* Script for beta config; unique data dir, in-app env/type display To release a beta build, increment the version and add -beta-N to the end, then go through all the standard release activities. The prepare-build npm script then updates key bits of the package.json to ensure that the beta build can be installed alongside a production build. This includes a new name ('Signal Beta') and a different location for application data. Note: Beta builds can be installed alongside production builds. As part of this, a couple new bits of data are shown across the app: - Environment (development or test, not shown if production) - App Instance (disabled in production; used for multiple accounts) These are shown in: - The window title - both environment and app instance. You can tell beta builds because the app name, preceding these data bits, is different. - The about window - both environment and app instance. You can tell beta builds from the version number. - The header added to the debug log - just environment. The version number will tell us if it's a beta build, and app instance isn't helpful. * Turn on single-window mode in non-production modes Because it's really frightening when you see 'unable to read from db' errors in the console. * aply.sh: More instructions for initial setup and testing * Gruntfile: Get consistent with use of package.json datas * Linux: manually update desktop keys, since macros not available
27 lines
611 B
27 lines
611 B
- x64
- '%LOCALAPPDATA%\electron\Cache'
- node_modules -> package.json
- systeminfo | findstr /C:"OS"
- set PATH=C:\Ruby23-x64\bin;%PATH%
- ps: Install-Product node 6 x64
- yarn install
- yarn run icon-gen
- node build\grunt.js
- type package.json | findstr /v certificateSubjectName > temp.json
- move temp.json package.json
- yarn prepare-build
- node_modules\.bin\build --em.environment=%SIGNAL_ENV% --publish=never
- node build\grunt.js test-release:win
- node build\grunt.js test
SIGNAL_ENV: production