662 lines
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662 lines
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(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['backbone', 'underscore'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require('backbone'), require('underscore'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.returnExports = factory(root.Backbone, root._);
}(this, function (Backbone, _) {
// Generate four random hex digits.
function S4() {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
// Generate a pseudo-GUID by concatenating random hexadecimal.
function guid() {
return (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4());
if ( _(indexedDB).isUndefined() ) { return; }
// Driver object
// That's the interesting part.
// There is a driver for each schema provided. The schema is a te combination of name (for the database), a version as well as migrations to reach that
// version of the database.
function Driver(schema, ready, nolog, onerror) {
this.schema = schema;
this.ready = ready;
this.error = null;
this.transactions = []; // Used to list all transactions and keep track of active ones.
this.db = null;
this.nolog = nolog;
this.onerror = onerror;
var lastMigrationPathVersion = _.last(this.schema.migrations).version;
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("opening database " + this.schema.id + " in version #" + lastMigrationPathVersion);
this.dbRequest = indexedDB.open(this.schema.id,lastMigrationPathVersion); //schema version need to be an unsigned long
this.launchMigrationPath = function(dbVersion) {
var transaction = this.dbRequest.transaction;
var clonedMigrations = _.clone(schema.migrations);
this.migrate(transaction, clonedMigrations, dbVersion, {
error: function (event) {
this.error = "Database not up to date. " + dbVersion + " expected was " + lastMigrationPathVersion;
this.dbRequest.onblocked = function(event){
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("connection to database blocked");
this.dbRequest.onsuccess = function (e) {
this.db = e.target.result; // Attach the connection ot the queue.
var currentIntDBVersion = (parseInt(this.db.version) || 0); // we need convert beacuse chrome store in integer and ie10 DP4+ in int;
var lastMigrationInt = (parseInt(lastMigrationPathVersion) || 0); // And make sure we compare numbers with numbers.
if (currentIntDBVersion === lastMigrationInt) { //if support new event onupgradeneeded will trigger the ready function
// No migration to perform!
} else if (currentIntDBVersion < lastMigrationInt ) {
// We need to migrate up to the current migration defined in the database
} else {
// Looks like the IndexedDB is at a higher version than the current driver schema.
this.error = "Database version is greater than current code " + currentIntDBVersion + " expected was " + lastMigrationInt;
this.dbRequest.onerror = function (e) {
// Failed to open the database
this.error = "Couldn't not connect to the database"
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("Couldn't not connect to the database");
this.dbRequest.onabort = function (e) {
// Failed to open the database
this.error = "Connection to the database aborted"
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("Connection to the database aborted");
this.dbRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(iDBVersionChangeEvent){
this.db =iDBVersionChangeEvent.target.result;
var newVersion = iDBVersionChangeEvent.newVersion;
var oldVersion = iDBVersionChangeEvent.oldVersion;
// Fix Safari 8 and iOS 8 bug
// at the first connection oldVersion is equal to 9223372036854776000
// but the real value is 0
if (oldVersion > 99999999999)
oldVersion = 0;
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("onupgradeneeded = " + oldVersion + " => " + newVersion);
function debugLog(str) {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.console !== "undefined" && typeof window.console.log !== "undefined") {
else if(console.log !== "undefined") {
// Driver Prototype
Driver.prototype = {
// Tracks transactions. Mostly for debugging purposes. TO-IMPROVE
_track_transaction: function(transaction) {
function removeIt() {
var idx = this.transactions.indexOf(transaction);
if (idx !== -1) {this.transactions.splice(idx); }
transaction.oncomplete = removeIt.bind(this);
transaction.onabort = removeIt.bind(this);
transaction.onerror = removeIt.bind(this);
// Performs all the migrations to reach the right version of the database.
migrate: function (transaction, migrations, version, options) {
transaction.onerror = options.error;
transaction.onabort = options.error;
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate begin version from #" + version);
var that = this;
var migration = migrations.shift();
if (migration) {
if (!version || version < migration.version) {
// We need to apply this migration-
if (typeof migration.before == "undefined") {
migration.before = function (next) {
if (typeof migration.after == "undefined") {
migration.after = function (next) {
// First, let's run the before script
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate begin before version #" + migration.version);
migration.before(function () {
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate done before version #" + migration.version);
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate begin migrate version #" + migration.version);
migration.migrate(transaction, function () {
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate done migrate version #" + migration.version);
// Migration successfully appliedn let's go to the next one!
