2023-10-19 11:59:21 -07:00

449 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as React from 'react';
import { times } from 'lodash';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import type { GroupCallRemoteParticipantType } from '../types/Calling';
import {
} from '../types/Calling';
import { generateAci } from '../types/ServiceId';
import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations';
import { AvatarColors } from '../types/Colors';
import type { PropsType } from './CallScreen';
import { CallScreen as UnwrappedCallScreen } from './CallScreen';
import { setupI18n } from '../util/setupI18n';
import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError';
import {
} from '../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation';
import { fakeGetGroupCallVideoFrameSource } from '../test-both/helpers/fakeGetGroupCallVideoFrameSource';
import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json';
import { CallingToastProvider, useCallingToasts } from './CallingToast';
const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages);
const conversation = getDefaultConversation({
id: '3051234567',
avatarPath: undefined,
color: AvatarColors[0],
title: 'Rick Sanchez',
name: 'Rick Sanchez',
phoneNumber: '3051234567',
profileName: 'Rick Sanchez',
type OverridePropsBase = {
hasLocalAudio?: boolean;
hasLocalVideo?: boolean;
localAudioLevel?: number;
viewMode?: CallViewMode;
type DirectCallOverrideProps = OverridePropsBase & {
callMode: CallMode.Direct;
callState?: CallState;
hasRemoteVideo?: boolean;
type GroupCallOverrideProps = OverridePropsBase & {
callMode: CallMode.Group;
connectionState?: GroupCallConnectionState;
peekedParticipants?: Array<ConversationType>;
remoteParticipants?: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>;
remoteAudioLevel?: number;
const createActiveDirectCallProp = (
overrideProps: DirectCallOverrideProps
) => ({
callMode: CallMode.Direct as CallMode.Direct,
callState: overrideProps.callState ?? CallState.Accepted,
peekedParticipants: [] as [],
remoteParticipants: [
hasRemoteVideo: overrideProps.hasRemoteVideo ?? false,
presenting: false,
title: 'test',
] as [
hasRemoteVideo: boolean;
presenting: boolean;
title: string;
const createActiveGroupCallProp = (overrideProps: GroupCallOverrideProps) => ({
callMode: CallMode.Group as CallMode.Group,
overrideProps.connectionState || GroupCallConnectionState.Connected,
conversationsWithSafetyNumberChanges: [],
joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined,
maxDevices: 5,
deviceCount: (overrideProps.remoteParticipants || []).length,
groupMembers: overrideProps.remoteParticipants || [],
// Because remote participants are a superset, we can use them in place of peeked
// participants.
isConversationTooBigToRing: false,
overrideProps.peekedParticipants || overrideProps.remoteParticipants || [],
remoteParticipants: overrideProps.remoteParticipants || [],
remoteAudioLevels: new Map<number, number>(
overrideProps.remoteParticipants?.map((_participant, index) => [
overrideProps.remoteAudioLevel ?? 0,
const createActiveCallProp = (
overrideProps: DirectCallOverrideProps | GroupCallOverrideProps
) => {
const baseResult = {
hasLocalAudio: overrideProps.hasLocalAudio ?? false,
hasLocalVideo: overrideProps.hasLocalVideo ?? false,
localAudioLevel: overrideProps.localAudioLevel ?? 0,
viewMode: overrideProps.viewMode ?? CallViewMode.Grid,
outgoingRing: true,
pip: false,
settingsDialogOpen: false,
showParticipantsList: false,
switch (overrideProps.callMode) {
case CallMode.Direct:
return { ...baseResult, ...createActiveDirectCallProp(overrideProps) };
case CallMode.Group:
return { ...baseResult, ...createActiveGroupCallProp(overrideProps) };
throw missingCaseError(overrideProps);
const createProps = (
overrideProps: DirectCallOverrideProps | GroupCallOverrideProps = {
callMode: CallMode.Direct as CallMode.Direct,
): PropsType => ({
activeCall: createActiveCallProp(overrideProps),
getGroupCallVideoFrameSource: fakeGetGroupCallVideoFrameSource,
getPresentingSources: action('get-presenting-sources'),
hangUpActiveCall: action('hang-up'),
me: getDefaultConversation({
color: AvatarColors[1],
id: '6146087e-f7ef-457e-9a8d-47df1fdd6b25',
name: 'Morty Smith',
profileName: 'Morty Smith',
title: 'Morty Smith',
serviceId: generateAci(),
openSystemPreferencesAction: action('open-system-preferences-action'),
setGroupCallVideoRequest: action('set-group-call-video-request'),
setLocalAudio: action('set-local-audio'),
