// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { times } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import type { LastMessageStatus } from '../../model-types.d'; import { MINUTE, SECOND } from '../../util/durations'; import type { MaybeMessageTimelineItemType } from '../../util/timelineUtil'; import { ScrollAnchor, areMessagesInSameGroup, getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate, shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata, TimelineMessageLoadingState, } from '../../util/timelineUtil'; describe(' utilities', () => { describe('areMessagesInSameGroup', () => { const defaultNewer: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType = { type: 'message' as const, data: { author: { id: uuid() }, timestamp: new Date(1998, 10, 21, 12, 34, 56, 123).valueOf(), status: 'delivered', }, }; const defaultOlder: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, timestamp: defaultNewer.data.timestamp - MINUTE, status: 'delivered', }, }; it('returns false if either item is missing', () => { assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(undefined, false, undefined)); assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(defaultNewer, false, undefined)); assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(undefined, false, defaultNewer)); }); it("returns false if authors don't match", () => { const older = { ...defaultOlder, data: { ...defaultOlder.data, author: { id: uuid() } }, }; assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(older, false, defaultNewer)); }); it('returns false if the older item was sent more than 3 minutes before', () => { const older = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, timestamp: defaultNewer.data.timestamp - 3 * MINUTE - SECOND, }, }; assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(older, false, defaultNewer)); }); it('returns false if the older item was somehow sent in the future', () => { assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(defaultNewer, false, defaultOlder)); }); it("returns false if the older item was sent across a day boundary, even if they're otherwise <3m apart", () => { const older = { ...defaultOlder, data: { ...defaultOlder.data, timestamp: new Date(2000, 2, 2, 23, 59, 0, 0).valueOf(), }, }; const newer = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, timestamp: new Date(2000, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0).valueOf(), }, }; assert.isBelow( newer.data.timestamp - older.data.timestamp, 3 * MINUTE, 'Test was set up incorrectly' ); assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(older, false, newer)); }); it('returns false if the older item has reactions', () => { const older = { ...defaultOlder, data: { ...defaultOlder.data, reactions: [{}] }, }; assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(older, false, defaultNewer)); }); it("returns false if there's an unread indicator in the middle", () => { assert.isFalse(areMessagesInSameGroup(defaultOlder, true, defaultNewer)); }); it('returns true if everything above works out', () => { assert.isTrue(areMessagesInSameGroup(defaultOlder, false, defaultNewer)); }); }); describe('shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata', () => { const defaultNewer: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType = { type: 'message' as const, data: { author: { id: uuid() }, timestamp: new Date(1998, 10, 21, 12, 34, 56, 123).valueOf(), status: 'delivered', }, }; const defaultCurrent: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType = { type: 'message' as const, data: { author: { id: uuid() }, timestamp: defaultNewer.data.timestamp - MINUTE, status: 'delivered', }, }; it("returns false if messages aren't grouped", () => { assert.isFalse( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(false, defaultCurrent, defaultNewer) ); }); it('returns false if newer item is missing', () => { assert.isFalse( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, defaultCurrent, undefined) ); }); it('returns false if newer is deletedForEveryone', () => { const newer = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, deletedForEveryone: true }, }; assert.isFalse( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, defaultCurrent, newer) ); }); it('returns false if current message is unsent, even if its status matches the newer one', () => { const statuses: ReadonlyArray = [ 'paused', 'error', 'partial-sent', 'sending', ]; for (const status of statuses) { const sameStatusNewer = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, status }, }; const current = { ...defaultCurrent, data: { ...defaultCurrent.data, status }, }; assert.isFalse( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, current, defaultNewer) ); assert.isFalse( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, current, sameStatusNewer) ); } }); it('returns true if all messages are sent (but no higher)', () => { const newer = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, status: 'sent' as const }, }; const current = { ...defaultCurrent, data: { ...defaultCurrent.data, status: 'sent' as const }, }; assert.isTrue(shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, current, newer)); }); it('returns true if both have delivered status or above', () => { assert.isTrue( shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, defaultCurrent, defaultNewer) ); }); it('returns true if both the current and next messages are deleted for everyone', () => { const current = { ...defaultCurrent, data: { ...defaultCurrent.data, deletedForEveryone: true }, }; const newer = { ...defaultNewer, data: { ...defaultNewer.data, deletedForEveryone: true }, }; assert.isTrue(shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata(true, current, newer)); }); }); describe('getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate', () => { const fakeItems = (count: number) => times(count, () => uuid()); const defaultProps = { haveNewest: true, isIncomingMessageRequest: false, isSomeoneTyping: false, items: fakeItems(10), scrollToIndexCounter: 0, messageLoadingState: null, oldestUnseenIndex: null, scrollToIndex: null, } as const; describe('during initial load', () => { it('does nothing if messages are loading for the first time', () => { const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, haveNewest: false, items: [], messageLoadingStates: TimelineMessageLoadingState.DoingInitialLoad, }; const props = { ...prevProps, isSomeoneTyping: true }; const isAtBottom = true; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); }); it('scrolls to an index when applicable', () => { const props1 = defaultProps; const props2 = { ...defaultProps, scrollToIndex: 123, scrollToIndexCounter: 1, }; const props3 = { ...defaultProps, scrollToIndex: 123, scrollToIndexCounter: 2, }; const props4 = { ...defaultProps, scrollToIndex: 456, scrollToIndexCounter: 2, }; const isAtBottom = false; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(props1, props2, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToIndex ); assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(props2, props3, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToIndex ); assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(props3, props4, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToIndex ); }); describe('when initial load completes', () => { const defaultPrevProps = { ...defaultProps, haveNewest: false, items: [], messageLoadingState: TimelineMessageLoadingState.DoingInitialLoad, }; const isAtBottom = true; it('does nothing if there are no items', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, items: [] }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(defaultPrevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); it('scrolls to the item index if applicable', () => { const prevProps = { ...defaultPrevProps, scrollToIndex: 3 }; const props = { ...defaultProps, items: fakeItems(10), scrollToIndex: 3, }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToIndex ); }); it("does nothing if it's an incoming message request", () => { const prevProps = { ...defaultPrevProps, isIncomingMessageRequest: true, }; const props = { ...defaultProps, items: fakeItems(10), isIncomingMessageRequest: true, }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); it('scrolls to the unread indicator if one exists', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, items: fakeItems(10), oldestUnseenIndex: 3, }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(defaultPrevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToUnreadIndicator ); }); it('scrolls to the bottom in normal cases', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, items: fakeItems(3), }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(defaultPrevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom ); }); }); describe('when a page of messages is loaded at the top', () => { it('uses bottom-anchored scrolling', () => { const oldItems = fakeItems(5); const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, messageLoadingState: TimelineMessageLoadingState.LoadingOlderMessages, items: oldItems, }; const props = { ...defaultProps, items: [...fakeItems(10), ...oldItems], }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, false), ScrollAnchor.Bottom ); assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, true), ScrollAnchor.Bottom ); }); }); describe('when a page of messages is loaded at the bottom', () => { it('uses top-anchored scrolling', () => { const oldItems = fakeItems(5); const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, messageLoadingState: TimelineMessageLoadingState.LoadingNewerMessages, items: oldItems, }; const props = { ...defaultProps, items: [...oldItems, ...fakeItems(10)], }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, false), ScrollAnchor.Top ); assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, true), ScrollAnchor.Top ); }); }); describe('when a new message comes in', () => { const oldItems = fakeItems(5); const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, items: oldItems }; const props = { ...defaultProps, items: [...oldItems, uuid()] }; it('does nothing if not scrolled to the bottom', () => { const isAtBottom = false; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); it('stays at the bottom if already there', () => { const isAtBottom = true; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom ); }); }); describe('when items are removed', () => { const oldItems = fakeItems(5); const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, items: oldItems }; const propsWithSomethingRemoved = [ { ...defaultProps, items: oldItems.slice(1) }, { ...defaultProps, items: oldItems.filter((_value, index) => index !== 2), }, { ...defaultProps, items: oldItems.slice(0, -1) }, ]; it('does nothing if not scrolled to the bottom', () => { const isAtBottom = false; propsWithSomethingRemoved.forEach(props => { assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); }); it('stays at the bottom if already there', () => { const isAtBottom = true; propsWithSomethingRemoved.forEach(props => { assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom ); }); }); }); describe('when the typing indicator appears', () => { const prevProps = defaultProps; it("does nothing if we don't have the newest messages (and therefore shouldn't show the indicator)", () => { [true, false].forEach(isAtBottom => { const props = { ...defaultProps, haveNewest: false, isSomeoneTyping: true, }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); }); it('does nothing if not scrolled to the bottom', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, isSomeoneTyping: true }; const isAtBottom = false; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); it('uses bottom-anchored scrolling if scrolled to the bottom', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, isSomeoneTyping: true }; const isAtBottom = true; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom ); }); }); describe('when the typing indicator disappears', () => { const prevProps = { ...defaultProps, isSomeoneTyping: true }; it("does nothing if we don't have the newest messages (and therefore shouldn't show the indicator)", () => { [true, false].forEach(isAtBottom => { const props = { ...defaultProps, haveNewest: false, isSomeoneTyping: false, }; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); }); it('does nothing if not scrolled to the bottom', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, isSomeoneTyping: false }; const isAtBottom = false; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing ); }); it('uses bottom-anchored scrolling if scrolled to the bottom', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, isSomeoneTyping: false }; const isAtBottom = true; assert.strictEqual( getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate(prevProps, props, isAtBottom), ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom ); }); }); }); });