179 lines
4.9 KiB
179 lines
4.9 KiB
/* global require, process, _ */
/* eslint-disable strict */
const electron = require('electron');
const Typo = require('typo-js');
const fs = require('fs');
const osLocale = require('os-locale');
const path = require('path');
const { remote, webFrame } = electron;
// `remote.require` since `Menu` is a main-process module.
const buildEditorContextMenu = remote.require('electron-editor-context-menu');
const EN_VARIANT = /^en/;
// Prevent the spellchecker from showing contractions as errors.
function setupLinux(locale) {
if (process.env.HUNSPELL_DICTIONARIES || locale !== 'en_US') {
// apt-get install hunspell-<locale> can be run for easy access
// to other dictionaries
const location = process.env.HUNSPELL_DICTIONARIES || '/usr/share/hunspell';
const affDataPath = path.join(location, `${locale}.aff`);
const dicDataPath = path.join(location, `${locale}.dic`);
'Detected Linux. Setting up spell check with locale',
'and dictionary location',
if (fs.existsSync(affDataPath) && fs.existsSync(dicDataPath)) {
const affData = fs.readFileSync(affDataPath, 'utf-8');
const dicData = fs.readFileSync(dicDataPath, 'utf-8');
return new Typo(locale, affData, dicData);
`Could not find one of ${affDataPath} or ${dicDataPath} on filesystem`
window.log.info('Detected Linux. Using default en_US spell check dictionary');
return new Typo(locale);
// We load locale this way and not via app.getLocale() because this call returns
// 'es_ES' and not just 'es.' And hunspell requires the fully-qualified locale.
const locale = osLocale.sync().replace('-', '_');
// The LANG environment variable is how node spellchecker finds its default language:
// https://github.com/atom/node-spellchecker/blob/59d2d5eee5785c4b34e9669cd5d987181d17c098/lib/spellchecker.js#L29
if (!process.env.LANG) {
process.env.LANG = locale;
let spellchecker = null;
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
spellchecker = setupLinux(locale);
} else {
spellchecker = new Typo(locale);
// OSX and Windows 8+ have OS-level spellcheck APIs
'Using OS-level spell check API with locale',
const simpleChecker = {
spellCheck(words, callback) {
const mispelled = words.filter(word => this.isMisspelled(word));
isMisspelled(word) {
const misspelled = !spellchecker.check(word);
// The idea is to make this as fast as possible. For the many, many calls which
// don't result in the red squiggly, we minimize the number of checks.
if (!misspelled) {
return false;
// Only if we think we've found an error do we check the locale and skip list.
if (locale.match(EN_VARIANT) && _.contains(ENGLISH_SKIP_WORDS, word)) {
return false;
return true;
getSuggestions(text) {
return spellchecker.suggest(text);
add() {},
const dummyChecker = {
spellCheck(words, callback) {
isMisspelled() {
return false;
getSuggestions() {
return [];
add() {
// nothing
window.spellChecker = simpleChecker;
window.disableSpellCheck = () => {
window.removeEventListener('contextmenu', spellCheckHandler);
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', defaultContextMenuHandler);
webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider('en-US', dummyChecker);
window.enableSpellCheck = () => {
webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider('en-US', simpleChecker);
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', spellCheckHandler);
window.removeEventListener('contextmenu', defaultContextMenuHandler);
const defaultContextMenuHandler = () => {
const menu = buildEditorContextMenu({});
// @see js/spell_check.js:183
setTimeout(() => {
}, 30);
const spellCheckHandler = e => {
// Only show the context menu in text editors.
if (!e.target.closest('textarea, input, [contenteditable="true"]')) {
const selectedText = window.getSelection().toString();
const isMisspelled = selectedText && simpleChecker.isMisspelled(selectedText);
const spellingSuggestions =
isMisspelled && simpleChecker.getSuggestions(selectedText).slice(0, 5);
const menu = buildEditorContextMenu({
// The 'contextmenu' event is emitted after 'selectionchange' has fired
// but possibly before the visible selection has changed. Try to wait
// to show the menu until after that, otherwise the visible selection
// will update after the menu dismisses and look weird.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 30);