Scott Nonnenberg 8d6cba1b43 Eliminate remaining Electron 8 deprecations
* Change systemPreferences.isDarkMode() to nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors

* Remove vibrancy parameter to BrowserWindow

* Update curve25519-n; removes context-aware deprecation warning

* Set app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true to remove warning

* Move from deprecated setters to direct property set

* Serialized sender certificates: Store less, store plain object

* isMenuBarAutoHide -> autoHideMenuBar

* UUID: Fix sealed sender indicator on message details screen

* Data._cleanData: Remove function keys, handle null in array

- run _cleanData when saving attachment download jobs
- remove job from jobs table when the send itself throws error

* _cleanData: Don't dig into strings, booleans, or numbers

* getPropsForMessageDetail: Make it clear what we're reducing

Co-authored-by: Ken Powers <>
2020-03-24 17:03:01 -07:00

99 lines
2.7 KiB

/* global window */
const { ipcRenderer, remote } = require('electron');
const url = require('url');
const i18n = require('./js/modules/i18n');
const config = url.parse(window.location.toString(), true).query;
const { locale } = config;
const localeMessages = ipcRenderer.sendSync('locale-data');
const { nativeTheme } = remote.require('electron');
window.platform = process.platform;
window.theme = config.theme;
window.i18n = i18n.setup(locale, localeMessages);
function setSystemTheme() {
window.systemTheme = nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors ? 'dark' : 'light';
window.subscribeToSystemThemeChange = fn => {
nativeTheme.on('updated', () => {
window.getEnvironment = () => config.environment;
window.getVersion = () => config.version;
window.getAppInstance = () => config.appInstance;
// So far we're only using this for Signal.Types
const Signal = require('./js/modules/signal');
window.Signal = Signal.setup({
Attachments: null,
userDataPath: null,
getRegionCode: () => null,
window.closeSettings = () => ipcRenderer.send('close-settings');
window.getDeviceName = makeGetter('device-name');
window.getThemeSetting = makeGetter('theme-setting');
window.setThemeSetting = makeSetter('theme-setting');
window.getHideMenuBar = makeGetter('hide-menu-bar');
window.setHideMenuBar = makeSetter('hide-menu-bar');
window.getSpellCheck = makeGetter('spell-check');
window.setSpellCheck = makeSetter('spell-check');
window.getNotificationSetting = makeGetter('notification-setting');
window.setNotificationSetting = makeSetter('notification-setting');
window.getAudioNotification = makeGetter('audio-notification');
window.setAudioNotification = makeSetter('audio-notification');
window.getMediaPermissions = makeGetter('media-permissions');
window.setMediaPermissions = makeSetter('media-permissions');
window.isPrimary = makeGetter('is-primary');
window.makeSyncRequest = makeGetter('sync-request');
window.getLastSyncTime = makeGetter('sync-time');
window.setLastSyncTime = makeSetter('sync-time');
window.deleteAllData = () => ipcRenderer.send('delete-all-data');
function makeGetter(name) {
return () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ipcRenderer.once(`get-success-${name}`, (event, error, value) => {
if (error) {
return reject(error);
return resolve(value);
function makeSetter(name) {
return value =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ipcRenderer.once(`set-success-${name}`, (event, error) => {
if (error) {
return reject(error);
return resolve();
ipcRenderer.send(`set-${name}`, value);