* Starting to work through lint errors * libsignal-protocol: Update changes for primary repo compatibility * Step 1: task_with_timeout rename * Step 2: Apply the changes to TaskWithTimeout.ts * Step 1: All to-be-converted libtextsecure/*.js files moved * Step 2: No Typescript errors! * Get libtextsecure tests passing again * TSLint errors down to 1 * Compilation succeeds, no lint errors or test failures * WebSocketResources - update import for case-sensitive filesystems * Fixes for lint-deps * Remove unnecessary @ts-ignore * Fix inability to message your own contact after link * Add log message for the end of migration 20 * lint fix
430 lines
13 KiB
430 lines
13 KiB
/* global Whisper, window */
/* eslint-disable global-require, no-inner-declarations */
try {
const electron = require('electron');
const semver = require('semver');
const curve = require('curve25519-n');
const _ = require('lodash');
const { installGetter, installSetter } = require('./preload_utils');
const { deferredToPromise } = require('./js/modules/deferred_to_promise');
const { remote } = electron;
const { app } = remote;
const { nativeTheme } = remote.require('electron');
window.PROTO_ROOT = 'protos';
const config = require('url').parse(window.location.toString(), true).query;
let title = config.name;
if (config.environment !== 'production') {
title += ` - ${config.environment}`;
if (config.appInstance) {
title += ` - ${config.appInstance}`;
window.platform = process.platform;
window.getTitle = () => title;
window.getEnvironment = () => config.environment;
window.getAppInstance = () => config.appInstance;
window.getVersion = () => config.version;
window.getExpiration = () => config.buildExpiration;
window.getNodeVersion = () => config.node_version;
window.getHostName = () => config.hostname;
window.getServerTrustRoot = () => config.serverTrustRoot;
window.isBehindProxy = () => Boolean(config.proxyUrl);
function setSystemTheme() {
window.systemTheme = nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors ? 'dark' : 'light';
window.subscribeToSystemThemeChange = fn => {
nativeTheme.on('updated', () => {
window.isBeforeVersion = (toCheck, baseVersion) => {
try {
return semver.lt(toCheck, baseVersion);
} catch (error) {
`isBeforeVersion error: toCheck: ${toCheck}, baseVersion: ${baseVersion}`,
error && error.stack ? error.stack : error
return true;
window.wrapDeferred = deferredToPromise;
const ipc = electron.ipcRenderer;
const localeMessages = ipc.sendSync('locale-data');
window.setBadgeCount = count => ipc.send('set-badge-count', count);
// We never do these in our code, so we'll prevent it everywhere
window.open = () => null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval, no-multi-assign
window.eval = global.eval = () => null;
window.drawAttention = () => {
window.log.info('draw attention');
window.showWindow = () => {
window.log.info('show window');
window.setAutoHideMenuBar = autoHide =>
ipc.send('set-auto-hide-menu-bar', autoHide);
window.setMenuBarVisibility = visibility =>
ipc.send('set-menu-bar-visibility', visibility);
window.restart = () => {
window.closeAbout = () => ipc.send('close-about');
window.readyForUpdates = () => ipc.send('ready-for-updates');
window.updateTrayIcon = unreadCount =>
ipc.send('update-tray-icon', unreadCount);
ipc.on('set-up-as-new-device', () => {
ipc.on('set-up-as-standalone', () => {
// Settings-related events
window.showSettings = () => ipc.send('show-settings');
window.showPermissionsPopup = () => ipc.send('show-permissions-popup');
ipc.on('show-keyboard-shortcuts', () => {
ipc.on('add-dark-overlay', () => {
ipc.on('remove-dark-overlay', () => {
installGetter('device-name', 'getDeviceName');
installGetter('theme-setting', 'getThemeSetting');
installSetter('theme-setting', 'setThemeSetting');
installGetter('hide-menu-bar', 'getHideMenuBar');
installSetter('hide-menu-bar', 'setHideMenuBar');
installGetter('notification-setting', 'getNotificationSetting');
installSetter('notification-setting', 'setNotificationSetting');
installGetter('audio-notification', 'getAudioNotification');
installSetter('audio-notification', 'setAudioNotification');
installGetter('spell-check', 'getSpellCheck');
