3670 lines
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3670 lines
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"softwareAcknowledgments": {
"message": "Software Acknowledgments",
"description": "Shown in the about box for the link to software acknowledgments"
"privacyPolicy": {
"message": "Sąlygos ir Privatumo politika",
"description": "Shown in the about box for the link to https://signal.org/legal"
"copyErrorAndQuit": {
"message": "Kopijuoti klaidą ir išeiti",
"description": "Shown in the top-level error popup, allowing user to copy the error text and close the app"
"unknownContact": {
"message": "Nežinomas adresatas",
"description": "Shown as the name of a contact if we don't have any displayable information about them"
"unknownGroup": {
"message": "Nežinoma grupė",
"description": "Shown as the name of a group if we don't have any information about it"
"databaseError": {
"message": "Duomenų bazės klaida",
"description": "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly"
"deleteAndRestart": {
"message": "Ištrinti visus duomenis ir paleisti iš naujo",
"description": "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly; allows user to delete database and restart"
"mainMenuFile": {
"message": "&Failas",
"description": "The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuCreateStickers": {
"message": "Sukurti/nusiųsti lipdukų paketą",
"description": "The label that is used for the Create/upload sticker pack option in the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuEdit": {
"message": "&Taisa",
"description": "The label that is used for the Edit menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuView": {
"message": "&Rodinys",
"description": "The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuWindow": {
"message": "&Langas",
"description": "The label that is used for the Window menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuHelp": {
"message": "&Pagalba",
"description": "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuSettings": {
"message": "Nuostatos…",
"description": "The label that is used for the Preferences menu in the program main menu. This should be consistent with the standard naming for ‘Preferences’ on the operating system."
"appMenuHide": {
"message": "Slėpti",
"description": "Application menu command to hide the window"
"appMenuHideOthers": {
"message": "Slėpti kitus",
"description": "Application menu command to hide all other windows"
"appMenuUnhide": {
"message": "Rodyti visus",
"description": "Application menu command to show all application windows"
"appMenuQuit": {
"message": "Išeiti iš Signal",
"description": "Application menu command to close the application"
"editMenuUndo": {
"message": "Atšaukti",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove recently-typed text"
"editMenuRedo": {
"message": "Grąžinti",
"description": "Edit menu command to restore previously undone typed text"
"editMenuCut": {
"message": "Iškirpti",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove selected text and add it to clipboard"
"editMenuCopy": {
"message": "Kopijuoti",
"description": "Edit menu command to add selected text to clipboard"
"editMenuPaste": {
"message": "Įdėti",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location"
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": {
"message": "Įdėti ir atitikti stilių",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location, taking only text and not style information"
"editMenuDelete": {
"message": "Ištrinti",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove the selected text"
"editMenuSelectAll": {
"message": "Žymėti viską",
"description": "Edit menu command to select all of the text in selected text box"
"editMenuStartSpeaking": {
"message": "Pradėti kalbėjimą",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to start dictation"
"editMenuStopSpeaking": {
"message": "Stabdyti kalbėjimą",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to stop dictation"
"windowMenuClose": {
"message": "Užverti langą",
"description": "Window menu command to close the current window"
"windowMenuMinimize": {
"message": "Suskleisti",
"description": "Window menu command to minimize the current window"
"windowMenuZoom": {
"message": "Mastelis",
"description": "Window menu command to make the current window the size of the whole screen"
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": {
"message": "Perkelti visus į priekį",
"description": "Window menu command to bring all windows of current application to front"
"viewMenuResetZoom": {
"message": "Įprastas dydis",
"description": "View menu command to go back to the default zoom"
"viewMenuZoomIn": {
"message": "Didinti",
"description": "View menu command to make everything bigger"
"viewMenuZoomOut": {
"message": "Mažinti",
"description": "View menu command to make everything smaller"
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": {
"message": "Perjungti visą ekraną",
"description": "View menu command to enter or leave Full Screen mode"
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": {
"message": "Perjungti kūrėjo įrankius",
"description": "View menu command to show or hide the developer tools"
"menuSetupAsNewDevice": {
"message": "Nusistatyti kaip naują įrenginį",
"description": "When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the set up as fresh device"
"menuSetupAsStandalone": {
"message": "Nusistatyti kaip atskirą įrenginį",
"description": "Only available on development modes, menu option to open up the standalone device setup sequence"
"messageContextMenuButton": {
"message": "More actions",
"description": "Label for context button next to each message"
"contextMenuCopyLink": {
"message": "Kopijuoti nuorodą",
"description": "Shown in the context menu for a link to indicate that the user can copy the link"
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": {
"message": "Nėra prieinamų pasiūlymų",
"description": "Shown in the context menu for a misspelled word to indicate that there are no suggestions to replace the misspelled word"
"avatarMenuViewArchive": {
"message": "Rodyti archyvą",
"description": "One of the menu options available in the Avatar Popup menu"
"loading": {
"message": "Įkeliama...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
"optimizingApplication": {
"message": "Optimizuojama programa...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
"migratingToSQLCipher": {
"message": "Optimizuojamos žinutės... $status$ užbaigta.",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations",
"placeholders": {
"status": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "45/200"
"archivedConversations": {
"message": "Archyvuoti pokalbiai",
"description": "Shown in place of the search box when showing archived conversation list"
"archiveHelperText": {
"message": "Šie pokalbiai yra archyvuoti ir atsiras skyrelyje Gauta tik tuomet, jei bus gautos naujos žinutės.",
"description": "Shown at the top of the archived conversations list in the left pane"
"archiveConversation": {
"message": "Archyvuoti pokalbį",
"description": "Shown in menu for conversation, and moves conversation out of main conversation list"
"moveConversationToInbox": {
"message": "Perkelti pokalbį į skyrelį Gauta",
"description": "Undoes Archive Conversation action, and moves archived conversation back to the main conversation list"
"chooseDirectory": {
"message": "Pasirinkti aplanką",
"description": "Button to allow the user to find a folder on disk"
"chooseFile": {
"message": "Pasirinkti failą",
"description": "Button to allow the user to find a file on disk"
"loadDataHeader": {
"message": "Įkelkite savo duomenis",
"description": "Header shown on the first screen in the data import process"
"loadDataDescription": {
"message": "Jūs ką tik perėjote per eksportavimo procesą ir jūsų adresatai bei žinutės kantriai laukia jūsų kompiuteryje. Pasirinkite aplanką, kuriame yra jūsų įrašyti Signal duomenys.",
"description": "Introduction to the process of importing messages and contacts from disk"
"importChooserTitle": {
"message": "Pasirinkite katalogą su eksportuotais duomenimis",
"description": "Title of the popup window used to select data previously exported"
"importErrorHeader": {
"message": "Kažkas nutiko!",
"description": "Header of the error screen after a failed import"
"importingHeader": {
"message": "Įkeliami adresatai ir žinutės",
"description": "Header of screen shown as data is import"
"importErrorFirst": {
"message": "Įsitikinkite, kad pasirinkote teisingą katalogą, kuriame yra jūsų įrašyti Signal duomenys. Jo pavadinimas turėtų prasidėti \"Signal Export.\" Taip pat galite įrašyti naują savo duomenų kopiją iš Chrome programėlės.",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; first paragraph"
"importErrorSecond": {
"message": "Jeigu šie žingsniai neveikia, pateikite derinimo žurnalą (Rodinys -> Derinimo žurnalas), kad galėtume jums padėti perkelti duomenis!",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; second paragraph"
"importAgain": {
"message": "Pasirinkti aplanką ir bandyti dar kartą",
"description": "Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
"importCompleteHeader": {
"message": "Pavyko!",
"description": "Header shown on the screen at the end of a successful import process"
"importCompleteStartButton": {
"message": "Pradėti naudoti Signal Desktop",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful import process, nothing left but a restart"
"importCompleteLinkButton": {
"message": "Susieti šį įrenginį su jūsų telefonu",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful 'light' import process, so the standard linking process still needs to happen"
"selectedLocation": {
"message": "jūsų pasirinkta vieta",
"description": "Message shown as the export location if we didn't capture the target directory"
"upgradingDatabase": {
"message": "Naujinama duomenų bazė. Tai gali šiek tiek užtrukti...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen when we're changing database structure on first run of a new version"
"loadingMessages": {
"message": "Įkeliamos žinutės. Jau $count$ įkelta...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"view": {
"message": "Rodyti",
"description": "Used as a label on a button allowing user to see more information"
"youLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "Jūs daugiau nebesate grupės narys.",
"description": "Displayed when a user can't send a message because they have left the group"
"scrollDown": {
"message": "Slinkti į pokalbio apačią",
"description": "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation, shown when user scrolls up"
"messagesBelow": {
"message": "Naujos žinutės žemiau",
"description": "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation with more than one message out of screen"
"unreadMessage": {
"message": "1 neskaityta žinutė",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, just one message"
"unreadMessages": {
"message": "$count$ neskaitytų žinučių",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, with count",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"messageHistoryUnsynced": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumui, pokalbių istorija nėra perduodama į naujai susietus įrenginius.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a user links a new device to explain what is not supported."
