433 lines
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433 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import createDebug from 'debug';
import {
type Device,
type Group,
type Proto,
} from '@signalapp/mock-server';
import { assert } from 'chai';
import Long from 'long';
import type { Locator, Page } from 'playwright';
import { expect } from 'playwright/test';
import type { SignalService } from '../protobuf';
import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert';
const debug = createDebug('mock:test:helpers');
export function bufferToUuid(buffer: Buffer): string {
const hex = buffer.toString('hex');
return [
hex.substring(0, 8),
hex.substring(8, 12),
hex.substring(12, 16),
hex.substring(16, 20),
export async function typeIntoInput(
input: Locator,
text: string
): Promise<void> {
let currentValue = '';
let isInputElement = true;
try {
currentValue = await input.inputValue();
} catch (e) {
isInputElement = false;
// if input is actually not an input (e.g. contenteditable)
currentValue = (await input.textContent()) ?? '';
const newValue = `${currentValue}${text}`;
await input.fill(newValue);
// Wait to ensure that the input (and react state controlling it) has actually
// updated with the right value
if (isInputElement) {
await expect(input).toHaveValue(newValue);
} else {
await input.locator(`:text("${newValue}")`).waitFor();
export async function expectItemsWithText(
items: Locator,
expected: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp>
): Promise<void> {
// Wait for each message to appear in case they're not all there yet
for (const [index, message] of expected.entries()) {
const nth = items.nth(index);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await nth.waitFor();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const text = await nth.innerText();
const log = `Expect item at index ${index} to match`;
if (typeof message === 'string') {
assert.strictEqual(text, message, log);
} else {
assert.match(text, message, log);
const innerTexts = await items.allInnerTexts();
`Expect correct number of items\nActual:\n${innerTexts
.map(text => ` - "${text}"\n`)
.map(text => ` - ${text.toString()}\n`)
export async function expectSystemMessages(
context: Page | Locator,
expected: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp>
): Promise<void> {
await expectItemsWithText(
function getDevice(author: PrimaryDevice | Device): Device {
return author instanceof PrimaryDevice ? author.device : author;
type GroupInfo = {
group: Group;
members: Array<PrimaryDevice>;
function maybeWrapInSyncMessage({
}: {
isSync: boolean;
to: PrimaryDevice | Device;
sentTo?: Array<PrimaryDevice | Device>;
dataMessage: Proto.IDataMessage;
}): Proto.IContent {
return isSync
? {
syncMessage: {
sent: {
destinationServiceId: getDevice(to).aci,
message: dataMessage,
timestamp: dataMessage.timestamp,
unidentifiedStatus: (sentTo ?? [to]).map(contact => ({
destinationServiceId: getDevice(contact).aci,
destination: getDevice(contact).number,
: { dataMessage };
function isToGroup(to: Device | PrimaryDevice | GroupInfo): to is GroupInfo {
return 'group' in to;
export function sendTextMessage({
timestamp = Date.now(),
}: {
from: PrimaryDevice;
to: PrimaryDevice | Device | GroupInfo;
text: string;
attachments?: Array<Proto.IAttachmentPointer>;
desktop: Device;
timestamp?: number;
}): Promise<void> {
const isSync = from.secondaryDevices.includes(desktop);
const toDevice = isSync || isToGroup(to) ? desktop : getDevice(to);
const groupInfo = isToGroup(to) ? to : undefined;
return from.sendRaw(
to: to as PrimaryDevice,
dataMessage: {
body: text,
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp),
groupV2: groupInfo
? {
masterKey: groupInfo.group.masterKey,
revision: groupInfo.group.revision,
: undefined,
sentTo: groupInfo ? groupInfo.members : [to as PrimaryDevice | Device],
{ timestamp }
export function sendReaction({
emoji = '👍',
reactionTimestamp = Date.now(),
}: {
from: PrimaryDevice;
to: PrimaryDevice | Device;
targetAuthor: PrimaryDevice | Device;
targetMessageTimestamp: number;
emoji: string;
reactionTimestamp?: number;
desktop: Device;
}): Promise<void> {
const isSync = from.secondaryDevices.includes(desktop);
return from.sendRaw(
isSync ? desktop : getDevice(to),
dataMessage: {
timestamp: Long.fromNumber(reactionTimestamp),
reaction: {
targetAuthorAci: getDevice(targetAuthor).aci,
targetTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(targetMessageTimestamp),
timestamp: reactionTimestamp,
async function getStorageState(phone: PrimaryDevice) {
return (await phone.getStorageState()) ?? StorageState.getEmpty();
export async function createGroup(
phone: PrimaryDevice,
otherMembers: Array<PrimaryDevice>,
groupTitle: string
): Promise<Group> {
const group = await phone.createGroup({
title: groupTitle,
members: [phone, ...otherMembers],
let state = await getStorageState(phone);
state = state
.addGroup(group, {
