoteKey, false).then(function() {
// Now swap the ephemeral key and calculate the new sending chain
var previousRatchet = getString(ratchet.ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey);
if (session[previousRatchet] !== undefined) {
ratchet.previousCounter = session[previousRatchet].chainKey.counter;
delete session[previousRatchet];
return createNewKeyPair(false).then(function(keyPair) {
ratchet.ephemeralKeyPair = keyPair;
return calculateRatchet(session, remoteKey, true).then(function() {
ratchet.lastRemoteEphemeralKey = remoteKey;
var previousRatchet = session[getString(ratchet.lastRemoteEphemeralKey)];
if (previousRatchet !== undefined) {
return fillMessageKeys(previousRatchet, previousCounter).then(function() {
delete previousRatchet.chainKey.key;
if (!objectContainsKeys(previousRatchet.messageKeys))
delete session[getString(ratchet.lastRemoteEphemeralKey)];
session.oldRatchetList[session.oldRatchetList.length] = { added: new Date().getTime(), ephemeralKey: ratchet.lastRemoteEphemeralKey };
} else
return finish();
// returns decrypted protobuf
decryptWhisperMessage = function(encodedNumber, messageBytes, session, registrationId) {
if (messageBytes[0] != String.fromCharCode((3 << 4) | 3))
throw new Error("Bad version number on WhisperMessage");
var messageProto = messageBytes.substring(1, messageBytes.length - 8);
var mac = messageBytes.substring(messageBytes.length - 8, messageBytes.length);
var message = textsecure.protobuf.WhisperMessage.decode(messageProto, 'binary');
var remoteEphemeralKey = toArrayBuffer(message.ephemeralKey);
if (session === undefined) {
var session = crypto_storage.getSessionByRemoteEphemeralKey(encodedNumber, remoteEphemeralKey);
if (session === undefined)
throw new Error("No session found to decrypt message from " + encodedNumber);
return maybeStepRatchet(session, remoteEphemeralKey, message.previousCounter).then(function() {
var chain = session[getString(message.ephemeralKey)];
return fillMessageKeys(chain, message.counter).then(function() {
return HKDF(toArrayBuffer(chain.messageKeys[message.counter]), '', "WhisperMessageKeys").then(function(keys) {
delete chain.messageKeys[message.counter];
var messageProtoArray = toArrayBuffer(messageProto);
var macInput = new Uint8Array(messageProtoArray.byteLength + 33*2 + 1);
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(toArrayBuffer(session.indexInfo.remoteIdentityKey)));
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(toArrayBuffer(crypto_storage.getIdentityKey().pubKey)), 33);
macInput[33*2] = (3 << 4) | 3;
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(messageProtoArray), 33*2 + 1);
return verifyMAC(macInput.buffer, keys[1], mac).then(function() {
var counter = intToArrayBuffer(message.counter);
return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "AES-CTR", counter: counter}, keys[0], toArrayBuffer(message.ciphertext))
.then(function(paddedPlaintext) {
paddedPlaintext = new Uint8Array(paddedPlaintext);
var plaintext;
for (var i = paddedPlaintext.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (paddedPlaintext[i] == 0x80) {
plaintext = new Uint8Array(i);
plaintext.set(paddedPlaintext.subarray(0, i));
plaintext = plaintext.buffer;
} else if (paddedPlaintext[i] != 0x00)
throw new Error('Invalid padding');
delete session['pendingPreKey'];
var finalMessage = textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.decode(plaintext);
if ((finalMessage.flags & textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
== textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
closeSession(session, true);
crypto_storage.saveSession(encodedNumber, session, registrationId);
return finalMessage;
*** Public crypto API ***
// Decrypts message into a raw string
self.decryptWebsocketMessage = function(message) {
var signaling_key = textsecure.storage.getEncrypted("signaling_key"); //TODO: in crypto_storage
var aes_key = toArrayBuffer(signaling_key.substring(0, 32));
var mac_key = toArrayBuffer(signaling_key.substring(32, 32 + 20));
var decodedMessage = base64DecToArr(getString(message));
if (new Uint8Array(decodedMessage)[0] != 1)
throw new Error("Got bad version number: " + decodedMessage[0]);
var iv = decodedMessage.slice(1, 1 + 16);
var ciphertext = decodedMessage.slice(1 + 16, decodedMessage.byteLength - 10);
var ivAndCiphertext = decodedMessage.slice(0, decodedMessage.byteLength - 10);
var mac = decodedMessage.slice(decodedMessage.byteLength - 10, decodedMessage.byteLength);
return verifyMAC(ivAndCiphertext, mac_key, mac).then(function() {
