// Copyright 2017 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isString } from 'lodash'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../ts/types/I18N'; import type { MenuListType, MenuOptionsType, MenuActionsType, } from '../ts/types/menu'; export type CreateTemplateOptionsType = MenuOptionsType & MenuActionsType; export const createTemplate = ( options: CreateTemplateOptionsType, i18n: LocalizerType ): MenuListType => { if (!isString(options.platform)) { throw new TypeError('`options.platform` must be a string'); } const { isProduction, devTools, includeSetup, openContactUs, openForums, openJoinTheBeta, openReleaseNotes, openSupportPage, platform, setupAsNewDevice, setupAsStandalone, forceUpdate, showAbout, showDebugLog, showKeyboardShortcuts, showSettings, openArtCreator, } = options; const template: MenuListType = [ { label: i18n('mainMenuFile'), submenu: [ { label: i18n('mainMenuCreateStickers'), click: openArtCreator, }, { label: i18n('mainMenuSettings'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+,', click: showSettings, }, { type: 'separator', }, { role: 'quit', label: i18n('appMenuQuit'), }, ], }, { label: i18n('mainMenuEdit'), submenu: [ { role: 'undo', label: i18n('editMenuUndo'), }, { role: 'redo', label: i18n('editMenuRedo'), }, { type: 'separator', }, { role: 'cut', label: i18n('editMenuCut'), }, { role: 'copy', label: i18n('editMenuCopy'), }, { role: 'paste', label: i18n('editMenuPaste'), }, { role: 'pasteAndMatchStyle', label: i18n('editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle'), }, { role: 'delete', label: i18n('editMenuDelete'), }, { role: 'selectAll', label: i18n('editMenuSelectAll'), }, ], }, { label: i18n('mainMenuView'), submenu: [ { role: 'resetZoom', label: i18n('viewMenuResetZoom'), }, { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+=', role: 'zoomIn', label: i18n('viewMenuZoomIn'), }, { role: 'zoomOut', label: i18n('viewMenuZoomOut'), }, { type: 'separator', }, { role: 'togglefullscreen', label: i18n('viewMenuToggleFullScreen'), }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('debugLog'), click: showDebugLog, }, ...(devTools ? [ { type: 'separator' as const, }, { role: 'toggleDevTools' as const, label: i18n('viewMenuToggleDevTools'), }, ] : []), ...(devTools && platform !== 'linux' ? [ { label: i18n('forceUpdate'), click: forceUpdate, }, ] : []), ], }, { label: i18n('mainMenuWindow'), role: 'window', submenu: [ { role: 'minimize', label: i18n('windowMenuMinimize'), }, ], }, { label: i18n('mainMenuHelp'), role: 'help', submenu: [ { label: i18n('helpMenuShowKeyboardShortcuts'), accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+/', click: showKeyboardShortcuts, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('contactUs'), click: openContactUs, }, { label: i18n('goToReleaseNotes'), click: openReleaseNotes, }, { label: i18n('goToForums'), click: openForums, }, { label: i18n('goToSupportPage'), click: openSupportPage, }, ...(isProduction ? [ { label: i18n('joinTheBeta'), click: openJoinTheBeta, }, ] : []), { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('aboutSignalDesktop'), click: showAbout, }, ], }, ]; if (includeSetup) { const fileMenu = template[0]; if (Array.isArray(fileMenu.submenu)) { // These are in reverse order, since we're prepending them one at a time if (options.development) { fileMenu.submenu.unshift({ label: i18n('menuSetupAsStandalone'), click: setupAsStandalone, }); } fileMenu.submenu.unshift({ type: 'separator', }); fileMenu.submenu.unshift({ label: i18n('menuSetupAsNewDevice'), click: setupAsNewDevice, }); } else { throw new Error('createTemplate: fileMenu.submenu was not an array!'); } } if (platform === 'darwin') { return updateForMac(template, i18n, options); } return template; }; function updateForMac( template: MenuListType, i18n: LocalizerType, options: CreateTemplateOptionsType ): MenuListType { const { showAbout, showSettings, showWindow } = options; // Remove About item and separator from Help menu, since they're in the app menu const aboutMenu = template[4]; if (Array.isArray(aboutMenu.submenu)) { aboutMenu.submenu.pop(); aboutMenu.submenu.pop(); } else { throw new Error('updateForMac: help.submenu was not an array!'); } // Remove preferences, separator, and quit from the File menu, since they're // in the app menu const fileMenu = template[0]; if (Array.isArray(fileMenu.submenu)) { fileMenu.submenu.pop(); fileMenu.submenu.pop(); fileMenu.submenu.pop(); // And insert "close". fileMenu.submenu.push( { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('windowMenuClose'), accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+W', role: 'close', } ); } else { throw new Error('updateForMac: fileMenu.submenu was not an array!'); } // Add the OSX-specific Signal Desktop menu at the far left template.unshift({ label: i18n('signalDesktop'), submenu: [ { label: i18n('aboutSignalDesktop'), click: showAbout, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('mainMenuSettings'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+,', click: showSettings, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('appMenuServices'), role: 'services', }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('appMenuHide'), role: 'hide', }, { label: i18n('appMenuHideOthers'), role: 'hideOthers', }, { label: i18n('appMenuUnhide'), role: 'unhide', }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('appMenuQuit'), role: 'quit', }, ], }); const editMenu = template[2]; if (Array.isArray(editMenu.submenu)) { editMenu.submenu.push( { type: 'separator', }, { label: i18n('speech'), submenu: [ { role: 'startSpeaking', label: i18n('editMenuStartSpeaking'), }, { role: 'stopSpeaking', label: i18n('editMenuStopSpeaking'), }, ], } ); } else { throw new Error('updateForMac: edit.submenu was not an array!'); } // Replace Window menu // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign template[4].submenu = [ { label: i18n('windowMenuMinimize'), accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+M', role: 'minimize', }, { label: i18n('windowMenuZoom'), role: 'zoom', }, { label: i18n('show'), accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+0', click: showWindow, }, { type: 'separator', }, { role: 'front', label: i18n('windowMenuBringAllToFront'), }, ]; return template; }