// Copyright 2014 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { v7 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import { DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { IMAGE_PNG } from '../../types/MIME'; import { generateAci, generatePni } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { postSaveUpdates } from '../../util/cleanup'; import { MessageModel } from '../../models/messages'; describe('Conversations', () => { async function resetConversationController(): Promise { window.ConversationController.reset(); await window.ConversationController.load(); } beforeEach(resetConversationController); afterEach(resetConversationController); it('updates lastMessage even in race conditions with db', async () => { const ourNumber = '+15550000000'; const ourAci = generateAci(); const ourPni = generatePni(); // Creating a fake conversation const conversation = new window.Whisper.Conversation({ avatars: [], id: generateUuid(), e164: '+15551234567', serviceId: generateAci(), type: 'private', inbox_position: 0, isPinned: false, markedUnread: false, lastMessageDeletedForEveryone: false, messageCount: 0, sentMessageCount: 0, profileSharing: true, version: 0, expireTimerVersion: 1, lastMessage: 'starting value', }); await window.textsecure.storage.user.setCredentials({ number: ourNumber, aci: ourAci, pni: ourPni, deviceId: 2, deviceName: 'my device', password: 'password', }); await window.ConversationController.load(); await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( conversation.attributes.e164 ?? null, conversation.attributes.type, conversation.attributes ); // Creating a fake message const now = Date.now(); let message = new MessageModel({ attachments: [], body: 'bananas', conversationId: conversation.id, expirationStartTimestamp: now, hasAttachments: false, hasFileAttachments: false, hasVisualMediaAttachments: false, id: generateUuid(), received_at: now, sent_at: now, timestamp: now, type: 'outgoing', sendStateByConversationId: { [conversation.id]: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: now, }, }, }); // Saving to db and updating the convo's last message await DataWriter.saveMessage(message.attributes, { forceSave: true, ourAci, postSaveUpdates, }); message = window.MessageCache.register(message); await DataWriter.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); await conversation.updateLastMessage(); // Should be set to bananas because that's the last message sent. assert.strictEqual(conversation.get('lastMessage'), 'bananas'); // Erasing message contents (DOE) message.set({ isErased: true, body: '', bodyRanges: undefined, attachments: [], quote: undefined, contact: [], sticker: undefined, preview: [], }); // Not saving the message to db on purpose // to simulate that a save hasn't taken place yet. // Updating convo's last message, should pick it up from memory await conversation.updateLastMessage(); assert.strictEqual(conversation.get('lastMessage'), ''); }); it('only produces attachments on a quote with an image', async () => { // Creating a fake conversation const conversation = new window.Whisper.Conversation({ avatars: [], id: generateUuid(), e164: '+15551234567', serviceId: generateAci(), type: 'private', inbox_position: 0, isPinned: false, markedUnread: false, lastMessageDeletedForEveryone: false, messageCount: 0, sentMessageCount: 0, profileSharing: true, version: 0, expireTimerVersion: 1, }); const resultNoImage = await conversation.getQuoteAttachment( [], [ { url: 'https://sometest.signal.org/', isCallLink: false, }, ] ); assert.deepEqual(resultNoImage, []); const [resultWithImage] = await conversation.getQuoteAttachment( [], [ { url: 'https://sometest.signal.org/', image: { contentType: IMAGE_PNG, size: 100, data: new Uint8Array(), }, isCallLink: false, }, ] ); assert.equal(resultWithImage.contentType, 'image/png'); assert.equal(resultWithImage.fileName, null); }); });