return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv}, aes_key, ciphertext);
self.decryptAttachment = function(encryptedBin, keys) {
var aes_key = keys.slice(0, 32);
var mac_key = keys.slice(32, 64);
var iv = encryptedBin.slice(0, 16);
var ciphertext = encryptedBin.slice(16, encryptedBin.byteLength - 32);
var ivAndCiphertext = encryptedBin.slice(0, encryptedBin.byteLength - 32);
var mac = encryptedBin.slice(encryptedBin.byteLength - 32, encryptedBin.byteLength);
return verifyMAC(ivAndCiphertext, mac_key, mac).then(function() {
return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv}, aes_key, ciphertext);
self.encryptAttachment = function(plaintext, keys, iv) {
var aes_key = keys.slice(0, 32);
var mac_key = keys.slice(32, 64);
return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv}, aes_key, plaintext).then(function(ciphertext) {
var ivAndCiphertext = new Uint8Array(16 + ciphertext.byteLength);
ivAndCiphertext.set(ciphertext, 16);
return HmacSHA256(mac_key, ivAndCiphertext.buffer).then(function(mac) {
var encryptedBin = new Uint8Array(16 + ciphertext.byteLength + 32);
encryptedBin.set(mac, 16 + ciphertext.byteLength);
return encryptedBin.buffer;
self.handleIncomingPushMessageProto = function(proto) {
switch(proto.type) {
case textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.Type.PLAINTEXT:
return Promise.resolve(textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.decode(proto.message));
case textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.Type.CIPHERTEXT:
var from = proto.source + "." + (proto.sourceDevice == null ? 0 : proto.sourceDevice);
return decryptWhisperMessage(from, getString(proto.message));
case textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.Type.PREKEY_BUNDLE:
if (proto.message.readUint8() != ((3 << 4) | 3))
throw new Error("Bad version byte");
var from = proto.source + "." + (proto.sourceDevice == null ? 0 : proto.sourceDevice);
return handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(from, getString(proto.message));
case textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.Type.RECEIPT:
return Promise.resolve(null);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(new Error("Unknown message type")); });
// return Promise(encoded [PreKey]WhisperMessage)
self.encryptMessageFor = function(deviceObject, pushMessageContent) {
var session = crypto_storage.getOpenSession(deviceObject.encodedNumber);
var doEncryptPushMessageContent = function() {
var msg = new textsecure.protobuf.WhisperMessage();
var plaintext = toArrayBuffer(pushMessageContent.encode());
var paddedPlaintext = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil((plaintext.byteLength + 1) / 160.0) * 160);
paddedPlaintext.set(new Uint8Array(plaintext));
paddedPlaintext[plaintext.byteLength] = 0x80;
msg.ephemeralKey = toArrayBuffer(session.currentRatchet.ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey);
var chain = session[getString(msg.ephemeralKey)];
return fillMessageKeys(chain, chain.chainKey.counter + 1).then(function() {
return HKDF(toArrayBuffer(chain.messageKeys[chain.chainKey.counter]), '', "WhisperMessageKeys").then(function(keys) {
delete chain.messageKeys[chain.chainKey.counter];
msg.counter = chain.chainKey.counter;
msg.previousCounter = session.currentRatchet.previousCounter;
var counter = intToArrayBuffer(chain.chainKey.counter);
return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({name: "AES-CTR", counter: counter}, keys[0], paddedPlaintext.buffer).then(function(ciphertext) {
msg.ciphertext = ciphertext;
var encodedMsg = toArrayBuffer(msg.encode());
var macInput = new Uint8Array(encodedMsg.byteLength + 33*2 + 1);
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(toArrayBuffer(crypto_storage.getIdentityKey().pubKey)));
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(toArrayBuffer(session.indexInfo.remoteIdentityKey)), 33);
macInput[33*2] = (3 << 4) | 3;
macInput.set(new Uint8Array(encodedMsg), 33*2 + 1);
return HmacSHA256(keys[1], macInput.buffer).then(function(mac) {
var result = new Uint8Array(encodedMsg.byteLength + 9);
result[0] = (3 << 4) | 3;
result.set(new Uint8Array(encodedMsg), 1);
result.set(new Uint8Array(mac, 0, 8), encodedMsg.byteLength + 1);
try {
delete deviceObject['signedKey'];
delete deviceObject['signedKeyId'];
delete deviceObject['preKey'];
delete deviceObject['preKeyId'];
} catch(_) {}
crypto_storage.saveSessionAndDevice(deviceObject, session);
return result;
var preKeyMsg = new textsecure.protobuf.PreKeyWhisperMessage();
preKeyMsg.identityKey = toArrayBuffer(crypto_storage.getIdentityKey().pubKey);
