If the key has changed, saveIdentity will archive sibling sessions, but not the session for the device it was called on. Therefore we have to archive that one by hand. Also switch from saving the identity of an OutgoingIdentityKeyError to just triggering a profile fetch, mostly for consistency, simplicity, and DRYness. // FREEBIE
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(function () {
'use strict';
window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {};
// TODO: Factor out private and group subclasses of Conversation
var COLORS = [
Whisper.Conversation = Backbone.Model.extend({
database: Whisper.Database,
storeName: 'conversations',
defaults: function() {
return { unreadCount : 0 };
handleMessageError: function(message, errors) {
this.trigger('messageError', message, errors);
initialize: function() {
this.ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber();
this.verifiedEnum = textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus;
this.contactCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
this.messageCollection = new Whisper.MessageCollection([], {
conversation: this
this.messageCollection.on('change:errors', this.handleMessageError, this);
this.messageCollection.on('send-error', this.onMessageError, this);
this.on('change:avatar', this.updateAvatarUrl);
this.on('destroy', this.revokeAvatarUrl);
isMe: function() {
return this.id === this.ourNumber;
onMessageError: function() {
updateVerified: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return Promise.all([
// new Promise necessary because a fetch will fail if convo not in db yet
new Promise(function(resolve) { this.fetch().always(resolve); }.bind(this))
]).then(function(results) {
var trust = results[0];
// we don't return here because we don't need to wait for this to finish
this.save({verified: trust});
} else {
return this.fetchContacts().then(function() {
return Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map(function(contact) {
if (!contact.isMe()) {
return contact.updateVerified();
setVerifiedDefault: function(options) {
var DEFAULT = this.verifiedEnum.DEFAULT;
return this._setVerified(DEFAULT, options);
setVerified: function(options) {
var VERIFIED = this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED;
return this._setVerified(VERIFIED, options);
_setVerified: function(verified, options) {
options = options || {};
_.defaults(options, {viaSyncMessage: false, key: null});
var VERIFIED = this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED;
if (!this.isPrivate()) {
throw new Error('You cannot verify a group conversation. ' +
'You must verify individual contacts.');
var promise;
if (options.viaSyncMessage) {
// handle the incoming key from the sync messages - need different
// behavior if that key doesn't match the current key
promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.processVerifiedMessage(
this.id, verified, options.key
} else {
promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.setVerified(
this.id, verified
return promise.then(function() {
return this.save({verified: verified});
}.bind(this)).then(function() {
this.addVerifiedChange(this.id, verified === VERIFIED, {local: !options.viaSyncMessage});
if (!options.viaSyncMessage) {
return this.sendVerifySyncMessage(this.id, verified);
sendVerifySyncMessage: function(number, state) {
textsecure.storage.protocol.loadIdentityKey(number).then(function(key) {
return textsecure.messaging.syncVerification(number, state, key);
isVerified: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return this.get('verified') === this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED;
} else {
if (!this.contactCollection.length) {
return false;
return this.contactCollection.every(function(contact) {
if (contact.isMe()) {
return true;
} else {
return contact.isVerified();
isUnverified: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
var verified = this.get('verified');
return verified !== this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED && verified !== this.verifiedEnum.DEFAULT;
} else {
if (!this.contactCollection.length) {
return true;
return this.contactCollection.any(function(contact) {
if (contact.isMe()) {
return false;
} else {
return contact.isUnverified();
getUnverified: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return this.isUnverified() ? new Backbone.Collection([this]) : new Backbone.Collection();
} else {
return new Backbone.Collection(this.contactCollection.filter(function(contact) {
if (contact.isMe()) {
return false;
} else {
return contact.isUnverified();
isUntrusted: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return textsecure.storage.protocol.isUntrusted(this.id);
} else {
if (!this.contactCollection.length) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map(function(contact) {
if (contact.isMe()) {
return false;
} else {
return contact.isUntrusted();
}.bind(this))).then(function(results) {
return _.any(results, function(result) {
return result;
getUntrusted: function() {
// This is a bit ugly because isUntrusted() is async. Could do the work to cache
// it locally, but we really only need it for this call.
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return this.isUntrusted().then(function(untrusted) {
if (untrusted) {
return new Backbone.Collection([this]);
return new Backbone.Collection();
} else {
return Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map(function(contact) {
if (contact.isMe()) {
return [false, contact];
} else {
return Promise.all([this.isUntrusted(), contact]);
}.bind(this))).then(function(results) {
results = _.filter(results, function(result) {
var untrusted = result[0];
return untrusted;
return new Backbone.Collection(_.map(results, function(result) {
var contact = result[1];
return contact;
onMemberVerifiedChange: function() {
// If the verified state of a member changes, our aggregate state changes.