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate begin after version #" + migration.version);
migration.after(function () {
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate done after version #" + migration.version);
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("Migrated to " + migration.version);
//last modification occurred, need finish
if(migrations.length ==0) {
if (!this.nolog) {
debugLog("migrate setting transaction.oncomplete to finish version #" + migration.version);
transaction.oncomplete = function() {
debugLog("migrate done transaction.oncomplete version #" + migration.version);
debugLog("Done migrating");
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("migrate end from version #" + version + " to " + migration.version);
that.migrate(transaction, migrations, version, options);
} else {
// No need to apply this migration
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("Skipping migration " + migration.version);
this.migrate(transaction, migrations, version, options);
// This is the main method, called by the ExecutionQueue when the driver is ready (database open and migration performed)
execute: function (storeName, method, object, options) {
if (!this.nolog) debugLog("execute : " + method + " on " + storeName + " for " + object.id);
switch (method) {
case "create":
this.create(storeName, object, options);
case "read":
if (object.id || object.cid) {
this.read(storeName, object, options); // It's a model
} else {
this.query(storeName, object, options); // It's a collection
case "update":
this.update(storeName, object, options); // We may want to check that this is not a collection. TOFIX
case "delete":
if (object.id || object.cid) {
this.delete(storeName, object, options);
} else {
this.clear(storeName, object, options);
// Hum what?
// Writes the json to the storeName in db. It is a create operations, which means it will fail if the key already exists
// options are just success and error callbacks.
create: function (storeName, object, options) {
var writeTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], 'readwrite');
var store = writeTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var json = object.toJSON();
var idAttribute = _.result(object, 'idAttribute');
var writeRequest;
if (json[idAttribute] === undefined && !store.autoIncrement) json[idAttribute] = guid();
writeTransaction.onerror = function (e) {
writeTransaction.oncomplete = function (e) {
if (!store.keyPath)
writeRequest = store.add(json, json[idAttribute]);
writeRequest = store.add(json);
// Writes the json to the storeName in db. It is an update operation, which means it will overwrite the value if the key already exist
// options are just success and error callbacks.
update: function (storeName, object, options) {
var writeTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], 'readwrite');
var store = writeTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var json = object.toJSON();
var idAttribute = _.result(object, 'idAttribute');
var writeRequest;
if (!json[idAttribute]) json[idAttribute] = guid();
if (!store.keyPath)
writeRequest = store.put(json, json[idAttribute]);
writeRequest = store.put(json);
writeRequest.onerror = function (e) {
writeTransaction.oncomplete = function (e) {
// Reads from storeName in db with json.id if it's there of with any json.xxxx as long as xxx is an index in storeName
read: function (storeName, object, options) {
var readTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], "readonly");
var store = readTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var json = object.toJSON();
var idAttribute = _.result(object, 'idAttribute');
var getRequest = null;
if (json[idAttribute]) {
getRequest = store.get(json[idAttribute]);
} else if(options.index) {
var index = store.index(options.index.name);
getRequest = index.get(options.index.value);
} else {
// We need to find which index we have
var cardinality = 0; // try to fit the index with most matches
_.each(store.indexNames, function (key, index) {
index = store.index(key);
if(typeof index.keyPath === 'string' && 1 > cardinality) {
// simple index
if (json[index.keyPath] !== undefined) {
getRequest = index.get(json[index.keyPath]);
cardinality = 1;
} else if(typeof index.keyPath === 'object' && index.keyPath.length > cardinality) {
// compound index
var valid = true;
var keyValue = _.map(index.keyPath, function(keyPart) {
valid = valid && json[keyPart] !== undefined;
return json[keyPart];
if(valid) {
getRequest = index.get(keyValue);
cardinality = index.keyPath.length;
if (getRequest) {
getRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
if (event.target.result) {
} else {
options.error("Not Found");
getRequest.onerror = function () {
options.error("Not Found"); // We couldn't find the record.
} else {
options.error("Not Found"); // We couldn't even look for it, as we don't have enough data.