"youMarkedAsVerified": {
"message": "Jūs pažymėjote savo saugumo numerį su $name$ kaip patvirtintą",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as verified.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"youMarkedAsNotVerified": {
"message": "Jūs pažymėjote savo saugumo numerį su $name$ kaip nepatvirtintą",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as not verified, whether on the Safety Number screen or by dismissing a banner or dialog.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"youMarkedAsVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "Jūs iš kito įrenginio pažymėjote savo saugumo numerį su $name$ kaip patvirtintą",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as verified on another device.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"youMarkedAsNotVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "Jūs iš kito įrenginio pažymėjote savo saugumo numerį su $name$ kaip nepatvirtintą",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as not verified on another device.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"membersNeedingVerification": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeriai su šiais grupės nariais nuo paskutinio patvirtinimo pasikeitė. Spustelėkite ant grupės nario, norėdami pamatyti savo naują saugumo numerį su juo.",
"description": "When there are multiple previously-verified group members with safety number changes, a banner will be shown. The list of contacts with safety number changes is shown, and this text introduces that list."
"changedRightAfterVerify": {
"message": "Saugumo numeris, kurį bandote patvirtinti, pasikeitė. Peržiūrėkite savo saugumo numerį su $name1$. Atminkite, šis pokytis gali reikšti, kad kažkas bando perimti jūsų susirašinėjimą arba, kad $name2$, tiesiog, iš naujo įdiegė Signal.",
"description": "Shown on the safety number screen when the user has selected to verify/unverify a contact's safety number, and we immediately discover a safety number change",
"placeholders": {
"name1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"name2": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Bob"
"changedVerificationWarning": {
"message": "Gali būti, kad šie žmonės iš naujo įdiegė programėlę ar pakeitė įrenginį. Patvirtinkite savo saugumo numerį su kiekvienu iš jų, kad užtikrintumėte privatumą.",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"identityKeyErrorOnSend": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeris su $name1$ pasikeitė. Tai gali reikšti, kad kažkas bando perimti jūsų susirašinėjimą arba, kad $name2$, tiesiog, iš naujo įdiegė Signal. Jūs, tikriausiai, norėtumėte patvirtinti savo saugumo numerį su šiuo adresatu.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on a failed recipient in the message detail view after an identity key change",
"placeholders": {
"name1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"name2": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Bob"
"sendAnyway": {
"message": "Vis tiek siųsti",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to send the message."
"callAnyway": {
"message": "Vis tiek skambinti",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to call the conversation."
"noLongerVerified": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeris su $name$ pasikeitė ir daugiau nebėra patvirtintas. Spustelėkite, norėdami rodyti.",
"description": "Shown in conversation banner when user's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"multipleNoLongerVerified": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeriai su keliais šios grupės nariais pasikeitė ir daugiau nebėra patvirtinti. Spustelėkite, norėdami rodyti.",
"description": "Shown in conversation banner when more than one group member's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified."
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "Šis žurnalas bus viešai paskelbtas internete talkininkams peržiūrėti. Jūs galite jį išnagrinėti ir prieš pateikdami paredaguoti.",
"description": ""
"debugLogError": {
"message": "Kažkas nutiko su nusiuntimu! Apsvarstykite galimybę rankiniu būdu pridėti savo žurnalą į klaidos pranešimą, kurį pateiksite.",
"description": ""
"debugLogCopy": {
"message": "Kopijuoti",
"description": "Shown as the text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
"debugLogCopyAlt": {
"message": "Kopijuoti nuorodą į iškarpinę",
"description": "Shown as the alt text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
"debugLogLinkCopied": {
"message": "Nuoroda nukopijuota į iškarpinę",
"description": "Shown in a toast to let the user know that the link to the debug log has been copied to their clipboard"
"reportIssue": {
"message": "Pranešti apie klaidą",
"description": "Link to open the issue tracker"
"gotIt": {
"message": "Supratau!",
"description": "Label for a button that dismisses a dialog. The user clicks it to confirm that they understand the message in the dialog."
"submit": {
"message": "Pateikti",
"description": ""
"acceptNewKey": {
"message": "Priimti",
"description": "Label for a button to accept a new safety number"
"verify": {
"message": "Žymėti kaip patvirtintą",
"description": ""
"unverify": {
"message": "Žymėti kaip nepatvirtintą",
"description": ""
"isVerified": {
"message": "Jūs patvirtinote savo saugumo numerį su $name$.",
"description": "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has verified contact.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"isNotVerified": {
"message": "Jūs nesate patvirtinę savo saugumo numerio su $name$.",
"description": "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has not verified contact.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"verified": {
"message": "Patvirtinta(-s)",
"description": ""
"newIdentity": {
"message": "Naujas saugumo numeris",
"description": "Header for a key change dialog"
"identityChanged": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeris su šiuo adresatu pasikeitė. Tai gali reikšti, kad arba kažkas bando perimti jūsų susirašinėjimą, arba šis adresatas, tiesiog, iš naujo įdiegė Signal. Jūs, tikriausiai, žemiau norėtumėte patvirtinti naują saugumo numerį.",
"description": ""
"incomingError": {
"message": "Klaida, apdorojant gaunamą žinutę",
"description": ""
"media": {
"message": "Medija",
"description": "Header of the default pane in the media gallery, showing images and videos"
"mediaEmptyState": {
"message": "Šiame pokalbyje nėra jokios medijos",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with media attachments (images or video)"
"documents": {
"message": "Dokumentai",
"description": "Header of the secondary pane in the media gallery, showing every non-media attachment"
"documentsEmptyState": {
"message": "Šiame pokalbyje nėra jokių dokumentų",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with document attachments (anything other than images or video)"
"today": {
"message": "Šiandien",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"yesterday": {
"message": "Vakar",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"thisWeek": {
"message": "Šią savaitę",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"thisMonth": {
"message": "Šį mėnesį",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"unsupportedAttachment": {
"message": "Nepalaikomas priedo tipas. Spustelėkite, kad įrašytumėte.",
"description": "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
"clickToSave": {
"message": "Spustelkite, norėdami įrašyti",
"description": "Hover text for attachment filenames"
"unnamedFile": {
"message": "Bevardis failas",
"description": "Hover text for attachment filenames"
"voiceMessage": {
"message": "Balso žinutė",
"description": "Name for a voice message attachment"
"dangerousFileType": {
"message": "Priedo tipas saugumo sumetimais yra neleidžiamas",
"description": "Shown in toast when user attempts to send .exe file, for example"
"loadingPreview": {
"message": "Įkeliama peržiūra...",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": {
"message": "Juodraštinė miniatiūrinė nuorodos peržiūra, skirta $domain$",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "instagram.com"
"previewThumbnail": {
"message": "Miniatiūrinė nuorodos peržiūra, skirta $domain$",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "instagram.com"
"stagedImageAttachment": {
"message": "Juodraštinis paveikslo priedas: $path$",
"description": "Alt text for staged attachments",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "dog.jpg"
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": {
"message": "Įtraukiant ne paveikslų priedus, vienoje žinutėje galimas tik vienas priedas.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": {
"message": "Negalite vienoje žinutėje maišyti paveikslų ir ne paveikslų priedus.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"maximumAttachments": {
"message": "Daugiau nebegalite į šią žinutę pridėti priedų.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Atleiskite, pasirinktas failas viršija žinutės dydžio apribojimus.",
"description": ""
"unableToLoadAttachment": {
"message": "Nepavyko įkelti pasirinkto priedo.",
"description": ""
"disconnected": {
"message": "Atsijungta",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client cannot connect to the server."
"connecting": {
"message": "Jungiamasi",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client is currently connecting to the server."
"connect": {
"message": "Prisijungti",
"description": "Shown to allow the user to manually attempt a reconnect."
"connectingHangOn": {
"message": "Neturėtų ilgai užtrukti...",
"description": "Subtext description for when the client is connecting to the server."
"offline": {
"message": "Atsijungta",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client has no network connection."