// We trigger both events to replicate the behavior of Backbone.Model.set()
toggleVerified: function() {
if (this.isVerified()) {
return this.setVerifiedDefault();
} else {
return this.setVerified();
addKeyChange: function(id) {
console.log('adding key change advisory for', this.id, id, this.get('timestamp'));
var timestamp = Date.now();
var message = new Whisper.Message({
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'keychange',
sent_at : this.get('timestamp'),
received_at : timestamp,
key_changed : id,
unread : 1
message.save().then(this.trigger.bind(this,'newmessage', message));
addVerifiedChange: function(id, verified, options) {
options = options || {};
_.defaults(options, {local: true});
console.log('adding verified change advisory for', this.id, id, this.get('timestamp'));
var timestamp = Date.now();
var message = new Whisper.Message({
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'verified-change',
sent_at : this.get('timestamp'),
received_at : timestamp,
verifiedChanged : id,
verified : verified,
local : options.local,
unread : 1
message.save().then(this.trigger.bind(this,'newmessage', message));
if (this.isPrivate()) {
var groups = ConversationController.getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id);
_.forEach(groups, function(group) {
group.addVerifiedChange(id, verified);
onReadMessage: function(message) {
if (this.messageCollection.get(message.id)) {
// We mark as read everything older than this message - to clean up old stuff
// still marked unread in the database. If the user generally doesn't read in
// the desktop app, so the desktop app only gets read receipts, we can very
// easily end up with messages never marked as read (our previous early read
// receipt handling, read receipts never sent because app was offline)
// We queue it because we often get a whole lot of read receipts at once, and
// their markRead calls could very easily overlap given the async pull from DB.
// Lastly, we don't send read receipts for any message marked read due to a read
// receipt. That's a notification explosion we don't need.
this.queueJob(function() {
return this.markRead(message.get('received_at'), {sendReadReceipts: false});
getUnread: function() {
var conversationId = this.id;
var unreadMessages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
return unreadMessages.fetch({
index: {
// 'unread' index
name : 'unread',
lower : [conversationId],
upper : [conversationId, Number.MAX_VALUE],
}).always(function() {
validate: function(attributes, options) {
var required = ['id', 'type'];
var missing = _.filter(required, function(attr) { return !attributes[attr]; });
if (missing.length) { return "Conversation must have " + missing; }
if (attributes.type !== 'private' && attributes.type !== 'group') {
return "Invalid conversation type: " + attributes.type;
var error = this.validateNumber();
if (error) { return error; }
validateNumber: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
var regionCode = storage.get('regionCode');
var number = libphonenumber.util.parseNumber(this.id, regionCode);
if (number.isValidNumber) {
this.set({ id: number.e164 });
} else {
return number.error || "Invalid phone number";
updateTokens: function() {
var tokens = [];
var name = this.get('name');
if (typeof name === 'string') {
tokens = tokens.concat(name.trim().toLowerCase().split(/[\s\-_\(\)\+]+/));
if (this.isPrivate()) {
var regionCode = storage.get('regionCode');
var number = libphonenumber.util.parseNumber(this.id, regionCode);
number.countryCode + number.nationalNumber
this.set({tokens: tokens});
queueJob: function(callback) {
var previous = this.pending || Promise.resolve();
var current = this.pending = previous.then(callback, callback);
current.then(function() {
if (this.pending === current) {
delete this.pending;
return current;
sendMessage: function(body, attachments) {
this.queueJob(function() {
var now = Date.now();
var message = this.messageCollection.add({
body : body,
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'outgoing',
attachments : attachments,
sent_at : now,
received_at : now,
expireTimer : this.get('expireTimer')
if (this.isPrivate()) {
message.set({destination: this.id});
active_at : now,
timestamp : now,
lastMessage : message.getNotificationText()
var sendFunc;
if (this.get('type') == 'private') {
sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToNumber;
else {
sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToGroup;
