// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { PrimaryDevice } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { Proto, StorageState } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import Long from 'long'; import { sample } from 'lodash'; import { expect } from 'playwright/test'; import { Bootstrap, debug, RUN_COUNT, DISCARD_COUNT } from './fixtures'; import { stats } from '../../util/benchmark/stats'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { typeIntoInput } from '../helpers'; const CALL_HISTORY_COUNT = 1000; function rand(values: ReadonlyArray): T { const value = sample(values); strictAssert(value != null, 'must not be null'); return value; } const { CallEvent } = Proto.SyncMessage; const { Type, Direction, Event } = CallEvent; const Types = [Type.AUDIO_CALL, Type.VIDEO_CALL]; const Directions = [Direction.INCOMING, Direction.OUTGOING]; const Events = [Event.ACCEPTED, Event.NOT_ACCEPTED]; Bootstrap.benchmark(async (bootstrap: Bootstrap): Promise => { const { server, contacts, phone } = bootstrap; let state = StorageState.getEmpty(); state = state.updateAccount({ profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(), givenName: phone.profileName, readReceipts: true, hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding: true, }); debug('accepting all contacts'); for (const contact of contacts) { state = state.addContact(contact, { identityKey: contact.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: contact.profileKey.serialize(), whitelisted: true, }); } await phone.setStorageState(state); debug('linking'); const app = await bootstrap.link(); const { desktop } = bootstrap; debug('sending messages from all contacts'); await Promise.all( contacts.map(async contact => { const timestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); await server.send( desktop, await contact.encryptText( desktop, `hello from: ${contact.profileName}`, { timestamp, sealed: true } ) ); await server.send( desktop, await phone.encryptSyncRead(desktop, { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), messages: [ { senderAci: contact.device.aci, timestamp, }, ], }) ); }) ); async function sendCallEventSync( contact: PrimaryDevice, type: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type, direction: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction, event: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event, timestamp: number ) { await phone.sendRaw( desktop, { syncMessage: { callEvent: { peerId: uuidToBytes(contact.device.aci), callId: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), type, direction, event, }, }, }, { timestamp } ); } debug('sending initial call events'); let unreadCount = 0; await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: CALL_HISTORY_COUNT }, () => { const contact = rand(contacts); const type = rand(Types); const direction = rand(Directions); const event = rand(Events); const timestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); if ( direction === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.INCOMING && event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.NOT_ACCEPTED ) { unreadCount += 1; } return sendCallEventSync(contact, type, direction, event, timestamp); }) ); const window = await app.getWindow(); const CallsNavTab = window.getByTestId('NavTabsItem--Calls'); const CallsNavTabUnread = CallsNavTab.locator('.NavTabs__ItemUnreadBadge'); const CallsTabSidebar = window.locator('.CallsTab .NavSidebar'); const SearchBar = CallsTabSidebar.locator('.module-SearchInput__input'); const CallListItem = CallsTabSidebar.locator('.CallsList__ItemTile'); const CreateCallLink = CallListItem.filter({ hasText: 'Create a Call Link' }); const CallsTabDetails = window.locator('.CallsTab__ConversationCallDetails'); const CallsTabDetailsTitle = CallsTabDetails.locator( '.ConversationDetailsHeader__title' ); debug('waiting for unread badge to hit correct value', unreadCount); await CallsNavTabUnread.getByText(`${unreadCount} unread`).waitFor(); debug('opening calls tab'); await CallsNavTab.click(); async function measure(runId: number): Promise { // setup const searchContact = contacts[runId % contacts.length]; const OtherCallListItems = CallListItem.filter({ hasNotText: searchContact.profileName, }); const timestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); const NewCallListItemTime = window.locator( `.CallsList__ItemCallInfo time[datetime="${new Date(timestamp).toISOString()}"]` ); const NewCallListItem = CallListItem.filter({ has: NewCallListItemTime, }); const NewCallDetailsTitle = CallsTabDetailsTitle.filter({ hasText: searchContact.profileName, }); // measure const start = Date.now(); // test await typeIntoInput(SearchBar, searchContact.profileName); await CreateCallLink.waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); // hides when searching await expect(OtherCallListItems).not.toBeAttached(); await sendCallEventSync( searchContact, Type.AUDIO_CALL, Direction.INCOMING, Event.ACCEPTED, timestamp ); await NewCallListItem.click(); await NewCallDetailsTitle.waitFor(); await SearchBar.clear(); await CreateCallLink.waitFor(); // measure const end = Date.now(); const delta = end - start; return delta; } const deltaList = new Array(); for (let runId = 0; runId < RUN_COUNT + DISCARD_COUNT; runId += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const delta = await measure(runId); if (runId >= DISCARD_COUNT) { deltaList.push(delta); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('run=%d info=%j', runId - DISCARD_COUNT, { delta }); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('discarded=%d info=%j', runId, { delta }); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('stats info=%j', { delta: stats(deltaList, [99, 99.8]) }); });