"checkNetworkConnection": {
"message": "Patikrinkite savo tinklo ryšį.",
"description": "Obvious instructions for when a user's computer loses its network connection"
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Derinimo žurnalas",
"description": "Menu item and header text for debug log modal (sentence case)"
"debugLog": {
"message": "Derinimo žurnalas",
"description": "View menu item to open the debug log (title case)"
"helpMenuShowKeyboardShortcuts": {
"message": "Rodyti sparčiuosius klavišus",
"description": "Item under the help menu, pops up a screen showing the application's keyboard shortcuts"
"contactUs": {
"message": "Susisiekti su mumis",
"description": "Item under the help menu, takes you to the contact us support page"
"goToReleaseNotes": {
"message": "Pereiti į laidos informaciją",
"description": "Item under the help menu, takes you to GitHub page for release notes"
"goToForums": {
"message": "Pereiti į forumus",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the forums"
"goToSupportPage": {
"message": "Pereiti į palaikymo puslapį",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the support page"
"goToGithub": {
"message": "Eiti į GitHub",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the GitHub repository for Signal Desktop"
"joinTheBeta": {
"message": "Prisijungti prie Beta laidos",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to an article describing how to install the beta release of Signal Desktop"
"signalDesktopPreferences": {
"message": "Signal Desktop nuostatos",
"description": "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
"signalDesktopStickerCreator": {
"message": "Lipdukų paketo kūrėjas",
"description": "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
"aboutSignalDesktop": {
"message": "Apie Signal Desktop",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, which opens a small about window"
"speech": {
"message": "Šneka",
"description": "Item under the Edit menu, with 'start/stop speaking' items below it"
"show": {
"message": "Rodyti",
"description": "Command under Window menu, to show the window"
"hide": {
"message": "Slėpti",
"description": "Command in the tray icon menu, to hide the window"
"quit": {
"message": "Išeiti",
"description": "Command in the tray icon menu, to quit the application"
"signalDesktop": {
"message": "Signal Desktop",
"description": "Tooltip for the tray icon"
"search": {
"message": "Ieškoti",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"clearSearch": {
"message": "Clear Search",
"description": "Aria label for clear search button"
"searchIn": {
"message": "Ieškoti pokalbyje $conversationName$",
"description": "Shown in the search box before text is entered when searching in a specific conversation",
"placeholders": {
"conversationName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Friends"
"noSearchResults": {
"message": "\"$searchTerm$\" negrąžino jokių rezultatų",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found",
"placeholders": {
"searchTerm": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "dog"
"noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"message": "Užklausa \"$searchTerm$\", pokalbyje $conversationName$, negrąžino jokių rezultatų",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found",
"placeholders": {
"searchTerm": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "dog"
"conversationName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Friends"
"conversationsHeader": {
"message": "Pokalbiai",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"contactsHeader": {
"message": "Adresatai",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"messagesHeader": {
"message": "Žinutės",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"welcomeToSignal": {
"message": "Sveiki atvykę į Signal",
"description": ""
"selectAContact": {
"message": "Pasirinkite adresatą ar grupę, kad pradėtumėte pokalbį.",
"description": ""
"typingAlt": {
"message": "Rašymo animacija šiam pokalbiui",
"description": "Used as the 'title' attribute for the typing animation"
"contactInAddressBook": {
"message": "Šis žmogus yra jūsų adresatų sąraše.",
"description": "Description of icon denoting that contact is from your address book"
"contactAvatarAlt": {
"message": "Avataras, skirtas $name$",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image avatar of a contact",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"sendMessageToContact": {
"message": "Siųsti žinutę",
"description": "Shown when you are sent a contact and that contact has a signal account"
"home": {
"message": "namų",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
"work": {
"message": "darbo",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
"mobile": {
"message": "mobilusis",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for aa phone or email"
"email": {
"message": "el. paštas",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact email has custom type but no label"
"phone": {
"message": "telefonas",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact phone has custom type but no label"
"address": {
"message": "adresas",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact address has custom type but no label"
"poBox": {
"message": "Pašto dėžutė",
"description": "When rendering an address, used to provide context to a post office box"
"downloading": {
"message": "Atsisiunčiama",
"description": "Shown in the message bubble while a long message attachment is being downloaded"
"downloadAttachment": {
"message": "Atsisiųsti priedą",
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "Reaguoti į žinutę",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
"message": "Atsakyti į žinutę",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to start crafting a message with a quotation"
"originalMessageNotFound": {
"message": "Pradinė žinutė nerasta",
"description": "Shown in quote if reference message was not found as message was initially downloaded and processed"
"originalMessageNotAvailable": {
"message": "Pradinė žinutė daugiau nebeprieinama",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote that references message no longer in database"
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": {
"message": "Pradinė žinutė rasta, tačiau neįkelta. Slinkite žemyn, norėdami ją įkelti.",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote references messages not loaded in view, but in database"
"voiceRecordingInterruptedMax": {
"message": "Balso žinutės įrašymas sustabdytas, nes buvo pasiekta maksimalios trukmės riba.",
"description": "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to max time limit"
"voiceRecordingInterruptedBlur": {
"message": "Balso žinutės įrašymas sustabdytas, nes perjungėte į kitą programą.",
"description": "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to app losing focus"
"voiceNoteLimit": {
"message": "Balso žinutės trukmė yra ribojama iki penkių minučių. Jei perjungsite į kitą programą, įrašymas bus sustabdytas.",
"description": "Shown in toast to warn user about limited time and that window must be in focus"
"voiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachment": {
"message": "Balso žinutėje privalo būti tik vienas priedas.",
"description": "Shown in toast if tries to record a voice note with any staged attachments"
"attachmentSaved": {
"message": "Priedas įrašytas. Spustelėkite, norėdami rodyti jį aplanke.",
"description": "Shown after user selects to save to downloads",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "proof.jpg"
"you": {
"message": "Jūs",
"description": "Shown when the user represented is the current user."
"replyingTo": {
"message": "Atsako naudotojui $name$",
"description": "Shown in iOS theme when you or someone quotes to a message which is not from you",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"audioPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "Norėdami siųsti garso žinutes, suteikite Signal Desktop prieigą prie savo mikrofono.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts to send an audio message without audio permissions turned on"
"audioCallingPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "Norėdami skambinti, privalote leisti Signal Desktop gauti prieigą prie jūsų mikrofono.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts access the microphone for calling without audio permissions turned on"
"videoCallingPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "Norėdami skambinti su vaizdu, privalote leisti Signal Desktop gauti prieigą prie jūsų kameros.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts access the camera for video calling without video permissions turned on"
"allowAccess": {
"message": "Leisti prieigą",
"description": "Button shown in popup asking to enable microphone/video permissions to send audio messages"
"showSettings": {
"message": "Rodyti nustatymus",
"description": "A button shown in dialog requesting the user to turn on audio permissions"
"audio": {
"message": "Garso įrašas",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing an audio attachment if no text was originally provided with that attachment"
"video": {
"message": "Vaizdo įrašas",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a video if no text was originally provided with that video"
"photo": {
"message": "Nuotrauka",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a photo if no text was originally provided with that image"
"cannotUpdate": {
"message": "Nepavyksta atnaujinti",
"description": "Shown as the title of our update error dialogs on windows"
"cannotUpdateDetail": {
"message": "Nepavyko atnaujinti Signal Desktop, tačiau yra prieinama nauja versija. Apsilankykite $url$ ir įdiekite naująją versiją rankiniu būdu, o tuomet arba susisiekite su programos palaikymo komanda, arba praneškite apie šią problemą.",
"description": "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package",
"placeholders": {
"url": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "https://signal.org/download"
"readOnlyVolume": {
"message": "Tikriausiai, Signal Desktop yra macOS karantine ir negalės būti automatiškai atnaujinta. Pabandykite, naudodami Finder, perkelti $app$ į $folder$.",
"description": "Shown on MacOS if running on a read-only volume and we cannot update",
"placeholders": {
"app": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Signal.app"
"folder": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "/Applications"
"ok": {
"message": "Gerai",
"description": ""
"cancel": {
"message": "Atsisakyti",
"description": ""
"discard": {
"message": "Atmesti",
"description": ""
"failedToSend": {
"message": "Nepavyko išsiųsti kai kuriems gavėjams. Patikrinkite savo tinklo ryšį.",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "Klaida",
"description": ""
"messageDetail": {
"message": "Žinutės informacija",
"description": ""
"delete": {
"message": "Ištrinti",
"description": ""
"deleteWarning": {
"message": "Ar tikrai? Spustelėjus \"Ištrinti\", ši žinutė visiems laikams bus pašalinta tik iš šio įrenginio.",
"description": ""
"deleteThisMessage": {
"message": "Ištrinti šią žinutę",
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "Nuo",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"to": {
"message": "Kam",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"toJoiner": {
"message": "skirta",
"description": "Joiner for message search results - like 'Jon' to 'Friends Group'"
"sent": {
"message": "Išsiųsta",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"received": {
"message": "Gauta",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Siųsti žinutę",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"groupMembers": {
"message": "Grupės nariai",
"description": ""
"showMembers": {
"message": "Rodyti narius",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
"message": "Atstatyti seansą",
"description": "This is a menu item for resetting the session, using the imperative case, as in a command."
"showSafetyNumber": {
"message": "Rodyti saugumo numerį",
"description": ""
"viewRecentMedia": {
"message": "Rodyk paskiausią mediją",
"description": "This is a menu item for viewing all media (images + video) in a conversation, using the imperative case, as in a command."
"verifyHelp": {
"message": "Jeigu norite patvirtinti savo ištisinio šifravimo su $name$ saugumą, palyginkite aukščiau esančius numerius su numeriais šio asmens įrenginyje.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "Jūs su šiuo adresatu dar nesate apsikeitę jokiomis žinutėmis. Jūsų saugumo numeris bus prieinamas po pirmosios žinutės.",
"description": ""
"goBack": {
"message": "Go back",
"description": "Label for back button in a conversation"
"moreInfo": {
"message": "Daugiau informacijos...",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, takes you to message detail screen"
"retrySend": {
"message": "Bandyti siųsti dar kartą",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, but only if it is an outgoing message that failed to send"
"deleteMessage": {
"message": "Ištrinti žinutę",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, deletes single message"
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "Ištrinti žinutes",
"description": "Menu item for deleting messages, title case."
"deleteConversationConfirmation": {
"message": "Ar ištrinti šį pokalbį visiems laikams?",
"description": "Confirmation dialog text that asks the user if they really wish to delete the conversation. Answer buttons use the strings 'ok' and 'cancel'. The deletion is permanent, i.e. it cannot be undone."
