115 lines
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115 lines
3.4 KiB
*** Utilities to store data in local storage ***
var storage = {};
storage.putEncrypted = function(key, value) {
localStorage.setItem("e" + key, value);
storage.getEncrypted = function(key, defaultValue) {
var value = localStorage.getItem("e" + key);
if (value === null)
return defaultValue;
return value;
storage.putUnencrypted = function(key, value) {
localStorage.setItem("u" + key, value);
storage.getUnencrypted = function(key, defaultValue) {
var value = localStorage.getItem("u" + key);
if (value === null)
return defaultValue;
return value;
*** Utilities to communicate with the server ***
var URL_BASE = "http://textsecure-test.herokuapp.com";
var URL_CALLS = {};
URL_CALLS['devices'] = "/v1/devices";
URL_CALLS['keys'] = "/v1/keys";
* call: URL_CALLS entry
* httpType: POST/GET/PUT/etc
* success_callback: function(response object) called on success
* error_callback: function(http status code = -1 or != 200) called on failure
* urlParameters: crap appended to the url (probably including a leading /)
* user: user name to be sent in a basic auth header
* password: password to be sent in a basic auth header
* jsonData: JSON data sent in the request body
function doAjax(param) {
if (param.urlParameters === undefined)
param.urlParameters = "";
$.ajax(URL_BASE + URL_CALLS[param.call] + param.urlParameters, {
type: param.httpType,
data: param.jsonData,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
if (param.user !== undefined && param.password !== undefined)
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(param.user + ":" + param.password));
success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var code = jqXHR.status;
if (code > 999 || code < 100)
code = -1;
cache: false
*** Utilities to manage keys/randomness ***
function getRandomBytes(size) {
//TODO: Better random (https://www.grc.com/r&d/js.htm?
try {
var array = new Uint8Array(size);
return array;
} catch (err) {
//TODO: ummm...wat?
function getNewPubKey(keyName) {
var pubKey = "BRTJzsHPUWRRBxyo5MoaBRidMk2fwDlfqvU91b6pzbED";
var privKey = "";
storage.putEncrypted("pubKey" + keyName, pubKey);
storage.putEncrypted("privKey" + keyName, privKey);
return pubKey;
function getExistingPubKey(keyName) {
return storage.getEncrypted("pubKey" + keyName);
function generateKeys() {
var identityKey = getExistingPubKey("identityKey");
if (identityKey === undefined)
identityKey = getNewPubKey("identityKey");
var keyGroupId = storage.getEncrypted("lastKeyGroupId", -1) + 1;
storage.putEncrypted("lastKeyGroupId", keyGroupId);
var keys = {};
keys.keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
keys.keys[i] = {keyId: i, publicKey: getNewPubKey("key" + keyGroupId + i), identityKey: identityKey};
// 0xFFFFFF == 16777215
keys.lastResortKey = {keyId: 16777215, publicKey: getNewPubKey("lastResortKey" + keyGroupId), identityKey: identityKey};
return keys;