setLocalPreview: action('set-local-preview'),
setLocalVideo: action('set-local-video'),
setPresenting: action('toggle-presenting'),
setRendererCanvas: action('set-renderer-canvas'),
stickyControls: false,
switchToPresentationView: action('switch-to-presentation-view'),
switchFromPresentationView: action('switch-from-presentation-view'),
toggleParticipants: action('toggle-participants'),
togglePip: action('toggle-pip'),
toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog: action(
toggleSettings: action('toggle-settings'),
toggleSpeakerView: action('toggle-speaker-view'),
function CallScreen(props: ReturnType<typeof createProps>): JSX.Element {
return (
<CallingToastProvider i18n={i18n}>
<UnwrappedCallScreen {...props} />
export default {
title: 'Components/CallScreen',
argTypes: {},
args: {},
} satisfies Meta<PropsType>;
export function Default(): JSX.Element {
return <CallScreen {...createProps()} />;
export function PreRing(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
callState: CallState.Prering,
export function Ringing(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
callState: CallState.Ringing,
export function Reconnecting(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
callState: CallState.Reconnecting,
export function Ended(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
callState: CallState.Ended,
export function HasLocalAudio(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
hasLocalAudio: true,
export function HasLocalVideo(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
hasLocalVideo: true,
export function HasRemoteVideo(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Direct,
hasRemoteVideo: true,
export function GroupCall1(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
remoteParticipants: [
aci: generateAci(),
demuxId: 0,
hasRemoteAudio: true,
hasRemoteVideo: true,
presenting: false,
sharingScreen: false,
videoAspectRatio: 1.3,
isBlocked: false,
serviceId: generateAci(),
title: 'Tyler',
// We generate these upfront so that the list is stable when you move the slider.
const allRemoteParticipants = times(MAX_PARTICIPANTS).map(index => ({
aci: generateAci(),
demuxId: index,
hasRemoteAudio: index % 3 !== 0,
hasRemoteVideo: index % 4 !== 0,
presenting: false,
sharingScreen: false,
videoAspectRatio: 1.3,
isBlocked: index === 10 || index === MAX_PARTICIPANTS - 1,
title: `Participant ${index + 1}`,
export function GroupCallMany(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
remoteParticipants: allRemoteParticipants.slice(0, 40),
export function GroupCallReconnecting(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Reconnecting,
remoteParticipants: [
aci: generateAci(),
demuxId: 0,
hasRemoteAudio: true,
hasRemoteVideo: true,
presenting: false,
sharingScreen: false,
videoAspectRatio: 1.3,
isBlocked: false,
title: 'Tyler',
serviceId: generateAci(),
export function GroupCall0(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
remoteParticipants: [],
export function GroupCallSomeoneIsSharingScreen(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
remoteParticipants: allRemoteParticipants
.slice(0, 5)
.map((participant, index) => ({
presenting: index === 1,
sharingScreen: index === 1,
export function GroupCallSomeoneIsSharingScreenAndYoureReconnecting(): JSX.Element {
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Reconnecting,
remoteParticipants: allRemoteParticipants
.slice(0, 5)
.map((participant, index) => ({
presenting: index === 1,
sharingScreen: index === 1,
export function GroupCallSomeoneStoppedSharingScreen(): JSX.Element {
const [remoteParticipants, setRemoteParticipants] = React.useState(
allRemoteParticipants.slice(0, 5).map((participant, index) => ({
presenting: index === 1,
sharingScreen: index === 1,
React.useEffect(() => {
() => setRemoteParticipants(allRemoteParticipants.slice(0, 5)),
return (
callMode: CallMode.Group,
function ToastEmitter(): null {
const { showToast } = useCallingToasts();
const toastCount = React.useRef(0);
React.useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const autoClose = toastCount.current % 2 === 0;
content: `${
autoClose ? 'Disappearing' : 'Non-disappearing'
} toast sent: ${}`,
dismissable: true,
toastCount.current += 1;
}, 1500);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [showToast]);
return null;
export function CallScreenToastAPalooza(): JSX.Element {
return (
<CallingToastProvider i18n={i18n}>
<UnwrappedCallScreen {...createProps()} />
<ToastEmitter />