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Saugusis seansas atstatytas",
"description": "This is a past tense, informational message. In other words, your secure session has been reset."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Paveikslo iš cituotos žinutės miniatiūra",
"description": "Used in alt tag of thumbnail images inside of an embedded message quote"
"imageAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "Prie žinutės pridėtas paveikslas",
"description": "Used in alt tag of image attachment"
"videoAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "Prie žinutės pridėto vaizdo įrašo ekrano kopija",
"description": "Used in alt tag of video attachment preview"
"lightboxImageAlt": {
"message": "Pokalbyje išsiųstas paveikslas",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image shown in a full-screen lightbox view"
"imageCaptionIconAlt": {
"message": "Piktograma, rodanti, kad šis paveikslas turi paaiškinimą",
"description": "Used for the icon layered on top of an image in message bubbles"
"addACaption": {
"message": "Pridėti paaiškinimą...",
"description": "Used as the placeholder text in the caption editor text field"
"save": {
"message": "Įrašyti",
"description": "Used as a 'commit changes' button in the Caption Editor for outgoing image attachments"
"fileIconAlt": {
"message": "Failo piktograma",
"description": "Used in the media gallery documents tab to visually represent a file"
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Sveiki atvykę į Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privatumas yra įmanomas. Signal padaro jį lengvu.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under 'installWelcome' string on the install page"
"linkYourPhone": {
"message": "Susiekite savo telefoną su Signal Desktop",
"description": "Shown on the front page when the application first starts, above the QR code"
"signalSettings": {
"message": "Signal nustatymai",
"description": "Used in the guidance to help people find the 'link new device' area of their Signal mobile app"
"linkedDevices": {
"message": "Susieti įrenginiai",
"description": "Used in the guidance to help people find the 'link new device' area of their Signal mobile app"
"plusButton": {
"message": "\"+\" mygtukas",
"description": "The button used in Signal Android to add a new linked device"
"linkNewDevice": {
"message": "Susieti naują įrenginį",
"description": "The menu option shown in Signal iOS to add a new linked device"
"deviceName": {
"message": "Įrenginio pavadinimas",
"description": "The label in settings panel shown for the user-provided name for this desktop instance"
"chooseDeviceName": {
"message": "Pasirinkite šio įrenginio pavadinimą",
"description": "The header shown on the 'choose device name' screen in the device linking process"
"finishLinkingPhone": {
"message": "Užbaigti telefono susiejimą",
"description": "The text on the button to finish the linking process, after choosing the device name"
"initialSync": {
"message": "Sinchronizuojami adresatai ir grupės",
"description": "Shown during initial link while contacts and groups are being pulled from mobile device"
"installConnectionFailed": {
"message": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie serverio.",
"description": "Displayed when we can't connect to the server."
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Atleiskite, jūs jau turite per daug susietų įrenginių. Pabandykite kai kuriuos pašalinti.",
"description": ""
"installTooOld": {
"message": "Norėdami susieti šį įrenginį su savo telefonu, atnaujinkite jame Signal.",
"description": ""
"installErrorHeader": {
"message": "Kažkas nutiko!",
"description": ""
"installTryAgain": {
"message": "Bandykite dar kartą",
"description": ""
"theme": {
"message": "Apipavidalinimas",
"description": "Header for theme settings"
"calling": {
"message": "Skambinimas",
"description": "Header for calling options on the settings screen"
"alwaysRelayCallsDescription": {
"message": "Visada retransliuoti skambučius",
"description": "Description of the always relay calls setting"
"alwaysRelayCallsDetail": {
"message": "Retransliuoti visus skambučius per Signal serverį, kad būtų išvengta jūsų IP adreso atskleidimo jūsų adresatui. Įjungus, pablogės skambučių kokybė.",
"description": "Details describing the always relay calls setting"
"permissions": {
"message": "Leidimai",
"description": "Header for permissions section of settings"
"mediaPermissionsDescription": {
"message": "Leisti prieigą prie mikrofono",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"mediaCameraPermissionsDescription": {
"message": "Leisti prieigą prie kameros",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"general": {
"message": "Bendra",
"description": "Header for general options on the settings screen"
"spellCheckDescription": {
"message": "Įjungti rašybos tikrinimą tekstui, kuris įvedamas į žinutės rašymo langelį",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"spellCheckWillBeEnabled": {
"message": "Rašybos tikrinimas bus įjungtas, kitą kartą paleidus Signal.",
"description": "Shown when the user enables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
"spellCheckWillBeDisabled": {
"message": "Rašybos tikrinimas bus išjungtas, kitą kartą paleidus Signal.",
"description": "Shown when the user disables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
"clearDataHeader": {
"message": "Išvalyti duomenis",
"description": "Header in the settings dialog for the section dealing with data deletion"
"clearDataExplanation": {
"message": "Tai išvalys visus programoje esančius duomenis ir pašalins visas žinutes bei įrašytą paskyros informaciją.",
"description": "Text describing what the clear data button will do."
"clearDataButton": {
"message": "Išvalyti duomenis",
"description": "Button in the settings dialog starting process to delete all data"
"deleteAllDataHeader": {
"message": "Ištrinti visus duomenis?",
"description": "Header of the full-screen delete data confirmation screen"
"deleteAllDataBody": {
"message": "Jūs ketinate ištrinti visą įrašytą šios programos paskyros informaciją, įskaitant visus adresatus ir visas žinutes. Jūs visada ir vėl galite susieti programą su savo mobiliuoju įrenginiu, tačiau tai neatkurs ištrintų žinučių.",
"description": "Text describing what exactly will happen if the user clicks the button to delete all data"
"deleteAllDataButton": {
"message": "Ištrinti visus duomenis",
"description": "Text of the button that deletes all data"
"deleteAllDataProgress": {
"message": "Atsijungiama ir ištrinami visi duomenys",
"description": "Message shown to user when app is disconnected and data deleted"
"deleteOldIndexedDBData": {
"message": "Turite nebenaudojamų duomenų, likusių iš ankstesnio Signal Desktop diegimo. Jei pasirinksite tęsti, jie bus ištrinti ir pradėsite viską nuo nulio.",
"description": "Shown if user last ran Signal Desktop before October 2018"
"deleteOldData": {
"message": "Ištrinti senus duomenis",
"description": "Button to make the delete happen"
"notifications": {
"message": "Pranešimai",
"description": "Header for notification settings"
"notificationSettingsDialog": {
"message": "Kai gaunamos žinutės, rodyti pranešimus, kuriuose atskleidžiama:",
"description": "Explain the purpose of the notification settings"
"disableNotifications": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus",
"description": "Label for disabling notifications"
"nameAndMessage": {
"message": "Vardas, turinys ir veiksmai",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
"noNameOrMessage": {
"message": "Jokio vardo ar turinio",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display no name and no message text"
"nameOnly": {
"message": "Tik vardą",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display sender name only"
"newMessage": {
"message": "Nauja žinutės",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for only 1 message"
"notificationSenderInGroup": {
"message": "$sender$ grupėje $group$",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group",
"placeholders": {
"sender": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"group": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "NYC Rock Climbers"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo į jūsų žinutę: $emoji$",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"sender": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"emoji": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "👍"
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ sureagavo $emoji$ į: $message$",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"sender": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"emoji": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "👍"
"message": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Sounds good."
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Išsiuntimas nepavyko",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it fails to send"
"partiallySent": {
"message": "Dalinai išsiųsta, spustelėkite išsamesnei informacijai",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it is partially sent"
"showMore": {
"message": "Išsamesnė informacija",
"description": "Displays the details of a key change"
"showLess": {
"message": "Slėpti išsamesnę informaciją",
"description": "Hides the details of a key change"
"learnMore": {
"message": "Sužinoti daugiau apie saugumo numerių patvirtinimą",
"description": "Text that links to a support article on verifying safety numbers"
"expiredWarning": {
"message": "Pasibaigė šios Signal Desktop skirtos versijos galiojimas. Norint tęsti susirašinėjimą, prašome atsinaujinti iki naujausios versijos.",
"description": "Warning notification that this version of the app has expired"
"upgrade": {
"message": "Naujinti",
"description": "Label text for button to upgrade the app to the latest version"
"mediaMessage": {
"message": "Medijos žinutė",
"description": "Description of a message that has an attachment and no text, displayed in the conversation list as a preview."
"unregisteredUser": {
"message": "Numeris nėra registruotas",
"description": "Error message displayed when sending to an unregistered user."
"sync": {
"message": "Adresatai",
"description": "Label for contact and group sync settings"
"syncExplanation": {
"message": "Importuoti visas Signal grupes ir adresatus iš jūsų mobiliojo įrenginio.",
"description": "Explanatory text for sync settings"
"lastSynced": {
"message": "Paskutinis importavimas ties",
"description": "Label for date and time of last sync operation"
"syncNow": {
"message": "Importuoti dabar",
"description": "Label for a button that syncs contacts and groups from your phone"
"syncing": {
"message": "Importuojama...",
"description": "Label for a disabled sync button while sync is in progress."
"syncFailed": {
"message": "Importavimas nepavyko. Įsitikinkite, kad jūsų kompiuteris ir telefonas yra prijungti prie interneto.",
"description": "Informational text displayed if a sync operation times out."