message.send(sendFunc(this.get('id'), body, attachments, now, this.get('expireTimer')));
updateLastMessage: function() {
var collection = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
return collection.fetchConversation(this.id, 1).then(function() {
var lastMessage = collection.at(0);
if (lastMessage) {
if (lastMessage.get('type') === 'verified-change') {
lastMessage : lastMessage.getNotificationText(),
timestamp : lastMessage.get('sent_at')
} else {
this.set({ lastMessage: '', timestamp: null });
if (this.hasChanged('lastMessage') || this.hasChanged('timestamp')) {
updateExpirationTimer: function(expireTimer, source, received_at) {
if (!expireTimer) { expireTimer = null; }
source = source || textsecure.storage.user.getNumber();
var timestamp = received_at || Date.now();
this.save({ expireTimer: expireTimer });
var message = this.messageCollection.add({
conversationId : this.id,
type : received_at ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing',
sent_at : timestamp,
received_at : timestamp,
flags : textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE,
expirationTimerUpdate : {
expireTimer : expireTimer,
source : source
if (this.isPrivate()) {
message.set({destination: this.id});
if (message.isOutgoing()) { // outgoing update, send it to the number/group
var sendFunc;
if (this.get('type') == 'private') {
sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToNumber;
else {
sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToGroup;
message.send(sendFunc(this.get('id'), this.get('expireTimer'), message.get('sent_at')));
return message;
isSearchable: function() {
return !this.get('left') || !!this.get('lastMessage');
endSession: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
var now = Date.now();
var message = this.messageCollection.create({
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'outgoing',
sent_at : now,
received_at : now,
destination : this.id,
flags : textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION
message.send(textsecure.messaging.closeSession(this.id, now));
updateGroup: function(group_update) {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
throw new Error("Called update group on private conversation");
if (group_update === undefined) {
group_update = this.pick(['name', 'avatar', 'members']);
var now = Date.now();
var message = this.messageCollection.create({
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'outgoing',
sent_at : now,
received_at : now,
group_update : group_update
leaveGroup: function() {
var now = Date.now();
if (this.get('type') === 'group') {
this.save({left: true});
var message = this.messageCollection.create({
group_update: { left: 'You' },
conversationId : this.id,
type : 'outgoing',
sent_at : now,
received_at : now
markRead: function(newestUnreadDate, options) {
options = options || {};
_.defaults(options, {sendReadReceipts: true});
var conversationId = this.id;
conversationId: conversationId
return this.getUnread().then(function(unreadMessages) {
var oldUnread = unreadMessages.filter(function(message) {
return message.get('received_at') <= newestUnreadDate;
var read = _.map(oldUnread, function(m) {
if (this.messageCollection.get(m.id)) {
m = this.messageCollection.get(m.id);
} else {
console.log('Marked a message as read in the database, but ' +
'it was not in messageCollection.');
return {
sender : m.get('source'),
timestamp : m.get('sent_at')
// Some messages we're marking read are local notifications with no sender
read = _.filter(read, function(m) {
return Boolean(m.sender);
unreadMessages = unreadMessages.filter(function(m) {
return Boolean(m.isIncoming());
var unreadCount = unreadMessages.length - read.length;
this.save({ unreadCount: unreadCount });
if (read.length && options.sendReadReceipts) {
console.log('Sending', read.length, 'read receipts');
getProfiles: function() {
// request all conversation members' keys
var ids = [];
if (this.isPrivate()) {
ids = [this.id];
} else {
ids = this.get('members');
return Promise.all(_.map(ids, this.getProfile));
getProfile: function(id) {
return textsecure.messaging.getProfile(id).then(function(profile) {
var identityKey = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(profile.identityKey, 'base64').toArrayBuffer();
return textsecure.storage.protocol.saveIdentity(
id + '.1', identityKey, false
).then(function(changed) {
if (changed) {
// save identity will close all sessions except for .1, so we
// must close that one manually.
