155 lines
2.6 KiB
155 lines
2.6 KiB
"label": "&File",
"submenu": [
"label": "Set Up with Import",
"click": null
"label": "Set Up as New Device",
"click": null
"type": "separator"
"label": "Preferences…",
"click": null
"type": "separator"
"label": "Quit Signal",
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"label": "&Edit",
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"submenu": [
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"label": "&Help",
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"submenu": [
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"accelerator": "CmdOrCtrl+/",
"click": null
"type": "separator"
"label": "Go to Release Notes",
"click": null
"label": "Go to Forums",
"click": null
"label": "Go to Support Page",
"click": null
"label": "Report an Issue",
"click": null
"type": "separator"
"label": "About Signal Desktop",
"click": null