"timestamp_s": {
"message": "dabar",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent less than a minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_m": {
"message": "1 min.",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_h": {
"message": "1 val.",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one hour ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"hoursAgo": {
"message": "$hours$ val.",
"description": "Contracted form of 'X hours ago' which works both for singular and plural",
"placeholders": {
"hours": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"minutesAgo": {
"message": "$minutes$ min.",
"description": "Contracted form of 'X minutes ago' which works both for singular and plural",
"placeholders": {
"minutes": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"justNow": {
"message": "dabar",
"description": "Shown if a message is very recent, less than 60 seconds old"
"timestampFormat_M": {
"message": "MMM D",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"messageBodyTooLong": {
"message": "Žinutės turinys yra per ilgas.",
"description": "Shown if the user tries to send more than 64kb of text"
"unblockToSend": {
"message": "Atblokuokite šį adresatą, kad išsiųstumėte žinutę.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"
"unblockGroupToSend": {
"message": "Norėdami siųsti žinutę, atblokuokite šią grupę.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked group"
"youChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "Jūs nustatėte išnykstančių žinučių laiką į $time$.",
"description": "Message displayed when you change the message expiration timer in a conversation.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10m"
"timerSetOnSync": {
"message": "Išnykstančių žinučių laikas atnaujintas į $time$.",
"description": "Message displayed when timer is set on initial link of desktop device.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10m"
"timerSetByMember": {
"message": "Narys nustatė išnykstančių žinučių laiką į $time$.",
"description": "Message displayed when timer is by an unknown group member.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10m"
"theyChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "$name$ nustatė išnykstančių žinučių laiką į $time$.",
"description": "Message displayed when someone else changes the message expiration timer in a conversation.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"time": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "10m"
"timerOption_0_seconds": {
"message": "išjungta",
"description": "Label for option to turn off message expiration in the timer menu"
"timerOption_5_seconds": {
"message": "5 sekundės",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_10_seconds": {
"message": "10 sekundžių",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_30_seconds": {
"message": "30 sekundžių",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_minute": {
"message": "1 minutė",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_5_minutes": {
"message": "5 minutės",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_30_minutes": {
"message": "30 minučių",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_hour": {
"message": "1 valanda",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_6_hours": {
"message": "6 valandos",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_12_hours": {
"message": "12 valandų",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_day": {
"message": "1 diena",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_week": {
"message": "1 savaitė",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"disappearingMessages": {
"message": "Išnykstančios žinutės",
"description": "Conversation menu option to enable disappearing messages"
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "išjungta",
"description": "Short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation list snippet"
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "5 sek.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "10 sek.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "30 sek.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": {
"message": "1 min.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": {
"message": "5 min.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": {
"message": "30 min.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": {
"message": "1 val.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": {
"message": "6 val.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": {
"message": "12 val.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": {
"message": "1 d.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": {
"message": "1 sav.",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": {
"message": "Išnykstančios žinutės išjungtos",
"description": "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
"disappearingMessagesDisabledByMember": {
"message": "Narys išjungė išnykstančias žinutes.",
"description": "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
"disabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "$name$ išjungė išnykstančias žinutes.",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "Jūs išjungėte išnykstančias žinutes.",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
"timerSetTo": {
"message": "Laikmatis nustatytas į $time$",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is updated by some automatic action, or in the left pane",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1w"
"audioNotificationDescription": {
"message": "Groti garso pranešimus",
"description": "Description for audio notification setting"
"callRingtoneNotificationDescription": {
"message": "Atkurti skambučių garsus",
"description": "Description for call ringtone notification setting"
"callSystemNotificationDescription": {
"message": "Rodyti pranešimus apie skambučius",
"description": "Description for call notification setting"
"incomingCallNotificationDescription": {
"message": "Įjungti gaunamuosius skambučius",
"description": "Description for incoming calls setting"
"contactChangedProfileName": {
"message": "$sender$ pasikeitė profilio vardą iš $oldProfile$ į $newProfile$.",
"description": "Description for incoming calls setting",
"placeholders": {
"sender": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"oldProfile": {
"content": "$2",
"example": ".x8Skillz8x."
"newProfile": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Bob Smith"
"changedProfileName": {
"message": "$oldProfile$ pasikeitė profilio vardą į $newProfile$.",
"description": "Shown when a contact not in your address book changes their profile name",
"placeholders": {
"oldProfile": {
"content": "$2",
"example": ".x8Skillz8x."
"newProfile": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Bob Smith"
"safetyNumberChanged": {
"message": "Pasikeitė saugumo numeris",
"description": "A notification shown in the conversation when a contact reinstalls"
"safetyNumberChanges": {
"message": "Saugumo numerio pasikeitimai",
"description": "Title for safety number changed modal"
"safetyNumberChangedGroup": {
"message": "Pasikeitė saugumo numeris su $name$",
"description": "A notification shown in a group conversation when a contact reinstalls, showing the contact name",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"verifyNewNumber": {
"message": "Patvirtinti saugumo numerį",
"description": "Label on button included with safety number change notification in the conversation"
"yourSafetyNumberWith": {
"message": "Jūsų saugumo numeris su $name1$:",
"description": "Heading for safety number view",
"placeholders": {
"name1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"themeLight": {
"message": "Šviesus",
"description": "Label text for light theme (normal)"
"themeDark": {
"message": "Tamsus",
"description": "Label text for dark theme"
"themeSystem": {
"message": "Sisteminis",
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Pastabos sau",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
"message": "Šiame pokalbyje galite rašyti sau pastabas. Jeigu yra su paskyra susietų įrenginių, naujos pastabos bus sinchronizuotos.",
"description": "Description for the Note to Self conversation"
"notificationDrawAttention": {
"message": "Atkreipti dėmesį į šį langą, kai atsiranda pranešimas",
"description": "Label text for the setting that controls whether new notifications draw attention to the window"
"hideMenuBar": {
"message": "Slėpti meniu juostą",
"description": "Label text for menu bar visibility setting"
"startConversation": {
"message": "Pradėti naują pokalbį…",
"description": "Label underneath number a user enters that is not an existing contact"
"notSupportedSMS": {
"message": "SMS/MMS žinutės yra nepalaikomos.",
"description": "Label underneath number informing user that SMS is not supported on desktop"
"newPhoneNumber": {
"message": "Įveskite adresato, kurį norite pridėti, numerį.",
"description": "Placeholder for adding a new number to a contact"
"invalidNumberError": {
"message": "Neteisingas numeris",
"description": "When a person inputs a number that is invalid"
"unlinkedWarning": {
"message": "Norėdami tęsti susirašinėjimą, iš naujo susiekite Signal Desktop su savo mobiliuoju įrenginiu.",
"description": ""
"unlinked": {
"message": "Atsietas",
"description": ""
"relink": {
"message": "Susieti iš naujo",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Yra prieinamas Signal atnaujinimas",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Yra prieinama nauja Signal versija.",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Norėdami pritaikyti atnaujinimus, paspauskite \"Paleisti Signal iš naujo\".",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Paleisti Signal iš naujo",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": {
"message": "Vėliau",
"description": ""
"leftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ išėjo iš grupės.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person leaves the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"multipleLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ išėjo iš grupės.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when multiple people leave the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice, Bob"
"updatedTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ atnaujino grupę.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"youUpdatedTheGroup": {
"message": "Jūs atnaujinote grupę.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when you update a group"
"updatedGroupAvatar": {
"message": "Grupės avataras buvo atnaujintas.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
"titleIsNow": {
"message": "Dabar, grupės pavadinimas yra \"$name$\".",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone changes the title of the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Book Club"
"youJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "Jūs prisijungėte prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when you are added to a group."
"joinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ prisijungė prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person joins the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$names$ prisijungė prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when more than one person joins the group",
"placeholders": {
"names": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice, Bob"
"ConversationListItem--message-request": {
"message": "Žinutės užklausa",
"description": "Preview shown for conversation if the user has not yet accepted an incoming message request"
"ConversationListItem--draft-prefix": {
"message": "Juodraštis:",
"description": "Prefix shown in italic in conversation view when a draft is saved"
"message--getNotificationText--gif": {
"message": "GIF",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a GIF is received."
"message--getNotificationText--photo": {
"message": "Nuotrauka",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a photo is received."
"message--getNotificationText--video": {
"message": "Vaizdo įrašai",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a video is received."
"message--getNotificationText--voice-message": {
"message": "Balso žinutė",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a voice message is received."
"message--getNotificationText--audio-message": {
"message": "Garso žinutė",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when an audio message is received."
"message--getNotificationText--file": {
"message": "Failas",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a generic file is received."
"message--getNotificationText--stickers": {
"message": "Lipduko žinutė",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane instead of sticker image."
"message--getNotificationText--text-with-emoji": {
"message": "$emoji$ $text$",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when text has an emoji. Probably always [emoji] [text] on LTR languages and [text] [emoji] on RTL languages.",
"placeholders": {
"emoji": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "📷"
"text": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Photo"
"message--getDescription--unsupported-message": {
"message": "Nepalaikoma žinutė",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message has features too new for this signal install."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-media": {
"message": "Vienkartinės peržiūros medija",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane after view-once message is deleted."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-photo": {
"message": "Vienkartinės peržiūros nuotrauka",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once photo."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-video": {
"message": "Vienkartinės peržiūros vaizdo įrašas",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once video."
"message--deletedForEveryone": {
"message": "Ši žinutė buvo ištrinta.",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when the message has been deleted for everyone."
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "Nepavyko įdiegti lipdukų paketo",
"description": "Shown in a toast if the user attempts to install a sticker pack and it fails"
"stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks": {
"message": "Įdiegti lipdukai",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above your installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks--Empty": {
"message": "Nėra jokių įdiegtų lipdukų",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you don't have any installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks": {
"message": "Signal menininkų serija",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above the default sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks--Empty": {
"message": "Nėra prieinami jokie Signal menininkų lipdukai",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when there are no blessed sticker packs available."
"stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks": {
"message": "Jūsų gauti lipdukai",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above sticker packs which you have received in messages."
"stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks--Empty": {
"message": "Čia bus rodomi lipdukai iš gaunamų žinučių",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you have not received any sticker packs in messages."
"stickers--StickerManager--Install": {
"message": "Įdiegti",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which can be installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--Uninstall": {
"message": "Pašalinti",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--UninstallWarning": {
"message": "Jei neturite pradinės žinutės, gali būti, kad negalėsite iš naujo įdiegti šio lipdukų paketo.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Image": {
"message": "Pristatome lipdukus: Katiną banditą",
"description": "Alt text on a tooltip image when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Title": {
"message": "Pristatome lipdukus",
"description": "Shown as the title on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Body": {
"message": "Kam naudoti žodžius, kai galima naudoti lipdukus?",
"description": "Shown as the body on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Open": {
"message": "Open the sticker picker",
"description": "Label for the open button for the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--AddPack": {
"message": "Add a sticker pack",
"description": "Label for the add pack button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--NextPage": {
"message": "Next Page",
"description": "Label for the next page button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--PrevPage": {
"message": "Previous Page",
"description": "Label for the previous page button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--Recents": {
"message": "Recent Sticker",
"description": "Label for the recent stickers button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadError": {
"message": "Kai kurių lipdukų atsisiųsti nepavyko.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers could not be downloaded."
"stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadPending": {
"message": "Įdiegiamas lipdukų paketas...",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers are still downloading."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Empty": {
"message": "Nerasta jokių lipdukų",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no stickers to show."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Hint": {
"message": "Yra prieinami įdiegti nauji lipdukų paketai iš jūsų žinučių",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker the first time you have received new packs you can install."
"stickers--StickerPicker--NoPacks": {
"message": "Nerasta jokių lipdukų paketų",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerPicker--NoRecents": {
"message": "Čia bus rodomi paskiausiai naudoti lipdukai.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no recent stickers to show."
"stickers--StickerPreview--Title": {
"message": "Lipdukų paketas",
"description": "The title that appears in the sticker pack preview modal."
"stickers--StickerPreview--Error": {
"message": "Klaida atveriant lipdukų paketą. Patikrinkite savo interneto ryšį ir bandykite dar kartą.",
"description": "The message that appears in the sticker preview modal when there is an error."
"EmojiPicker--empty": {
"message": "Nerasta jokių šypsenėlių",
"description": "Shown in the emoji picker when a search yields 0 results."
"EmojiPicker--search-placeholder": {
"message": "Ieškoti šypsenėlių",
"description": "Shown as a placeholder inside the emoji picker search field."
"EmojiPicker--skin-tone": {
"message": "Odos atspalvis $tone$",
"description": "Shown as a tooltip over the emoji tone buttons.",
"placeholders": {
"status": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"EmojiPicker__button--recents": {
"message": "Paskiausi",
"description": "Label for recents emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--emoji": {
"message": "Šypsenėlės",
"description": "Label for emoji emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--animal": {
"message": "Gyvūnai",
"description": "Label for animal emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--food": {
"message": "Maistas",
"description": "Label for food emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--activity": {
"message": "Veiklos",
"description": "Label for activity emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--travel": {
"message": "Kelionės",
"description": "Label for travel emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--object": {
"message": "Objektai",
"description": "Label for object emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--symbol": {
"message": "Simboliai",
"description": "Label for symbol emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--flag": {
"message": "Vėliavos",
"description": "Label for flag emoji picker button"
"confirmation-dialog--Cancel": {
"message": "Atsisakyti",
"description": "Appears on the cancel button in confirmation dialogs."
"Message--unsupported-message": {
"message": "$contact$ išsiuntė jums žinutę, kurios nepavyksta apdoroti ar parodyti, nes žinutė naudoja naująją Signal ypatybę.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"contact": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"Message--unsupported-message-ask-to-resend": {
"message": "Dabar, kai naudojate atnaujintą Signal versiją, galite paprašyti, kad $contact$ jums iš naujo išsiųstų šią žinutę.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"contact": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"Message--from-me-unsupported-message": {
"message": "Vienas iš jūsų įrenginių išsiuntė žinutę, kurios nepavyksta apdoroti ar parodyti, nes žinutė naudoja naująją Signal ypatybę.",
"description": ""
"Message--from-me-unsupported-message-ask-to-resend": {
"message": "Dabar, kai naudojate atnaujintą Signal versiją, būsimos žinutės, tokios kaip ši, bus sinchronizuojamos.",
"description": ""
"Message--update-signal": {
"message": "Atnaujinti Signal",
"description": "Text for a button which will take user to Signal download page"
"Message--tap-to-view-expired": {
"message": "Peržiūrėta",
"description": "Text shown on messages with with individual timers, after user has viewed it"
"Message--tap-to-view--outgoing": {
"message": "Medija",
"description": "Text shown on outgoing messages with with individual timers (inaccessible)"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming--expired-toast": {
"message": "Jūs jau žiūrėjote šią žinutę.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on an expired incoming view-once bubble"
"Message--tap-to-view--outgoing--expired-toast": {
"message": "Vienkartinės peržiūros žinutės nėra saugomos jūsų pokalbio istorijoje.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on an expired outgoing view-once bubble"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming": {
"message": "Žiūrėti nuotrauką",
"description": "Text shown on photo messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming-video": {
"message": "Rodyti vaizdo įrašą",
"description": "Text shown on video messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--attachment": {
"message": "(priedas)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--quote": {
"message": "(citata)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--draft": {
"message": "(juodraštis)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Keyboard--navigate-by-section": {
"message": "Naršyti pagal sekciją",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--previous-conversation": {
"message": "Ankstesnis pokalbis",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--next-conversation": {
"message": "Kitas pokalbis",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--previous-unread-conversation": {
"message": "Ankstesnis neskaitytas pokalbis",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--next-unread-conversation": {
"message": "Kitas neskaitytas pokalbis",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--preferences": {
"message": "Nuostatos",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-conversation-menu": {
"message": "Atverti pokalbių meniu",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--archive-conversation": {
"message": "Archyvuoti pokalbį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--unarchive-conversation": {
"message": "Išarchyvuoti pokalbį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--search": {
"message": "Ieškoti",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--search-in-conversation": {
"message": "Ieškoti pokalbyje",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--focus-composer": {
"message": "Fokusuoti rašyklę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-all-media-view": {
"message": "Atverti visos medijos rodinį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-emoji-chooser": {
"message": "Atverti šypsenėlių parinkiklį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-sticker-chooser": {
"message": "Atverti lipdukų parinkiklį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--begin-recording-voice-note": {
"message": "Pradėti įrašinėti balso žinutę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--default-message-action": {
"message": "Numatytasis veiksmas pasirinktai žinutei",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--view-details-for-selected-message": {
"message": "Rodyti išsamesnę pasirinktos žinutės informaciją",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reply": {
"message": "Perjungti atsakymą į pasirinktą žinutę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "Perjungti reakcijų parinkiklį pasirinktai žinutei",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
"message": "Įrašyti priedą iš pasirinktos žinutės",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--delete-message": {
"message": "Ištrinti pasirinktą žinutę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--add-newline": {
"message": "Pridėti į žinutę naują eilutę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--expand-composer": {
"message": "Išplėsti rašyklę",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--send-in-expanded-composer": {
"message": "Siųsti (išplėstoje rašyklėje)",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--attach-file": {
"message": "Pridėti failą",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--remove-draft-link-preview": {
"message": "Šalinti nuorodos juodraščio peržiūrą",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--remove-draft-attachments": {
"message": "Šalinti visus priedų juodraščius",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--conversation-by-index": {
"message": "Peršokti į pokalbį",
"description": "A shortcut allowing direct navigation to conversations 1 to 9 in list"
"Keyboard--Key--ctrl": {
"message": "Vald (Ctrl)",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--option": {
"message": "Option",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--alt": {
"message": "Alt",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--shift": {
"message": "Lyg2 (Shift)",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--enter": {
"message": "Įvesti (Enter)",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--tab": {
"message": "Tab",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--one-to-nine-range": {
"message": "1 iki 9",
"description": "Expresses that 1, 2, 3, up to 9 are available shortcut keys"
"Keyboard--header": {
"message": "Spartieji klavišai",
"description": "Title header of the keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--navigation-header": {
"message": "Naršymas",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - navigation section"
"Keyboard--messages-header": {
"message": "Žinutės",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - messages section"
"Keyboard--composer-header": {
"message": "Rašyklė",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - composer section"
"Keyboard--scroll-to-top": {
"message": "Slinkti į sąrašo viršų",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--scroll-to-bottom": {
"message": "Slinkti į sąrašo apačią",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--close-curent-conversation": {
"message": "Užverti esamą pokalbį",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--calling-header": {
"message": "Skambinimas",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - calling section"
"Keyboard--toggle-audio": {
"message": "Perjungti nutildymą",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-video": {
"message": "Perjungti vaizdą",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"close-popup": {
"message": "Užverti iškylantįjį langą",
"description": "Used as alt text for any button closing a popup"
"add-image-attachment": {
"message": "Pridėti paveikslo priedą",
"description": "Used in draft attachment list for the big 'add new attachment' button"
"remove-attachment": {
"message": "Šalinti priedą",
"description": "Used in draft attachment list to remove an individual attachment"
"backToInbox": {
"message": "Atgal į skyrelį Gauta",
"description": "Used as alt-text of button on archived conversations screen"
"conversationArchived": {
"message": "Pokalbis archyvuotas",
"description": "A toast that shows up when user archives a conversation"
"conversationReturnedToInbox": {
"message": "Pokalbis grąžintas į skyrelį Gauta",
"description": "A toast that shows up when the user unarchives a conversation"
"StickerCreator--title": {
"message": "Lipdukų paketo kūrėjas",
"description": "The title of the Sticker Pack Creator window"
"StickerCreator--DropZone--staticText": {
"message": "Sputelėkite norėdami pridėti arba tempkite čia paveikslus",
"description": "Text which appears on the Sticker Creator drop zone when there is no active drag"
"StickerCreator--DropZone--activeText": {
"message": "Tempkite paveikslus čia",
