// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // The list of permissions is here: // https://electronjs.org/docs/api/session#sessetpermissionrequesthandlerhandler import type { session as ElectronSession, Session } from 'electron'; import type { ConfigType } from './base_config'; const PERMISSIONS: Record<string, boolean> = { // Allowed fullscreen: true, // required to show videos in full-screen notifications: true, // required to show OS notifications for new messages 'clipboard-sanitized-write': true, // required to copy text into clipboard // Off by default, can be enabled by user media: false, // required for access to microphone and camera, used for voice notes and calling // Not allowed geolocation: false, midiSysex: false, openExternal: false, // we don't need this; we open links via 'will-navigate' event pointerLock: false, }; function _createPermissionHandler( userConfig: Pick<ConfigType, 'get'> ): Parameters<typeof ElectronSession.prototype.setPermissionRequestHandler>[0] { return (_webContents, permission, callback, details): void => { // We default 'media' permission to false, but the user can override that for // the microphone and camera. if (permission === 'media') { // Pacifying typescript because it is always there for 'media' permission if (!('mediaTypes' in details)) { callback(false); return; } if ( details.mediaTypes?.includes('audio') || details.mediaTypes?.includes('video') ) { if ( details.mediaTypes?.includes('audio') && userConfig.get('mediaPermissions') ) { callback(true); return; } if ( details.mediaTypes?.includes('video') && userConfig.get('mediaCameraPermissions') ) { callback(true); return; } callback(false); return; } // If it doesn't have 'video' or 'audio', it's probably screenshare. // TODO: DESKTOP-1611 callback(true); return; } if (PERMISSIONS[permission]) { console.log(`Approving request for permission '${permission}'`); callback(true); return; } console.log(`Denying request for permission '${permission}'`); callback(false); }; } export function installPermissionsHandler({ session, userConfig, }: { session: Session; userConfig: Pick<ConfigType, 'get'>; }): void { // Setting the permission request handler to null first forces any permissions to be // requested again. Without this, revoked permissions might still be available if // they've already been used successfully. session.setPermissionRequestHandler(null); session.setPermissionRequestHandler(_createPermissionHandler(userConfig)); }