* Fetch all conversations on startup of app, not on inbox load A recent change to fetch conversations less didn't take into account all that can happen in the app without the inbox loaded. That only happens when the window is shown, and messages can come in with the app in the background. In that case, the conversation wouldn't have been loaded from the database, but would be saved to the database anyway, losing data. This change fetches all conversations as soon as the the data store is ready for a fetch. It also introduces failsafe throws to ensure that synchronous ConversationController accesses don't happen until the initial fetch is complete. A new getUnsafe() method was required to account for some of the model setup that happens during that initial conversation fetch. Fixes #1428 FREEBIE * Fix tests: ConversationController.load() required before get() FREEBIE
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(function () {
'use strict';
window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {};
var Message = window.Whisper.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({
database : Whisper.Database,
storeName : 'messages',
initialize: function() {
this.on('change:attachments', this.updateImageUrl);
this.on('destroy', this.revokeImageUrl);
this.on('change:expirationStartTimestamp', this.setToExpire);
this.on('change:expireTimer', this.setToExpire);
this.on('unload', this.revokeImageUrl);
idForLogging: function() {
return this.get('source') + '.' + this.get('sourceDevice') + ' ' + this.get('sent_at');
defaults: function() {
return {
timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
attachments: []
validate: function(attributes, options) {
var required = ['conversationId', 'received_at', 'sent_at'];
var missing = _.filter(required, function(attr) { return !attributes[attr]; });
if (missing.length) {
console.log("Message missing attributes: " + missing);
isEndSession: function() {
var flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION;
return !!(this.get('flags') & flag);
isExpirationTimerUpdate: function() {
var flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE;
return !!(this.get('flags') & flag);
isGroupUpdate: function() {
return !!(this.get('group_update'));
isIncoming: function() {
return this.get('type') === 'incoming';
isUnread: function() {
return !!this.get('unread');
// overriding this to allow for this.unset('unread'), save to db, then fetch()
// to propagate. We don't want the unset key in the db so our unread index stays
// small.
// jscs:disable
fetch: function(options) {
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp) {
model.attributes = {}; // this is the only changed line
if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false;
if (success) success(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
var error = options.error;
options.error = function(resp) {
if (error) error(model, resp, options);
model.trigger('error', model, resp, options);
return this.sync('read', this, options);
// jscs:enable
getDescription: function() {
if (this.isGroupUpdate()) {
var group_update = this.get('group_update');
if (group_update.left) {
return group_update.left + ' left the group.';
var messages = ['Updated the group.'];
if (group_update.name) {
messages.push("Title is now '" + group_update.name + "'.");
if (group_update.joined) {
messages.push(group_update.joined.join(', ') + ' joined the group.');
return messages.join(' ');
if (this.isEndSession()) {
return i18n('sessionEnded');
if (this.isIncoming() && this.hasErrors()) {
return i18n('incomingError');
return this.get('body');
isKeyChange: function() {
return this.get('type') === 'keychange';
getNotificationText: function() {
var description = this.getDescription();
if (description) {
return description;
if (this.get('attachments').length > 0) {
return i18n('mediaMessage');
if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) {
return i18n('timerSetTo',
if (this.isKeyChange()) {
var conversation = this.getModelForKeyChange();
return i18n('keychanged', conversation.getTitle());
return '';
updateImageUrl: function() {
var attachment = this.get('attachments')[0];
if (attachment) {
var blob = new Blob([attachment.data], {
type: attachment.contentType
this.imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
} else {
this.imageUrl = null;
revokeImageUrl: function() {
if (this.imageUrl) {
this.imageUrl = null;
getImageUrl: function() {
if (this.imageUrl === undefined) {
return this.imageUrl;
getConversation: function() {
// This needs to be an unsafe call, because this method is called during
// initial module setup. We may be in the middle of the initial fetch to
// the database.
