Sometimes an error is thrown while processing groups from a group sync message. We still want to fire the groupsync event when we're done handling all the data, even if some of it was bad.
397 lines
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397 lines
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function MessageReceiver(url, username, password, signalingKey, attachment_server_url) {
this.url = url;
this.signalingKey = signalingKey;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.server = new TextSecureServer(url, username, password, attachment_server_url);
var unencoded = textsecure.utils.unencodeNumber(username);
this.number = unencoded[0];
this.deviceId = unencoded[1];
MessageReceiver.prototype = new textsecure.EventTarget();
constructor: MessageReceiver,
connect: function() {
if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED) {
console.log('opening websocket');
// initialize the socket and start listening for messages
this.socket = this.server.getMessageSocket();
this.socket.onclose = this.onclose.bind(this);
this.socket.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this);
this.socket.onopen = this.onopen.bind(this);
this.wsr = new WebSocketResource(this.socket, {
handleRequest: this.handleRequest.bind(this),
keepalive: { path: '/v1/keepalive', disconnect: true }
this.pending = Promise.resolve();
close: function() {
this.socket.close(3000, 'called close');
delete this.listeners;
onopen: function() {
console.log('websocket open');
onerror: function(error) {
console.log('websocket error');
onclose: function(ev) {
console.log('websocket closed', ev.code, ev.reason || '');
if (ev.code === 3000) {
var eventTarget = this;
// possible 403 or network issue. Make an request to confirm
then(this.connect.bind(this)). // No HTTP error? Reconnect
catch(function(e) {
var ev = new Event('error');
ev.error = e;
handleRequest: function(request) {
// We do the message decryption here, instead of in the ordered pending queue,
// to avoid exposing the time it took us to process messages through the time-to-ack.
// TODO: handle different types of requests. for now we blindly assume
// PUT /messages <encrypted Envelope>
textsecure.crypto.decryptWebsocketMessage(request.body, this.signalingKey).then(function(plaintext) {
var envelope = textsecure.protobuf.Envelope.decode(plaintext);
// After this point, decoding errors are not the server's
// fault, and we should handle them gracefully and tell the
// user they received an invalid message
request.respond(200, 'OK');
}.bind(this)).catch(function(e) {
request.respond(500, 'Bad encrypted websocket message');
console.log("Error handling incoming message:", e);
var ev = new Event('error');
ev.error = e;
queueEnvelope: function(envelope) {
var handleEnvelope = this.handleEnvelope.bind(this, envelope);
this.pending = this.pending.then(handleEnvelope, handleEnvelope);
handleEnvelope: function(envelope) {
if (envelope.type === textsecure.protobuf.Envelope.Type.RECEIPT) {
return this.onDeliveryReceipt(envelope);
} else if (envelope.content) {
return this.handleContentMessage(envelope);
} else if (envelope.legacyMessage) {
return this.handleLegacyMessage(envelope);
} else {
throw new Error('Received message with no content and no legacyMessage');
getStatus: function() {
if (this.socket) {
return this.socket.readyState;
} else {
return -1;
onDeliveryReceipt: function (envelope) {
var ev = new Event('receipt');
ev.proto = envelope;
decrypt: function(envelope, ciphertext) {
var fromAddress = [envelope.source , (envelope.sourceDevice || 0)].join('.');
var promise;
switch(envelope.type) {
case textsecure.protobuf.Envelope.Type.CIPHERTEXT:
promise = textsecure.protocol_wrapper.decryptWhisperMessage(fromAddress, ciphertext);
case textsecure.protobuf.Envelope.Type.PREKEY_BUNDLE:
promise = textsecure.protocol_wrapper.handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(fromAddress, ciphertext);
promise = Promise.reject(new Error("Unknown message type"));
return promise.catch(function(error) {
var ev = new Event('error');
ev.error = error;
ev.proto = envelope;
return Promise.reject(error);
handleSentMessage: function(destination, timestamp, message) {
return this.processDecrypted(message, this.number).then(function(message) {
var ev = new Event('sent');
ev.data = {
destination : destination,
timestamp : timestamp.toNumber(),
message : message
handleDataMessage: function(envelope, message, close_session) {
console.log('data message from', envelope.source + '.' + envelope.sourceDevice, envelope.timestamp.toNumber());
if ((message.flags & textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION) ==
textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION ) {
return this.processDecrypted(message, envelope.source).then(function(message) {
var ev = new Event('message');
ev.data = {
source : envelope.source,
timestamp : envelope.timestamp.toNumber(),
message : message
handleLegacyMessage: function (envelope) {
return this.decrypt(envelope, envelope.legacyMessage).then(function(result) {
var plaintext = result[0]; // array buffer
var close_session = result[1]; // function
var message = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.decode(plaintext);
return this.handleDataMessage(envelope, message, close_session);
handleContentMessage: function (envelope) {
return this.decrypt(envelope, envelope.content).then(function(result) {
var plaintext = result[0]; // array buffer
var close_session = result[1]; // function
var content = textsecure.protobuf.Content.decode(plaintext);
if (content.syncMessage) {
return this.handleSyncMessage(envelope, content.syncMessage);
} else if (content.dataMessage) {
return this.handleDataMessage(envelope, content.dataMessage, close_session);
} else {
throw new Error('Got Content message with no dataMessage and no syncMessage');
handleSyncMessage: function(envelope, syncMessage) {
if (envelope.source !== this.number) {
throw new Error('Received sync message from another number');
if (envelope.sourceDevice == this.deviceId) {
throw new Error('Received sync message from our own device');
