* Refactor delivery receipt event handler * Rename the delivery receipt event For less ambiguity with read receipts. * Rename synced read event For less ambiguity with read receipts from other Signal users. * Add support for incoming receipt messages Handle ReceiptMessages, which may include encrypted delivery receipts or read receipts from recipients of our sent messages. // FREEBIE * Rename ReadReceipts to ReadSyncs * Render read messages with blue double checks * Send read receipts to senders of incoming messages // FREEBIE * Move ReadSyncs to their own file // FREEBIE * Fixup old comments on read receipts (now read syncs) And some variable renaming for extra clarity. // FREEBIE * Add global setting for read receipts Don't send read receipt messages unless the setting is enabled. Don't process read receipts if the setting is disabled. // FREEBIE * Sync read receipt setting from mobile Toggling this setting on your mobile device should sync it to Desktop. When linking, use the setting in the provisioning message. // FREEBIE * Send receipt messages silently Avoid generating phantom messages on ios // FREEBIE * Save recipients on the outgoing message models For accurate tracking and display of sent/delivered/read state, even if group membership changes later. // FREEBIE * Fix conversation type in profile key update handling // FREEBIE * Set recipients on synced sent messages * Render saved recipients in message detail if available For older messages, where we did not save the intended set of recipients at the time of sending, fall back to the current group membership. // FREEBIE * Record who has been successfully sent to // FREEBIE * Record who a message has been delivered to * Invert the not-clickable class * Fix readReceipt setting sync when linking * Render per recipient sent/delivered/read status In the message detail view for outgoing messages, render each recipient's individual sent/delivered/read status with respect to this message, as long as there are no errors associated with the recipient (ie, safety number changes, user not registered, etc...) since the error icon is displayed in that case. *Messages sent before this change may not have per-recipient status lists and will simply show no status icon. // FREEBIE * Add configuration sync request Send these requests in a one-off fashion when: 1. We have just setup from a chrome app import 2. We have just upgraded to read-receipt support // FREEBIE * Expose sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage // FREEBIE * Fix handling of incoming delivery receipts - union with array FREEBIE
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var TextSecureServer = (function() {
'use strict';
function validateResponse(response, schema) {
try {
for (var i in schema) {
switch (schema[i]) {
case 'object':
case 'string':
case 'number':
if (typeof response[i] !== schema[i]) {
return false;
} catch(ex) {
return false;
return true;
// On Linux/Electron multiple quick web requests can result in the Node.js event
// loop getting wedged. Bug: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/10570
// This forces the event loop to move.
function scheduleHangWorkaround() {
setTimeout(function() {
setImmediate(function() {
// noop
}, 1000);
function createSocket(url) {
var requestOptions = { ca: window.config.certificateAuthorities };
return new nodeWebSocket(url, null, null, null, requestOptions);
var XMLHttpRequest = nodeXMLHttpRequest;
window.setImmediate = nodeSetImmediate;
// Promise-based async xhr routine
function promise_ajax(url, options) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (!url) {
url = options.host + '/' + options.path;
console.log(options.type, url);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(options.type, url, true /*async*/);
if ( options.responseType ) {
xhr[ 'responseType' ] = options.responseType;
if (options.user && options.password) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(getString(options.user) + ":" + getString(options.password)));
if (options.contentType) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", options.contentType );
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Signal-Agent', 'OWD' );
if (options.certificateAuthorities) {
xhr.onload = function() {
var result = xhr.response;
if ( (!xhr.responseType || xhr.responseType === "text") &&
typeof xhr.responseText === "string" ) {
result = xhr.responseText;
if (options.dataType === 'json') {
try { result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText + ''); } catch(e) {}
if (options.validateResponse) {
if (!validateResponse(result, options.validateResponse)) {
console.log(options.type, url, xhr.status, 'Error');
reject(HTTPError(xhr.status, result, options.stack));
if ( 0 <= xhr.status && xhr.status < 400) {
console.log(options.type, url, xhr.status, 'Success');
resolve(result, xhr.status);
} else {
console.log(options.type, url, xhr.status, 'Error');
reject(HTTPError(xhr.status, result, options.stack));
xhr.onerror = function() {
console.log(options.type, url, xhr.status, 'Error');
reject(HTTPError(xhr.status, xhr.statusText, options.stack));
xhr.send( options.data || null );
function retry_ajax(url, options, limit, count) {
count = count || 0;
limit = limit || 3;
return promise_ajax(url, options).catch(function(e) {
if (e.name === 'HTTPError' && e.code === -1 && count < limit) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
setTimeout(function() {
resolve(retry_ajax(url, options, limit, count));
}, 1000);
} else {
throw e;
function ajax(url, options) {
options.stack = new Error().stack; // just in case, save stack here.
return retry_ajax(url, options);
function HTTPError(code, response, stack) {
if (code > 999 || code < 100) {
code = -1;
var e = new Error();
e.name = 'HTTPError';
e.code = code;
e.stack = stack;
if (response) {
e.response = response;
return e;
var URL_CALLS = {
accounts : "v1/accounts",
devices : "v1/devices",
keys : "v2/keys",
signed : "v2/keys/signed",
messages : "v1/messages",
attachment : "v1/attachments",
profile : "v1/profile"
function TextSecureServer(url, username, password, cdn_url) {
if (typeof url !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Invalid server url');
this.url = url;
this.cdn_url = cdn_url;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
TextSecureServer.prototype = {
constructor: TextSecureServer,
ajax: function(param) {
if (!param.urlParameters) {
param.urlParameters = '';
return ajax(null, {
host : this.url,
path : URL_CALLS[param.call] + param.urlParameters,
type : param.httpType,
data : param.jsonData && textsecure.utils.jsonThing(param.jsonData),
contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType : 'json',
user : this.username,
password : this.password,
validateResponse: param.validateResponse,
certificateAuthorities: window.config.certificateAuthorities
}).catch(function(e) {
var code = e.code;
if (code === 200) {
// happens sometimes when we get no response
// (TODO: Fix server to return 204? instead)
return null;
var message;
switch (code) {
case -1:
message = "Failed to connect to the server, please check your network connection.";
case 413:
message = "Rate limit exceeded, please try again later.";
case 403:
message = "Invalid code, please try again.";
case 417:
// TODO: This shouldn't be a thing?, but its in the API doc?