return ConversationController.getUnsafe(this.get('conversationId'));
getExpirationTimerUpdateSource: function() {
if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) {
var conversationId = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate').source;
return ConversationController.getOrCreate(conversationId, 'private');
getContact: function() {
var conversationId = this.get('source');
if (!this.isIncoming()) {
conversationId = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber();
return ConversationController.getOrCreate(conversationId, 'private');
getModelForKeyChange: function() {
var id = this.get('key_changed');
if (!this.modelForKeyChange) {
var c = ConversationController.getOrCreate(id, 'private');
this.modelForKeyChange = c;
return this.modelForKeyChange;
getModelForVerifiedChange: function() {
var id = this.get('verifiedChanged');
if (!this.modelForVerifiedChange) {
var c = ConversationController.getOrCreate(id, 'private');
this.modelForVerifiedChange = c;
return this.modelForVerifiedChange;
isOutgoing: function() {
return this.get('type') === 'outgoing';
hasErrors: function() {
return _.size(this.get('errors')) > 0;
send: function(promise) {
return promise.then(function(result) {
var now = Date.now();
if (result.dataMessage) {
this.set({dataMessage: result.dataMessage});
this.save({sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: now});
}.bind(this)).catch(function(result) {
var now = Date.now();
if (result.dataMessage) {
this.set({dataMessage: result.dataMessage});
var promises = [];
if (result instanceof Error) {
if (result.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError') {
else if (result.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') {
var c = ConversationController.get(result.number);
} else {
if (result.successfulNumbers.length > 0) {
this.set({sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: now});
promises = promises.concat(_.map(result.errors, function(error) {
if (error.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') {
var c = ConversationController.get(error.number);
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
this.trigger('send-error', this.get('errors'));
someRecipientsFailed: function() {
var c = this.getConversation();
if (!c || c.isPrivate()) {
return false;
var recipients = c.contactCollection.length - 1;
var errors = this.get('errors');
if (!errors) {
return false;
if (errors.length > 0 && recipients > 0 && errors.length < recipients) {
return true;
return false;
sendSyncMessage: function() {
this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise || Promise.resolve();
this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise.then(function() {
var dataMessage = this.get('dataMessage');
if (this.get('synced') || !dataMessage) {
return textsecure.messaging.sendSyncMessage(
dataMessage, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('destination'), this.get('expirationStartTimestamp')
).then(function() {
this.save({synced: true, dataMessage: null});
saveErrors: function(errors) {
if (!(errors instanceof Array)) {
errors = [errors];
errors.forEach(function(e) {
console.log(e.reason, e.stack);
errors = errors.map(function(e) {
if (e.constructor === Error ||
e.constructor === TypeError ||
e.constructor === ReferenceError) {
return _.pick(e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'reason');
return e;
errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []);
return this.save({errors : errors});
hasNetworkError: function(number) {
var error = _.find(this.get('errors'), function(e) {
return (e.name === 'MessageError' ||
e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' ||
e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' ||
e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError');
return !!error;
removeOutgoingErrors: function(number) {
var errors = _.partition(this.get('errors'), function(e) {
return e.number === number &&
(e.name === 'MessageError' ||
e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' ||
e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' ||
e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' ||
e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError');
this.set({errors: errors[1]});
return errors[0][0];
isReplayableError: function(e) {
return (e.name === 'MessageError' ||
e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' ||
e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' ||
e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' ||
e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError');
resend: function(number) {
var error = this.removeOutgoingErrors(number);
if (error) {
var promise = new textsecure.ReplayableError(error).replay();
handleDataMessage: function(dataMessage, confirm, options) {
options = options || {};
_.defaults(options, {initialLoadComplete: true});
// This function is called from the background script in a few scenarios:
// 1. on an incoming message
// 2. on a sent message sync'd from another device
// 3. in rare cases, an incoming message can be retried, though it will
// still through one of the previous two codepaths.
var message = this;
var source = message.get('source');
var type = message.get('type');
var timestamp = message.get('sent_at');
var conversationId = message.get('conversationId');
if (dataMessage.group) {
conversationId = dataMessage.group.id;
console.log('queuing handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging());
var conversation = ConversationController.get(conversationId);
return conversation.queueJob(function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
console.log('starting handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging());
var now = new Date().getTime();
var attributes = { type: 'private' };
if (dataMessage.group) {
var group_update = null;
attributes = {
type: 'group',
groupId: dataMessage.group.id,
if (dataMessage.group.type === textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE) {
attributes = {
type : 'group',
groupId : dataMessage.group.id,
name : dataMessage.group.name,
avatar : dataMessage.group.avatar,
members : _.union(dataMessage.group.members, conversation.get('members')),
group_update = conversation.changedAttributes(_.pick(dataMessage.group, 'name', 'avatar')) || {};
var difference = _.difference(attributes.members, conversation.get('members'));
if (difference.length > 0) {
group_update.joined = difference;
if (conversation.get('left')) {
console.log('re-added to a left group');
attributes.left = false;
else if (dataMessage.group.type === textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.QUIT) {
if (source == textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) {
attributes.left = true;
group_update = { left: "You" };
} else {
group_update = { left: source };
attributes.members = _.without(conversation.get('members'), source);
if (group_update !== null) {
message.set({group_update: group_update});
body : dataMessage.body,
conversationId : conversation.id,
attachments : dataMessage.attachments,
decrypted_at : now,
flags : dataMessage.flags,
errors : []
if (type === 'outgoing') {
var receipts = Whisper.DeliveryReceipts.forMessage(conversation, message);
receipts.forEach(function(receipt) {
delivered: (message.get('delivered') || 0) + 1
attributes.active_at = now;
if (message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) {
expirationTimerUpdate: {
source : source,
expireTimer : dataMessage.expireTimer
conversation.set({expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer});
} else if (dataMessage.expireTimer) {
message.set({expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer});
if (!message.isEndSession() && !message.isGroupUpdate()) {
if (dataMessage.expireTimer) {
if (dataMessage.expireTimer !== conversation.get('expireTimer')) {
dataMessage.expireTimer, source,
} else if (conversation.get('expireTimer')) {
conversation.updateExpirationTimer(null, source,
if (type === 'incoming') {
var readReceipt = Whisper.ReadReceipts.forMessage(message);
if (readReceipt) {
if (message.get('expireTimer') && !message.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) {
message.set('expirationStartTimestamp', readReceipt.get('read_at'));
if (readReceipt || message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) {
// This is primarily to allow the conversation to mark all older messages as
// read, as is done when we receive a read receipt for a message we already
// know about.