whitelisted: true,
// Finally whitelist and pin contacts
for (const member of otherMembers) {
state = state.addContact(member, {
whitelisted: true,
serviceE164: member.device.number,
identityKey: member.publicKey.serialize(),
profileKey: member.profileKey.serialize(),
givenName: member.profileName,
await phone.setStorageState(state);
return group;
export async function clickOnConversationWithAci(
page: Page,
aci: string
): Promise<void> {
const leftPane = page.locator('#LeftPane');
await leftPane.getByTestId(aci).click();
export async function clickOnConversation(
page: Page,
contact: PrimaryDevice
): Promise<void> {
await clickOnConversationWithAci(page, contact.device.aci);
export async function pinContact(
phone: PrimaryDevice,
contact: PrimaryDevice
): Promise<void> {
const state = await getStorageState(phone);
await phone.setStorageState(state);
export function acceptConversation(page: Page): Promise<void> {
return page
.locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Accept"')
export function getTimeline(page: Page): Locator {
return page.locator('.module-timeline__messages__container');
export function getMessageInTimelineByTimestamp(
page: Page,
timestamp: number
): Locator {
return getTimeline(page).getByTestId(`${timestamp}`);
export function getTimelineMessageWithText(page: Page, text: string): Locator {
return getTimeline(page).locator('.module-message').filter({ hasText: text });
export async function composerAttachImages(
page: Page,
filePaths: ReadonlyArray<string>
): Promise<void> {
const AttachmentInput = page.getByTestId('attachfile-input');
const AttachmentsList = page.locator('.module-attachments');
const AttachmentsListImage = AttachmentsList.locator('.module-image');
const AttachmentsListImageLoaded = AttachmentsListImage.locator(
debug('setting input files');
await AttachmentInput.setInputFiles(filePaths);
debug(`waiting for ${filePaths.length} items`);
await AttachmentsListImage.nth(filePaths.length - 1).waitFor();
await Promise.all(
filePaths.map(async (_, index) => {
debug(`waiting for ${index} image to render in attachments list`);
await AttachmentsListImageLoaded.nth(index).waitFor({
state: 'visible',
export async function sendMessageWithAttachments(
page: Page,
receiver: PrimaryDevice,
text: string,
filePaths: Array<string>
): Promise<Array<SignalService.IAttachmentPointer>> {
await composerAttachImages(page, filePaths);
debug('sending message');
const input = await waitForEnabledComposer(page);
await typeIntoInput(input, text);
await input.press('Enter');
const Message = getTimelineMessageWithText(page, text);
const MessageImageLoaded = Message.locator('.module-image__image');
await Message.waitFor();
await Promise.all(
filePaths.map(async (_, index) => {
debug(`waiting for ${index} image to render in timeline`);
await MessageImageLoaded.nth(index).waitFor({
state: 'visible',
debug('get received message data');
const receivedMessage = await receiver.waitForMessage();
const attachments = receivedMessage.dataMessage.attachments ?? [];
attachments.length === filePaths.length,
'attachments must exist'
return attachments;
export async function waitForEnabledComposer(page: Page): Promise<Locator> {
const composeArea = page.locator(
'.composition-area-wrapper, .Inbox__conversation .ConversationView'
const composeContainer = composeArea.locator(
await composeContainer.waitFor();
return composeContainer.locator('.ql-editor');
export async function createCallLink(
page: Page,
isAdminApprovalRequired = undefined,
}: { name: string; isAdminApprovalRequired?: boolean | undefined }
): Promise<string | undefined> {
await page.locator('[data-testid="NavTabsItem--Calls"]').click();
await page.locator('.NavSidebar__HeaderTitle').getByText('Calls').waitFor();
await page
.getByText('Create a Call Link')
const editModal = page.locator('.CallLinkEditModal');
await editModal.waitFor();
if (isAdminApprovalRequired !== undefined) {
const restrictionsInput = editModal.getByLabel('Require admin approval');
if (isAdminApprovalRequired) {
await expect(restrictionsInput).toHaveJSProperty('value', '0');
await restrictionsInput.selectOption({ label: 'On' });
await expect(restrictionsInput).toHaveJSProperty('value', '1');
} else {
await expect(restrictionsInput).toHaveJSProperty('value', '0');
await editModal.locator('button', { hasText: 'Add call name' }).click();
const addNameModal = page.locator('.CallLinkAddNameModal');
await addNameModal.waitFor();
const nameInput = addNameModal.getByLabel('Call name');
await nameInput.fill(name);
const saveBtn = addNameModal.getByText('Save');
await saveBtn.click();
await editModal.waitFor();
const doneBtn = editModal.getByText('Done');
await doneBtn.click();
const callLinkTitle = await page
const callLinkItem = await page.locator('.CallsList__Item', {
has: callLinkTitle,
const testId = await callLinkItem.getAttribute('data-testid');
return testId || undefined;