// Copyright 2021-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { clearTimeoutIfNecessary } from './clearTimeoutIfNecessary'; export async function longRunningTaskWrapper<T>({ name, idForLogging, task, suppressErrorDialog, }: { name: string; idForLogging: string; task: () => Promise<T>; suppressErrorDialog?: boolean; }): Promise<T> { const idLog = `${name}/${idForLogging}`; const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const TWO_SECONDS = 2000; let progressView: Backbone.View | undefined; let spinnerStart; let progressTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined = setTimeout(() => { log.info(`longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Creating spinner`); // Note: this component uses a portal to render itself into the top-level DOM. No // need to attach it to the DOM here. progressView = new window.Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'progress-modal-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.ProgressModal, }); spinnerStart = Date.now(); }, TWO_SECONDS); // Note: any task we put here needs to have its own safety valve; this function will // show a spinner until it's done try { log.info(`longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Starting task`); const result = await task(); log.info(`longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Task completed successfully`); clearTimeoutIfNecessary(progressTimeout); progressTimeout = undefined; if (progressView) { const now = Date.now(); if (spinnerStart && now - spinnerStart < ONE_SECOND) { log.info( `longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Spinner shown for less than second, showing for another second` ); await window.Signal.Util.sleep(ONE_SECOND); } progressView.remove(); progressView = undefined; } return result; } catch (error) { log.error( `longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Error!`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); clearTimeoutIfNecessary(progressTimeout); progressTimeout = undefined; if (progressView) { progressView.remove(); progressView = undefined; } if (!suppressErrorDialog) { log.info(`longRunningTaskWrapper/${idLog}: Showing error dialog`); // Note: this component uses a portal to render itself into the top-level DOM. No // need to attach it to the DOM here. const errorView: Backbone.View = new window.Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'error-modal-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.ErrorModal, props: { onClose: (): void => { errorView.remove(); }, }, }); } throw error; } }