* Fetch all conversations on startup of app, not on inbox load A recent change to fetch conversations less didn't take into account all that can happen in the app without the inbox loaded. That only happens when the window is shown, and messages can come in with the app in the background. In that case, the conversation wouldn't have been loaded from the database, but would be saved to the database anyway, losing data. This change fetches all conversations as soon as the the data store is ready for a fetch. It also introduces failsafe throws to ensure that synchronous ConversationController accesses don't happen until the initial fetch is complete. A new getUnsafe() method was required to account for some of the model setup that happens during that initial conversation fetch. Fixes #1428 FREEBIE * Fix tests: ConversationController.load() required before get() FREEBIE
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(function () {
'use strict';
function deleteAllMessages() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
return messages.fetch().then(function() {
}, reject);
var attributes = { type: 'outgoing',
body: 'hi',
conversationId: 'foo',
attachments: [],
received_at: new Date().getTime() };
var attachment = { data: 'datasaurus',
contentType: 'plain/text' };
var source = '+14155555555';
describe('MessageCollection', function() {
before(function() {
return Promise.all([
after(function() {
return deleteAllMessages();
it('has no image url', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
it('updates image url', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add({ attachments: [attachment] });
var firstUrl = message.getImageUrl();
var secondUrl = message.getImageUrl();
assert.notEqual(secondUrl, firstUrl);
it('gets outgoing contact', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
it('gets incoming contact', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add({
type: 'incoming',
source: source
it('adds without saving', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
assert.notEqual(messages.length, 0);
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0);
it('saves asynchronously', function(done) {
new Whisper.MessageCollection().add(attributes).save().then(done);
it('fetches persistent messages', function(done) {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0);
messages.fetch().then(function() {
assert.notEqual(messages.length, 0);
var m = messages.at(0).attributes;
_.each(attributes, function(val, key) {
assert.deepEqual(m[key], val);
it('destroys persistent messages', function(done) {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
messages.fetch().then(function() {
messages.destroyAll().then(function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
messages.fetch().then(function() {
assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0);
it('should be ordered oldest to newest', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
// Timestamps
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date();
// Add threads
messages.add({ received_at: today });
messages.add({ received_at: tomorrow });
var models = messages.models;
var firstTimestamp = models[0].get('received_at').getTime();
var secondTimestamp = models[1].get('received_at').getTime();
// Compare timestamps
assert(firstTimestamp < secondTimestamp);
it('checks if is incoming message', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
message = messages.add({type: 'incoming'});
it('checks if is outgoing message', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
message = messages.add({type: 'incoming'});
it('checks if is group update', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
message = messages.add({group_update: true});
it('returns an accurate description', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'hi', 'If no group updates or end session flags, return message body.');
message = messages.add({group_update: {left: 'Alice'}});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Alice left the group.', 'Notes one person leaving the group.');
message = messages.add({group_update: {name: 'blerg'}});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Title is now \'blerg\'.', 'Returns a single notice if only group_updates.name changes.');
message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob']}});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Bob joined the group.', 'Returns a single notice if only group_updates.joined changes.');
message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Eve']}});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Bob, Alice, Eve joined the group.', 'Notes when >1 person joins the group.');
message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob'], name: 'blerg'}});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Title is now \'blerg\'. Bob joined the group.', 'Notes when there are multiple changes to group_updates properties.');
message = messages.add({flags: true});
assert.equal(message.getDescription(), i18n('sessionEnded'));
it('checks if it is end of the session', function() {
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
var message = messages.add(attributes);
message = messages.add({flags: true});