message = "Number already registered.";
case 401:
message = "Invalid authentication, most likely someone re-registered and invalidated our registration.";
case 404:
message = "Number is not registered.";
message = "The server rejected our query, please file a bug report.";
e.message = message
throw e;
getProfile: function(number) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'profile',
httpType : 'GET',
urlParameters : '/' + number,
getAvatar: function(path) {
return ajax(this.cdn_url + '/' + path, {
type : "GET",
responseType: "arraybuffer",
contentType : "application/octet-stream",
certificateAuthorities: window.config.certificateAuthorities
requestVerificationSMS: function(number) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'accounts',
httpType : 'GET',
urlParameters : '/sms/code/' + number,
requestVerificationVoice: function(number) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'accounts',
httpType : 'GET',
urlParameters : '/voice/code/' + number,
confirmCode: function(number, code, password, signaling_key, registrationId, deviceName) {
var jsonData = {
signalingKey : btoa(getString(signaling_key)),
supportsSms : false,
fetchesMessages : true,
registrationId : registrationId,
var call, urlPrefix, schema;
if (deviceName) {
jsonData.name = deviceName;
call = 'devices';
urlPrefix = '/';
schema = { deviceId: 'number' };
} else {
call = 'accounts';
urlPrefix = '/code/';
this.username = number;
this.password = password;
return this.ajax({
call : call,
httpType : 'PUT',
urlParameters : urlPrefix + code,
jsonData : jsonData,
validateResponse : schema
getDevices: function(number) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'devices',
httpType : 'GET',
registerKeys: function(genKeys) {
var keys = {};
keys.identityKey = btoa(getString(genKeys.identityKey));
keys.signedPreKey = {
keyId: genKeys.signedPreKey.keyId,
publicKey: btoa(getString(genKeys.signedPreKey.publicKey)),
signature: btoa(getString(genKeys.signedPreKey.signature))
keys.preKeys = [];
var j = 0;
for (var i in genKeys.preKeys) {
keys.preKeys[j++] = {
keyId: genKeys.preKeys[i].keyId,
publicKey: btoa(getString(genKeys.preKeys[i].publicKey))
// This is just to make the server happy
// (v2 clients should choke on publicKey)
keys.lastResortKey = {keyId: 0x7fffFFFF, publicKey: btoa("42")};
return this.ajax({
call : 'keys',
httpType : 'PUT',
jsonData : keys,
setSignedPreKey: function(signedPreKey) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'signed',
httpType : 'PUT',
jsonData : {
keyId: signedPreKey.keyId,
publicKey: btoa(getString(signedPreKey.publicKey)),
signature: btoa(getString(signedPreKey.signature))
getMyKeys: function(number, deviceId) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'keys',
httpType : 'GET',
validateResponse : {count: 'number'}
}).then(function(res) {
return res.count;
getKeysForNumber: function(number, deviceId) {
if (deviceId === undefined)
deviceId = "*";
return this.ajax({
call : 'keys',
httpType : 'GET',
urlParameters : "/" + number + "/" + deviceId,
validateResponse : {identityKey: 'string', devices: 'object'}
}).then(function(res) {
if (res.devices.constructor !== Array) {
throw new Error("Invalid response");
res.identityKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(res.identityKey);
res.devices.forEach(function(device) {
if ( !validateResponse(device, {signedPreKey: 'object'}) ||
!validateResponse(device.signedPreKey, {publicKey: 'string', signature: 'string'}) ) {
throw new Error("Invalid signedPreKey");
if ( device.preKey ) {
if ( !validateResponse(device, {preKey: 'object'}) ||
!validateResponse(device.preKey, {publicKey: 'string'})) {
throw new Error("Invalid preKey");
device.preKey.publicKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.preKey.publicKey);
device.signedPreKey.publicKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.signedPreKey.publicKey);
device.signedPreKey.signature = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.signedPreKey.signature);
return res;
sendMessages: function(destination, messageArray, timestamp, silent) {
var jsonData = { messages: messageArray, timestamp: timestamp};
if (silent) {
jsonData.silent = true;
return this.ajax({
call : 'messages',
httpType : 'PUT',
urlParameters : '/' + destination,
jsonData : jsonData,
getAttachment: function(id) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'attachment',
httpType : 'GET',
urlParameters : '/' + id,
validateResponse : {location: 'string'}
}).then(function(response) {
return ajax(response.location, {
type : "GET",
responseType: "arraybuffer",
contentType : "application/octet-stream"
putAttachment: function(encryptedBin) {
return this.ajax({
call : 'attachment',
httpType : 'GET',
}).then(function(response) {
return ajax(response.location, {
type : "PUT",
contentType : "application/octet-stream",
data : encryptedBin,
processData : false,
}).then(function() {
return response.idString;
getMessageSocket: function() {
console.log('opening message socket', this.url);
return createSocket(this.url.replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://')
+ '/v1/websocket/?login=' + encodeURIComponent(this.username)
+ '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(this.password)
+ '&agent=OWD');
getProvisioningSocket: function () {
console.log('opening provisioning socket', this.url);
return createSocket(this.url.replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://')
+ '/v1/websocket/provisioning/?agent=OWD');
return TextSecureServer;