if (syncMessage.sent) {
var sentMessage = syncMessage.sent;
console.log('sent message to', sentMessage.destination, sentMessage.timestamp.toNumber(), 'from', envelope.source + '.' + envelope.sourceDevice);
return this.handleSentMessage(
} else if (syncMessage.contacts) {
} else if (syncMessage.groups) {
} else if (syncMessage.request) {
console.log('Got SyncMessage Request');
} else {
throw new Error('Got empty SyncMessage');
handleContacts: function(contacts) {
console.log('contact sync');
var eventTarget = this;
var attachmentPointer = contacts.blob;
return this.handleAttachment(attachmentPointer).then(function() {
var contactBuffer = new ContactBuffer(attachmentPointer.data);
var contactDetails = contactBuffer.next();
while (contactDetails !== undefined) {
var ev = new Event('contact');
ev.contactDetails = contactDetails;
contactDetails = contactBuffer.next();
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('contactsync'));
handleGroups: function(groups) {
console.log('group sync');
var eventTarget = this;
var attachmentPointer = groups.blob;
return this.handleAttachment(attachmentPointer).then(function() {
var groupBuffer = new GroupBuffer(attachmentPointer.data);
var groupDetails = groupBuffer.next();
var promises = [];
while (groupDetails !== undefined) {
var promise = (function(groupDetails) {
groupDetails.id = getString(groupDetails.id);
return textsecure.storage.groups.getGroup(groupDetails.id).
then(function(existingGroup) {
if (existingGroup === undefined) {
return textsecure.storage.groups.createNewGroup(
groupDetails.members, groupDetails.id
} else {
return textsecure.storage.groups.updateNumbers(
groupDetails.id, groupDetails.members
}).then(function() {
var ev = new Event('group');
ev.groupDetails = groupDetails;
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('error processing group', groupDetails.id, e);
groupDetails = groupBuffer.next();
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('groupsync'));
handleAttachment: function(attachment) {
function decryptAttachment(encrypted) {
return textsecure.crypto.decryptAttachment(
function updateAttachment(data) {
attachment.data = data;
return this.server.getAttachment(attachment.id.toString()).
tryMessageAgain: function(from, encodedMessage) {
var bytes = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(encodedMessage);
return textsecure.protocol_wrapper.handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(from, bytes).then(function(res) {
var finalMessage = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.decode(res[0]);
if ((finalMessage.flags & textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION)
== textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION &&
finalMessage.sync !== null)
return this.processDecrypted(finalMessage);
processDecrypted: function(decrypted, source) {
// Now that its decrypted, validate the message and clean it up for consumer processing
// Note that messages may (generally) only perform one action and we ignore remaining fields
// after the first action.
if (decrypted.flags == null)
decrypted.flags = 0;
if ((decrypted.flags & textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION)
== textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION) {
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
decrypted.group = null;
return Promise.resolve(decrypted);
if (decrypted.flags != 0) {
throw new Error("Unknown flags in message");
var promises = [];
if (decrypted.group !== null) {
decrypted.group.id = getString(decrypted.group.id);
if (decrypted.group.type == textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE) {
if (decrypted.group.avatar !== null) {
promises.push(textsecure.storage.groups.getNumbers(decrypted.group.id).then(function(existingGroup) {
if (existingGroup === undefined) {
if (decrypted.group.type != textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE) {
decrypted.group.members = [source];
console.log("Got message for unknown group");
return textsecure.storage.groups.createNewGroup(decrypted.group.members, decrypted.group.id);
} else {
var fromIndex = existingGroup.indexOf(source);
if (fromIndex < 0) {
//TODO: This could be indication of a race...
console.log("Sender was not a member of the group they were sending from");
switch(decrypted.group.type) {
case textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE:
return textsecure.storage.groups.updateNumbers(
decrypted.group.id, decrypted.group.members
).then(function(added) {
decrypted.group.added = added;
if (decrypted.group.avatar === null &&
decrypted.group.added.length == 0 &&
decrypted.group.name === null) {
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
case textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.QUIT:
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
if (source === this.number) {
return textsecure.storage.groups.deleteGroup(decrypted.group.id);
} else {
return textsecure.storage.groups.removeNumber(decrypted.group.id, source);
case textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER:
decrypted.group.name = null;
decrypted.group.members = [];
decrypted.group.avatar = null;
throw new Error("Unknown group message type");
for (var i in decrypted.attachments) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return decrypted;
window.textsecure = window.textsecure || {};
textsecure.MessageReceiver = function(url, username, password, signalingKey, attachment_server_url) {
var messageReceiver = new MessageReceiver(url, username, password, signalingKey, attachment_server_url);
this.addEventListener = messageReceiver.addEventListener.bind(messageReceiver);
this.removeEventListener = messageReceiver.removeEventListener.bind(messageReceiver);
this.getStatus = messageReceiver.getStatus.bind(messageReceiver);
this.close = messageReceiver.close.bind(messageReceiver);
textsecure.replay.registerFunction(messageReceiver.tryMessageAgain.bind(messageReceiver), textsecure.replay.Type.INIT_SESSION);
textsecure.MessageReceiver.prototype = {
constructor: textsecure.MessageReceiver