// Deletes the json.id key and value in storeName from db.
delete: function (storeName, object, options) {
var deleteTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], 'readwrite');
var store = deleteTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var json = object.toJSON();
var idAttribute = _.result(object, 'idAttribute');
var deleteRequest = store.delete(json[idAttribute]);
deleteTransaction.oncomplete = function (event) {
deleteRequest.onerror = function (event) {
options.error("Not Deleted");
// Clears all records for storeName from db.
clear: function (storeName, object, options) {
var deleteTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], "readwrite");
var store = deleteTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var deleteRequest = store.clear();
deleteRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
deleteRequest.onerror = function (event) {
options.error("Not Cleared");
// Performs a query on storeName in db.
// options may include :
// - conditions : value of an index, or range for an index
// - range : range for the primary key
// - limit : max number of elements to be yielded
// - offset : skipped items.
query: function (storeName, collection, options) {
var elements = [];
var skipped = 0, processed = 0;
var queryTransaction = this.db.transaction([storeName], "readonly");
var idAttribute = _.result(collection.model.prototype, 'idAttribute');
var readCursor = null;
var store = queryTransaction.objectStore(storeName);
var index = null,
lower = null,
upper = null,
bounds = null;
if (options.conditions) {
// We have a condition, we need to use it for the cursor
_.each(store.indexNames, function (key) {
if (!readCursor) {
index = store.index(key);
if (options.conditions[index.keyPath] instanceof Array) {
lower = options.conditions[index.keyPath][0] > options.conditions[index.keyPath][1] ? options.conditions[index.keyPath][1] : options.conditions[index.keyPath][0];
upper = options.conditions[index.keyPath][0] > options.conditions[index.keyPath][1] ? options.conditions[index.keyPath][0] : options.conditions[index.keyPath][1];
bounds = IDBKeyRange.bound(lower, upper, true, true);
if (options.conditions[index.keyPath][0] > options.conditions[index.keyPath][1]) {
// Looks like we want the DESC order
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.PREV || "prev");
} else {
// We want ASC order
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.NEXT || "next");
} else if (typeof options.conditions[index.keyPath] === 'object' && ('$gt' in options.conditions[index.keyPath] || '$gte' in options.conditions[index.keyPath])) {
if('$gt' in options.conditions[index.keyPath])
bounds = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(options.conditions[index.keyPath]['$gt'], true);
bounds = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(options.conditions[index.keyPath]['$gte']);
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.NEXT || "next");
} else if (typeof options.conditions[index.keyPath] === 'object' && ('$lt' in options.conditions[index.keyPath] || '$lte' in options.conditions[index.keyPath])) {
if('$lt' in options.conditions[index.keyPath])
bounds = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(options.conditions[index.keyPath]['$lt'], true);
bounds = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(options.conditions[index.keyPath]['$lte']);
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.NEXT || "next");
} else if (options.conditions[index.keyPath] != undefined) {
bounds = IDBKeyRange.only(options.conditions[index.keyPath]);
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds);
} else if (options.index) {
index = store.index(options.index.name);
var excludeLower = !!options.index.excludeLower;
var excludeUpper = !!options.index.excludeUpper;
if (index) {
if (options.index.lower && options.index.upper) {
bounds = IDBKeyRange.bound(options.index.lower, options.index.upper, excludeLower, excludeUpper);
} else if (options.index.lower) {
bounds = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(options.index.lower, excludeLower);
} else if (options.index.upper) {
bounds = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(options.index.upper, excludeUpper);
} else if (options.index.only) {
bounds = IDBKeyRange.only(options.index.only);
if (typeof options.index.order === 'string' && options.index.order.toLowerCase() === 'desc') {
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.PREV || "prev");
} else {
readCursor = index.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.NEXT || "next");
} else {
// No conditions, use the index
if (options.range) {
lower = options.range[0] > options.range[1] ? options.range[1] : options.range[0];
upper = options.range[0] > options.range[1] ? options.range[0] : options.range[1];
bounds = IDBKeyRange.bound(lower, upper);
if (options.range[0] > options.range[1]) {
readCursor = store.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.PREV || "prev");
} else {
readCursor = store.openCursor(bounds, window.IDBCursor.NEXT || "next");
} else {
readCursor = store.openCursor();
if (typeof (readCursor) == "undefined" || !readCursor) {
options.error("No Cursor");
} else {
readCursor.onerror = function(e){
options.error("readCursor error", e);
// Setup a handler for the cursor’s `success` event:
readCursor.onsuccess = function (e) {
var cursor = e.target.result;
if (!cursor) {
if (options.addIndividually || options.clear) {
// nothing!
