Introduce new UI and behavior for playing audio attachments in conversations. Previously, playback stopped unexpectedly during window resizes and scrolling through the messages due to the row height recomputation in `react-virtualized`. With this commit we introduce `<GlobalAudioContext/>` instance that wraps whole conversation and provides an `<audio/>` element that doesn't get re-rendered (or destroyed) whenever `react-virtualized` recomputes messages. The audio players (with a freshly designed UI) now share this global `<audio/>` instance and manage access to it using `audioPlayer.owner` state from the redux. New UI computes on the fly, caches, and displays waveforms for each audio attachment. Storybook had to be slightly modified to accomodate testing of Android bubbles by introducing the new knob for `authorColor`.
388 lines
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388 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { setup as setupI18n } from '../../../js/modules/i18n';
import enMessages from '../../../_locales/en/messages.json';
import { PropsType, Timeline } from './Timeline';
import { TimelineItem, TimelineItemType } from './TimelineItem';
import { LastSeenIndicator } from './LastSeenIndicator';
import { TimelineLoadingRow } from './TimelineLoadingRow';
import { TypingBubble } from './TypingBubble';
const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages);
const story = storiesOf('Components/Conversation/Timeline', module);
// eslint-disable-next-line
const noop = () => {};
Object.assign(window, {
registerForActive: noop,
unregisterForActive: noop,
const items: Record<string, TimelineItemType> = {
'id-1': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-1',
direction: 'incoming',
timestamp: Date.now(),
authorPhoneNumber: '(202) 555-2001',
authorColor: 'green',
text: '🔥',
'id-2': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-2',
conversationType: 'group',
direction: 'incoming',
timestamp: Date.now(),
authorColor: 'green',
text: 'Hello there from the new world! http://somewhere.com',
'id-2.5': {
type: 'unsupportedMessage',
data: {
id: 'id-2.5',
canProcessNow: false,
contact: {
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-1000',
profileName: 'Mr. Pig',
title: 'Mr. Pig',
'id-3': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-3',
collapseMetadata: true,
direction: 'incoming',
timestamp: Date.now(),
authorColor: 'red',
text: 'Hello there from the new world!',
'id-4': {
type: 'timerNotification',
data: {
type: 'fromMe',
timespan: '5 minutes',
'id-5': {
type: 'timerNotification',
data: {
type: 'fromOther',
title: '(202) 555-0000',
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0000',
timespan: '1 hour',
'id-6': {
type: 'safetyNumberNotification',
data: {
contact: {
id: '+1202555000',
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0000',
profileName: 'Mr. Fire',
'id-7': {
type: 'verificationNotification',
data: {
contact: {
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0001',
name: 'Mrs. Ice',
isLocal: true,
type: 'markVerified',
'id-8': {
type: 'groupNotification',
data: {
changes: [
type: 'name',
newName: 'Squirrels and their uses',
type: 'add',
contacts: [
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0002',
profileName: 'Mr. Fire',
title: 'Mr. Fire',
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0003',
profileName: 'Ms. Water',
title: 'Ms. Water',
from: {
phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0001',
name: 'Mrs. Ice',
title: 'Mrs. Ice',
isMe: false,
'id-9': {
type: 'resetSessionNotification',
data: null,
'id-10': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-6',
direction: 'outgoing',
timestamp: Date.now(),
status: 'sent',
authorColor: 'pink',
text: '🔥',
'id-11': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-7',
direction: 'outgoing',
timestamp: Date.now(),
status: 'read',
authorColor: 'pink',
text: 'Hello there from the new world! http://somewhere.com',
'id-12': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-8',
collapseMetadata: true,
direction: 'outgoing',
status: 'sent',
timestamp: Date.now(),
text: 'Hello there from the new world! 🔥',
'id-13': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-9',
direction: 'outgoing',
status: 'sent',
timestamp: Date.now(),
authorColor: 'blue',