} else {
conversation.set('unreadCount', conversation.get('unreadCount') + 1);
var conversation_timestamp = conversation.get('timestamp');
if (!conversation_timestamp || message.get('sent_at') > conversation_timestamp) {
lastMessage : message.getNotificationText(),
timestamp: message.get('sent_at')
console.log('beginning saves in handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging());
var handleError = function(error) {
error = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error;
console.log('handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging(), 'error:', error);
return resolve();
message.save().then(function() {
conversation.save().then(function() {
try {
conversation.trigger('newmessage', message);
catch (e) {
return handleError(e);
// We fetch() here because, between the message.save() above and the previous
// line's trigger() call, we might have marked all messages unread in the
// database. This message might already be read!
var previousUnread = message.get('unread');
message.fetch().then(function() {
try {
if (previousUnread !== message.get('unread')) {
console.log('Caught race condition on new message read state! ' +
'Manually starting timers.');
// We call markRead() even though the message is already marked read
// because we need to start expiration timers, etc.
if (message.get('unread') && options.initialLoadComplete) {
console.log('done with handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging());
return resolve();
catch (e) {
}, function(error) {
try {
console.log('handleDataMessage: Message', message.idForLogging(), 'was deleted');
return resolve();
catch (e) {
}, handleError);
}, handleError);
markRead: function(read_at) {
if (this.get('expireTimer') && !this.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) {
this.set('expirationStartTimestamp', read_at || Date.now());
messageId: this.id
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this.save().then(resolve, reject);
isExpiring: function() {
return this.get('expireTimer') && this.get('expirationStartTimestamp');
isExpired: function() {
return this.msTilExpire() <= 0;
msTilExpire: function() {
if (!this.isExpiring()) {
return Infinity;
var now = Date.now();
var start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp');
var delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000;
var ms_from_now = start + delta - now;
if (ms_from_now < 0) {
ms_from_now = 0;
return ms_from_now;
setToExpire: function() {
if (this.isExpiring() && !this.get('expires_at')) {
var start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp');
var delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000;
var expires_at = start + delta;
// This method can be called due to the expiration-related .set() calls in
// handleDataMessage(), but the .save() here would conflict with the
// same call at the end of handleDataMessage(). So we only call .save()
// here if we've previously saved this model.
if (!this.isNew()) {
this.save('expires_at', expires_at);
console.log('message', this.get('sent_at'), 'expires at', expires_at);
Whisper.MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : Message,
database : Whisper.Database,
storeName : 'messages',
comparator : function(left, right) {
if (left.get('received_at') === right.get('received_at')) {
return (left.get('sent_at') || 0) - (right.get('sent_at') || 0);
return (left.get('received_at') || 0) - (right.get('received_at') || 0);
initialize : function(models, options) {
if (options) {
this.conversation = options.conversation;
destroyAll : function () {
return Promise.all(this.models.map(function(m) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fetchSentAt: function(timestamp) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
return this.fetch({
index: {
// 'receipt' index on sent_at
name: 'receipt',
only: timestamp
getLoadedUnreadCount: function() {
return this.reduce(function(total, model) {
var unread = model.get('unread') && model.isIncoming();
return total + (unread ? 1 : 0);
}, 0);
fetchConversation: function(conversationId, limit, unreadCount) {
if (typeof limit !== 'number') {
limit = 100;
if (typeof unreadCount !== 'number') {
unreadCount = 0;
var startingLoadedUnread = 0;
if (unreadCount > 0) {
startingLoadedUnread = this.getLoadedUnreadCount();
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var upper;
if (this.length === 0) {
// fetch the most recent messages first
upper = Number.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// not our first rodeo, fetch older messages.
upper = this.at(0).get('received_at');
var options = {remove: false, limit: limit};
options.index = {
// 'conversation' index on [conversationId, received_at]
name : 'conversation',
lower : [conversationId],
upper : [conversationId, upper],
order : 'desc'
// SELECT messages WHERE conversationId = this.id ORDER
// received_at DESC
}.bind(this)).then(function() {
if (unreadCount > 0) {
var loadedUnread = this.getLoadedUnreadCount();
if (loadedUnread >= unreadCount) {
if (startingLoadedUnread === loadedUnread) {
// that fetch didn't get us any more unread. stop fetching more.
console.log('fetchConversation: doing another fetch to get all unread');
return this.fetchConversation(conversationId, limit, unreadCount);
fetchNextExpiring: function() {
this.fetch({ index: { name: 'expires_at' }, limit: 1 });
fetchExpired: function() {
console.log('loading expired messages');
conditions: { expires_at: { $lte: Date.now() } },
addIndividually: true