// We need to indicate that we're done. But, how?
} else {
options.success(elements); // We're done. No more elements.
else {
// Cursor is not over yet.
if (options.limit && processed >= options.limit) {
// Yet, we have processed enough elements. So, let's just skip.
if (bounds) {
if (options.conditions && options.conditions[index.keyPath]) {
cursor.continue(options.conditions[index.keyPath][1] + 1); /* We need to 'terminate' the cursor cleany, by moving to the end */
} else if (options.index && (options.index.upper || options.index.lower)) {
if (typeof options.index.order === 'string' && options.index.order.toLowerCase() === 'desc') {
} else {
} else {
cursor.continue(); /* We need to 'terminate' the cursor cleany, by moving to the end */
else if (options.offset && options.offset > skipped) {
cursor.continue(); /* We need to Moving the cursor forward */
} else {
// This time, it looks like it's good!
if (options.addIndividually) {
} else if (options.clear) {
var deleteRequest = store.delete(cursor.value[idAttribute]);
deleteRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
deleteRequest.onerror = function (event) {
} else {
close :function(){
// ExecutionQueue object
// The execution queue is an abstraction to buffer up requests to the database.
// It holds a "driver". When the driver is ready, it just fires up the queue and executes in sync.
function ExecutionQueue(schema,next,nolog) {
this.driver = new Driver(schema, this.ready.bind(this), nolog, this.error.bind(this));
this.started = false;
this.failed = false;
this.stack = [];
this.version = _.last(schema.migrations).version;
this.next = next;
// ExecutionQueue Prototype
ExecutionQueue.prototype = {
// Called when the driver is ready
// It just loops over the elements in the queue and executes them.
ready: function () {
this.started = true;
_.each(this.stack, function (message) {
this.stack = []; // fix memory leak
error: function() {
this.failed = true;
_.each(this.stack, function (message) {
this.stack = [];
// Executes a given command on the driver. If not started, just stacks up one more element.
execute: function (message) {
if (this.started) {
try {
this.driver.execute(message[2].storeName || message[1].storeName, message[0], message[1], message[2]); // Upon messages, we execute the query
} catch (e) {
if (e.name === 'InvalidStateError') {
var f = window.onInvalidStateError;
if (f) f(e);
throw e;
} else if (this.failed) {
} else {
close : function(){
// Method used by Backbone for sync of data with data store. It was initially designed to work with "server side" APIs, This wrapper makes
// it work with the local indexedDB stuff. It uses the schema attribute provided by the object.
// The wrapper keeps an active Executuon Queue for each "schema", and executes querues agains it, based on the object type (collection or
// single model), but also the method... etc.
// Keeps track of the connections
var Databases = {};
function sync(method, object, options) {
if(method == "closeall"){
// Clean up active databases object.
Databases = {};
return Backbone.$.Deferred().resolve();
// If a model or a collection does not define a database, fall back on ajaxSync
if (!object || !_.isObject(object.database)) {
return Backbone.ajaxSync(method, object, options);
var schema = object.database;
if (Databases[schema.id]) {
if(Databases[schema.id].version != _.last(schema.migrations).version){
delete Databases[schema.id];
var promise;
if (typeof Backbone.$ === 'undefined' || typeof Backbone.$.Deferred === 'undefined') {
var noop = function() {};
var resolve = noop;
var reject = noop;
} else {
var dfd = Backbone.$.Deferred();
var resolve = dfd.resolve;
var reject = dfd.reject;
promise = dfd.promise();
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp) {
if (success) success(resp);
object.trigger('sync', object, resp, options);
var error = options.error;
options.error = function(resp) {
if (error) error(resp);
object.trigger('error', object, resp, options);
var next = function(){
Databases[schema.id].execute([method, object, options]);
if (!Databases[schema.id]) {
Databases[schema.id] = new ExecutionQueue(schema,next,schema.nolog);
} else {
return promise;
Backbone.ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = sync;
return { sync: sync, debugLog: debugLog};