// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions, getTextAndMentionsFromOps, getDeltaToRestartMention, } from '../../quill/util'; describe('getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions', () => { const memberUuids = ['abcdef', 'ghijkl']; describe('given text', () => { it('retains the text', () => { const originalOps = [ { insert: 'whoa, nobody here', }, ]; const { ops } = getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions(originalOps, memberUuids); assert.deepEqual(ops, [{ retain: 17 }]); }); }); describe('given stale and valid mentions', () => { it('retains the valid and replaces the stale', () => { const originalOps = [ { insert: { mention: { uuid: '12345', title: 'Klaus' }, }, }, { insert: { mention: { uuid: 'abcdef', title: 'Werner' } } }, ]; const { ops } = getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions(originalOps, memberUuids); assert.deepEqual(ops, [ { delete: 1 }, { insert: '@Klaus' }, { retain: 1 }, ]); }); }); describe('given emoji embeds', () => { it('retains the embeds', () => { const originalOps = [ { insert: { emoji: '😂', }, }, { insert: { emoji: '🍋', }, }, ]; const { ops } = getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions(originalOps, memberUuids); assert.deepEqual(ops, [{ retain: 1 }, { retain: 1 }]); }); }); describe('given other ops', () => { it('passes them through', () => { const originalOps = [ { delete: 5, }, ]; const { ops } = getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions(originalOps, memberUuids); assert.deepEqual(ops, originalOps); }); }); }); describe('getTextAndMentionsFromOps', () => { describe('given only text', () => { it('returns only text trimmed', () => { const ops = [{ insert: ' The ' }, { insert: ' text ' }]; const [resultText, resultMentions] = getTextAndMentionsFromOps(ops); assert.equal(resultText, 'The text'); assert.equal(resultMentions.length, 0); }); }); describe('given text, emoji, and mentions', () => { it('returns the trimmed text with placeholders and mentions', () => { const ops = [ { insert: { emoji: '😂', }, }, { insert: ' wow, funny, ', }, { insert: { mention: { uuid: 'abcdef', title: '@fred', }, }, }, ]; const [resultText, resultMentions] = getTextAndMentionsFromOps(ops); assert.equal(resultText, '😂 wow, funny, \uFFFC'); assert.deepEqual(resultMentions, [ { length: 1, mentionUuid: 'abcdef', replacementText: '@fred', start: 15, }, ]); }); }); describe('given only mentions', () => { it('returns the trimmed text with placeholders and mentions', () => { const ops = [ { insert: { mention: { uuid: 'abcdef', title: '@fred', }, }, }, ]; const [resultText, resultMentions] = getTextAndMentionsFromOps(ops); assert.equal(resultText, '\uFFFC'); assert.deepEqual(resultMentions, [ { length: 1, mentionUuid: 'abcdef', replacementText: '@fred', start: 0, }, ]); }); }); }); describe('getDeltaToRestartMention', () => { describe('given text and emoji', () => { it('returns the correct retains, a delete, and an @', () => { const originalOps = [ { insert: { emoji: '😂', }, }, { insert: { mention: { uuid: 'ghijkl', title: '@sam', }, }, }, { insert: ' wow, funny, ', }, { insert: { mention: { uuid: 'abcdef', title: '@fred', }, }, }, ]; const { ops } = getDeltaToRestartMention(originalOps); assert.deepEqual(ops, [ { retain: 1, }, { retain: 1, }, { retain: 13, }, { retain: 1, }, { delete: 1, }, { insert: '@', }, ]); }); }); });