installSetter('spell-check', 'setSpellCheck');
window.getMediaPermissions = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ipc.once('get-success-media-permissions', (_event, error, value) => {
if (error) {
return reject(new Error(error));
return resolve(value);
window.getBuiltInImages = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ipc.once('get-success-built-in-images', (_event, error, value) => {
if (error) {
return reject(new Error(error));
return resolve(value);
installGetter('is-primary', 'isPrimary');
installGetter('sync-request', 'getSyncRequest');
installGetter('sync-time', 'getLastSyncTime');
installSetter('sync-time', 'setLastSyncTime');
ipc.on('delete-all-data', () => {
const { deleteAllData } = window.Events;
if (deleteAllData) {
ipc.on('show-sticker-pack', (_event, info) => {
const { packId, packKey } = info;
const { showStickerPack } = window.Events;
if (showStickerPack) {
showStickerPack(packId, packKey);
ipc.on('install-sticker-pack', (_event, info) => {
const { packId, packKey } = info;
const { installStickerPack } = window.Events;
if (installStickerPack) {
installStickerPack(packId, packKey);
ipc.on('get-ready-for-shutdown', async () => {
const { shutdown } = window.Events || {};
if (!shutdown) {
window.log.error('preload shutdown handler: shutdown method not found');
try {
await shutdown();
} catch (error) {
error && error.stack ? error.stack : error
window.addSetupMenuItems = () => ipc.send('add-setup-menu-items');
window.removeSetupMenuItems = () => ipc.send('remove-setup-menu-items');
// We pull these dependencies in now, from here, because they have Node.js dependencies
if (config.proxyUrl) {
window.log.info('Using provided proxy url');
window.nodeSetImmediate = setImmediate;
window.textsecure = require('./ts/textsecure').default;
window.WebAPI = window.textsecure.WebAPI.initialize({
url: config.serverUrl,
cdnUrl: config.cdnUrl,
certificateAuthority: config.certificateAuthority,
contentProxyUrl: config.contentProxyUrl,
proxyUrl: config.proxyUrl,
version: config.version,
// Linux seems to periodically let the event loop stop, so this is a global workaround
setInterval(() => {
window.nodeSetImmediate(() => {});
}, 1000);
const { autoOrientImage } = require('./js/modules/auto_orient_image');
window.autoOrientImage = autoOrientImage;
window.dataURLToBlobSync = require('blueimp-canvas-to-blob');
window.emojiData = require('emoji-datasource');
window.filesize = require('filesize');
window.libphonenumber = require('google-libphonenumber').PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
window.libphonenumber.PhoneNumberFormat = require('google-libphonenumber').PhoneNumberFormat;
window.loadImage = require('blueimp-load-image');
window.getGuid = require('uuid/v4');
window.isValidGuid = maybeGuid =>
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/23299989
window.isValidE164 = maybeE164 => /^\+?[1-9]\d{1,14}$/.test(maybeE164);
window.normalizeUuids = (obj, paths, context) => {
if (!obj) {
paths.forEach(path => {
const val = _.get(obj, path);
if (val) {
if (!window.isValidGuid(val)) {
`Normalizing invalid uuid: ${val} at path ${path} in context "${context}"`
_.set(obj, path, val.toLowerCase());
window.React = require('react');
window.ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
window.moment = require('moment');
window.PQueue = require('p-queue').default;
const Signal = require('./js/modules/signal');
const i18n = require('./js/modules/i18n');
const Attachments = require('./app/attachments');
const { locale } = config;
window.i18n = i18n.setup(locale, localeMessages);
window.moment.updateLocale(locale, {
relativeTime: {
s: window.i18n('timestamp_s'),
m: window.i18n('timestamp_m'),
h: window.i18n('timestamp_h'),
const userDataPath = app.getPath('userData');
window.baseAttachmentsPath = Attachments.getPath(userDataPath);
window.baseStickersPath = Attachments.getStickersPath(userDataPath);
window.baseTempPath = Attachments.getTempPath(userDataPath);
window.baseDraftPath = Attachments.getDraftPath(userDataPath);
window.Signal = Signal.setup({
getRegionCode: () => window.storage.get('regionCode'),
logger: window.log,
function wrapWithPromise(fn) {
return (...args) => Promise.resolve(fn(...args));