'Hello there from the new world! And this is multiple lines of text. Lines and lines and lines.',
'id-14': {
type: 'message',
data: {
id: 'id-10',
direction: 'outgoing',
status: 'read',
timestamp: Date.now(),
collapseMetadata: true,
'Hello there from the new world! And this is multiple lines of text. Lines and lines and lines.',
'id-15': {
type: 'linkNotification',
data: null,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} as any;
const actions = () => ({
clearChangedMessages: action('clearChangedMessages'),
clearInvitedConversationsForNewlyCreatedGroup: action(
setLoadCountdownStart: action('setLoadCountdownStart'),
setIsNearBottom: action('setIsNearBottom'),
loadAndScroll: action('loadAndScroll'),
loadOlderMessages: action('loadOlderMessages'),
loadNewerMessages: action('loadNewerMessages'),
loadNewestMessages: action('loadNewestMessages'),
markMessageRead: action('markMessageRead'),
selectMessage: action('selectMessage'),
clearSelectedMessage: action('clearSelectedMessage'),
updateSharedGroups: action('updateSharedGroups'),
reactToMessage: action('reactToMessage'),
replyToMessage: action('replyToMessage'),
retrySend: action('retrySend'),
deleteMessage: action('deleteMessage'),
deleteMessageForEveryone: action('deleteMessageForEveryone'),
showMessageDetail: action('showMessageDetail'),
openConversation: action('openConversation'),
showContactDetail: action('showContactDetail'),
showContactModal: action('showContactModal'),
kickOffAttachmentDownload: action('kickOffAttachmentDownload'),
showVisualAttachment: action('showVisualAttachment'),
downloadAttachment: action('downloadAttachment'),
displayTapToViewMessage: action('displayTapToViewMessage'),
openLink: action('openLink'),
scrollToQuotedMessage: action('scrollToQuotedMessage'),
showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast: action(
showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast: action(
showIdentity: action('showIdentity'),
downloadNewVersion: action('downloadNewVersion'),
messageSizeChanged: action('messageSizeChanged'),
startCallingLobby: action('startCallingLobby'),
returnToActiveCall: action('returnToActiveCall'),
contactSupport: action('contactSupport'),
const renderItem = (id: string) => (
renderEmojiPicker={() => <div />}
renderContact={() => '*ContactName*'}
renderAudioAttachment={() => <div>*AudioAttachment*</div>}
const renderLastSeenIndicator = () => (
<LastSeenIndicator count={2} i18n={i18n} />
const renderHeroRow = () => <div />;
const renderLoadingRow = () => <TimelineLoadingRow state="loading" />;
const renderTypingBubble = () => (
const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial<PropsType> = {}): PropsType => ({
haveNewest: boolean('haveNewest', overrideProps.haveNewest !== false),
haveOldest: boolean('haveOldest', overrideProps.haveOldest !== false),
isLoadingMessages: false,
items: Object.keys(items),
resetCounter: 0,
scrollToIndex: overrideProps.scrollToIndex,
scrollToIndexCounter: 0,
totalUnread: number('totalUnread', overrideProps.totalUnread || 0),
number('oldestUnreadIndex', overrideProps.oldestUnreadIndex || 0) ||
overrideProps.invitedContactsForNewlyCreatedGroup || [],
id: '',
typingContact: boolean(
!!overrideProps.typingContact || false
story.add('Oldest and Newest', () => {
const props = createProps();
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('Last Seen', () => {
const props = createProps({
oldestUnreadIndex: 13,
totalUnread: 2,
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('Target Index to Top', () => {
const props = createProps({
scrollToIndex: 0,
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('Typing Indicator', () => {
const props = createProps({
typingContact: true,
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('Without Newest Message', () => {
const props = createProps({
haveNewest: false,
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('Without Oldest Message', () => {
const props = createProps({
haveOldest: false,
scrollToIndex: -1,
return <Timeline {...props} />;
story.add('With invited contacts for a newly-created group', () => {
const props = createProps({
invitedContactsForNewlyCreatedGroup: [
id: 'abc123',
title: 'John Bon Bon Jovi',
type: 'direct',
id: 'def456',
title: 'Bon John Bon Jovi',
type: 'direct',
return <Timeline {...props} />;