var address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(id, 1);
console.log('closing session for', address.toString());
var sessionCipher = new libsignal.SessionCipher(textsecure.storage.protocol, address);
return sessionCipher.closeOpenSessionForDevice();
fetchMessages: function() {
if (!this.id) { return false; }
return this.messageCollection.fetchConversation(this.id, null, this.get('unreadCount'));
hasMember: function(number) {
return _.contains(this.get('members'), number);
fetchContacts: function(options) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
} else {
var promises = [];
var members = this.get('members') || [];
members.map(function(number) {
var c = ConversationController.create({
id : number,
type : 'private'
this.listenTo(c, 'change:verified', this.onMemberVerifiedChange);
// new Promise necessary because a fetch will fail if convo not in db yet
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve) {
return c;
destroyMessages: function() {
index: {
// 'conversation' index on [conversationId, received_at]
name : 'conversation',
lower : [this.id],
upper : [this.id, Number.MAX_VALUE],
}).then(function() {
var models = this.messageCollection.models;
_.each(models, function(message) { message.destroy(); });
this.save({lastMessage: null, timestamp: null}); // archive
getName: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return this.get('name');
} else {
return this.get('name') || 'Unknown group';
getTitle: function() {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
return this.get('name') || this.getNumber();
} else {
return this.get('name') || 'Unknown group';
getNumber: function() {
if (!this.isPrivate()) {
return '';
var number = this.id;
try {
var parsedNumber = libphonenumber.parse(number);
var regionCode = libphonenumber.getRegionCodeForNumber(parsedNumber);
if (regionCode === storage.get('regionCode')) {
return libphonenumber.format(parsedNumber, libphonenumber.PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);
} else {
return libphonenumber.format(parsedNumber, libphonenumber.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL);
} catch (e) {
return number;
isPrivate: function() {
return this.get('type') === 'private';
revokeAvatarUrl: function() {
if (this.avatarUrl) {
this.avatarUrl = null;
updateAvatarUrl: function(silent) {
var avatar = this.get('avatar');
if (avatar) {
this.avatarUrl = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([avatar.data], {type: avatar.contentType})
} else {
this.avatarUrl = null;
if (!silent) {
getColor: function() {
var title = this.get('name');
var color = this.get('color');
if (!color) {
if (this.isPrivate()) {
if (title) {
color = COLORS[Math.abs(this.hashCode()) % 15];
} else {
color = 'grey';
} else {
color = 'default';
return color;
getAvatar: function() {
if (this.avatarUrl === undefined) {
var title = this.get('name');
var color = this.getColor();
if (this.avatarUrl) {
return { url: this.avatarUrl, color: color };
} else if (this.isPrivate()) {
return {
color: color,
content: title ? title.trim()[0] : '#'
} else {
return { url: '/images/group_default.png', color: color };
getNotificationIcon: function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var avatar = this.getAvatar();
if (avatar.url) {
} else {
resolve(new Whisper.IdenticonSVGView(avatar).getDataUrl());
notify: function(message) {
if (!message.isIncoming()) {
if (window.isOpen() && window.isFocused()) {
var sender = ConversationController.create({
id: message.get('source'), type: 'private'
var conversationId = this.id;
sender.fetch().then(function() {
sender.getNotificationIcon().then(function(iconUrl) {
console.log('adding notification');
title : sender.getTitle(),
message : message.getNotificationText(),
iconUrl : iconUrl,
imageUrl : message.getImageUrl(),
conversationId : conversationId,
messageId : message.id
hashCode: function() {
if (this.hash === undefined) {
var string = this.getTitle() || '';
if (string.length === 0) {
return 0;
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash) + string.charCodeAt(i);
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
this.hash = hash;
return this.hash;
Whisper.ConversationCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
database: Whisper.Database,
storeName: 'conversations',
model: Whisper.Conversation,
comparator: function(m) {
return -m.get('timestamp');
destroyAll: function () {
return Promise.all(this.models.map(function(m) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
search: function(query) {
query = query.trim().toLowerCase();
if (query.length > 0) {
query = query.replace(/[-.\(\)]*/g,'').replace(/^\+(\d*)$/, '$1');
var lastCharCode = query.charCodeAt(query.length - 1);
var nextChar = String.fromCharCode(lastCharCode + 1);
var upper = query.slice(0, -1) + nextChar;
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
index: {
name: 'search', // 'search' index on tokens array
lower: query,
upper: upper,
excludeUpper: true
fetchAlphabetical: function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
index: {
name: 'search', // 'search' index on tokens array
limit: 100
fetchGroups: function(number) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
index: {
name: 'group',
only: number
fetchActive: function() {
// Ensures all active conversations are included in this collection,
// and updates their attributes, but removes nothing.
return this.fetch({
index: {
name: 'inbox', // 'inbox' index on active_at
order: 'desc' // ORDER timestamp DESC
// TODO pagination/infinite scroll
// limit: 10, offset: page*10,
remove: false
Whisper.Conversation.COLORS = COLORS.concat(['grey', 'default']).join(' ');
// Special collection for fetching all the groups a certain number appears in
Whisper.GroupCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
database: Whisper.Database,
storeName: 'conversations',
model: Whisper.Conversation,
fetchGroups: function(number) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
index: {
name: 'group',
only: number