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// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as React from 'react';
import { times } from 'lodash';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid';
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import { AvatarColors } from '../types/Colors';
import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations';
import type { PropsType } from './CallingLobby';
import { CallingLobby as UnwrappedCallingLobby } from './CallingLobby';
import { setupI18n } from '../util/setupI18n';
import { generateAci } from '../types/ServiceId';
import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json';
import {
} from '../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation';
import { CallingToastProvider } from './CallingToast';
import { CallMode } from '../types/CallDisposition';
import { getDefaultCallLinkConversation } from '../test-both/helpers/fakeCallLink';
const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages);
const camera = {
deviceId: 'dfbe6effe70b0611ba0fdc2a9ea3f39f6cb110e6687948f7e5f016c111b7329c',
groupId: '63ee218d2446869e40adfc958ff98263e51f74382b0143328ee4826f20a76f47',
kind: 'videoinput' as MediaDeviceKind,
label: 'FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) (9fba:bced)',
toJSON() {
return '';
const getConversation = (callMode: CallMode) => {
if (callMode === CallMode.Group) {
return getDefaultConversation({
title: 'Tahoe Trip',
type: 'group',
if (callMode === CallMode.Adhoc) {
return getDefaultCallLinkConversation();
return getDefaultConversation();
const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial<PropsType> = {}): PropsType => {
const callMode = overrideProps.callMode ?? CallMode.Direct;
const conversation = getConversation(callMode);
return {
availableCameras: overrideProps.availableCameras || [camera],
overrideProps.groupMembers ||
(callMode === CallMode.Group
? times(3, () => getDefaultConversation())
: undefined),
hasLocalAudio: overrideProps.hasLocalAudio ?? true,
hasLocalVideo: overrideProps.hasLocalVideo ?? false,
overrideProps.isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired ?? false,
isAdhocJoinRequestPending: overrideProps.isAdhocJoinRequestPending ?? false,
isConversationTooBigToRing: false,
isCallFull: overrideProps.isCallFull ?? false,
overrideProps.getIsSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody ?? (() => false),
overrideProps.me ||
color: AvatarColors[0],
id: generateUuid(),
serviceId: generateAci(),
onCallCanceled: action('on-call-canceled'),
onJoinCall: action('on-join-call'),
outgoingRing: overrideProps.outgoingRing ?? false,
peekedParticipants: overrideProps.peekedParticipants || [],
setLocalAudio: action('set-local-audio'),
setLocalPreview: action('set-local-preview'),
setLocalVideo: action('set-local-video'),
setOutgoingRing: action('set-outgoing-ring'),
showParticipantsList: overrideProps.showParticipantsList ?? false,
toggleParticipants: action('toggle-participants'),
togglePip: action('toggle-pip'),
toggleSettings: action('toggle-settings'),
function CallingLobby(props: ReturnType<typeof createProps>) {
return (
<CallingToastProvider i18n={i18n}>
<UnwrappedCallingLobby {...props} />
const fakePeekedParticipant = (conversationProps: Partial<ConversationType>) =>
export default {
title: 'Components/CallingLobby',
argTypes: {},
args: {},
} satisfies Meta<PropsType>;
export function Default(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps();
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function NoCameraNoAvatar(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
availableCameras: [],
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function NoCameraLocalAvatar(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
availableCameras: [],
me: getDefaultConversation({
avatarUrl: '/fixtures/kitten-4-112-112.jpg',
color: AvatarColors[0],
id: generateUuid(),
serviceId: generateAci(),
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function LocalVideo(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
hasLocalVideo: true,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function InitiallyMuted(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
hasLocalAudio: false,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWithNoPeekedParticipants(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
peekedParticipants: [],
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWith1PeekedParticipant(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
peekedParticipants: [{ title: 'Sam' }].map(fakePeekedParticipant),
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWith1PeekedParticipantSelf(): JSX.Element {
const serviceId = generateAci();
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
me: getDefaultConversation({
id: generateUuid(),
peekedParticipants: [fakePeekedParticipant({ title: 'Ash', serviceId })],
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWith4PeekedParticipants(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
peekedParticipants: ['Sam', 'Cayce', 'April', 'Logan', 'Carl'].map(title =>
fakePeekedParticipant({ title })
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWith4PeekedParticipantsParticipantsList(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
peekedParticipants: ['Sam', 'Cayce', 'April', 'Logan', 'Carl'].map(title =>
fakePeekedParticipant({ title })
showParticipantsList: true,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWithCallFull(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
isCallFull: true,
peekedParticipants: ['Sam', 'Cayce'].map(title =>
fakePeekedParticipant({ title })
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function GroupCallWith0PeekedParticipantsBigGroup(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Group,
groupMembers: times(100, () => getDefaultConversation()),
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function CallLink(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Adhoc,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
// Due to storybook font loading, if you directly load this story then
// the button width is not calculated correctly
export function CallLinkAdminApproval(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Adhoc,
isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired: true,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;
export function CallLinkJoinRequestPending(): JSX.Element {
const props = createProps({
callMode: CallMode.Adhoc,
isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired: true,
isAdhocJoinRequestPending: true,
return <CallingLobby {...props} />;