"description": "Text which appears on the Sticker Creator drop zone when there is an active drag"
"StickerCreator--Preview--title": {
"message": "Lipdukų paketas",
"description": "The 'title' of the sticker pack preview 'modal'"
"StickerCreator--ConfirmDialog--cancel": {
"message": "Atsisakyti",
"description": "The default text for the confirm dialog cancel button"
"StickerCreator--CopyText--button": {
"message": "Kopijuoti",
"description": "The text which appears on the copy button for the sticker creator share screen"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--facebook": {
"message": "Facebook",
"description": "Title for Facebook button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--twitter": {
"message": "Twitter",
"description": "Title for Twitter button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--pinterest": {
"message": "Pinterest",
"description": "Title for Pinterest button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--whatsapp": {
"message": "WhatsApp",
"description": "Title for WhatsApp button"
"StickerCreator--AppStage--next": {
"message": "Kitas",
"description": "Default text for the next button on all stages of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--AppStage--prev": {
"message": "Atgal",
"description": "Default text for the previous button on all stages of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--title": {
"message": "Pridėkite savo lipdukus",
"description": "Title for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--help": {
"message": "Lipdukai privalo būti PNG ar WebP formato su permatomu fonu ir 512x512 pikselių dydžio. Rekomenduojama paraštė yra 16 pikselių.",
"description": "Help text for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--showMargins": {
"message": "Rodyti paraštes",
"description": "Text for the show margins toggle on the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--addMore": {
"message": "Pridėkite $count$ ar daugiau",
"description": "Text to show user how many more stickers they must add",
"placeholders": {
"hashtag": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "4"
"StickerCreator--EmojiStage--title": {
"message": "Kiekvienam lipdukui parinkite šypsenėlę",
"description": "Title for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--EmojiStage--help": {
"message": "Tai leidžia jums siūlyti lipdukus, kai susirašinėjate.",
"description": "Help text for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--title": {
"message": "Dar šiek tiek informacijos...",
"description": "Title for the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--title": {
"message": "Pavadinimas",
"description": "Label for the title input of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--author": {
"message": "Autorius",
"description": "Label for the author input of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--cover": {
"message": "Viršelio paveikslas",
"description": "Label for the cover image picker of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--cover--help": {
"message": "Tai yra paveikslas, kuris bus rodomas, kai bendrinsite savo lipdukų paketą",
"description": "Help text for the cover image picker of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--title": {
"message": "Ar tikrai norite nusiųsti savo lipdukų paketą?",
"description": "Title for the confirm dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--confirm": {
"message": "Nusiųsti",
"description": "Text for the upload button in the confirmation dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--text": {
"message": "Sukūrę lipdukų paketą, daugiau nebegalėsite jo taisyti ar ištrinti.",
"description": "The text inside the confirmation dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--UploadStage--title": {
"message": "Jūsų lipdukų paketo kūrimas",
"description": "Title for the upload stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--UploadStage-uploaded": {
"message": "Nusiųsta $count$ iš $total$",
"description": "Title for the upload stage of the sticker creator",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"total": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "20"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--title": {
"message": "Sveikiname! Jūs susikūrėte lipdukų paketą.",
"description": "Title for the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--help": {
"message": "Pasiekite savo lipdukus per lipduko piktogramą arba bendrinkite juos su savo draugais naudodami žemiau esančią nuorodą.",
"description": "Help text for the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--callToAction": {
"message": "Naudokite saitažodį $hashtag$, kad padėtumėte kitiems žmonėms rasti bet kokių tinkintų lipdukų paketų, kuriuos norite paversti viešai pasiekiamais, URL adresus.",
"description": "Call to action text for the share stage of the sticker creator",
"placeholders": {
"hashtag": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "<strong>#makeprivacystick</strong>"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--copyTitle": {
"message": "Lipdukų paketo URL",
"description": "Title for the copy button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--close": {
"message": "Užverti",
"description": "Text for the close button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--createAnother": {
"message": "Sukurti dar vieną lipdukų paketą",
"description": "Text for the create another sticker pack button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--socialMessage": {
"message": "Pažvelk į šį naują lipdukų paketą, kurį sukūriau Signal programėlei. #tegulprivatumaslimpa",
"description": "Text which is shared to social media platforms for sticker packs"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--imagesAdded": {
"message": "Pridėta paveikslų: $count$",
"description": "Text for the toast when images are added to the sticker creator",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--animated": {
"message": "Šiuo metu animuoti lipdukai yra nepalaikomi",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image that is animated was dropped on the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--tooLarge": {
"message": "Nutemptas paveikslas yra per didelis",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image that is too large was dropped on the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--errorProcessing": {
"message": "Klaida apdorojant paveikslą",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image cannot be processed was dropped on the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--errorUploading": {
"message": "Klaida nusiunčiant: $message$",
"description": "Text for the toast when a sticker pack cannot be uploaded",
"placeholders": {
"message": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Not connected"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--linkedCopied": {
"message": "Nuoroda nukopijuota",
"description": "Text for the toast when a link for sharing is copied from the Sticker Creator"
"StickerCreator--StickerPreview--light": {
"message": "Mano lipdukas šviesiame apipavidalinime",
"description": "Text for the sticker preview for the light theme"
"StickerCreator--StickerPreview--dark": {
"message": "Mano lipdukas tamsiame apipavidalinime",
"description": "Text for the sticker preview for the dark theme"
"StickerCreator--Authentication--error": {
"message": "Norėdami naudoti lipdukų paketo kūrėją, nusistatykite Signal savo telefone ir staliniame kompiuteryje",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "Nepavyko išsiųsti reakcijos. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"ReactionsViewer--more": {
"message": "Daugiau",
"description": "Use in the reaction picker as the alt text for the 'more' button"
"ReactionsViewer--all": {
"message": "Visi",
"description": "Shown in reaction viewer as the title for the 'all' category"
"MessageRequests--message-direct": {
"message": "Ar norite leisti, kad $name$ rašytų jums žinutes, ir bendrinti savo vardą bei nuotrauką su šiuo naudotoju? Naudotojas nežinos, kad matėte jo žinutes tol, kol nesutiksite.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce"
"MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": {
"message": "Ar norite leisti, kad $name$ rašytų jums žinutes, ir bendrinti savo vardą bei nuotrauką su šiuo naudotoju? Jūs negausite jokių žinučių tol, kol neatblokuosite šio naudotojo.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message with a blocked account",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce"
"MessageRequests--message-group": {
"message": "Prisijungti prie šios grupės ir bendrinti jūsų vardą bei nuotrauką su grupės nariais? Jie nežinos, kad matėte jų žinutes tol, kol nesutiksite.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce Pollard"
"MessageRequests--message-group-blocked": {
"message": "Atblokuoti šią grupę ir bendrinti jūsų vardą bei nuotrauką su grupės nariais? Jūs negausite jokių žinučių tol, kol jų neatblokuosite.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a blocked group"
"MessageRequests--block": {
"message": "Užblokuoti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user block a message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock": {
"message": "Atblokuoti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock-confirm-title": {
"message": "Atblokuoti $name$?",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce Pollard"
"MessageRequests--unblock-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "Galėsite vieni kitiems rašyti žinutes bei skambinti.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a private message request",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce Pollard"
"MessageRequests--unblock-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "Grupės nariai galės ir vėl jus pridėti į šią grupę.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a group message request",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce Pollard"
"MessageRequests--block-and-delete": {
"message": "Užblokuoti ir ištrinti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user block and delete a message request"
"MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-title": {
"message": "Užblokuoti $name$?",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Cayce Pollard"
"MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "Užblokuoti žmonės negalės jums skambinti ar siųsti žinučių.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
"MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-title": {
"message": "Užblokuoti ir išeiti iš $group$?",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request",
"placeholders": {
"group": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Friends 🌿"
"MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "Jūs daugiau nebegausite žinučių ar atnaujinimų iš šios grupės, o nariai nebegalės vėl pridėti jūsų į šią grupę.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request"
"MessageRequests--delete": {
"message": "Ištrinti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete any message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-title": {
"message": "Ištrinti pokalbį?",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "Šis pokalbis bus ištrintas iš visų jūsų įrenginių.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-title": {
"message": "Ištrinti ir išeiti iš $group$?",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request",
"placeholders": {
"group": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Friends 🌿"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct": {
"message": "Ištrinti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete a direct message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group": {
"message": "Ištrinti ir išeiti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete a group message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "Jūs išeisite iš šios grupės ir ji bus ištrinta iš visų jūsų įrenginių.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request"
"MessageRequests--accept": {
"message": "Priimti",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user accept a message request"
"ConversationHero--members": {
"message": "Narių: $count$",
"description": "Specifies the number of members in a group conversation",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "22"
"ConversationHero--members-1": {
"message": "1 narys",
"description": "Specifies the number of members in a group conversation when there is one member",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "22"
"ConversationHero--membership-1": {
"message": "$group$ grupės narys.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of a mutual group",
"placeholders": {
"group": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "NYC Rock Climbers"
"ConversationHero--membership-2": {
"message": "$group1$ ir $group2$ grupių narys.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of at least two mutual groups",
"placeholders": {
"group1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "NYC Rock Climbers"
"group2": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Dinner Party"
"ConversationHero--membership-3": {
"message": "$group1$, $group2$ ir $group3$ grupių narys.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of at least three mutual groups",
"placeholders": {
"group1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "NYC Rock Climbers"
"group2": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Dinner Party"
"group3": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Friends 🌿"
"ConversationHero--membership-extra": {
"message": "$group1$, $group2$, $group3$ ir dar $remainingCount$ grupių narys.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of at least three mutual groups",
"placeholders": {
"group1": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "NYC Rock Climbers"
"group2": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Dinner Party"
"group3": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Friends 🌿"
"remainingCount": {
"content": "$4",
"example": "3"