preKeyMsg.registrationId = textsecure.storage.getUnencrypted("registrationId");
if (session === undefined) {
return createNewKeyPair(false).then(function(baseKey) {
preKeyMsg.preKeyId = deviceObject.preKeyId;
preKeyMsg.signedPreKeyId = deviceObject.signedKeyId;
preKeyMsg.baseKey = toArrayBuffer(baseKey.pubKey);
return initSession(true, baseKey, undefined, deviceObject.encodedNumber,
toArrayBuffer(deviceObject.identityKey), toArrayBuffer(deviceObject.preKey), toArrayBuffer(deviceObject.signedKey))
.then(function(new_session) {
session = new_session;
session.pendingPreKey = { preKeyId: deviceObject.preKeyId, signedKeyId: deviceObject.signedKeyId, baseKey: baseKey.pubKey };
return doEncryptPushMessageContent().then(function(message) {
preKeyMsg.message = message;
var result = String.fromCharCode((3 << 4) | 3) + getString(preKeyMsg.encode());
return {type: 3, body: result};
} else
return doEncryptPushMessageContent().then(function(message) {
if (session.pendingPreKey !== undefined) {
preKeyMsg.baseKey = toArrayBuffer(session.pendingPreKey.baseKey);
preKeyMsg.preKeyId = session.pendingPreKey.preKeyId;
preKeyMsg.signedPreKeyId = session.pendingPreKey.signedKeyId;
preKeyMsg.message = message;
var result = String.fromCharCode((3 << 4) | 3) + getString(preKeyMsg.encode());
return {type: 3, body: result};
} else
return {type: 1, body: getString(message)};
self.generateKeys = function() {
var identityKeyPair = crypto_storage.getIdentityKey();
var identityKeyCalculated = function(identityKeyPair) {
var firstPreKeyId = textsecure.storage.getEncrypted("maxPreKeyId", 0);
textsecure.storage.putEncrypted("maxPreKeyId", firstPreKeyId + GENERATE_KEYS_KEYS_GENERATED);
var signedKeyId = textsecure.storage.getEncrypted("signedKeyId", 0);
textsecure.storage.putEncrypted("signedKeyId", signedKeyId + 1);
var keys = {};
keys.identityKey = identityKeyPair.pubKey;
keys.preKeys = [];
var generateKey = function(keyId) {
return crypto_storage.getNewStoredKeyPair("preKey" + keyId, false).then(function(keyPair) {
keys.preKeys[keyId] = {keyId: keyId, publicKey: keyPair.pubKey};
var promises = [];
for (var i = firstPreKeyId; i < firstPreKeyId + GENERATE_KEYS_KEYS_GENERATED; i++)
promises[i] = generateKey(i);
promises[firstPreKeyId + GENERATE_KEYS_KEYS_GENERATED] = crypto_storage.getNewStoredKeyPair("signedKey" + signedKeyId).then(function(keyPair) {
return Ed25519Sign(identityKeyPair.privKey, keyPair.pubKey).then(function(sig) {
keys.signedPreKey = {keyId: signedKeyId, publicKey: keyPair.pubKey, signature: sig};
//TODO: Process by date added and agressively call generateKeys when we get near maxPreKeyId in a message
crypto_storage.removeStoredKeyPair("signedKey" + (signedKeyId - 2));
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return keys;
if (identityKeyPair === undefined)
return crypto_storage.getNewStoredKeyPair("identityKey", true).then(function(keyPair) { return identityKeyCalculated(keyPair); });
return identityKeyCalculated(identityKeyPair);
window.textsecure.registerOnLoadFunction(function() {
//TODO: Dont always update prekeys here
if (textsecure.storage.getEncrypted("lastSignedKeyUpdate", Date.now()) < Date.now() - MESSAGE_LOST_THRESHOLD_MS)
self.Ed25519Verify = Ed25519Verify;
self.prepareTempWebsocket = function() {
var socketInfo = {};
var keyPair;
socketInfo.decryptAndHandleDeviceInit = function(deviceInit) {
var masterEphemeral = toArrayBuffer(deviceInit.masterEphemeralPubKey);
var message = toArrayBuffer(deviceInit.identityKeyMessage);
return ECDHE(masterEphemeral, keyPair.privKey).then(function(ecRes) {
return HKDF(ecRes, masterEphemeral, "WhisperDeviceInit").then(function(keys) {
if (new Uint8Array(message)[0] != (3 << 4) | 3)
throw new Error("Bad version number on IdentityKeyMessage");
var iv = message.slice(1, 16 + 1);
var mac = message.slice(message.length - 32, message.length);
var ivAndCiphertext = message.slice(0, message.length - 32);
var ciphertext = message.slice(16 + 1, message.length - 32);
return verifyMAC(ivAndCiphertext, ecRes[1], mac).then(function() {
window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv}, ecRes[0], ciphertext).then(function(plaintext) {
var identityKeyMsg = textsecure.protobuf.IdentityKey.decode(plaintext);
privToPub(toArrayBuffer(identityKeyMsg.identityKey)).then(function(identityKeyPair) {
crypto_storage.putKeyPair("identityKey", identityKeyPair);
identityKeyMsg.identityKey = null;
return identityKeyMsg;
return createNewKeyPair(false).then(function(newKeyPair) {
keyPair = newKeyPair;
socketInfo.pubKey = keyPair.pubKey;
return socketInfo;
self.testing_only = testing_only;
return self;