const externalCurve = {
generateKeyPair: () => {
const { privKey, pubKey } = curve.generateKeyPair();
return {
privKey: window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(privKey),
pubKey: window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(pubKey),
createKeyPair: incomingKey => {
const incomingKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(incomingKey);
const { privKey, pubKey } = curve.createKeyPair(incomingKeyBuffer);
return {
privKey: window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(privKey),
pubKey: window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(pubKey),
calculateAgreement: (pubKey, privKey) => {
const pubKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(pubKey);
const privKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(privKey);
const buffer = curve.calculateAgreement(pubKeyBuffer, privKeyBuffer);
return window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(buffer);
verifySignature: (pubKey, message, signature) => {
const pubKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(pubKey);
const messageBuffer = Buffer.from(message);
const signatureBuffer = Buffer.from(signature);
const result = curve.verifySignature(
return result;
calculateSignature: (privKey, message) => {
const privKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(privKey);
const messageBuffer = Buffer.from(message);
const buffer = curve.calculateSignature(privKeyBuffer, messageBuffer);
return window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(buffer);
validatePubKeyFormat: pubKey => {
const pubKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(pubKey);
return curve.validatePubKeyFormat(pubKeyBuffer);
externalCurve.ECDHE = externalCurve.calculateAgreement;
externalCurve.Ed25519Sign = externalCurve.calculateSignature;
externalCurve.Ed25519Verify = externalCurve.verifySignature;
const externalCurveAsync = {
generateKeyPair: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.generateKeyPair),
createKeyPair: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.createKeyPair),
calculateAgreement: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.calculateAgreement),
verifySignature: async (...args) => {
// The async verifySignature function has a different signature than the
// sync function
const verifyFailed = externalCurve.verifySignature(...args);
if (verifyFailed) {
throw new Error('Invalid signature');
calculateSignature: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.calculateSignature),
validatePubKeyFormat: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.validatePubKeyFormat),
ECDHE: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.ECDHE),
Ed25519Sign: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.Ed25519Sign),
Ed25519Verify: wrapWithPromise(externalCurve.Ed25519Verify),
window.libsignal = window.libsignal || {};
window.libsignal.externalCurve = externalCurve;
window.libsignal.externalCurveAsync = externalCurveAsync;
// Pulling these in separately since they access filesystem, electron
window.Signal.Backup = require('./js/modules/backup');
window.Signal.Debug = require('./js/modules/debug');
window.Signal.Logs = require('./js/modules/logs');
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
const editable = e.target.closest(
'textarea, input, [contenteditable="true"]'
const link = e.target.closest('a');
const selection = Boolean(window.getSelection().toString());
if (!editable && !selection && !link) {
if (config.environment === 'test') {
/* eslint-disable global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
window.test = {
fastGlob: require('fast-glob'),
normalizePath: require('normalize-path'),
fse: require('fs-extra'),
tmp: require('tmp'),
path: require('path'),
basePath: __dirname,
attachmentsPath: window.Signal.Migrations.attachmentsPath,
/* eslint-enable global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
} catch (error) {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
if (console._log) {
console._log('preload error!', error.stack);
} else {
console.log('preload error!', error.stack);
/* eslint-enable no-console */
throw error;
window.log.info('preload complete');