"ConversationHero--membership-added": {
"message": "$name$ pridėjo jus į grupę.",
"description": "Shown Indicates that you were added to a group by a given individual.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jeff Smith"
"acceptCall": {
"message": "Atsakyti",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a call (audio or video)"
"acceptCallWithoutVideo": {
"message": "Atsiliepti be vaizdo",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a video call without video"
"declineCall": {
"message": "Atmesti",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to decline a call (audio or video)"
"declinedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Jūs atmetėte garso skambutį",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming audio call"
"declinedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "Jūs atmetėte vaizdo skambutį",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming video call"
"acceptedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Gaunamasis garso skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming audio call"
"acceptedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "Gaunamasis vaizdo skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming video call"
"missedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Praleistas garso skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming audio call"
"missedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "Praleistas vaizdo skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming video call"
"acceptedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "Išsiunčiamasis garso skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing audio call"
"acceptedOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "Išsiunčiamasis vaizdo skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing video call"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "Neatsakytas garso skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your audio call is missed or declined"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "Neatsakytas vaizdo skambutis",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your video call is missed or declined"
"incomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Gaunamasis garso skambutis...",
"description": "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming audio call"
"incomingVideoCall": {
"message": "Gaunamasis vaizdo skambutis...",
"description": "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming video call"
"outgoingCallPrering": {
"message": "Skambinama...",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when placing an outgoing call that isn't ringing yet"
"outgoingCallRinging": {
"message": "Skambinama...",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when placing an outgoing call that is now ringing"
"makeOutgoingCall": {
"message": "Start a call",
"description": "Title for the call button in a conversation"
"makeOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "Start a video call",
"description": "Title for the video call button in a conversation"
"callReconnecting": {
"message": "Jungiamasi iš naujo...",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when the call is reconnecting due to network issues"
"callDuration": {
"message": "Signal $duration$",
"description": "Shown in the call screen to indicate how long the call has been connected",
"placeholders": {
"duration": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "00:01"
"callingDeviceSelection__settings": {
"message": "Nustatymai",
"description": "Title for device selection settings"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--video": {
"message": "Vaizdo įrašai",
"description": "Label for video input selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-input": {
"message": "Mikrofonas",
"description": "Label for audio input selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-output": {
"message": "Garsiakalbiai",
"description": "Label for audio output selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__select--no-device": {
"message": "Nėra prieinamų įrenginių",
"description": "Message for when there are no available devices to select for input/output audio or video"
"callingDeviceSelection__select--default": {
"message": "Numatytoji",
"description": "Shown when the device is the default device"
"muteNotificationsTitle": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus",
"description": "Label for the mute notifications drop-down selector"
"muteHour": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus vienai valandai",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteDay": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus vienai dienai",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteWeek": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus vienai savaitei",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteYear": {
"message": "Išjungti pranešimus vieneriems metams",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"unmute": {
"message": "Įjungti pranešimus",
"description": "Label for unmuting the conversation"
"muteExpirationLabel": {
"message": "Pranešimai išjungti iki $duration$",
"description": "Shown in the mute notifications submenu whenever a conversation has been muted",
"placeholders": {
"duration": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10/23/2023, 7:10 PM"
"EmojiButton__label": {
"message": "Šypsenėlės",
"description": "Label for emoji button"
"GroupV2--admin": {
"message": "Administratorius",
"description": "Shown next to the set of administrators in a group"
"GroupV2--timerConflict": {
"message": "Nepavyko atnaujinti išnykstančių žinučių laikmačio. Vėliau bandykite dar kartą.",
"description": "Shown if the user runs into a group update conflict attempting to update a GroupV2 message timer"
"GroupV2--title--change--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pakeitė grupės pavadinimą į „$newTitle$“",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"newTitle": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Saturday Hiking"
"GroupV2--title--change--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte grupės pavadinimą į „$newTitle$“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"newTitle": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Saturday Hiking"
"GroupV2--title--change--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pakeitė grupės pavadinimą į „$newTitle$“",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"newTitle": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Saturday Hiking"
"GroupV2--title--remove--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pašalino grupės pavadinimą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--title--remove--you": {
"message": "Jūs pašalinote grupės pavadinimą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--remove--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pašalino grupės pavadinimą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pakeitė grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pakeitė grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pašalino grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--you": {
"message": "Jūs pašalinote grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pašalino grupės avatarą.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės informaciją į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Tik administratoriai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakeitėte asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius pakeitė asmenis, kurie gali keisti grupės narystes į „Visi nariai“.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ priėmė nuo $inviterName$ pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"inviterName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you": {
"message": "Jūs priėmėte nuo $inviterName$ pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviterName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--from-you": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ priėmė jūsų pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--other": {
"message": "$adderName$ pridėjo naudotoją $addeeName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adderName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"addeeName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--you": {
"message": "Jūs pridėjote naudotoją $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pridėjo naudotoją $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pridėjo jus į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--you": {
"message": "Jūs prisijungėte prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pridėjo jus į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ pašalino naudotoją $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--self": {
"message": "$memberName$ išėjo.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--you": {
"message": "Jūs pašalinote naudotoją $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pašalino naudotoją $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ jus pašalino.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--you": {
"message": "Jūs išėjote.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--unknown": {
"message": "Narys jus pašalino.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ paskyrė $memberName$ administratoriumi.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--you": {
"message": "Jūs paskyrėte $memberName$ administratoriumi.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius paskyrė $memberName$ administratoriumi.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ paskyrė jus administratoriumi.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius paskyrė jus administratoriumi.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino $memberName$ turėtas administratoriaus teises.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote $memberName$ turėtas administratoriaus teises.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino $memberName$ turėtas administratoriaus teises.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino jūsų, kaip administratoriaus, teises.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino jūsų, kaip administratoriaus, teises.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pakvietė 1 žmogų prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakvietėte $inviteeName$ į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pakvietė 1 žmogų prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pakvietė jus prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pakvietė jus prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ pakvietė $count$ žmones(-ių) į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--you": {
"message": "Jūs pakvietėte $count$ žmones(-ių) į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--unknown": {
"message": "Narys pakvietė $count$ žmones(-ių) į grupę.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--other": {
"message": "1 žmogus, kurį pakvietė $memberName$, atmetė pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--you": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ atmetė jūsų pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--unknown": {
"message": "1 žmogus atmetė pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ panaikino 1 žmogui pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote 1 žmogui pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino 1 žmogui pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ panaikino $count$ žmonėms(-ių) pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote $count$ žmonėms(-ių) pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino $count$ žmonėms(-ių) pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės 1 žmogui, kurį pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės 1 žmogui, kurį pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės 1 žmogui, kurį pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"memberName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės, kurį siuntėte naudotojui $inviteeName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote savo pakvietimą, skirtą naudotojui $inviteeName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino pakvietimą prisijungti prie grupės, kurį siuntėte naudotojui $inviteeName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"inviteeName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės $count$ žmonėms(-ių), kuriuos pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Alice"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės $count$ žmonėms(-ių), kuriuos pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės $count$ žmonėms(-ių), kuriuos pakvietė $memberName$.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"memberName": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Bob"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ panaikino pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės, kuriuos siuntėte $count$ žmonėms(-ių).",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"adminName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--you": {
"message": "Jūs panaikinote savo pakvietimus $count$ žmonėms(-ių).",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--unknown": {
"message": "Administratorius panaikino pakvietimus prisijungti prie grupės, kuriuos siuntėte $count$ žmonėms(-ių).",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"close": {
"message": "Užverti",
"description": "Generic close label"
"previous": {
"message": "previous",
"description": "Generic previous label"
"next": {
"message": "next",
"description": "Generic next label"
"CompositionArea--expand": {
"message": "Expand",
"description": "Aria label for expanding composition area"
"CompositionArea--attach-file": {
"message": "Pridėti failą",
"description": "Aria label for file attachment button in composition area"
"countMutedConversationsDescription": {
"message": "Count muted conversations in badge count",
"description": "Description for counting muted conversations in badge setting"